Religion/Spirituality Astral Projection?

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
did he show you the scars?¿?¿?¿:usure::sas1::sas2:*

it was before i was born. hes 20 years older than me. could be a ducktale i have no way of verifying :manny: he never scarred up though..just said they were deep scratches and that blood came up through his skin so idk. i had a hard time believing it myself..


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
it was before i was born. hes 20 years older than me. could be a ducktale i have no way of verifying :manny: he never scarred up though..just said they were deep scratches and that blood came up through his skin so idk. i had a hard time believing it myself..

I think homie was just trying to put sum fear in your heart:lolbron:*

either way if you saw some big blue motherfukker I would not be looking for a fight
shyt that's the time for sensible deliberations:troll:

but yeah shyt was:duck:*

May 1, 2012
First of all :whoa: because his story was incredibly outrageous but I dont think he'd lie to me about it. He might have been tripping or something when he did it (never clarified)..but he is also well-versed in some occult stuff and didnt astral project by mistake. He had a limited edition of the Crowley book that he gave me but I havent read it. He also had the Egyptian Book of the Dead and read it all he's legit on a lot of stuff like that.

So he astral projected with the express intent to infiltrate the Akashic records to get inside the "mainframe" for lack of a better word.

He got to a heavenly type realm and there was a gate with a guardian in front of it. He said it had a blue hue to it and said it identified itself as a Lipiken (?). The entity told him he was not supposed to be there, AT ALL, and that he would face serious resistance to get all the way through (past the 7 gates). My brother proceeded anyway and snuck his way past the first gate.

Then he eventually got to the second a similar looking atmosphere. When he got there he had a slight feeling of dread. There was another Lipiken there of the same hue but slightly darker shade of blue. The guardian of the gate told him he was not supposed to be there and if my brother tried to advance again, my bro would be met with strong resistance by him. My brother, being determined to get all the way through (probably cuz he thought it was cool as fukk that he was there in the first place), tried to get by anyway and essentially dueled the entity..or at least tried. The guardian ninja'd him up somethin serious, like far beyond grandmaster level (my mother is a brown belt and my bro did martial arts as well (unsure of level)..he ended up getting his whole body sliced up in that realm and kicked the fukk out of there..he said he felt like he was in a cage with a tiger. He got snapped out back into reality immediately and when he looked at his body there were the same slice marks everywhere but his face and blood started seeping up through his skin. :merchant:
Cool story even if it's not true.

Actually ill let you Brehs know if it's true after I attempt to go myself :shaq:
May 1, 2012
He got to a heavenly type realm and there was a gate with a guardian in front of it. He said it had a blue hue to it and said it identified itself as a Lipiken (?).
The Lipika are esoteric (occult, theosophical) angels of a very high order that inscribe all world events and personal experiences in the cosmic memory, referred to as the akashic records by occultists. Lipika, from the word lipi (writing), means, simply, the scribes. Although the name and basic concept derive ultimately from Hindu mythology, it has been among Theosophists that the notion of the Lipika has fully blossomed.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and other Theosophists have asserted that the occult notion of the Lipika is reflected in esoteric traditions about recording angels writing down a record of human deeds in the Book of Life.

Because everyone’s karma is determined by the record of their deeds, the Lipika are also referred to as the Lords of Karma. Karma, the moral law of cause and effect, is often described as an impersonal principle-like the law of gravity-that ensures that every good or bad action is eventually rewarded or punished, either in the present lifetime or in a future incarnation. Certain religious thinkers have not been satisfied with the notion of an impersonal principle, however, and have postulated intelligent agents who regulate the operation of the law of karma. These are the Lipika, or the Lords of Karma, who, according to the Western esoteric tradition, adjust the effects of karma so that individual souls can learn from their mistakes and hence evolve spiritually and become better people.

:wtf: :dahell: :mindblown: :krs:


May 13, 2012
it was before i was born. hes 20 years older than me. could be a ducktale i have no way of verifying :manny: he never scarred up though..just said they were deep scratches and that blood came up through his skin so idk. i had a hard time believing it myself..
:mjpls: Sounds like a good story breh.

Still would make a great animatrix story line.:sas2:

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
I think homie was just trying to put sum fear in your heart:lolbron:*

either way if you saw some big blue motherfukker I would not be looking for a fight
shyt that's the time for sensible deliberations:troll:

but yeah shyt was:duck:*

perhaps. but idk he doesnt usually give a fukk about that though lol.

shyt could very well be a ducktale like i said and i even told him BS when he said it..but that @Christopher browns link has me :patrice::leon::lupe: now


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
perhaps. but idk he doesnt usually give a fukk about that though lol.

shyt could very well be a ducktale like i said and i even told him BS when he said it..but that @Christopher browns link has me :patrice::leon::lupe: now

like I said input output
if your intent was to enter the akashic records
you already have read and formulated an inner vision of this place

it's like your brain is a ps4 and the whole spirit guide akashic record quest is the game you choose to play

now if a person was to astral project without any awareness of these concepts
I think they'd most likely find a world that basically was/is whatever they want it to be

I don't think the astral plane is a uniform place with set characteristics
it's more so a canvas IMO:yeshrug:*

it's your mind you do as you please**

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
Breh @nikkaz In Paris :damn:

I didn't astral project last night but I had w lucid dream and that shyt fukked me up :sadbron:

My grandma was in it and she passed away already and I realized I was dreaming and then shyt got crazy :lupe:

Sounds stupid but keep a dream journal breh... as corny as that sounds... the more you write down the more that will come back to you and eventually you will start remembering more & more details until a dream is no different then a memory of what you did yesterday...


Jun 19, 2012
If you *WANT* to speed up your progress try this... I REALLY wish something like this was available when I was in High School... it's for Lucid Dreaming but it all connects together with Astral Projection...

Follow the directions to the T... it is backed by Science... at least the science behind it. Also, the best time to attempt to project is in the morning after you wake up & you've been up for a while. At night we don't have "energy" & tend to fall asleep... & I don't know how far you are into that book but the Astral Body requires energy which is why a lot of people do Chakra work prior if they're meditating. At night you're more likely to fall asleep because you don't have enough mental energy to maintain consciousness once your body falls asleep. In the morning the Astral & Mental Body are replenished. Also, research because its been a while on paper, but I think you're supposed to stay up like 20 minutes to an hour in the morning to fully wake yourself up. If you tried to project immediately after waking up you'd either fall into a dream or back to sleep.

So when you try it after you're up for 20 minutes or whatever your Astral Body is already stimulated from just being used so it takes WAAAAAAAY less time & effort to get to the Vibrational Stage & Exit. I'm telling you... just don't freak out... the first time is DEFINITELY the scariest but afterwards its just plain and simple childlike essence of discovery, life is beautiful breh... fukkery & all... :wow:

Wow breh repped. I see you talking about vibrations and I'm currently stuck on this vibration stage. :ohhh: I've made these post the past couple of days in that spirituality thread:
Holy crap brehs I think I almost astral projected today. :lupe:

An hour or two ago I was sleeping and from what I remember I just felt my body start to rise and I just feel my head to start to vibrate like crazy. I was definitely aware of what was happening and I knew I was starting to leave my body but I got mad scared and stopped it. :wow:

I'm scared to go to sleep but at the same time I'm excited. If it happens again I might have to go all the way this time. :wow:

I just don't hope I don't see or encounter anything I'm not supposed to. :lupe:

Nothing happened last night but today when I took a nap I fell into sleep paralysis. I tried to astral project and leave my body and couldn't but what happened was weirder.

I kept waking up and falling asleep and when I finally fell into sleep paralysis I felt my whole head started to vibrate and I felt breathing noises in my ears. shyt had me a little shook. :merchant:

These vibration noises and sounds never happened before. When I was younger and used to go into sleep paralysis I would just be stuck there in darkness and just hear the sounds of everything around me so I don't know if I'm getting closer to astral projection or not. Hell I might just be going nuts. :manny:

I'm definitely getting closer to astral projecting. I never got the vibrations before when I went into sleep paralysis. It's just the vibrations scare the hell out of me. Yesterday I felt a blowing type sound in my ear and it had me scared so I just tried to get out of it as soon as possible. :sadcam:

One thing I've noticed is I don't really get into sleep paralysis at night. Sometimes it happens after I wake up in the morning around 8-9 and go back to sleep but it mostly happens during the day when I take naps. Both yesterday and the day before I slept around 1-2 and I fell into sleep paralysis. Any idea why? :ohhh:

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
Wow breh repped. I see you talking about vibrations and I'm currently stuck on this vibration stage. :ohhh: I've made these post the past couple of days in that spirituality thread:

I'm definitely getting closer to astral projecting. I never got the vibrations before when I went into sleep paralysis. It's just the vibrations scare the hell out of me. Yesterday I felt a blowing type sound in my ear and it had me scared so I just tried to get out of it as soon as possible. :sadcam:

One thing I've noticed is I don't really get into sleep paralysis at night. Sometimes it happens after I wake up in the morning around 8-9 and go back to sleep but it mostly happens during the day when I take naps. Both yesterday and the day before I slept around 1-2 and I fell into sleep paralysis. Any idea why? :ohhh:

Sleep Paralysis is an indication that your body is still sleep but the chemical that keeps the physical body from acting out dreams isn't fully removed from the spine yet but you are conscious...

The "Vibrations" are an indication that you have actually in some way shape or form perceiving another Dimensions. The Vibrations are your consciousness's official indication that it is currently in 2 Dimensions at the same time. Study Hermetics and the 7 Dimensional Spatial Planes inside of 7 Dimensional Planes infinitely. Dimensions are just "matter" (Spirit, since EVERYTHING is just Spirits... "matter" as WE call it is JUST "denser" Spirit that vibrates lower then "lighter" spirit) vibrating at different speeds even Science agree that all atoms constantly dance with each other in constant motion forever attracting & repelling each other. The faster they vibrate the "lighter" the dimension (not "ghostly" because the 5th Spatial Dimension is *AS PHYSICAL* as the 3rd Dimension that we currently perceive) & the slower the denser the dimension.

"Vibrations" means you are consciously in 2 Spatial Dimensions at the same time... usually the Astral & Material until you "Exit" or separate from the body during a projection attempt. Usually my first indication that I'm "completely" in a different dimension is once the Vibrations stop (not always) everything "here" appears as it was in THIS dimension with minor to major differences. For instance, the other night IN the vibrational stage by accident (woke up too soon) & started hearing the voices & sounds of the Astral. Things are the same but different... such as everything in my room will nearly be as is except the details might be completely wrong & entire details might be completely "polar" of where they usually are.

Next time you have them concentrate on "willing" them to vibrate faster so you can separate from the physical... after a while you might no longer feel them at all once your mind is used to the transference process...