A movement lead by faqs (and women) was always a fail


May 1, 2012
Sounds like an absolute disaster and more Black death than we need.

Over the last 100 years in America, how effective have militias been in creating political change to their benefit?

They haven't been.

We aren't in the mountains of Colombia.

We've got local police departments with military grade guns, cannons, helicopters, armoured vehicles, robots, bombs etc etc etc

You think some legal civilian guns are about to do shyt?

Taking the violent approach is just asking for your black ass to die. But we can do this and live.

Money and Votes. Not Money and Violence.
This is why women can't lead. Women would rather live on their knees than die fighting to stand on their feet. You've also got it ass backwards. Peaceful protest has never really amounted to anything because begging the people who are oppressing you to stop out of the kindness of their hearts never works. I'm not saying that blacks should be out here just being randomly violent with the cops, but there has to be some kind of violent push back against sanctioned terrorism by law enforcement. If they're just going to give cops green lights and free passes to kill us in the streets then something is going to have to give. The panthers were certainly a threat to the status quo in the 60s which is why the government infiltrated the group and sabotaged it from within. That's why they're demonized by whites to this day and equated with the klan even tho it's the gutter set thing from the truth. The non violent peaceful integration advocates are the one's who sold us out. Integration was a con game.
Y'all nikkards are some real life dorks. I imagine the people who co signs these threads act and look like the main character from the movie dope.
Passive aggressive just like a female. No wonder you were offended.

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
This is why women can't lead. Women would rather live on their knees than die fighting to stand on their feet. You've also got it ass backwards. Peaceful protest has never really amounted to anything because begging the people who are oppressing you to stop out of the kindness of their hearts never works. I'm not saying that blacks should be out here just being randomly violent with the cops, but there has to be some kind of violent push back against sanctioned terrorism by law enforcement. If they're just going to give cops green lights and free passes to kill us in the streets then something is going to have to give. The panthers were certainly a threat to the status quo in the 60s which is why the government infiltrated the group and sabotaged it from within. That's why they're demonized by whites to this day and equated with the klan even tho it's the gutter set thing from the truth. The non violent peaceful integration advocates are the one's who sold us out.
Passive aggressive just like a female. No wonder you were offended.
:mjlol: tell that to the harriet tubman and the ida b wells


...And Dan was the Serpant
Dec 21, 2015
Gunns Rd
BLM is a failure. It has no concrete point to make, it has no real direction. There's no plans of action or calculation. All of the prominent people in the "movement" are self serving and want the notoriety of being known for yelling for change than having actual change occur.

But of course we're not supposed to question the "movement" and should blindly support it because blocking traffic and stores in malls and being annoying is supposedly "fighting for us" and I'm not allowed to call it the waste of time that it is.

Well, looks like I don't need to even post. Good job sir


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
:mjlol: tell that to the harriet tubman and the ida b wells

If you look at the groups with the most power: whites, jews, chinese....they don't rely upon women to lead.:ld:

Any power that their women have is basically given to them by their men. Like this feminist shyt nowadays...women have always felt this way, but you're hearing it all over the place nowadays because white men are co-signing it finally.

This transgender shyt is gaining strength because the president is acknowledging it and standing up for gay rights...because gays have money and stick together.

Black people need money and need to stick together....this making noise in the streets shyt isn't going to accomplish anything.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Dudes names is Luis white

It's not about "being like white men". It's about being like men, period.

I know what I see. Its a push to be like white men who are dominating and subjugating you (and all Black people) so you in turn seek to dominate and subjugate your women as some consolation prize. In general when I notice Black men like yourself be a lot more vocal and willing to take the lead in telling Black women what to do and criticizing than starting any movements or building on their own, I know what it is. I just think you all need to find better outlets to feeling masculine. Talking down on your allies isn't the way. And when I say allies I'm only speaking on Black women, not LGBT because that is separate and I'm not sure why we keep getting grouped.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Women are doing something which matters. In fact they are doing more than something because women of other communities have never really did as much as black women have done for their own communities.

The real issue is why arent more of us men doing something
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May 7, 2012
I think american men (white and black) are finally learning some hard lessons about letting women run wild. Our ancestors knew.

Its kind of like an "aha moment" when you realize all that "oppression" was basically saving women from themselves and by extension saving society.

"Stop objectifying me" = put on this hijab or long plain dress

"Street harassment" = don't go outside without a man

"Out of wedlock kids" = Let daddy pick out a suitor so you don't have b*stard babies by a loser, shame the family, and live a life of struggle

Etc... That's the masculine way of solving problems. Cut to the root and address the things you control.

A lot of men don't realize that a show of weakness is a position of power to women. Think about it, by appearing weak and vulnerable a woman can gain immense power over a man. In some cases she literally has the power of life and death (by convincing a third party white knight to do her dirty work). So of course they wanna hold hands, march and sing, and create "awareness". That's an effective strategy for them individually. Problem is you can't extrapolate that to the whole black community. Black men get no sympathy from anyone.

We really need our women to deflate their egos and step to the side but it probably won't happen. You can't put that cat back in the bag. Enjoy the decline ladies, because if white people don't accept you and black men manage to survive this persecution, when the next generation of leaders start analyzing the problem, the main solution will be to send y'all back to the kitchen with a vengeance.


All Star
Oct 9, 2013
This is why women can't lead. Women would rather live on their knees than die fighting to stand on their feet. You've also got it ass backwards. Peaceful protest has never really amounted to anything because begging the people who are oppressing you to stop out of the kindness of their hearts never works. I'm not saying that blacks should be out here just being randomly violent with the cops, but there has to be some kind of violent push back against sanctioned terrorism by law enforcement. If they're just going to give cops green lights and free passes to kill us in the streets then something is going to have to give. The panthers were certainly a threat to the status quo in the 60s which is why the government infiltrated the group and sabotaged it from within. That's why they're demonized by whites to this day and equated with the klan even tho it's the gutter set thing from the truth. The non violent peaceful integration advocates are the one's who sold us out. Integration was a con game.
Passive aggressive just like a female. No wonder you were offended.

You wrote all this and yet never did I state peaceful protests were the answer.


Before you denounce female leadership, be a man who can read, so that maybe you can be an effective leader instead.

I recommend collective economics and bloc voting, the pragmatic reality is that our communities need greater political and economic power. You recommend violence - which can only beget more violence - while black Americans do not have the numbers necessary, in people, or guns.

Even white Americans who form active militias in remote areas with ill funded police departments are picked off like flies, you think putting a group of urban-dwelling armed black men in ground would be a challenge???? They'd bomb your shyt, call you a terror cell, and keep it moving.

I think some of you have been socialized to believe might makes right - which is false, but even if it wasn't... you do not have the might.

Also, I'm not an integrationist - Group economics isn't an integrationist framework. Its end game is a greater degree of economic independence and self sufficiency. Neither is bloc voting, it participates in the system only and if our independent group expectations are met.

It's 2016. You live in an industrialized liberal democracy and probably in an urban center - your militia pipedreams ain't happening, Rambo.

you can't be this dumb.

I'm blocking you for being obsessive, contributing nothing meaningful or even interesting to discussions, and for being needlessly disrespectful.

In other words, I'm ignoring you like the women offline do. BLOOP.


May 7, 2012
To clear up my last post, all people are stupid between the ages of 18-25 or later for some. But a mans power is limited in those years. He has no money, power, or resources. That's why he has to grind to make something of himself.

On the flip side this "dumb period" happens to coincide with the peak of a woman's power. A woman will never be more desirable or hold more swsy over men than she will in this period.

Case in point, there is no male equivalent to Kim kardashian. A man could never amass that much power and influence by doing essentially nothing but a young beautiful woman can
Mar 27, 2013
If God is against you, you aint gonna win. If a man is bold enough to suck cock and take it up the ass....you actually think its not in his character to low key sell his people out?

As far as women...what kind of man takes orders from a woman? Now I'm not saying the human race has never and can never produce great female warriors/leaders. But these types are usually respected because they are battle tested (I'm talking about killing, not speaking into a megaphone).


Sep 15, 2013
So.ILL/Raider Nation
I agree. I would be a big supporter of BLM if they weren't backed by a wealthy white liberal and used the movement to push the LGTB agenda by using dead black men to get attention. Its not even a real grassroots movement. I don't have any issue with gays and lesbians but they do more harm than good when they come in and mix all their agendas up with ours which causes confusion and kills the energy whether its blatant or not. I don't like how the media is trying to push that Deray nikka as the next MLK because he's a gay black man that's non threatening. Straight black men and straight black women should be the ones leading charge. I can never knock black women for getting involved because they always been the backbone for us. But we do need straight black men leading the charge. I just can't put faith into black gays, lesbians and trans because honestly they want white acacceptance and progression within the LGTB community instead of progrescion for the black community. Plus also I don't think its wise for them people that have mental illnesses to be leading. Just my take.