Back Home After 2Yrs in County on Murder I Didn't Commit AMAA

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
Bruh you gotta give us more details on your case. shyt sounds podcast worthy… :lupe:

I've discussed it on here before. I even made a facebook post about it during Harris' campaign that went lightweight viral. The post actually ended up making its way here and got nuked because it was linked to my FB account lol

Oh, THAT Kamala Harris. The lead prosecutor that tried to send me away for eight years for a crime their department knew I didn't commit, knowing I had a newborn and that my mom was dying from stage 4 cancer at the time. Where the judge fabricated false evidence as reasoning to deny a reduction in my $115k bail. The same bail which I had to pay twice because Kamala's office dragged my case out for two years because they said they weren't ready to go to trial, effectively denying me my right to a speedy one.

I was fortunate to have the resources to beat this case, I can only imagine how many innocent people are sitting behind bars or accepted pleas because of her office's systematic dysfunction.

fukk Kamala Harris


I forgot to add that, the "victim's" in this case were a married pair of SFPD officers. From what the evidence showed, to me it was an inside job. Several of the guns that were stolen were involved in shootings across several counties as well.

Why pray-tell did Kamala's office have her own department investigating this "crime" against their own officers when weapons stolen from them were used in the commission of other crimes :jbhmm:

This woman is as dirty as they come

I was almost railroaded before, fortunately the jury found me innocent. This is why I tell everyone I can to take jury summons seriously.

It's not just cops that are fukked up, the entire system is rotten to the core.

My house was raided because my fingerprint looked like a partial print that was found at a crime scene. Guns, money, laptops and jewelry were stolen from a cop's house, two of the guns were later recovered with one of them being used in a murder.

They initially looked for me at my mom's because that's the address I had on my license. She was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and they treated her very badly. When I was arrested at my house, it was while I was watching my daughter and studying for a midterm. I was placed on my lawn and cuffed at gunpoint wearing just a pair of boxers in front of my entire neighborhood while they searched my house with my daughter inside.

I cooperated because I knew I was innocent and they never said anything about me being under arrest initially. When I asked to see the object that my supposed print was found on, the detectives refused to show me. They told me they were going to put me in a holding cell for a few hours while they got somebody to perform a polygraph on me.

Those hours turned into days and being transferred to a whole different jail. When I went before the judge to ask for a bail reduction (from $110k) or to be released on my own recognizance, I was denied on both requests. My public defender at the time asked why, since only a single, small partial print was found at the scene. The judge replied that the report he had sitting in front of him stated that my prints were found all over the residence.

When I was being interrogated they told me they narrowed it down to a week's time period and that I needed to have an alibi for all seven days. We ended up hiring our own private detective later on and he was able to narrow it down to the night that it happened with and eight hour window just by interviewing one neighbor. The night that it happened was the night before I got married.

About a year into it, we invoked my right to a speedy trial, and we were told that the prosecution's case wasn't ready :stopitslime:

Long story short, two years later the case went forward, and I was found innocent after two weeks of trial and two days of deliberation. The prosecuter that got stuck with the case was a rookie black guy that obviously didn't want to take it in the first place. Luckily the judge we had for the trial was a cool black lady that could tell what was going on and she helped us out quite often.

The cancer had spread from my mom's lungs to her brain shortly before the trail started and she passed away not too long after I beat the case.

I assume the cops figured we couldn't afford to fight the case financially or emotionally, which is probably why they went out of their way to pin it on me despite having such a weak case. It's disgusting how they tried to stack the odds in their favor with the week long alibi window, fake polygraph holding cell BS, and having the judge deny my basil reduction. On top of that, what the hell were cops doing investigating their own? We almost exhausted my mom's savings fighting the case and I really feel for those that do not have the money to do so, which I'm sure is the case more often than not. I was raised never to trust the system and this really cemented it for me as well as opened my eyes to how truly sick, twisted, and shady it can be.

Lessons learned: Never talk without a lawyer under ANY pretense and take jury duty seriously because otherwise you're leaving your brother's fates up to a bunch of cacs.

My best friend's little brother is going through almost exactly the same thing right now. His jury selection began last week and it's going to be populated with nothing but white people.

Congratulations on overcoming your situation though, that shows an incredible amount of strength and character on your part. :salute:

RIP Kalief Browder

One of these guns were actually used in the recent murder of one of my cousin's former students that he taught high school art to. It also loosely resembles the case that I was wrongly accused of and had to fight for two years.

Artist killed as he painted anti-violence mural in Oakland

The Feds Lose Hundreds of Guns a Year, and They Keep Turning Up in Bay Area Homicides

This is a post I made on my case a while back to where one of the guns I was accused of stealing from a cop's home was used in a murder.
