Social Anxiety/Phobia???

Lost His Smile

Stop Existing.
Feb 25, 2014
The 12th Dimension
I have GAD.

Im supposed to see a behavioral therapist next week. My legs start shaking whenever I have to drive, I avoid highways or busy streets. I used to work nights but had a panic attack and left during my shift. It is what it is. I just deal with it the best I can.

I cope with it by buying Etizolam/Etizest/whatever RC is on the market. I refuse to be put on SSRIs.

Knuckles Red

Jun 22, 2015
I think more black people are going to have issues like this as we become more assimilated into this white world. It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Being the only (or one of the few) black person in a predominantly white area where you can't relate to anyone is the perfect environment for isolation. Its that isolation that probably leads to all these other issues. You become isolated to the point where you feel comfortable being isolated. To the point where you ONLY feel comfortable being isolated which leads to you not even having the ability to connect with others. Its like a vicious cycle that feeds itself at that point.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Has/is anybody dealing with/dealt with this?

Over the last couple of months/weeks Ive been feeling really uncomfortable around people and large crowds. It's been nearly getting to the point where I don't want to leave my apartment either at times (i leave only when i have to) and now it's making me weary of having a desk job or other job where i have to be around people. Just them watching me, talking about me, quietely judging me in the back of their minds, it eventually just gets to me to the point where i think there's something wrong with me or im wearing something wrong or being awkward or being intrusive and then it eventually stresses me out and tires me. There's been a moment where i had a panic attack and opted to take a cab instead of a train cause i didnt want to be around people.

Its funny though...i have my friends and go out pretty frequently and i try to stay active and out and about but just thinking about being around people and being so aware of myself and my surroundings i just get uncomfortable at times and want to be alone and not seen. It's almost a phobia.

But it's like...there's nothing wrong with anybody (that i know of) its just this fear of being in an embarassing situation and having people stare at me or make me feel uncomfortable that's i think of sometimes that makes me not want to be around people or social situations at times.
How old are you?


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
I think more black people are going to have issues like this as we become more assimilated into this white world. It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Being the only (or one of the few) black person in a predominantly white area where you can't relate to anyone is the perfect environment for isolation. Its that isolation that probably leads to all these other issues. You become isolated to the point where you feel comfortable being isolated. To the point where you ONLY feel comfortable being isolated which leads to you not even having the ability to connect with others. Its like a vicious cycle that feeds itself at that point.
hmmmm....the only people you need to connect with is your immediate family. Why would you even want to be around white people? It should be just you and your girlfriend, plus whatever kids you have. That should be your world.Others outside of it shouldn't be of any concern.
It's more than that. Ive actually had moments where i had panic attacks in certain situations.
Like i make these threads cause at best the majority of this forum doesnt seem to have any grasp of mental illness and how crippling it can be.

I suffer from clinical depression and anxiety. I have to take daily medication for itself . It's not that easy.
what state or city you live?
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Innocent Bystander
Jul 20, 2015
hmmmm.... The only people you need to connect with is your immediate family. It should be just you and your girlfriend, plus whatever kids you have. That should be your world.Others outside of it shouldn't be of any concern.

At some point, you have to have friends. Not the fake 200+ friends and followers people have on social media. I'm speaking about genuine friends who make a positive impact in your life, who won't sell you out, and who have your best interest at heart.

Sure, your immediate family is nice, but what if you're a single child living in Idaho of all places. Its just you, your mom and your dad. There are some things that you just can't speak to your parents or ask for advice about. Some of the dating rules that were applicable to your parents generation simply don't apply in these times.

Also, I don't know many women that would be into a guy with no friends. Most would be highly suspicious of that guy so I doubt that a girlfriend would be in the picture.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
At some point, you have to have friends. Not the fake 200+ friends and followers people have on social media. I'm speaking about genuine friends who make a positive impact in your life, who won't sell you out, and who have your best interest at heart.

Sure, your immediate family is nice, but what if you're a single child living in Idaho of all places. Its just you, your mom and your dad. There are some things that you just can't speak to your parents or ask for advice about. Some of the dating rules that were applicable to your parents generation simply don't apply in these times.

Also, I don't know many women that would be into a guy with no friends. Most would be highly suspicious of that guy so I doubt that a girlfriend would be in the picture.
That's all fine and dandy, however,when the OP is giving the impression that he needs acceptance or approval from other people just to walk around in public it sounds strange. First focus on being around your family then get an outside circle of friends that you can make but make sure it's a small circle.

Social anxiety can be normal however after you become older hanging around different people will become not a problem if you are comfortable in your own skin. It's one thing to have a social anxiety, then it's another thing to just not feel comfortable with who you are and then projecting that into the minds of other people as if you should care what they think of you. Especially white people. Since when would you care what they think?of course, they have a negative opinion of you.

MF budz

All Star
May 26, 2015
Yup depression and anxiety for 6 years. Was prescribed Xanax and Zoloft. Didn't like it. I personally am a natural person and wanted to control it myself. Some days are better then others. Just find hobbies , work out, do random activities just because ,almost like exposure therapy. Dinner, festival, or some shyt and it's all in your head. You have to get a positive thinkin habit going which is harder than it sounds. But remember everyone deals with shyt, don't get down on your self for it like your crazy or not normal.

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
I don't have social anxiety, but I do have an anxiety disorder caused by trauma. It's hard for me to deal with stressful situations without panicking and feeling suffocated. It's also a control thing. The fact that you can't control your surroundings and you're around people that you're not comfortable with, makes you anxious. Sometimes normalization helps, the more normal it is that you make it feel and you don't let the situation have power over you, the less anxious you feel. That's how I felt about flights especially, every time we'd take off I'd close the window and put my hands over my eyes and cry. Now with the support of my mother, brother, and other loved ones I'm better able to deal. So support systems are definitely important too.


Oct 11, 2012
OP you may want to check on your meds also. I started taking an antidepressant and the minor, very controllable anxiety became major anxiety. Fortunately mine went away after a few weeks but it could be a side effect worth looking into.