TNA had a :scust: 2015

Sep 11, 2014
The amount of people who quit...this is just off the top :damn:

- Bully Ray
- Devon
- Kenny King
- Low-Ki
- Homicide
- Samoa Joe
- Taryn Terrell
- Amazing Kong
- Gunner
- Magnus
- Mickie James
- Austin Aries
- Tazz

Josh Matthews takes over commentary for Mike Tenay
TNA couldn't have gotten off to a much worse start than this. On the very first Impact of 2015, Josh Matthews became TNA's lead commentator. Josh was always awful in WWE and he's only gotten worse. Josh can never decide if he's a "face" or a "heel." He'll root for the "good guys" all night but then suck up to EC3 during each and every one of his segments and matches. If it wasn't for The Pope on color commentary, I'd mute the TV during matches. Josh is that bad.

The BDC Quits

MLK (MVP, Lashley, Kenny King) was the best part of TNA for the entire time they were together and when Lashley was kicked out of the group, they added Samoa Joe, Low-Ki, and Homicide, and became the Beat Down Clan. They remained the best part of every episode of Impact, and it looked like they were going to get even better with Hernandez joining the group. Turns out Hernandez is still under contract with Lucha Underground, who threatened to sue TNA so TNA had no choice but to let Hernandez go.

It wouldn't be that big of a deal if it was most companies, but TNA films months worth of TV in only a few days, and they had already shot all of the BDC's storylines with Hernandez. That meant that none of the BDC would be on TV for the next few months. This led to the entire BDC quitting all at once, Samoa Joe even going to WWE. This all happened only weeks after the BDC had beaten another faction, The Rising, in a losing stable must disband match.

Velvet "fired"
This is probably the stupidest storyline of all time. Velvet Sky grabs a feast or fired briefcase for Robbie E. Robbie's about to open it but he freaks out that he might get fired and tells Velvet to open it since she's the one who grabbed it. Now she wasn't in the match and if the briefcase had said World/Tag/X-Division title shot you think Velvet would of gotten it? Definitely not. Instead of saying "no I wasn't in the match" Velvet opens it and it says fired. Josh and Tazz just say "well I guess she's fired, what a shame" and Velvet sits at home for four months.

Finally she comes back and after a month of build she faces Angelina Love since Angelina didn't care when Velvet got fired. It takes place on the impact before the PPV and is one of the best women's matches in years. Velvet & Angelina do nothing for awhile until randomly...

Beautiful People reform after being enemies a month earlier
The Beautiful People reform to take on The Dollhouse. I get why they wanted to do this feud but this was never going to work out. Angelina was pregnant and Taryn was injured and had quit TNA before the feud even started. The three members of the Beautiful People had been feuding with each other last time they were on tv and suddenly they just decided they were friends again with no explanation in typical TNA fashion.

This feud is also built up for a month until the match finally happens one week before the PPV. What does TNA have against having women's feuds end on PPV? It's a decent match but it ends with one of the dollhouse spraying something in Madison's face and rolling her up for the win. Since the heels won by cheating, obviously the feud should continue but instead, the World Title Series begins and Velvet, Angelina, and The Dollhouse still haven't been seen even once three months later.

Hardyz win tournament, Jeff injured
I don't remember exactly why but The Wolves had to vacate the Tag Titles so TNA had a Tag Title Tournament that took place for about a month. The Hardy Boyz win and its their first time as TNA champs so its supposed to be a big deal but before they can even defend the belts Jeff gets injured. The Hardyz have to vacate the belts. I'm pretty sure the Wolves got them back so this was a complete waste of time.

That was early 2015 and Jeff still hasn't returned, so TNA went most of the year without their biggest star. He came back for a month but only as EC3's assistant to build up to the EC3/Matt Hardy match.

Angle injured

Just like Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle has been injured for several months. Injuries happen but a company like TNA absolutely cannot afford to have Kurt and Jeff injured at the same time. Even worse, Kurt is definitely leaving TNA at the start of 2016, with Jeff probably leaving as well. He's probably wrestled his last match for the company/possibly ever, and it was just a random match.

Lashley did nothing
What did Bobby Lashley do this year? Mostly nothing. How can I look back on 2015 and not remember anything Lashley did except for losing to EC3?

Eric Young vs Chris Melendez
It seemed like this match happened every week for a while with EY always winning. Eventually he challenged Sgt Melendez again this time with his prosthetic leg on the line. Eric wins the match and the leg and walks around with it for weeks. Chris Melendez finally beats EY on a random Impact and takes back his leg to end the feud. I didn't mind this as it brought some much needed fukkery, but I think TNA thought this feud would help "The Sarge" but it didn't make Chris look good going 1-30 or so against EY.

Matt Hardy ends EC3's undefeated streak

EC3 had been undefeated for over a year and had beaten almost everyone on the roster. Who could end his streak? I thought it would be Jeff Hardy as he was the only star EC3 hadn't beat yet. Instead it was Matt Hardy, who EC3 had just beat multiple times in the last few weeks. If you want Matt to beat EC3 thats fine but why have him lose to EC3 just a few weeks before the PPV? Why not save it for a first time ever match if your gonna end the streak. Why even end the streak just for the guy who beat EC3 to have to vacate the title immediately afterward? shyt was so pointless and led to the worst three months in TNA history.

Three months of nothing but a world title tournament with no storylines. Not in the tournament? Not on TV
After Bound For Glory all previous storylines were ignored and thrown out for an unprecedented idea, a 3 month long tournament that takes up the entire show every week. Meaning if you aren't in the tournament you aren't on TV for months. TNA hasn't had a single storyline in three months. Even WWE who have been coasting for years, and ROH who focus more on the wrestling than stories, both have more storylines going right now than TNA. It is literally just match, check the scoreboard to see where the wrestlers stand in the tournament, match, scoreboard, match, over and over for three months.

Now its finally coming to an end and whats the semi-finals? Matt Hardy vs Eric Young, and Bobby Lashley vs EC3. There are only two possibilities here, Matt Hardy vs Bobby Lashley and Matt Hardy vs EC3. It should be Matt vs Lashley as that match has never happened before (according to TNA don't quote me :whoa:) but it will almost definitely be Matt vs EC3. The rematch that should have happened anyway since World Champions are supposed to get rematches when they lose the belt. If it is Matt vs EC3 then the entire last three months have been wasted completely. Which sums up 2015 TNA, a waste of time and a waste of talent.


Apr 16, 2013
TNA in 2016 with their current roster is definitely going to be a challenge. No Kurt Angle, no Hardy Boyz, almost all of the TNA Originals are gone. :patrice:


Apr 16, 2013
Worse. She discovered God.

She's still going to wear the same ring gear right? :mjcry:

Edit: It seems unlikely.

Taryn Terrell Talks Her Faith, Being Conflicted With Sexy Storylines And Revealing Clothing, TNA -

Is that [not wanting to dress provocative or sexy anymore] conflicting though with your career as a TNA wrestler? Do you think at some point you might have to walk away from that job in order to stay on the path that you're choosing right now?

Absolutely. I think that I have played, and recently, I have played an even more sexy character than I was used to playing, and it's something that I prayed on and I know that's not who I want to portray anymore. I know that's not who I am and it's not who I want to portray, and how can I connect with people, and sort of live that double standard. And yes, if I cannot find a way to use God and be godly in the things that I do then yes, it is time to walk away.



May 4, 2012
TNA in 2016 with their current roster is definitely going to be a challenge. No Kurt Angle, no Hardy Boyz, almost all of the TNA Originals are gone. :patrice:

its not the fact they lost those guys, its the talent they got to replace them. fukkin Matt Hardy as a main eventer?! Bringing back Jeff Jarrett and letting his bum ass book the show?:scust: