The most street respected city in California after LA is....


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I'm a big Mozzy fan. he a rapper if u don't know. I just always pictured Sac as being a broke ass bumblefukk city. there is no draw there. Gangbanging I don't know much about; but street activity is usually measured in currency....or at least once was :hubie:
People who would know, could tell you about Sacramentans running it up. Alot of cats who wouldn't have the experience to even speak on this shyt in here saying "no it isn't Sac" 😂 plenty of Oakland street cats would tell you about Sacramento cats running it up, if they've ever left Oakland...

Gotta emphasize "street cats", alota these nikkas from California not and never were heavily involved in the streets to speak on anything other than what someone else told them or showed them...
Probably has to do with Gang Culture. LA Gang culture has permeated Sacramento and other parts of Northern California but not so much Oakland and the Bay. The Bay has gangs but blood and crips don't run the culture like they do in other parts of the state.
This is a misconception like a muhfukka...

Crips didn't get to Sacramento until 1979. First of all, nikkas were gangbanging in Sacramento before that, before 1979. "Gangs" in Sacramento didn't start when Crips came...

The adoption of Crips and Bloods in Sacramento wasn't no "get down or lay down" shyt either, so two points on this. The OG Crips and Bloods from LA relocated to Sac and just brought that culture with them, and had family in the neighborhoods they landed in anyway, so thru family and friend ties people in those turfs just picked up the B and C...

Point two, the only "get down or lay down" shyt I personally ever heard of, and this isn't something you can find on Google so I'm obviously someone who was involved who can tell you this; the Broadways from LA were in Sac in the late 80s to early 90s and influenced a lot of Northside Crippin. But they came up selling dope, not pushing gang propaganda, it just happened they were gangbangers. There were already Crips in North Sacramento when Wayz came. But the cats who were fukking with Wayz were influenced by they motion, and because it was over money, and the fact there was already Bloods in North Sac too, there was a war, and North Area Bloods packed em up...

I don't know of another "get down or lay down" instance of LA nikkas in Sac, plenty of Sac natives (like myself) have LA ties, we fukk with LA. Just like plenty Sacramentans have Bay ties, we fukk with them too. The funny thing is, cats from O and SF have been known to beat they chest, like, "LA nikkas came with that Crip and Blood shyt and we packed em up", and Bay fans cheerlead that shyt, while there's an instance if this happening in Sacramento that cats don't know of, that doesn't fit into the image of Sacramento nikkas have 😂...

Final point on this misconception, I agree Bloods and Crips don't define Bay street culture, but there's Bloods and Crips all over The Bay, from Fairfield to San Jose. San Francisco has active Blood and Crip turfs right now as we speak, and while Oakland may not, I've always been told there was a time there were black hoods in the O that did...

Lastly, because there were gangs in Sac pre-Crips, and because Sac Damus and Locs are Sac gangs, the only "LA Gang influence" is just the C or b umbrella........that is also in San Diego, and Bakers, and Riverside, etc. Every single Crip and Blood set in Sacramento is a Sacramento gang, and outside the OG B/C hoods, Sacramento dudes and Sacramento gangs thugged out most the other hoods---->not LA people...
I was thinking Sacramento before opening the thread, chopped it up with a couple of journalists from the Sacramento Bee a few years ago:yeshrug:
People who would know, do know!


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
2nd most respected city after LA is Oakland hands down. "The Town", the Bay Bridge, East O, West O, home of the Raiders, Lake Merritt, home of the Black Panthers, mackin, pimpin', Short, Pac, Digital, Hammer, Heiro, EnVouge, Tower of Power, E40 and The Click, The Warriors, etc. come on now. I'm a Fresno native but The O was always stronghold mecca for all things black folks and California in general.

No we're talking influence, culture, and history. I know Oakland has its shortcomings and Sac more than likely is the better option housing wise and is on the rise as a city. I'm not debating that at all, but we can't erase history and a long standing influence on the state and the rest of America. I'm from the Central Valley and a life long Californian, we loved Oakland and the Bay growing up. That's no slight on Sac. The thread title says "The 2nd most street respected city in the state" anyways

I like Murk, but he's in North Carolina. So what are we talking about here, somebody enlighten me. Are we talk about the streets, culture, influence, new developments, housing, which city has the brighter future... What? If it's the streets then the whole Central Valley is hot. Fresno, Stockton, Sac all whil'n out right now. Fresno & Stockton are grimier than Sac if we want to keep it a buck
I'm in Sacramento right now until Friday, and have been fortunate enough to spend alot of time back here since October. I spent 5½ years away without a visit until then, and being back here has reinforced just how much I love this city. Hardly home but I've always repped it...

I live in North Carolina but I'm from The Culture, and furthermore with a legit and verifiable street background in general. I'm as qualified as anyone to have this conversation...

Sac has a long way to go to match Oakland's historical weight, no lying there. I would definitely say Sac is more culturally relevant to us today. The biggest present day rapper from either city is from Sac (Mozzy). The more notable rap scene of the two in present day is in Sacramento. The biggest female rapper from anywhere in California right now is from Sacramento (Saweetie). The biggest R&B entertainer from California right now is from Sacramento (Victoria Monet)....

It's not close to Oakland's historical music weight yet but our punch is harder than Oakland's at present, not debatable...

People who do know, know black people are fleeing Oakland for years now, but black people are moving to Sacramento. People who don't know, shouldn't speak on it. Sac is within its black golden era right now, Oakland's golden era ended a long time ago...

I'd bet you a dollar to a dime that young black Californians, let's say those born post-2000, have a more favorable connection of Sacramento than Oakland. It's 2024. Young black Californians didn't grow up in the same period of what Oakland was to us, bro. We gotta remember that. That Oakland we knew about growing up largely doesn't even exist anymore!

Everything you named about Oakland is mostly antiquated and historical. You're a lifelong Californian and most lifelong Californians don't have the knowledge if what non-Californians think.....because you've never left California. Oakland doesn't have a favorable presence today...

One of the reasons Sac is a better place for black people is because, yes, Oakland, Stockton, Fresno, these places are grimier than Sac. Sac is nicer, it's easier for us to move up and live a variety of lifestyles in Sac as compared to the other cities. Crime rate not being as high, Sac not being as violent, is a PLUS in Sac's favor, not a drawback. It's easy to avoid bullshyt in Sac because violence and crime is more isolated you kinda gotta seek it out in Sac...

Sac is a hustler's city more than a carjacking and rob and kill zone, that's Oakland and its not really a plus for Oakland because more of us are impoverished and living in danger in Oakland than we are in Sac. You can't spin that as a W for Oakland...

Sacramento County is about to pass Alameda County in population in the next three years. Sacramento already has a larger population and an economic infrastructure thats booming independent of being a bridge away from one of the world's most esteemed cities. Anyone black saying Oakland over Sac today is either not black or just doesn't know enough about either city in the modern day, period...
i don't get all this street talk anyways because Oakland-Richmond still have higher murder rates than Stockton/Fresno/Sac and all of these central Valley cities that stay getting named. and this is while Oakland -Rich are at it's lowest point in crime while these central valley cities crimes are rising. I don't find having higher car jacking rate, rape rate, having crips and bloods to be more on some street shyt.


Speak like a child
Apr 30, 2012
Bay Area/Chicago
I didn't call Sacramento, The Bay...

Median Household income is $80,254, per capita is $40,502. Average Household size in Sacramento is 2.6 persons. The mhi of black homes in Sac is $60,338----->way more than it is in Oakland or San Fran...

There's no question that Sacramento has been the best place for black people in Northern California for probably at minimum going back post-Recession (2007-08), and if cats want to expand the conversation I'm more than okay with it and can provide hard data + strong anecdotal evidence to support this...

Sacramento is most likely the best city to be black in California outside of LA, period...

No, because my premise is based upon the tentacles (read this as "reach") of street influence from a place that isn't local. We have some Californians in here saying it isn't Sac who, respectfully, don't have the credibility to even speak towards this topic so they should sit this one out...

Oakland's reach isn't what it was and honestly it was never that large. Oakland's general cultural influence was always greater if nikkas wanna say that, but that is why I'm clarifying the intent of the thread because that isn't what it was about...

I met exactly three nikkas on the road in all my travels from Oakland who had some motion on the East Coast. nikkas can go thru my post history and see some of this shyt I've touched on before, this isn't new, I'm just making a specific thread as being back home has underscored some shyt I've always known. I've spoken about, shortly after I came home from prison in NC in 2009, I came back home (2010) and had a homie from West O who linked me in with pills I was dropping back off to NC. I've also said that I knew an NC nikka, circa 2015 to '16, who was directly plugged in with someone really close to Phil, I've mentioned these before...

So nobody should read this as me saying Oakland cats not hustlers or have any reputation connecting cats. I'm clear, obviously I know there's been MANY people I've never known who have been touching shyt in different places. But I'm well traveled and was firsthand involved, so I knew plenty of other people who were involved and when you living that way for the length of time I was, you have a thousand conversations, people talk...

Oakland has no real gang influence anywhere outside East Bay towns. They turned out exactly one hood in Sacramento (G Parkway), but even then that neighborhood had a reputation years before Oakland cats came in the 2000s. I've never heard nowhere outside California jocking Oakland gangs, but there's nikkas around Atlanta somewhere claiming a Sacramento gang..

So Oakland has minimal gangbanging influence, and there's way more nikkas historically from Sacramento getting money elsewhere. And again, respectfully, nikkas who have never been road runners should sit this conversation out. I know there's been "Bay" nikkas around Atlanta, Atlanta is friendly and there's been nikkas from everywhere getting money out there for generations. I know there's "Bay" nikkas who've gotten it in Nevada, nikkas from all over California been running it up in Nevada for generations...

So this isn't saying ain't no bag getters in Oakland or the Bay, but I am saying that the notion of Bay cats being more money oriented than other Californians isn't supported by real life movements, or, at the very least, is antiquated and outdated and hasn't applied to the recent past or present. Also, cats say "The Bay"which vaguely refers to seven counties and isn't Oakland specific, whereas nikkas can tell you Sacramento is where they tapped in at, or Los Angeles is where they tapped in at, without adding a grip of surrounding counties obscurely...

I'm proud of a ton of shyt about Sacramento and have spoken on that many, many times. People know my post history, this thread just happens to be about the streets. Yes there is a source of pride in the criminal element because that was who I was for a long time but it isn't even close to being a main thing I'm proud of about Sacramento...

Oakland has more of a historical resonance. Not more of a modern one. So I guess it would be a tie at minimum, I wouldn't disagree with that...
So you are proud of being a bum ass criminal? You swell with pride when you think about your criminal endeavors that most definitely negatively impacted communities negatively? You look fondly to doing shyt that had a destructive impact on people and your surroundings?

People like you need to be shunned, fukking disgusting ass shyt.


Waldo Geraldo Faldo

May 28, 2012
The Cloud
Sacramento. I've felt it for years and I've seen more than enough...

People know The Bay for its music and hip hop culture but the average street cat who has had dealings with Californians, if they weren't from Los Angeles, I've met more Sacramentans in traffic plugging people in across the country than any singular Bay city ever. I've met more Sacramentans who took this show on the road and ran it up than people from any city in Cali...

Cats know San Diego for it's weather and overall culture but they not hitting the road historically the way Sac brothers were....

One thing I've always said about New Yorkers is they turned alota places out east out, from trafficking. Dudes would hit other cities and run it up. It's funny when cats used to believe Cali brothers weren't boyt paper or that Bay brothers were more about money...

Most street cats I met that affiliated with California had more interaction with Sacramento than anywhere else if it wasn't LA...
Breh, I know you like to write but this ain’t it, most respected city for drug trafficking and street shyt.:stopitslime:

We got to stop perpetuating this shyt breh.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
So you are proud of being a bum ass criminal? You swell with pride when you think about your criminal endeavors that most definitely negatively impacted communities negatively? You look fondly to doing shyt that had a destructive impact on people and your surroundings?

People like you need to be shunned, fukking disgusting ass shyt.

I'm not a criminal. I was though, for a long time, and maybe you can't relate to the fact that some things never leave you. That's okay...
Breh, I know you like to write but this ain’t it, most respected city for drug trafficking and street shyt.:stopitslime:

We got to stop perpetuating this shyt breh.
For people who are into criminal culture, is what this applied to. And plenty of people are into criminal culture, with the amount of criminal media out there. Come on bruh. If you're not into it, cool...

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
I'm in Sacramento right now until Friday, and have been fortunate enough to spend alot of time back here since October. I spent 5½ years away without a visit until then, and being back here has reinforced just how much I love this city. Hardly home but I've always repped it...

I live in North Carolina but I'm from The Culture, and furthermore with a legit and verifiable street background in general. I'm as qualified as anyone to have this conversation...

Sac has a long way to go to match Oakland's historical weight, no lying there. I would definitely say Sac is more culturally relevant to us today. The biggest present day rapper from either city is from Sac (Mozzy). The more notable rap scene of the two in present day is in Sacramento. The biggest female rapper from anywhere in California right now is from Sacramento (Saweetie). The biggest R&B entertainer from California right now is from Sacramento (Victoria Monet)....

It's not close to Oakland's historical music weight yet but our punch is harder than Oakland's at present, not debatable...

People who do know, know black people are fleeing Oakland for years now, but black people are moving to Sacramento. People who don't know, shouldn't speak on it. Sac is within its black golden era right now, Oakland's golden era ended a long time ago...

I'd bet you a dollar to a dime that young black Californians, let's say those born post-2000, have a more favorable connection of Sacramento than Oakland. It's 2024. Young black Californians didn't grow up in the same period of what Oakland was to us, bro. We gotta remember that. That Oakland we knew about growing up largely doesn't even exist anymore!

Everything you named about Oakland is mostly antiquated and historical. You're a lifelong Californian and most lifelong Californians don't have the knowledge if what non-Californians think.....because you've never left California. Oakland doesn't have a favorable presence today...

One of the reasons Sac is a better place for black people is because, yes, Oakland, Stockton, Fresno, these places are grimier than Sac. Sac is nicer, it's easier for us to move up and live a variety of lifestyles in Sac as compared to the other cities. Crime rate not being as high, Sac not being as violent, is a PLUS in Sac's favor, not a drawback. It's easy to avoid bullshyt in Sac because violence and crime is more isolated you kinda gotta seek it out in Sac...

Sac is a hustler's city more than a carjacking and rob and kill zone, that's Oakland and its not really a plus for Oakland because more of us are impoverished and living in danger in Oakland than we are in Sac. You can't spin that as a W for Oakland...

Sacramento County is about to pass Alameda County in population in the next three years. Sacramento already has a larger population and an economic infrastructure thats booming independent of being a bridge away from one of the world's most esteemed cities. Anyone black saying Oakland over Sac today is either not black or just doesn't know enough about either city in the modern day, period...
I already addressed that Sac, present day, has more upside than Oakland. But you're jumping from culture, to legacy, to street sh*t, to who has the brighter future economically, then back to street shyt. Which one is it? Yes I'm Cali born and raised and know the Central Valley like the back of my hand. And I've been all over the US.. south east to midwest. Parts of Europe and South America as well. I'm in Mississippi, ATL, and Houston over the next week and a half. We know plenty outside of California breh. You said "who was respected outside of LA". and we answered that. Sac is definitely on the come up no doubt about it but its not respected in within the state like that. And you can call it whatever.. ignorance, non travelers, close minded... or whatever. It is what it is. Everybody is bangin', shootin' they guns, and whil'n from north to south but that doesn't jump longtime hierarches out here. And if you talkin' street sh*t you haven't even brought up the Mexican equation in all of this as the south bangs Sur 13 and the north bangs Norte 14, Bulldogs, etc. They definitely aren't going to put Sac ahead of Fresno, Merced, etc.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I already addressed that Sac, present day, has more upside than Oakland. But you're jumping from culture, to legacy, to street sh*t, to who has the brighter future economically, then back to street shyt. Which one is it? Yes I'm Cali born and raised and know the Central Valley like the back of my hand. And I've been all over the US.. south east to midwest. Parts of Europe and South America as well. I'm in Mississippi, ATL, and Houston over the next week and a half. We know plenty outside of California breh. You said "who was respected outside of LA". and we answered that. Sac is definitely on the come up no doubt about it but its not respected in within the state like that. And you can call it whatever.. ignorance, non travelers, close minded... or whatever. It is what it is. Everybody is bangin', shootin' they guns, and whil'n from north to south but that doesn't jump longtime hierarches out here. And if you talkin' street sh*t you haven't even brought up the Mexican equation in all of this as the south bangs Sur 13 and the north bangs Norte 14, Bulldogs, etc. They definitely aren't going to put Sac ahead of Fresno, Merced, etc.
YOU jumped into talking all this other stuff in the equation, not me 🤣 I clearly said in my initial post what I was discussing, then furthered it later, but your first two responses in this thread broadened the topic...

So since you introduced it I'm cool with engaging on it. If we're talking about the streets what leg do you have to stand on here, is anything you say first person? Because mine is, and that's where my position is born of, I walked in it...

To clarify, when I say you've never left California I'm saying you've never lived outside of California. Not that you've never visited other places. Experiencing a place as a visitor and a resident are two different things, ice described this firsthand on my experiences with Virginia Beach. I'd been a couple times prior to moving there, same with Raleigh where I'm at now, and the residential experience just isn't the same as being a tourist...

You may not respect Sacramento like that but again I'd ask where are you drawing any perspective about the streets from. If we're giving a broad topic to Sacramento and Oakland in general, fair, you can have whatever opinion but I doubt you know Sacramento like the back of your hand...

Some of the most respected Norte hoods are in Sac but to be for real, I don't care about their politics or what they think, I'm not Mexican. They don't run no programs for Black people on the street, at least not in Sacramento, and definitely have no influence on what I do. Black people in the streets, it's Oakland historically, Sacramento today, but to take it back to my central point before you diverged: more Sacramentans on the road getting dough and linking than people from Oakland or The Bay, and that's not just a today thing. I stopped trafficking in 2017...

"The Bay" is an umbrella term that got this reputation as hustlers because they demo different from LA, they don't even really have the hustling history LA has------>but I think it's more than arguable that Sac has, at least for a long time, always been a city more known for nikkas running it up, than Oakland or any other Bay city, for nikkas across the country actually tapped in with large scale dealing to Californians. I'm not speaking for a bunch of regular people who never walked that lifestyle and get their perception of "what is street" from rappers and pop culture, I'm talking about people who lived it and the ratio of Californians they experienced it with. It's Los Angeles first, Sacramento second...

Never heard anyone who was ever living it underplay Sacramento street credibility, ever. Californians try this shyt yall have said in this thread 🤣 "Sac not grimy", "other places killing more", "The Bay The Bay The Bay". Californians and non-Californians who would know, do know, and don't undersell Sacramento...

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
YOU jumped into talking all this other stuff in the equation, not me 🤣 I clearly said in my initial post what I was discussing, then furthered it later, but your first two responses in this thread broadened the topic...

So since you introduced it I'm cool with engaging on it. If we're talking about the streets what leg do you have to stand on here, is anything you say first person? Because mine is, and that's where my position is born of, I walked in it...

To clarify, when I say you've never left California I'm saying you've never lived outside of California. Not that you've never visited other places. Experiencing a place as a visitor and a resident are two different things, ice described this firsthand on my experiences with Virginia Beach. I'd been a couple times prior to moving there, same with Raleigh where I'm at now, and the residential experience just isn't the same as being a tourist...

You may not respect Sacramento like that but again I'd ask where are you drawing any perspective about the streets from. If we're giving a broad topic to Sacramento and Oakland in general, fair, you can have whatever opinion but I doubt you know Sacramento like the back of your hand...

Some of the most respected Norte hoods are in Sac but to be for real, I don't care about their politics or what they think, I'm not Mexican. They don't run no programs for Black people on the street, at least not in Sacramento, and definitely have no influence on what I do. Black people in the streets, it's Oakland historically, Sacramento today, but to take it back to my central point before you diverged: more Sacramentans on the road getting dough and linking than people from Oakland or The Bay, and that's not just a today thing. I stopped trafficking in 2017...

"The Bay" is an umbrella term that got this reputation as hustlers because they demo different from LA, they don't even really have the hustling history LA has------>but I think it's more than arguable that Sac has, at least for a long time, always been a city more known for nikkas running it up, than Oakland or any other Bay city, for nikkas across the country actually tapped in with large scale dealing to Californians. I'm not speaking for a bunch of regular people who never walked that lifestyle and get their perception of "what is street" from rappers and pop culture, I'm talking about people who lived it and the ratio of Californians they experienced it with. It's Los Angeles first, Sacramento second...

Never heard anyone who was ever living it underplay Sacramento street credibility, ever. Californians try this shyt yall have said in this thread 🤣 "Sac not grimy", "other places killing more", "The Bay The Bay The Bay". Californians and non-Californians who would know, do know, and don't undersell Sacramento...
I haven't lived in other states like that but at the same time I'm not starting threads on other peoples states either. Obviously you wanted to talk about Sac and wave its flag so wouldn't it have been 10x easier to just start another Sac thread instead of masking it under a question? And now you're moving goalposts to say that "those who are in it" don't downplay Sac. That's fine and dandy but I thought we were talking general status quo not insider knowledge for those in the trenches. But I digress, you want to scream out Sac's got next and/or its thorough asf, you're more than likely right. Reps and natives from every city in California do the same thing for their respective towns. More power to Sac, I know its on the up an up but you asked the question and the majority had a different answer. It is what it is

Bruce LeRoy

All Star
May 26, 2012
I know it's probably been said numerous times in here already but I feel like this solidifies the point.



Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I haven't lived in other states like that but at the same time I'm not starting threads on other peoples states either. Obviously you wanted to talk about Sac and wave its flag so wouldn't it have been 10x easier to just start another Sac thread instead of masking it under a question? And now you're moving goalposts to say that "those who are in it" don't downplay Sac. That's fine and dandy but I thought we were talking general status quo not insider knowledge for those in the trenches. But I digress, you want to scream out Sac's got next and/or its thorough asf, you're more than likely right. Reps and natives from every city in California do the same thing for their respective towns. More power to Sac, I know its on the up an up but you asked the question and the majority had a different answer. It is what it is
I never asked a question, I made a statement. This thread wasn't about Sac having next. You read the thread wrong from jump, misunderstood what I clarified from the very first post. It's all good, bruh...