Jason Derulo is about to be MeToo'ed - is sued for sexual harassment

Kuma the Bear

The Ultimate King of Iron Fist
Mar 11, 2022
Mishima Industries
Singer Emaza Gibson alleges that Jason Derulo promised her a record deal but then pressured her for sex in exchange for her career advancing — as charged in a bombshell lawsuit.

“I’m at this point in my life right now, it’s very heartbreaking,” Gibson, 25, told NBC News on Wednesday.

Gibson moved to Los Angeles in 2008 to pursue a music career with her sisters Saiyr and Znuie, as the music act Ceraadi. Their YouTube channel has over 1 million subscribers.

Gibson’s sisters no longer work in music, but Gibson was hoping to pursue a solo career.

In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Los Angeles County Superior Court, Gibson alleges that Derulo eventually dropped her deal after she rejected his sexual advances and invitations to dine out and drink alcohol.

Gibson accuses the “Watcha Say” singer of quid pro quo sexual harassment.

“I have anxiety; I’m traumatized. I’ve dealt with inhumane work situations … I’m at this point where I’m back to zero and I have nothing,” she said.

According to the lawsuit, in August 2021, Derulo reached out to Gibson to become involved in a venture between his music imprint, Future History, and Atlantic Records.

The filing also said that her contract required her to have a single featuring Derulo, and to produce a mixtape in four months and an album in six.

She began working with Derulo to create music to present to Atlantic Records executives, she said.

During this time, Derulo often invited her to drinks and dinner at a members-only lounge. She turned down these invitations, hoping to keep their relationship professional, she alleged.

According to the lawsuit, he also began inviting her to drink during their studio sessions.

In September 2021, she agreed to have a drink with Derulo in the studio and was given “inappropriately large amounts of alcohol,” the suit says.

“I told him that I wasn’t a drinker … so it’s like, you know, you’re not listening to that the first time I tell you, and you’re still pushing on me,” Gibson said. “It’s, like, pressure at this point.”

In November of 2021, Gibson traveled to New York City in November to meet with Atlantic executives and finalize her deal.

Before the meeting, Derulo allegedly told Gibson that a woman named Rosa would be joining them.

According to the suit, the woman told Gibson that Derulo invited her along because he was on “some f – – k shyt,” implying that Derulo was in an intimate relationship with Rosa. Derulo then showcased Rosa’s music, the lawsuit alleges.

Gibson saw this as a sign of Rosa’s career progress, “because you’re sleeping with his dude,” she said.

“So I noted that, as well, because, OK, she’s advancing,” she said.

The filling claims that when Gibson commented that she was “thrown off” by Rosa, Derulo “lost control and began aggressively hitting his armrests, screaming, ‘What does she have to do with you? We weren’t going to tell you anything! We don’t have to tell you anything!’” He then allegedly went “radio silent” following this exchange, failing to assign Gibson a project manager for her work, and ignoring messages.

According to the lawsuit, Gibson spoke to an executive from Atlantic who said,“the Atlantic team wants you to win, but I can’t say the same for Jason.”

Gibson was dropped from Atlantic on Sept. 6, 2022.

Gibson’s lawyer, Ron Zambrano, said Derulo “not only broke promises and breached contracts, but his threats of physical harm and unconscionable sexual advances toward this young woman who is just trying to break into the industry were outrageous and illegal.”

The Post reached out to Jason Derulo and Atlantic Records for comment.

Jason Derulo sued by singer alleging he demanded sex in exchange for a record deal
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Dec 29, 2016
I'm not seeing the sexual advances in her story.

She mentions him offering him drinks and rejecting those drinks without issue. She mentions him inviting her to member's only lounges and her rejecting those offers without issue. She mentions having drinks with him and telling him that she is not a drinker, again without issue.

They fell out when she accused him of favouring an act because he was allegedly sleeping with her.

Buy all means sue him for breach of contract if there is a legally binding agreement he failed to honour. I'm not seeing the sexual harassment element.

Low End Derrick

May 8, 2014
He didn't really do anything, though. Like, she wasnt underage, he didn't take it or started feeling her up or slipped pills in her drinks or some other shyt these entertainers be doing.

And it sounds like what he did do, other females are on board with, so I dont see the summer jam screen being prepared for him, personally.


EDIT: She got a weird IG-

"The Great Reset" huh? :patrice:


Dec 29, 2016
He didn't really do anything, though. Like, she wasnt underage, he didn't take it or started feeling her up or slipped pills in her drinks or some other shyt these entertainers be doing.

And it sounds like what he did do, other females are on board with, so I dont see the summer jam screen being prepared for him, personally.


EDIT: She got a weird IG-

"The Great Reset" huh? :patrice:

:camby:it's a wrap.


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
He shouldn't have been sleeping with a talent from his label. If he wasn't sleeping with the other woman who had a deal and was advancing this woman would have no argument.

As a rich and famous man you should be able to get p*ssy and not go hunting after your labels artists it ain't illegal but it puts you in a bad spot when you do. Just avoid it