Religion/Spirituality For atheists: What would God have to do to prove to you that he's real?


Nov 21, 2013
And once he does this, you'll claim victory despite making no coherent argument. I've watched the video and still don't know wth you're talking about.

Claim victory? :snoop: Im not trying to beat you at anything my friend. In all actuality I would like to work together against the common enemy. But some rather go down fighting against that and they'll eventually lose. I guess this is where an atheist would say "seeing is believing" so they'll see. At the end of the day, creation can NEVER out do the Creator.

So just to make it clear, you know about conspiracy theories, Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones and whoever else you named, but you have no idea what is thought to" mean in the phrase "new world order"?

Common sense. If you're correct you die and nothing happens. I think you understand what happens when you figure out you're wrong.
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Nov 21, 2013
God would have to do something that is obviously god like. If he could take control of my arm and make me slap myself in the face, id' believe in god. If he could lift my body up in the air and make me fly around the neighborhood, I'd believe in god. I don't think that's much to ask at all. But for some reason, god likes to play games. He will only save you if you believe in things based on no evidence.

Dont you think you owe God more than God owes you? If not, why?


All Star
May 28, 2012
Where did I take "umbrage" at that? I didnt. I pointed out that you clearly knew what a conspiracy theorist is. Somehow you knew "new world order" but dont know what its about? Is that what you're getting at? That you have absolutely NO idea what that is reffering to?

Perhaps I read into it too much, but at post #288 you responded by saying "...]I] continuously alluded to [you] being a "conspiracy theorist". I thought you took offense to my implication, but if I was wrong, I apologize. Regardless, yes, I've heard the phrase, but didn't know what it was about. At least, not the dangers conspiracy theorists like yourself fear. Maybe you talk about it later in this post, but no, I have no idea what you people are afraid of. I don't understand.

These books have not affected our lives in the way the bible has. The prophecies that are made (and if you want to bring them you can) do not hold the same weight as the prophecies I provided.

So what? Essentially, you make an argument ad populum. That since so many people in America believe these things, that they are necessarily true. That's a logical fallacy. The prophecies you provide are not specific enough to convince me of the validity of the religion. You've already agreed to the validity of a Buddhist prophecy. So why should I beleive the Abrahamic religion is true, when Buddhists believe in no god?

Breh, the point is that theres benefit to certain acts that have happened. Like how 9/11 allowed us to invade the lands former partners to us (Bin Laden and Hussein). Or how with each major shooting the media starts touting gun control. The cards for one do show things that have happened after the fact. Didnt the planes hit the similar area? How did the building fall straight down without detonation? Im not grasping at straws my friend. Im just providing INSIGHT so that you see where theres smoke theres fire. But it seems you havent even reviewed the information at all. That or you're acting like you havent.

No. The point is those cards didn't predict shyt. It was the imagination of a person that, because oil spills HAPPEN, and because people have TRIED to destroy the world trade center, that it's possible that those building could be attacked again... it's possible that an oil spill could happen again. There's no deeper meaning to the "illuminati game" than that!

Gun control? Are you serious? Again, many people WANT to ban guns.... it's a reality in many other countries around the world. That doesn't mean the person who made those cards correctly PREDICTED a ban on guns in the United States. It just means that some people view guns as a major threat to society, and would like no one to have them, you idiot. The building fell straight down because physics dictated to happen that way. You ARE grasping at straws. Just because someone drew a picture of an explosion of two buildings doesn't mean they specifically meant the WTC ... those buildings don't look like the WTC did at the time. It could be these buildings in Chicago. The fact that the planes might have hit close to where they were hit is irrelevant.

Lastly, I've reviewed the arguments from conspiracy theorists like I've viewed that arguments from theists. NONE of them provide proof of what they're saying is true. All they give are these flimsy arguments that are easily disproven. Why should I accept anything you say when it's so obviously fallacious?

I believe we each make our own purpose. But I do not believe we are here by "chance". Not when existence is as detailed as it is. I'll just let you cook brethren. I dont see how you can look at the rich donating for campaigns for representatives as anything other than a conflict of interest. So YES Im 100% sure they donate to campaigns so laws can get passed in their benefit. I mean the bank bailouts ring a bell? But thats fine right? People are struggling but lets not give it to them. Lets give it to the banks and then maybe it'll trickle down

I just don't think there was some intelligent, conscious being that caused humanity.... and also cares about what we do, and make sure empires/nations exist thousands of years after they are destroyed. You do, so why is that?

How are rich people giving campaign contributions a conflict of interest? They see a candidate who supports similar political positions, and donate money to them......... explain? Of course some donate so laws can get passed in their benenfit. Why does that necessarily mean God exists? Yeah, but the bank bailouts benefited everyone (in theory). In 2008, the wealthy and other people who invested their money with these banks lost money, but imagine EVERYONE losing money. They guy with $100 in the bank loses THAT because Bank of America can't give him THAT. Imagine what would happen.

You and I just have vastly views on reality. That bailouts are ONLY for the rich. That corporations opening factories in third world countries are ONLY beneficial for the corporation. If people are working for $2/hr because otherwise they'd starve to death and be broke, then yeah.. it's not all bad. You view the world in this zero sum game ... it's not how the world actually is though.

Those "bailout" programs that serve the people do not assist them in the way that the bank bail outs did.

Perhaps not, but they DO assist people ... you gloss over this fact, but that doesn't make it less true.

Yes. When people are suffering because the goverment isnt what they thought it would be, their end will eventually come. But the danger is with the people behind it and the spirit(s) that are using them. Not the puppets you see like presidents, or athletes, or musicians that are just distractions. But the brethren behind the scenes my friend. Who send our friends to pointless wars.

So God will eventually destroy this evil one world government, but people have to die in its protection first? What a loving God that he will allow his honest believers to die until he waits to save them from this evil government. What is God waiting for?

Sorry friend. I will always keep a suspicion of a group that gets to print money whenever they please and then lend to COUNTRIES. And often these COUNTRIES go to other countries and cause mayhem. In one way or another. So yes, the gov't should be printing our money. Not a private bank. Of course these men have maneuvered their way to do such a thing. And I see no reason (based on the how the US conducts affairs along with other nations) to believe in their intentions. .

So what would please you? If we elected officials to the Fed instead of them being appointed by the President? I mean, in that way the people DOES have an affect on who is in this group you speak of. It's not this dark, secret group of men you speak of.

If they worshiped the God that you claimed they did, they would not conduct their affairs in the manner that they do

Bullshyt. They do believe in the same god that you do. But they are working the best they can, given the system they are in, to both benefit the country and ultimately themselves.

Yes I believe God can cause man's mind to change. Not sure if its to do something they wouldnt do otherwise though. In a similar fashion, I believe evil spirits can as well.

Interesting that you believe man does not have true free will. So why doesn't God change my mind to believe in him? Do you think he will eventually, or is my soul just not worth saving?

"Say Israel WASNT" No lets not say that lol. Because it is. So today, it is an example of prophecy fulfilled. Thats what we're discussing right? Prophecies that were fulfilled? Do you want me to bring another one?

SMH so you won't suppose a hypothetical? Even though you've presented hypotethical situations to further prove your points? But you don't do this for "prophecies" that HAVEN'T been fulfilled. Again, it's not a "fulfilled prophecy" if it can't be true or false. To you, and other believers like you, if a "prophecy" has happened then it's true and it proves God. If it hasn't happened, then it will in the future. Its a win-win either way. That way you get to NEVER be wrong. You didn't happen to be right about Israel because of God OR because of chance. IT'S AN UNFALSIFIABLE HYPOTHESIS. This is how you detect pseudoscience or bullshyt like what you believe.
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All Star
May 28, 2012
Claim victory? :snoop: Im not trying to beat you at anything my friend. In all actuality I would like to work together against the common enemy. But some rather go down fighting against that and they'll eventually lose. I guess this is where an atheist would say "seeing is believing" so they'll see. At the end of the day, creation can NEVER out do the Creator.

So just to make it clear, you know about conspiracy theories, Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones and whoever else you named, but you have no idea what is thought to" mean in the phrase "new world order"?

Except you HAVE done this in the past. Someone gets tired of your bullshyt, and stops arguing with your fallacies, YOU say they ran scared and you win. You're so full of shyt.

Common sense. If you're correct you die and nothing happens. I think you understand what happens when you figure out you're wrong.

What you're arguing is Pascal's Wager ... which criticisms eventually convinced me to give up my belief in Christianity. It's not a better idea to say you believe in God rather than to say you don't. Then again, maybe I should step back and say I don't think you can choose to believe in something. I mean, you can SAY you chose something, but either you agree that it's likely to be true, or you don't.

Oh... also...'s_Wager#Criticism


Nov 26, 2013
Except you HAVE done this in the past. Someone gets tired of your bullshyt, and stops arguing with your fallacies, YOU say they ran scared and you win. You're so full of shyt.

his troll game is :flabbynsick: but that's what makes it :noah:

verdict: :banderas:


Nov 21, 2013
Perhaps I read into it too much, but at post #288 you responded by saying "...]I] continuously alluded to [you] being a "conspiracy theorist". I thought you took offense to my implication, but if I was wrong, I apologize. Regardless, yes, I've heard the phrase, but didn't know what it was about. At least, not the dangers conspiracy theorists like yourself fear.

So why should I beleive the Abrahamic religion is true, when Buddhists believe in no god?

The same friends that send our fellow Americans to pointless wars, the same friends that own the media, are the same ones trying to fulfill this goal. This has been a generational progress to the one government and its being successful because they can pay people off. When you're allowed to print money FREELY, than that gives you power to do what you want. For whatever reason you see nothing wrong with that and thats fine. It doesnt seem like you have a grasp on what the US does to other countries it doesnt agree with and WHY.

Why should you believe in the God of Abraham? Well let me ask. Is there a difference between worshiping a planet, and worshiping the ONE that created the planet? Or switch planet with sun if you wish or any other figures that the Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Romans, Greeks... etc.. worshiped. These are civilzations that ruled over the world at one time or another. And yet from the TINY nation of Israel, came 7 billion people (Muslims, Jews, Christians). Theres something to be said about that my friend. Now Why would you believe that there is NOTHING to take from these stories?

No. The point is those cards didn't predict shyt. It was the imagination of a person that, because oil spills HAPPEN, and because people have TRIED to destroy the world trade center, that it's possible that those building could be attacked again... it's possible that an oil spill could happen again. There's no deeper meaning to the "illuminati game" than that!

Gun control? Are you serious? Again, many people WANT to ban guns.... it's a reality in many other countries around the world. That doesn't mean the person who made those cards correctly PREDICTED a ban on guns in the United States. It just means that some people view guns as a major threat to society, and would like no one to have them, you idiot. The building fell straight down because physics dictated to happen that way. You ARE grasping at straws. Just because someone drew a picture of an explosion of two buildings doesn't mean they specifically meant the WTC ... those buildings don't look like the WTC did at the time. It could be these buildings in Chicago. The fact that the planes might have hit close to where they were hit is irrelevant.
Lastly, I've reviewed the arguments from conspiracy theorists like I've viewed that arguments from theists. NONE of them provide proof of what they're saying is true.

So it doesnt matter that 2 planes on 9/11hit in practically the same spot as the picture. It doesnt matter that somehow a plane hit the top of a building causing the building to fall STRAIGHT down. It doesnt matter that the media is pretty consistent on telling half truths/lies to further the same agenda. Nothing matters huh? No need for name calling

Now if you want to explain the physics of a building falling directly on itself like a demolition, you can. I dont think you will though. I dont think you will explain how a plane can hit the top of a building and then cause it to fall straight on itself. But like I said, some friends will defend things to their detriment. We'll see if your leaders have your best interest at heart. As well, its not about someone proving everything to you. Why dont you seek my friend? While there are some outrageous conspiracies, where there is smoke there is fire. But if you dont look, you wont find. And I can tell you havent even looked before forming an opinion.
I just don't think there was some intelligent, conscious being that caused humanity.... and also cares about what we do, and make sure empires/nations exist thousands of years after they are destroyed. You do, so why is that?

Because God does care my friend. But when we as humanity eliminate God from our lives and then let man rule us that allows corruption to leak in. And I know you dont believe that. You believe that life can come from something that wasnt alive?
How are rich people giving campaign contributions a conflict of interest? They see a candidate who supports similar political positions, and donate money to them......... explain? Of course some donate so laws can get passed in their benenfit. Why does that necessarily mean God exists? Yeah, but the bank bailouts benefited everyone (in theory). In 2008, the wealthy and other people who invested their money with these banks lost money, but imagine EVERYONE losing money. They guy with $100 in the bank loses THAT because Bank of America can't give him THAT. Imagine what would happen.

You and I just have vastly views on reality. That bailouts are ONLY for the rich. That corporations opening factories in third world countries are ONLY beneficial for the corporation. If people are working for $2/hr because otherwise they'd starve to death and be broke, then yeah.. it's not all bad. You view the world in this zero sum game ... it's not how the world actually is though.

Aint nothing left to say about this my friend. If you dont see how a person can be corrupted to some of his/her constituents by having their campaign bankrolled by the rich than I dont know what else to say. This wasnt to show that God exists, but to show the direction your country is headed in. But if thats the direction you want it to go in, I just hope you dont have descendants. Because that is not leaving them with a nice setup.

As well, in your scenario, the best bet would be use the money that was given to the banks, to give to the people. Of course that didnt happen though.

And yes, Im not going to excuse the exploitation going on because the people are not "starving to death" as if that is the only alternative. You're not excusing the corporations for their exploitation are you?

So God will eventually destroy this evil one world government, but people have to die in its protection first? What a loving God that he will allow his honest believers to die until he waits to save them from this evil government. What is God waiting for?

Have to die? No. But as you're showing people will choose to defend it. Anybody that loses their life defending God will be rewarded in the next life. 70 years is miniscule in comparison with eternity.

So what would please you? If we elected officials to the Fed instead of them being appointed by the President? I mean, in that way the people DOES have an affect on who is in this group you speak of. It's not this dark, secret group of men you speak of.

Bullshyt. They do believe in the same god that you do. But they are working the best they can, given the system they are in, to both benefit the country and ultimately themselves.

Interesting that you believe man does not have true free will. So why doesn't God change my mind to believe in him? Do you think he will eventually, or is my soul just not worth saving?
The government controlling the issue of money would be best in my opinion. So yes maybe if we elected them. Then again, the election process in this country is shakey in itself.

No they dont my friend. If they do believe in the God of Abraham, then they're being disobedient by the actions they're taking. But nah, this world would be COMPLETELY different if they believed in the God of Abraham, and followed the principles/judgements/laws given by this God. They dont. Which is why the US runs amuk in other countries. Instilling puppet leaders, taking out real ones. If the people that bankrolled Israel believed in the God of Israel, they would not have represented it with that pagan star. I mean I can go on and on, but theres really no point to.

God doesnt want robots my brethren. Its on you to seek. Now if you asked God to change your mind humbly, then it could happen. If you actually tried to get to know God on a personal level then it might. But I doubt (though God can do as God wants) that It would just change your mind out of nowhere.

SMH so you won't suppose a hypothetical? Even though you've presented hypotethical situations to further prove your points? But you don't do this for "prophecies" that HAVEN'T been fulfilled. Again, it's not a "fulfilled prophecy" if it can't be true or false. To you, and other believers like you, if a "prophecy" has happened then it's true and it proves God. If it hasn't happened, then it will in the future. Its a win-win either way. That way you get to NEVER be wrong. You didn't happen to be right about Israel because of God OR because of chance.

I dont see the point brethren. What we have here is ISRAEL DOES EXIST. So for YOU, (not your great great grandparents) thats something you can point to as something being fulfilled. With that said, theres an order of operations. If I predict 5 things to happen one after another, why would they happen all at once? They wouldnt. So of course there are unfulfilled prophecies at the moment. You can bring them up and we can find an answer to why that is so if you want?


Nov 21, 2013
Except you HAVE done this in the past. Someone gets tired of your bullshyt, and stops arguing with your fallacies, YOU say they ran scared and you win. You're so full of shyt.

If I ask you to bring a post where someone stops posting towards me and I claim "victory" will you bring it? Thats what atheists ask for right? Proof? :mjlol:

What you're arguing is Pascal's Wager ... which criticisms eventually convinced me to give up my belief in Christianity. It's not a better idea to say you believe in God rather than to say you don't. Then again, maybe I should step back and say I don't think you can choose to believe in something. I mean, you can SAY you chose something, but either you agree that it's likely to be true, or you don't.

Oh... also... Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:So you didnt have belief in christianity since you lost your faith that easily.

But yes it is my friend. If you're correct, we just go to dust and rot away. But if I am? That is time in hell my friend. So yes, the believer in God (in general) is always better than the non believer. Of course, this doesnt mean that just because one believes in God, that the one is saved from the wrath of God.


Nov 21, 2013
For the record @NoMayo15 you can disregard that last post since we werent discussing the NWO. I was just showing you that humans have an adversary that doesnt care much bout their existence.I was also showing that your gov't panders not to the general public, but to the interests of the few. Now, you can sit and wait for someone to prove this to you, or you can SEEK. You can look at what what you call "conspiracy theorists" look at and come to an conclusion. But from what you've implied, you're waiting for someone to prove it to you. And that may leave you waiting till its too late. But as I said, read the post (respectfully I say this not as a command) but dont waste time responding. Because thats not what I was actually trying to get into with that video. Just showing you that whats going to happen was planned long ago.

Interesting that you believe man does not have true free will. So why doesn't God change my mind to believe in him? Do you think he will eventually, or is my soul just not worth saving?

Have you sought for God? Or do you assume that God owes you something so before you believe, God has to do something for you?


Nov 21, 2013
according to your cosmology
who created humans with flaws?
who created the devil?
who created disease?
who created death?
who was the first genocidaire?

God is the reason all things exist. How does that show God not caring?