What Do You Choose? Loneliness/Solitude Or A Woman With A Bad Energy/Questionable Past?


Dec 20, 2015
ESLBC/21st & Locust
I'm 40 and I've really been on my purpose. Stacking paper and trying to stay on top of my fitness. Had pretty much given up on dating.

Then my brother suggested that I join BLK. It's a dating app that's pretty afrocentric in nature. Has some nice professionals on there and they be choosing. You actually get messages from REAL profiles, unlike POF which is full of fake profiles, bots, and BackPage rejects :francis:

I usually date my age group. Between like 37-43. And I'm noticing from my time on this site. These chicks have issues :picard:

Nasty attitudes, bitter, trust issues developed from failed relationship after failed relationship, no sense of humor, materialistic and shallow as fukk, narcissistic, ghosting for no fukking reason, fukked up energy, etc. I thought this type of behavior was reserved for younger women. I thought older women would be more mellowed out and accommodating :hhh:

Now. They ARE DTF, it seems. They be trying to meet up QUICK:wow:

But, at this age, it takes more than a woman's physical to keep my interest. I actually have to enjoy your company and not mind being around you for extended periods. And I can't seem to find a woman I can stand. I be fed up and just over them quick. My patience has waned with women's bullshyt as I get older. They literally all feel the same. And I just lose interest. It takes more than p*ssy to keep me around these days. And it seems like all the virtuous, good women are taken or nonexistent in these modern dating times. I don't know brehs. This may be the end of the line for me. shyt looking hella bleak out here:mjcry:
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Take from the b*tch, give to the whores.
Nov 11, 2017
Breh... I know you don't want to but you'll have to start dating women in their early to mid 20s before they become damaged and jaded.

I tend to date older women because the younger ones are just annoying and immature for the most part. One thing they do have over the older women is potential. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

A scarred women is scarred for life. No amount of rehabilitation is going to make her less jaded. Trust me I've been there. Older women won't BS you when it comes to fukking because they know they can't use that as bargaining at their age. No breh is gonna wait for reheated left overs when there is fresh meat being prepared in the market.

The problem is, the ones who are still single didn't work on their personality. They were either too career focused or were holding out for Mr Perfect and are now mad their window of opportunity is gone.

I got out of a long term relationship last year and man I feel emancipated. Waking up and only having to worry about your own happiness is liberating. Sure I want a family one day but I know as a man that time is on my side. I've met a lot of professional brehs who didn't start a family until their 40s. Most of them wife'd women in their 20s and they couldn't be happier.

I'd say start looking more so at women in their 20s.
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Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
I'm 40 and I've really been on my purpose. Stacking paper and trying to stay on top of my fitness. Had pretty much given up on dating.

Then my brother suggested that I join BLK. It's a dating app that's pretty afrocentric in nature. Has some nice professionals on there and they be choosing. You actually get messages from REAL profiles, unlike POF which is full of fake profiles, bots, and BackPage rejects :francis:

I usually date my age group. Between like 37-43. And I'm noticing from my time on this site. These chicks have issues :picard:

Nasty attitudes, bitter, trust issues developed from failed relationship after failed relationship, no sense of humor, materialistic and shallow as fukk, narcissistic, ghosting for no fukking reason, fukked up energy, etc. I thought this type of behavior was reserved for younger women. I thought older women would be more mellowed out and accommodating :hhh:

Now. They ARE DTF, it seems. They be trying to meet up QUICK:wow:

But, at this age, it takes more than a woman's physical to keep my interest. I actually have to enjoy your company and not mind being around you for extended periods. And I can't seem to find a woman I can stand. I be fed up and just over them quick. My patience has waned with women's bullshyt as I get older. They literally all feel the same. And I just lose interest. It takes more than p*ssy to keep me around these days. And it seems like all the virtuous, good women are taken or nonexistent in these modern dating times. I don't know brehs. This may be the end of the line for me. shyt looking hella bleak out here:mjcry:
Tbh, I can tell you what to do but some might not like it...


Dec 2, 2015

Keep in mind that you have a lot of dudes on this site that are younger than you, so they may not understand how you feel. I got some years on you and experienced what you have experienced, so I know the feeling...

The thing is..

You have to be resilient! You never quit! As difficult as it is to find a woman who is solid, they are out there...

Perhaps, you may want to travel from time to time and relax, have fun and I am sure someone who captures your eye will come to you..

Other than that, yeah..It is a sad state of affairs the amount of people out there who haven't dealt with their issues. We all have issues, but some simply refuses to deal with their issues.

Keep focusing on your purpose and keep your head/chin up! You will be alright!!


1 other person

Nov 17, 2015
I dont know man. Every one is different. You're a little older than I am. I'm 35 but I feel like I'm in the same boat. I'm getting comfortable and embracing being by myself. In the past two years I've been doing a lot of traveling, just to do something different here and there.


Dec 20, 2015
ESLBC/21st & Locust
Breh... I know you don't want to but you'll have to start dating women in their early to mid 20s before they become damaged and jaded.

I tend to date older women because the younger ones are just annoying and immature for the most part. One thing they do have over the older women is potential. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

A scarred women is scarred for life. No amount of rehabilitation is going to make her less jaded. Trust me I've been there. Older women won't BS you when it comes to fukking because they know they can't use that as bargaining at their age.

The problem is, the ones who are still single didn't work on their personality. They were either too career focused or were holding out for Mr Perfect and are now mad their window of opportunity is gone.

I got out of a long term relationship last year and man I feel emancipated. Waking up and only having to worry about your own happiness is liberating. Sure I want a family one day but I know as a man that time is on my side. I've met a lot of professional brehs who didn't start a family until their 40s. Most of them wife'd women in their 20s and they couldn't be happier.

I'd say start looking more so at women in their 20s.
I may have to man. You spoke all facts in this post. Younger women annoy me. They lack depth, life experience, and perspective. I like women who are financially stable and are somewhat intellectually stimulating. But damn. When these chicks hit the wall, that bitterness is palpable :picard:

You can feel that shyt coming off of them like stank comes off of shyt. And, at that age, the juice ain't worth the squeeze, if you understand me. Like. I'm not gonna put up with your BS for some 40 year old, recycled p*ssy like I did when I wanted to fukk a bad ass 24 year old bytch. Like. The minute they show me ANY non cooperation, I just throw em in the bushes. Don't even try to work shyt out, hear their story, NOTHING. I just be DONE.


Dec 20, 2015
ESLBC/21st & Locust

Keep in mind that you have a lot of dudes on this site that are younger than you, so they may not understand how you feel. I got some years on you and experienced what you have experienced, so I know the feeling...

The thing is..

You have to be resilient! You never quit! As difficult as it is to find a woman who is solid, they are out there...

Perhaps, you may want to travel from time to time and relax, have fun and I am sure someone who captures your eye will come to you..

Other than that, yeah..It is a sad state of affairs the amount of people out there who haven't dealt with their issues. We all have issues, but some simply refuses to deal with their issues.

Keep focusing on your purpose and keep your head/chin up! You will be alright!!

Thanks breh. Good, solid ass advice. People really don't understand the struggles of dating as an older breh. Pickings get real slim out here man. I'm staying the course though...it's not like I can rewind the clock. Just gotta play my cards..