HOH in Hispanic Culture: Latin America the Most Dangerous Place for a Woman?


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Talk to me brehs. Hispanic brothers and sisters please explain this.

Consistently, 7 of the 10 worst countries for violence against women have been found in Latin America.

( If you are wondering what are some other countries: Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea These Are the Places With the World's Top Female Murder Rate)

There won’t be any twitter debates or news articles going viral about the toxic masculinity and extremely dangerous non-black male cultures, but you know...White supremacy and all that.

The data for this is called by this term:
This violence against women, the killing and maiming of women solely because of their gender, has been coined femicide.

It’s important to distinguish femicide from homicide, as most research conducted in countries with high rates of femicide don’t consider them as such.

Femicide is the sexist violence against women because of a patriarchal system that believes in the inferiority of women themselves.

The inferiority of women is the key element to this. Hispanic women have long been deemed inferior in their own countries (Respect and Dignity for Women Lacking in Latin America), such may not be the case in America or outside of Latin America where women can achieve things, but the machista” culture of the Hispanic community globally seems to render women inferior and worthy of killing and assualting.

Femicide: the scourge that kills 12 women a day in Latin America
Every two hours, a woman dies in Latin America for the simple fact of being a woman.

It’s 12 women killed per day, one woman murdered every 2 hours throughout the whole region:francis:
...Not counting Brazil.

Femicide: the scourge that kills 12 women a day in Latin America

Univision News gathered data on femicides from official and independent sources in 18 Latin American countries in 2016. If information wasn't available for last year, we used the most recent data.

To put this in prespective: more women are being killed and assaulted, for being women, in Latin America than in the Middle East...The Islamic Middle-East...The place where women can’t go out without the company of a man:sadcam:

The Trend of Femicides in Latin America on the Rise in 2017

Already 57 cases of femicides have been reported in Argentina, 10 in Mexico and six in Paraguay in early 2017.
A recent report released by Argentina's Wanda Taddei Institute found that 57 women had been killed so far in 2017, one of the highest rate in the region. While in 2016, one woman was estimated to die every 30 hours on average, now the time frame has lowered to every 18 hours.


In Paraguay, femicides have doubled this year compared with 2016's first two months, making an average of one woman killed every four hours.

In Uruguay, six women have been killed since the start of 2017, including a 21-year-old woman, mother of one, found dead Saturday, killed premeditatively by her boyfriend.
1 woman killed every 4 hours:mjcry:

Crazy: minute by minute ESPN style breakdown of a women breaking up with and then being killed by her lover

So why isn’t this discussed? We have a lot of brehs who take trips to Hispanic countries, but nobody seems to mention the plight of the women:picard: especially those in the sex tourism industry.


The blue and green represents countries where prostitution is legal. Ages can range from undefined ( meaning children) to 15 to 18 for legal prostitution.
Legality of prostitution in South America - Wikipedia

Is there any hope for Feminism in Latin America?

Why isn’t this talked about more and addressed? Is it a made up problem, why don’t hispanic women speak out?:wow:
Femicides in Latin America: 21 Countries Face Alarming Violence.2013
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Apr 16, 2015
On a queue

The Case of Karina del Poza Killed in Ecuador

When Karina del Poza’s badly beaten, lifeless body was found her family members, outraged and mournful, questioned why this senseless crime had been committed against a 20-year old. She had been beaten, sexually assaulted, and strangled. Their outcry became a national voice for change and highlighted the hatred and aggression against women that is at the core of femicides. Besides justice, the family wanted other families who’s loved ones were victims of femicide to come forth and share their stories. Their stories exemplify how gender-based murders are increasingly discussed and treated openly as a social problem, and how the social media plays a huge role in rallying support around a once-taboo topic.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue

The Case of Fátima Catán in Argentina

Fátima Catán from Buenos Aires ultimately died from burns over 95% of her body. Her mother suspected her boyfriend who she said beat her and then, set her on fire to cover his tracks. Her cruel, horrendous death drew public attention, especially since the revelation that 13 other women had also met the same fate as Fátima within one year. Critics complained about the judicial system’s lack of efficiency in prosecuting the cases. The non-profit organization promoting justice and prevention of femicides, La Casa del Encuentro garnered the support of the public at a national level, and in its campaign broadcasted the information that femicides were a serious problem, that 210 women had been beaten to death in 2010. Congress woman, Cecilia Merchán elevated the cause for support and justice for women by introducing legislation to reform existing laws which she claims don’t do enough to protect women.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue



Missing women are all too common in Mexico. Femicide victims 185 and 186: Adriana Hernández Sánchez, 52, and Karen Rebeca Esquival Espinosa de los Monteros, 19: found dead in a suitcase with their hands tied after having been missing for several days. Femicide victims 187 and 188: a mother and daughter, murdered in their home in front of the grandmother. Femicide victim 189: mother of an 11-month-old baby girl, raped and murdered by her husband, who then kidnapped their daughter.http://www.coha.org/femicide-not-one-more/#_edn1 The daughter was recovered, and the husband captured. However, just because he was caught, there is no guarantee he will be sentenced. This is the reality for femicide victims.

Crimes against women permeate Latin American culture and society. Defined by the United Nations (UN), femicide is, “a crime involving the violent and deliberate killing of a woman” because of her gender.[ii]Although femicide refers to cases resulting in deaths of women, other forms of gender discrimination include degradation of women on a physical, psychological, economic, or sexual level. Of the 32 countries where femicide most frequently occurs, Latin American countries represent 17 of them.[iii] Mexico, ranked sixth in the world for crimes against women, has seen a rise in femicide by 46 percent since 2013.[iv]

Femicide: Not One More


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Latin American women's problem: we keep getting murdered


It’s not been a particularly uplifting month to be a woman in Latin America, especially if you read the news.

On October 8 in Mar del Plata, Argentina, 16-year-old Lucía Pérez was abducted outside her school, drugged, and brutally gang raped. Young Lucía died when her heart stopped during the sadistic violence, which included penetration by objects.

In Mexico, three transgender women, Paola (last name unknown), Alessa Flores and Itzel Durán, were killed in different parts of the country. All were sex workers, and Flores and Durán were also trans rights activists. Just weeks before, Karen Rebeca Esquivel, 19, and Adriana Hernández Sánchez, 52, were found dead in suitcases in Naucalpan, State of Mexico, the deadliest place for women in the country. Both had been raped.

On October 18, a young pregnant woman was found dead on a Peruvian beach with signs of rape and the word puta (whore) written on her leg.

Horrifying but not isolated, these incidents reflect a regional reality. Several studies have shown that Latin America is the worst place in the world to be a woman.

A Gallup survey has shown that Latin American women feel they are not treated with respect and dignity. Dissatisfaction was highest in Colombia, Paraguay, El Salvador, Guatemala and Peru. The study attributes these feelings to widespread sexual violence and harassment against women and children, in combination with machista culture.
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God’s Son
Jun 11, 2017
In Da 15th
Do they really target women or these countries are just violent/crime-ridden countries where people just prey on the weak and, people are guilty by association, in street justice, regardless of gender?

And do they have laws that specifically target women?


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Latin Americans were the least likely in the world in 2012 and 2013 to say women in their countries are treated with respect and dignity. A median of 35% of adults across 22 Latin American countries said their women are treated this way -- about half as high as percentages in any other region of the world.


Although notable progress in gender equality has been seen in recent years, this low percentage in relation to the rest of the world reflects how gender inequality and violence against women persist throughout Latin America. Less than half of adults in 17 of the 22 Latin American countries surveyed in the past two years said women are treated with respect and dignity in their own countries.

Within Latin America, Peruvians and Colombians were the least likely to say women are respected. Only one in five residents in each country said they are, which is consistent with findings from previous years. In both countries, this issue has captured the attention of the media and national governments. In Colombia, newly re-elected President Juan Manuel Santos declared a "National Day for the Dignity of Women" in response to the high incidence of violence toward women in the country. The Defensoría del Pueblo reported in November 2013 that 85 women are killed a month in Colombia. Another 924 are victims of sexual abuse, and more than 2,600 report familial violence. Leaders in Peru are working to criminalize sexual harassment in the street in response to increased incidents targeting women.


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
Do they really target women or these countries are just violent/crime-ridden countries where people just prey on the weak and, people are guilty by association, in street justice, regardless of gender?

And do they have laws that specifically target women?

Old school ideals

The shyt I see women on here and LSA claim they want

A man who pays for everything, including the first date and all her bills including her nail hair and cell phone bills

But they think thats where the buck stops. Nah

Hes also gonna be controlling possessive and expect for u to be a house wife. U cant work. Ur property (since hes paying for everything). Dont be suprised if he hits u too.

Thats why I:mjlol:when I see dumb bytches say they want “real men” who pay for everything. Yeah ok. I got men like this in my family and theyd run most American women up the wall. Aint no such thing as coming to an agreement or compromising what he says goes he owns and pays for everything.


God’s Son
Jun 11, 2017
In Da 15th
Latin Americans were the least likely in the world in 2012 and 2013 to say women in their countries are treated with respect and dignity. A median of 35% of adults across 22 Latin American countries said their women are treated this way -- about half as high as percentages in any other region of the world.


Although notable progress in gender equality has been seen in recent years, this low percentage in relation to the rest of the world reflects how gender inequality and violence against women persist throughout Latin America. Less than half of adults in 17 of the 22 Latin American countries surveyed in the past two years said women are treated with respect and dignity in their own countries.

Within Latin America, Peruvians and Colombians were the least likely to say women are respected. Only one in five residents in each country said they are, which is consistent with findings from previous years. In both countries, this issue has captured the attention of the media and national governments. In Colombia, newly re-elected President Juan Manuel Santos declared a "National Day for the Dignity of Women" in response to the high incidence of violence toward women in the country. The Defensoría del Pueblo reported in November 2013 that 85 women are killed a month in Colombia. Another 924 are victims of sexual abuse, and more than 2,600 report familial violence. Leaders in Peru are working to criminalize sexual harassment in the street in response to increased incidents targeting women.


Crazy stats. Even worse than MENA.

I think the stat about Europe isn't real. European men shyt on their women more than the average black guy. You just have to be in white areas to see how these cacs beat up their women after drinking and clubbing. Nikkas don't do that.


God’s Son
Jun 11, 2017
In Da 15th
Old school ideals

The shyt I see women on here and LSA claim they want

A man who pays for everything, including the first date and all her bills including her nail hair and cell phone bills

But they think thats where the buck stops. Nah

Hes also gonna be controlling possessive and expect for u to be a house wife. U cant work. Ur property (since hes paying for everything). Dont be suprised if he hits u too.

Thats why I:mjlol:when I see dumb bytches say they want “real men” who pay for everything. Yeah ok. I got men like this in my family and theyd run most American women up the wall. Aint no such thing as coming to an agreement or compromising what he says goes he owns and pays for everything.


That's basically what a lot of these broads don't understand. He who pays the piper calls the tune and you can't challenge an authority that "owns" you and give you stipends. It's either you're in or out.

But regardless, violence against women is inexcusable. I honestly didn't know it was that bad in that part of the world.


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe

That's basically what a lot of these broads don't understand. He who pays the piper calls the tune and you can't challenge an authority that "owns" you and give you stipends. It's either you're in or out.

But regardless, violence against women is inexcusable. I honestly didn't know it was that bad in that part of the world.

Most foreign men dont mind going upside a bytch head. Most developing countries atleast.”Real men” who are chivalrous & pay for everything. And they will have whole other families on the side too or other women.

Alot of American women just want a rich simp that will cater to them only. Kudos if u can catch one but most men w money are gonna expect the woman to bring something to the table.