A movement lead by faqs (and women) was always a fail

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Case in point, there is no male equivalent to Kim kardashian. A man could never amass that much power and influence by doing essentially nothing but a young beautiful woman can
This isn't necessarily true. There are lots of men who amass power, influence and money by doing essentially nothing. They're just not in the entertainment industry. They're mostly in the finance industry.
People are going back and forth with someone who earnestly typed this :dead:
Is it not true? How did resorting to violence work out for Ammon Bundy and his militia of idiots?


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Is it not true? How did resorting to violence work out for Ammon Bundy and his militia of idiots?

Who said violence means "a small group of militia men?" Where did I even cosign violence as a viable strategy?

And we've seen Black mayors, Black police chiefs, Black DAs, Black judges, Black school boards, Black city councils, and Black senators put in office by Black folks and their money all do shyt that harms Black folk so how the fukk is voting locally going to solve this?


Feb 2, 2016
Like l said these new posters here seem like agents.

He's been labeling anyone who disagrees with the BLM approach with all types of insults, and can't debate points about economic revival.


What points have you put forth though? All you nikkas do is make asinine statements and hold them to be truth beyond reasonable doubt. And when hit with a different view you lashout with more lables like "troll" "cac" "agents"..when in truth you nikkas are just dumb. Using black empowerment as excuses to be sexist homophobic morons.

It aint about BLM its about insecurity. Insecure about your sexuality..insecure about your chair at the dinner table...insecure about your place in the world.Your a little boy talking to a grown ass man about life. And your views and points are lacking severely. Why would anyone follow you? Smh....better yet wtf do you have to offer. See a man dont need anothers cosign to do what they feel is right. They dont worry about playing the background...cause they know in life sometimes you have to play the roll of both the forefront as well as the background. And most smart ones know when to understamd the distinction between the two.
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Nov 26, 2014
The thing is this..A movement ran by individuals who are homosexual ..Their focus isn't solely on the improvement of the black community. Its also the Gays, Trans Sexuals, etc. And honestly that's a problem. There is no clear agenda. And it causes confusion on the outside and people who are trying to join :francis:

I attended a protest here last week(ATL, Thursday), lead by a few leaders of the BLM movement. It was my first time attending a march/protest. I noticed there were no black men(heterosexual) at the forefront who were leading and speaking. It was gay men and lesbians. The sole focus wasn't on the killing of black men. But the acceptance of Gays and LGBT. I thought for sure they would talk about Police Brutality and the black men who are being targeted(due to the 2 killings, and hanging of a black men THAT week). It wasn't.

Also when a preacher, wanted to speak(a black male who a lot of people were listening to, they blew him off). But let some 300 plus pound girl get on stage and rant about Tranny rights

With women at the forefront, that's cool, but right now the focus should be on police brutality and the killing of our fathers and sons imo. Those other issues if deemed necessary, can be addressed by the other groups or at other times. Focus on us right now

There were other issues I saw but right now I can't do anything. I just got into it. But yea I can see why a lot of people don't pay attention or acknowledge this movement ran by them :yeshrug:

Expand. By expand, I mean elaborate as to how it all came about.


Nov 26, 2014
This is why women can't lead. Women would rather live on their knees than die fighting to stand on their feet. You've also got it ass backwards. Peaceful protest has never really amounted to anything because begging the people who are oppressing you to stop out of the kindness of their hearts never works. I'm not saying that blacks should be out here just being randomly violent with the cops, but there has to be some kind of violent push back against sanctioned terrorism by law enforcement. If they're just going to give cops green lights and free passes to kill us in the streets then something is going to have to give. The panthers were certainly a threat to the status quo in the 60s which is why the government infiltrated the group and sabotaged it from within. That's why they're demonized by whites to this day and equated with the klan even tho it's the gutter set thing from the truth. The non violent peaceful integration advocates are the one's who sold us out. Integration was a con game.
Passive aggressive just like a female. No wonder you were offended.

You don't say.

Some would argue the above is precisely what "African American" men have been doing for some 300-400 years. I suppose this particular phrase: "Please officer, don't kill us" reads familiar, yes??


Nov 13, 2013
But u cant deny that the go fund me goes right up after a dealth...

Im suppose to feel sorry for woman who capitalize on our down fall? I.e. go fund me after cop kills u. Not to mention the payout they get from the state. Oh yea when they have childern by nikkas who aint shyt but expect them to be a good fathers. They get welfare for their mistakes and we get jail and dealth for ours... Cool. They need to do better as do we ....
who's gofundme are you talking about? certainly isn't all women losing their loved ones doing this. so why lump all blakc woman with this hypothetical person?


African American
Apr 19, 2015
Bro 'nem

Malcolm X was a mascot while the women did the work?

Queers haven't historically worked against the cause and sometimes have sold us out?

BLM isn't a white Daddy controlled organization? With black women and fakkits working it? And none of the black women hate on or generalize black men?

I agree we need both men and women.... but we should never deny that nearly 100% of the real leaders for black causes have been black men. This dumb anti man shyt is Part of the Mainstream Disrespect of black men.
The grassroots shyt was lead by BW. And yes Queers and BW work in it but it has no real organization and is getting COINTELPRO'D as we speak. And that retarded gender war BS follows us everywhere, please don't forget the legendary Eldrige Cleaver (black panther legend), straight up c00n when it came to black women. I kind if doubt that they do that much since the group is marching for dead black men .


Jul 29, 2012
Black women were the backbone of the civil rights movement. King and X were sort of like mascots. Black power movement and black is beautiful movement seemed to be led by black women as well:manny:. Y'all nikkas make COINTELPRO too easy. Black women and queers are not going to sit on the sidelines or forfeit their blackness:manny:. We need all the help we can get:manny:.

King and X were mascots :what:

smh negged.


May 1, 2012
I think american men (white and black) are finally learning some hard lessons about letting women run wild. Our ancestors knew.

Its kind of like an "aha moment" when you realize all that "oppression" was basically saving women from themselves and by extension saving society.

"Stop objectifying me" = put on this hijab or long plain dress

"Street harassment" = don't go outside without a man

"Out of wedlock kids" = Let daddy pick out a suitor so you don't have b*stard babies by a loser, shame the family, and live a life of struggle

Etc... That's the masculine way of solving problems. Cut to the root and address the things you control.

A lot of men don't realize that a show of weakness is a position of power to women. Think about it, by appearing weak and vulnerable a woman can gain immense power over a man. In some cases she literally has the power of life and death (by convincing a third party white knight to do her dirty work). So of course they wanna hold hands, march and sing, and create "awareness". That's an effective strategy for them individually. Problem is you can't extrapolate that to the whole black community. Black men get no sympathy from anyone.

We really need our women to deflate their egos and step to the side but it probably won't happen. You can't put that cat back in the bag. Enjoy the decline ladies, because if white people don't accept you and black men manage to survive this persecution, when the next generation of leaders start analyzing the problem, the main solution will be to send y'all back to the kitchen with a vengeance.


Jan 28, 2015
I think american men (white and black) are finally learning some hard lessons about letting women run wild. Our ancestors knew.

Its kind of like an "aha moment" when you realize all that "oppression" was basically saving women from themselves and by extension saving society.

"Stop objectifying me" = put on this hijab or long plain dress

"Street harassment" = don't go outside without a man

"Out of wedlock kids" = Let daddy pick out a suitor so you don't have b*stard babies by a loser, shame the family, and live a life of struggle

Etc... That's the masculine way of solving problems. Cut to the root and address the things you control.

A lot of men don't realize that a show of weakness is a position of power to women. Think about it, by appearing weak and vulnerable a woman can gain immense power over a man. In some cases she literally has the power of life and death (by convincing a third party white knight to do her dirty work). So of course they wanna hold hands, march and sing, and create "awareness". That's an effective strategy for them individually. Problem is you can't extrapolate that to the whole black community. Black men get no sympathy from anyone.

We really need our women to deflate their egos and step to the side but it probably won't happen. You can't put that cat back in the bag. Enjoy the decline ladies, because if white people don't accept you and black men manage to survive this persecution, when the next generation of leaders start analyzing the problem, the main solution will be to send y'all back to the kitchen with a vengeance.
Aight elliot rogers


Jan 28, 2015
This thread was dumb as fukk and just went from making valid points to pure garbage

Blm is a failure, but if yall dont like the direction its going make your own congregation

Coli has a large userbase and mad of yall are on the same page with a hetero black male led movement

Whats stopping yall from poppin it off?


Jan 28, 2015
Blaming others, especially women, is not the characteristic of a leader.

As i've said, YES, we've been through hell in this white supremacist society, we know that. I understand that, because i'm a black man living in america too. But my brothers make a lot of excuses now and it's like that has become ok. You can point the finger at the system, or you can give the finger to the system. Like Malcolm said, by any means necessary. No more excuses. Excuses and finger pointing do nothing to help.

Women are softer. And sometimes they get scared. Sometimes they panic. They want security and protection. They look to men for support. How are you gonna protect her if you're just as scared? In need of just as much protection and coddling as her? If we're looking to them for solutions and to fix things, of course the roles will shift.

What we need is our own. Until then, a lot of us will still be complaining about black women not being submissive enough, not respecting us, etc. Women tend to act that way when they don't feel secure, protected and provided for. Time to stop relying on the white man's scraps/handouts, blaming everyone in the world, and start building and creating our own.
Thats what the fukk im sayin

Quit blamin everybody and whinin and create something constructive that fits your ideal

The tools are here coli has a huge black male presence. Yall do meetups and shyt and a lot of yall know eachother personally

So What in the fukk is preventing the ones stay bytchin how wack the movement is from getting together and making a movement they want to see come to life?

Thats what a grown person that takes resposiblity for their future does. These bytchers all mouth no action