Religion/Spirituality At what point in the Bible..


Jun 8, 2012
read what? you believe it is possible for someone to survive living in a giant fish?
your the kid who still believes the grandmother survived after being eaten by the big bad wolf.

and there you have it ladies and gentlemen. someone provides a theory of something contrary to your BELIEF. and you skip over it and provide more insults.

you see that coli ^^one last time. you are of the religion of NON religion. its a BELIEF system. and nothing will change your mind. So the next time you think about using those same words to bad mouth some believer. just remember, "i know you are...but what am I." :ufdup:

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012

How does that destroy the deist view?

How does that destroy the belief that this being may only affect a few things and not all things?
To a believer, it's impossible to destroy the belief, because it's literally impossible to disprove an invisible creator entity using evidence of absence. In that case, you can call God anything and just choose to believe in it. Then when people logically point out "Hey dude, there isn't any evidence that thing exists" you can always say "WELL YOU CAN'T DISPROVE IT! :sitdown:"

There is no evidence to support the existence of God. If I just told you "Hey, go jump in that volcano you'll be fine, it's not hot at all." You'd be ":rudy: Can you stick a thermometer in that bytch and tell me the temperature" yet people will accept God without question because the idea is imprinted and seared into your brain as a child.

Let's be real, all god and religion is to people is comfort.


Jun 8, 2012

And the Bible's still bullshyt :troll:

and we have another^^^coli friends... they say provide proof of your theories. or at least some explanation. these people are use to talking to those who will never provide anything but "well hey, i just believe." which there is nothing wrong with using FAITH as your answer. since we all have faith that this computer is here and that our internet connection will work when we hit REPLY, so the comment will go thru. but hey. :yeshrug:
So now when you finally see someone bringing up possibilities, theories to an opposing view point. "i didnt read meme :mj: " and more negative words used.

another Religious person from the RELIGION of NON-RELIGION. What time is sunday service ? :smugbiden:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
No you dont have beliefs. Opinions are worthless here. Either god exists or he doesnt opinions on matter of fact are of zero value. Its as dumb as saying "my opinion is there is no" and expecting rational people to respect and honor it; or having the opinion that 4 + 4 =1.

Also, this is why your belief isnt science. The answer is clear, but you keep waiting for something to happen so you can justify, not deism, but theism. From your observations nothing is there and it does nothing, but you are begging for that trend of nothing happening to change :heh:
Beliefs are opinions. :snoop:

Yes beliefs are worthless when it comes to whether he exists. Thanks for admitting that your belief is worthless.

It isn't as dumb as saying that there is no coli site and that 4+4=1 because those statements go against facts while my opinion is not. :snoop:

The answer is inconclusive. That's what's clear. I have an opinion and recognize it as such so there is no begging because I don't feel as personal to the issue of whether god exists or not as you do which is why I dont downplay atheism like you do theism. You downplaying of theism shows that you personally dislike it and that because you can't disprove the general idea you will do what you can and downplay it. Which is pretty childish. :ahh:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
To a believer, it's impossible to destroy the belief, because it's literally impossible to disprove an invisible creator entity using evidence of absence. In that case, you can call God anything and just choose to believe in it. Then when people logically point out "Hey dude, there isn't any evidence that thing exists" you can always say "WELL YOU CAN'T DISPROVE IT! :sitdown:"

There is no evidence to support the existence of God. If I just told you "Hey, go jump in that volcano you'll be fine, it's not hot at all." You'd be ":rudy: Can you stick a thermometer in that bytch and tell me the temperature" yet people will accept God without question because the idea is imprinted and seared into your brain as a child.

Let's be real, all god and religion is to people is comfort.
I never said that there is proof to support the existance of god. I just question why you guys act like they have proof against a higher power existing because there is none. If you went by logic then you would deem the matter as inconclusive and leave it as that but most atheists I see here did not just leave it at that. They went and downplayed it and i was like what it the logical reason for downplaying it? I then realized that you guys are just against it because of a few and think its silly that you would let a few alter your thoughts and make you hate theism which is why I mentioned that not all theists are religious so there is no reason to hate all of us.

If religion and god is comfort then what comfort do I receive? Better yet let me ask what comfort do theists who don't follow a religion recieve?


Jun 8, 2012
To a believer, it's impossible to destroy the belief, because it's literally impossible to disprove an invisible creator entity using evidence of absence. In that case, you can call God anything and just choose to believe in it. Then when people logically point out "Hey dude, there isn't any evidence that thing exists" you can always say "WELL YOU CAN'T DISPROVE IT! :sitdown:"

There is no evidence to support the existence of God. If I just told you "Hey, go jump in that volcano you'll be fine, it's not hot at all." You'd be ":rudy: Can you stick a thermometer in that bytch and tell me the temperature" yet people will accept God without question because the idea is imprinted and seared into your brain as a child.

Let's be real, all god and religion is to people is comfort.

and if what you say is true, even though i have provided possible proof(whether you agree or not is your choice). thats beside the point. lets say what you say is true , you said
all god and religion is to people is comfort

if thats the case friend.... why must so many humans desire this comfort of a GOD? where does that come from? it has been there since the beginning of man. you dont think where's there's smoke, there's possibly fire?

For the NON-BELIEVERS, we see yall out there, constantly bringing up these religious topics. we know the REALLLL reason why you keep doing this.

i'll prove it to you below. and dont try to refute it. i wont believe you if you do. just read it and keep your thoughts to yourself. its our little secret.

Does God exist? We know God exists because he pursues us. He is constantly initiating and seeking for us to come to him.

I was an atheist at one time. And like many atheists, the issue of people believing in God bothered me greatly. What is it about atheists that we would spend so much time, attention, and energy refuting something that we don't believe even exists?! What causes us to do that? When I was an atheist, I attributed my intentions as caring for those poor, delusional help them realize their hope was completely ill-founded. ...
To be honest, I also had another motive. As I challenged those who believed in God, I was deeply curious to see if they could convince me otherwise. Part of my quest was to become free from the question of God. If I could conclusively prove to believers that they were wrong, then the issue is off the table, and I would be free to go about my life.

I didn't realize that the reason the topic of God weighed so heavily on my mind, was because God was pressing the issue. I have come to find out that God wants to be known. He created us with the intention that we would know him. He has surrounded us with evidence of himself and he keeps the question of his existence squarely before us. It was as if I couldn't escape thinking about the possibility of God. In fact, the day I chose to acknowledge God's existence, my prayer began with, "Ok, you win..." It might be that the underlying reason atheists are bothered by people believing in God is because God is actively pursuing them.

I am not the only one who has experienced this. Malcolm Muggeridge, socialist and philosophical author, wrote, "I had a notion that somehow, besides questing, I was being pursued." C.S. Lewis said he remembered, "...night after night, feeling whenever my mind lifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him whom I so earnestly desired not to meet. I gave in, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all of England."

Lewis went on to write a book titled, "Surprised by Joy" as a result of knowing God. I too had no expectations other than rightfully admitting God's existence. Yet over the following several months, I became amazed by his love for me

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012

I never said that there is proof to support the existance of god. I just question why you guys act like they have proof against a higher power existing because there is none. If you went by logic then you would deem the matter as inconclusive but most atheists I see here did not. I then realized that you guys are just against it because of a few and think its silly that you would let a few alter your thoughts and make you hate theism which is why I mentioned that not all theists are religious.
Logically, I do deem the matter "inconclusive" but as a human being, thats enough to not believe in it, therefor I don't. Whenever there is no evidence to draw a conclusion, I will draw no conclusion but it might as well be as if it were false. Religious folks should also logically come to no conclusion, but they can't handle that because they NEED AN ANSWER. That's why in many of these religious arguments things devolve into a theist posing questions that an atheist cannot answer, such as "What came before the big bang? :troll:" just to show that the atheist doesn't have all the answers. When in reality, atheists don't care that they don't have all the answers and we KNOW we don't have all the answers. All we can tell you is what we know now, and frankly, thats all I give a fukk about.

And we're just talking about a basic belief here, let alone a SPECIFIC man-made religion being true, and all these silly stupid rules you have to follow that are wildly inconsistent with the morals of other rules. The bible says stone adulterers, yet the #1 commandment is "thou shall not kill". Yet God kills more people in the Bible than the devil :beli:. Organized religion is beyond retarded. At least I can understand why a human being would believe in a higher power. But organized religion? :pachaha:

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
and if what you say is true, even though i have provided possible proof(whether you agree or not is your choice). thats beside the point. lets say what you say is true , you said

if thats the case friend.... why must so many humans desire this comfort of a GOD? where does that come from? it has been there since the beginning of man. you dont think where's there's smoke, there's possibly fire?

For the NON-BELIEVERS, we see yall out there, constantly bringing up these religious topics. we know the REALLLL reason why you keep doing this.

i'll prove it to you below. and dont try to refute it. i wont believe you if you do. just read it and keep your thoughts to yourself. its our little secret.
Fear of the unknown dude. That's why early deities were all based in nature. The God of thunder, lightning, whatever. It was a way of explaining what they cannot explain and to soothe the complete unpredictableness of the future. So people know that no matter what happens, they're headed "somewhere better". Frankly, I think death is the same as not being born.. do you remember before you were born? Nope. There is no fear, pain, sadness. There is no emotion in that state, there is no good/bad. An asteroid could come down this very second and kill all of us. Where is the God or order in that?

I didn't realize that the reason the topic of God weighed so heavily on my mind, was because God was pressing the issue. I have come to find out that God wants to be known. He created us with the intention that we would know him. He has surrounded us with evidence of himself and he keeps the question of his existence squarely before us. It was as if I couldn't escape thinking about the possibility of God. In fact, the day I chose to acknowledge God's existence, my prayer began with, "Ok, you win..." It might be that the underlying reason atheists are bothered by people believing in God is because God is actively pursuing them.

That's funny, because the topic of God doesn't weigh heavily on my mind at all, and hasn't since 7th grade. I wouldn't EVER think about God for another single day in my life if it weren't for believers being around. This guy experienced confirmation bias. God being real was hard wired into his mind at a young age by his parents and social forces (most people are religious) are extremely strong in this respect. Let alone the negative stigma associated with saying you're an atheist/agnostic. I remember people being so shocked and I was just like :dwillhuh: its not a big deal.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Logically, I do deem the matter "inconclusive" but as a human being, thats enough to not believe in it, therefor I don't. Whenever there is no evidence to draw a conclusion, I will draw no conclusion but it might as well be as if it were false. Religious folks should also logically come to no conclusion, but they can't handle that because they NEED AN ANSWER. That's why in many of these religious arguments things devolve into a theist posing questions that an atheist cannot answer, such as "What came before the big bang? :troll:" just to show that the atheist doesn't have all the answers. When in reality, atheists don't care that they don't have all the answers and we KNOW we don't have all the answers. All we can tell you is what we know now, and frankly, thats all I give a fukk about.

And we're just talking about a basic belief here, let alone a SPECIFIC man-made religion being true, and all these silly stupid rules you have to follow that are wildly inconsistent with the morals of other rules. The bible says stone adulterers, yet the #1 commandment is "thou shall not kill". Yet God kills more people in the Bible than the devil :beli:. Organized religion is beyond retarded. At least I can understand why a human being would believe in a higher power. But organized religion? :pachaha:
You see Im not against you choosing to not believe in a higher power. I'm just saying that me believing in a higher power has the same worth as you not believing.

I am not in any way defending religious people or organized religion. In fact I have a few issue with them myself.

I'm just here to defend the simple beleif in a Higher power that's it. :whoa:

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012

You see Im not against you choosing to not believe in a higher power. I'm just saying that me believing in a higher power has the same worth as you not believing.

I am not in any way defending religious people or organized religion. In fact I have a few issue with them myself.

I'm just here to defend the simple beleif in a Higher power that's it. :whoa:
I think there is a difference in "worth" because a believer is believing something without evidence. In nature, or any other situation that leads to death/failure. Try doing that in business and see where blind faith gets you. You said yourself that no conclusion could be drawn based on the lack of evidence. Therefor, a human should be agnostic. You can't defend a belief that has no evidence. You can defend peoples right to believe in that belief though. Which we aren't arguing here.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
I think there is a difference in "worth" because a believer is believing something without evidence. In nature, or any other situation that leads to death/failure. Try doing that in business and see where blind faith gets you. You said yourself that no conclusion could be drawn based on the lack of evidence. Therefor, a human should be agnostic.
I agree that agnostic is the most logical choice but let me explain:

How can there be a difference in worth when my beleif in a higher power affects me the same way your beleif that a higher power doesn't exists affects you?

I recognize it as a beleif/opinion and nothing more.

Many atheists say that if they see facts that god exists they would then become a believer and the reverse holds true for me. Any facts that go against what I beleive will have me putting down my beleifs for the truth. :manny:

It always truth and facts first and foremost for me no matter what.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012

I agree that agnostic is the most logical choice but let me explain:

How can there be a difference in worth when my beleif in a higher power affects me the same way your beleif that a higher power doesn't exists affects you?

I recognize it as a beleif/opinion and nothing more.

Many atheists say that if they see facts that god exists they would then become a believer and the reverse holds true for me. Any facts that go against what I beleive will have me putting down my beleifs for the truth. :manny:

It always truth and facts first and foremost for me no matter what.
These beliefs and opinions directly shape behavior... sometimes for good, sometimes for worse. Stem Cell research was not allowed under Bush because of his religious beliefs. As soon as Obama repealed that there were tons of life-changing medical miracles that actually help people, unlike God, who doesn't give a fukk when people get hurt or injured or sick or are born with a defect of some kind. You get badly badly burned, are you going to pray to god for help or are you getting new skin made from your own stem cells? People believe religion when its convenient..


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
These beliefs and opinions directly shape behavior... sometimes for good, sometimes for worse. Stem Cell research was not allowed under Bush because of his religious beliefs. As soon as Obama repealed that there were tons of life-changing medical miracles that actually help people, unlike God, who doesn't give a fukk when people get hurt or injured or sick or are born with a defect of some kind.
I'm aware of that but what in my behavior is my theist belief making worse? :manny:

Plus isn't Obama a theist?

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
and there you have it ladies and gentlemen. someone provides a theory of something contrary to your BELIEF. and you skip over it and provide more insults.

you see that coli ^^one last time. you are of the religion of NON religion. its a BELIEF system. and nothing will change your mind. So the next time you think about using those same words to bad mouth some believer. just remember, "i know you are...but what am I." :ufdup:


It is not a belief but a fact that humans can not live for days in an animal that is digesting them. This goes against all the laws of nature but if you want to believe it cool.

Bring that up the real world and prepare for odd looks.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012

I'm aware of that but what in my behavior is my theist beleif making worse? :manny:
I'd have to know you personally. I'm saying religious beliefs shouldn't play a part in decision making, it should be about "What is the best decision?" period and lay that out quantitatively. But because Religion is a way of life, it is impossible for that to not influence them. And there are very many congressman and representatives who are evangelical and have the IQ of a rock setting policy for this country.