Africa: U.S. Military Holds War Games on Nigeria, Somalia

Jan 2, 2014
Something to ponder... Africa: U.S. Military Holds War Games on Nigeria, Somalia (Page 1 of 2)
Why did the U.S. government wargame the occupation of Nigeria?? Boko Haram financed by U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey??

"Among scenarios examined during the game were the possibility of direct American military intervention involving some 20,000 U.S. troops in order to "secure the oil," and the question of how to handle possible splits between factions within the Nigerian government."
In May 2008, the United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, hosted "Unified Quest 2008," the army's annual war games to test the American military's ability to deal with the kind of crises that it might face in the near future. "Unified Quest 2008" was especially noteworthy because it was the first time the war games included African scenarios as part of the Pentagon's plan to create a new military command for the continent: the Africa Command or Africom. No representatives of Africom were at the war games, but Africom officers were in close communication throughout the event.


General George W. Casey, Jr., left, chief of staff of the United States Army, with an American solider at Camp Lemonier, Djibouti, the only U.S. military base on African soil.

The five-day war games were designed to look at what crises might erupt in different parts of the world in five to 25 years and how the United States might handle them. In addition to U.S. military officers and intelligence officers, "Unified Quest 2008" brought together participants from the State Department and other U.S. government agencies, academics, journalists, and foreign military officers (including military representatives from several NATO countries, Australia, and Israel), along with the private military contractors who helped run the war games: the Rand Corporation and Booz-Allen.

One of the four scenarios that were war-gamed was a test of how Africom could respond to a crisis in Somalia — set in 2025 — caused by escalating insurgency and piracy. Unfortunately, no information on the details of the scenario is available.

Far more information is available on the other scenario — set in 2013 — which was a test of how Africom could respond to a crisis in Nigeria in which the Nigerian government is near collapse, and rival factions and rebels are fighting for control of the oil fields of the Niger Delta and vying for power in the country which is the sixth largest supplier of America's oil imports.
The list of options for the Nigeria scenario ranged from diplomatic pressure to military action, with or without the aid of European and African nations. One participant, U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Mark Stanovich, drew up a plan that called for the deployment of thousands of U.S. troops within 60 days, which even he thought was undesirable. "American intervention could send the wrong message: that we are backing a government that we don't intend to," Stanovich said. Other participants suggested that it would be better if the U.S. government sent a request to South Africa or Ghana to send troops into Nigeria instead.

As the game progressed, according to former U.S. ambassador David Lyon, it became clear that the government of Nigeria was a large part of the problem. As he put it, "we have a circle of elites [the government of Nigeria] who have seized resources and are trying to perpetuate themselves. Their interests are not exactly those of the people."

Furthermore, according to U.S. Army Major Robert Thornton, an officer with the Joint Center for International Security Force Assistance at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, "it became apparent that it was actually green (the host nation government) which had the initiative, and that any blue [the U.S. government and its allies] actions within the frame were contingent upon what green was willing to tolerate and accommodate."
Among scenarios examined during the game were the possibility of direct American military intervention involving some 20,000 U.S. troops in order to "secure the oil," and the question of how to handle possible splits between factions within the Nigerian government. The game ended without military intervention because one of the rival factions executed a successful coup and formed a new government that sought stability.

The recommendations which the participants drew up for the Army's Chief of Staff, General George Casey, do not appear to be publicly available, so we don't know exactly what the participants finally concluded. But we do know that since the war games took place in the midst of the presidential election campaign, General Casey decided to brief both John McCain and Barack Obama on its results.

The African Security Research Project has prepared reports providing detailed information on the creation, missions, and activities of Africom. In particular, they reveal that neither the commander of Africom, General William Ward, nor his deputy, Vice Admiral Robert Moeller, are under any illusions about the purpose of the new command.

Thus, when General Ward appeared before the House Armed Services Committee on March 13, 2008, he cited America's growing dependence on African oil as a priority issue for Africom and went on to proclaim that combating terrorism would be "Africom's number one theater-wide goal." He barely mentioned development, humanitarian aid, peacekeeping or conflict resolution.
And in a presentation by Vice Admiral Moeller at an Africom conference held at Fort McNair on February 18, 2008 and subsequently posted on the web by the Pentagon, he declared that protecting "the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market" was one of Africom's "guiding principles" and specifically cited "oil disruption," "terrorism," and the "growing influence" of China as major "challenges" to U.S. interests in Africa.

Since then, as General Ward has demonstrated in an interview with AllAfrica, he has become more adept at sticking to the U.S. government's official public position on Africom's aims and on its escalating military operations on the African continent.

These activities currently include supervising U.S. arms sales, military training programs and military exercises; overseeing the growing presence of U.S. naval forces in the oil-rich Gulf of Guinea and off the coast of Somalia; running the new U.S. base at Camp Lemonier in Djibouti; and managing the array of African military bases to which the United States has acquired access under agreements with the host governments of African countries all over the continent. These countries include Algeria, Botswana, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, São Tomé, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zambia.

We can only wonder what Barack Obama thought of the war game and what lessons he learned from General Casey's briefing. One might hope that he came away with a new appreciation for the danger, if not the outright absurdity, of pursuing the strategy of unilateral American military intervention in Africa pioneered by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who was retained as Defense Secretary by President Obama when he took office, and General Casey, who has also kept his job under the new administration.

But President Obama has decided instead to expand the operations of Africom throughout the continent. He has proposed a budget for financial year 2010 that will provide increased security assistance to repressive and undemocratic governments in resource-rich countries like Nigeria, Niger, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and to countries that are key military allies of the United States like Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti, Rwanda and Uganda.

And he has actually chosen to escalate U.S. military intervention in Africa, most conspicuously by providing arms and training to the beleaguered Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, as part of his effort to make Africa a central battlefield in the "global war on terrorism." So it is clearly wishful thinking to believe that his exposure to the real risks of such a strategy revealed by these hypothetical scenarios gave him a better appreciation of the risks that the strategy entails.

Daniel Volman is director of the African Security Research Project in Washington, DC and a member of the board of directors of the Association of Concerned Africa Scholars. He has been studying U.S. security policy toward Africa and U.S. military activities in Africa for more than 30 years.
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May 2, 2012
where in the article does it say that? it looks like you added you own editorial cuz there is zero evidence of the us having anything to do with boko haram

Yes..Wikileaks in 2011 leaked the CIA is involved in creating Boko Haram..they hired unemployed Islamist extremists to work for them to destabilize Nigeria by 2015!
Jan 2, 2014
i dont see what the problem is, the closer african countries are tied to the us the better

Its one thing for America to push for closer relations with the African continent to protect resources. How you go about it is were the problem lies.
I was always someone who was more or less skeptical of any western involvement in Boko haram. But today when watching CNN and seeing them demonize my president and comparing him to putin. Putin of all people!!
I am beginning to have my doubts the west is clean. Then you add to the fact Jonathan has pissed of the international oil companies with the PIB bill and the local content policy and things are beginning to add up to me.

I know Bokoharam is also getting fudning from islamic Northern elites, thats for sure. They too want to protect the monopoly they have on Nigerias oil production. But discounting any western involvement is no more out of the question in my opinion.

Also I find it interesting that over a month ago The northern Islamic Governors of Nigeria all went to Washington to meet with Obama and susan rice. There are reports the used that meeting as an opportunity to attack Jonathan so severely that the Nigerian ambassador had to object to their accusations. The same northern governors that have sharia law in their states are meeting with Obama and talking about how Jonathan is sponsoring boko haram... :comeon:

A meeting of 12 northern state governors (and a deputy governor) and the US government on Tuesday in Washington DC took a dramatic turn when some of the governors, especially Governor Murtala Nyako of Adamawa State, initiated a frontal attack on President Goodluck Jonathan, forcing the Nigeria’s Ambassador to the U.S., Ade Adefuye, who was also in attendance, to join the fray, objecting to some of the comments against the President and the Federal Government.

The meeting was organised by the US government, through the US Institute of Peace, with a view to exploring how the Americans can work together with state governments in the North to address the Boko Haram insurgency and the underlying problem of socio-economic under-development in the region.

but Nyako’s main allegation was the motive behind the alleged collusion, which he said is a way to reduce the voting power of the North East in 2015 and subsequent polls, and keep the region perpetually underdeveloped.

Adefuye “did not take kindly to the allegations,” and the fact that the meeting was used by Nyako in particular to attack President Jonathan and the Federal Government, sources disclosed.

Other governors, who were critical over the Boko Haram issue, included the Borno Governor, Shettima, who also criticised the President and the Federal Government’s handling of the Boko Haram insurgency. However, Shettima also hoped that the insurgency would soon abate, urging for accelerated developmental projects in the affected states.

All the while, the US officials, including Rice, the NSA, kept listening, according to sources. Only few weeks ago, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, Ms Linda Thomas-Greenfield, publicly challenged the Nigerian government to expose the backers of Boko Haram.

another thing to ponder on...

Northern Governors, Nigerian Ambassador clash in the White House over Boko Haram and Jonathan News International News - News Express Nigeria
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Yes..Wikileaks in 2011 leaked the CIA is involved in creating Boko Haram..they hired unemployed Islamist extremists to work for them to destabilize Nigeria by 2015!

i have copied and pasted straight from the website, where does it say that, it looks like you added something or copied something somebody else wrote

In May 2008, the United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, hosted "Unified Quest 2008," the army's annual war games to test the American military's ability to deal with the kind of crises that it might face in the near future. "Unified Quest 2008" was especially noteworthy because it was the first time the war games included African scenarios as part of the Pentagon's plan to create a new military command for the continent: the Africa Command or Africom. No representatives of Africom were at the war games, but Africom officers were in close communication throughout the event.

The five-day war games were designed to look at what crises might erupt in different parts of the world in five to 25 years and how the United States might handle them. In addition to U.S. military officers and intelligence officers, "Unified Quest 2008" brought together participants from the State Department and other U.S. government agencies, academics, journalists, and foreign military officers (including military representatives from several NATO countries, Australia, and Israel), along with the private military contractors who helped run the war games: the Rand Corporation and Booz-Allen.

One of the four scenarios that were war-gamed was a test of how Africom could respond to a crisis in Somalia — set in 2025 — caused by escalating insurgency and piracy. Unfortunately, no information on the details of the scenario is available.

Far more information is available on the other scenario — set in 2013 — which was a test of how Africom could respond to a crisis in Nigeria in which the Nigerian government is near collapse, and rival factions and rebels are fighting for control of the oil fields of the Niger Delta and vying for power in the country which is the sixth largest supplier of America's oil imports.

The list of options for the Nigeria scenario ranged from diplomatic pressure to military action, with or without the aid of European and African nations. One participant, U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Mark Stanovich, drew up a plan that called for the deployment of thousands of U.S. troops within 60 days, which even he thought was undesirable. "American intervention could send the wrong message: that we are backing a government that we don't intend to," Stanovich said. Other participants suggested that it would be better if the U.S. government sent a request to South Africa or Ghana to send troops into Nigeria instead.

As the game progressed, according to former U.S. ambassador David Lyon, it became clear that the government of Nigeria was a large part of the problem. As he put it, "we have a circle of elites [the government of Nigeria] who have seized resources and are trying to perpetuate themselves. Their interests are not exactly those of the people."

Furthermore, according to U.S. Army Major Robert Thornton, an officer with the Joint Center for International Security Force Assistance at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, "it became apparent that it was actually green (the host nation government) which had the initiative, and that any blue [the U.S. government and its allies] actions within the frame were contingent upon what green was willing to tolerate and accommodate."

Among scenarios examined during the game were the possibility of direct American military intervention involving some 20,000 U.S. troops in order to "secure the oil," and the question of how to handle possible splits between factions within the Nigerian government. The game ended without military intervention because one of the rival factions executed a successful coup and formed a new government that sought stability.

The recommendations which the participants drew up for the Army's Chief of Staff, General George Casey, do not appear to be publicly available, so we don't know exactly what the participants finally concluded. But we do know that since the war games took place in the midst of the presidential election campaign, General Casey decided to brief both John McCain and Barack Obama on its results.

The African Security Research Project has prepared reports providing detailed information on the creation, missions, and activities of Africom. In particular, they reveal that neither the commander of Africom, General William Ward, nor his deputy, Vice Admiral Robert Moeller, are under any illusions about the purpose of the new command.

Thus, when General Ward appeared before the House Armed Services Committee on March 13, 2008, he cited America's growing dependence on African oil as a priority issue for Africom and went on to proclaim that combating terrorism would be "Africom's number one theater-wide goal." He barely mentioned development, humanitarian aid, peacekeeping or conflict resolution.

And in a presentation by Vice Admiral Moeller at an Africom conference held at Fort McNair on February 18, 2008 and subsequently posted on the web by the Pentagon, he declared that protecting "the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market" was one of Africom's "guiding principles" and specifically cited "oil disruption," "terrorism," and the "growing influence" of China as major "challenges" to U.S. interests in Africa.

Since then, as General Ward has demonstrated in an interview with AllAfrica, he has become more adept at sticking to the U.S. government's official public position on Africom's aims and on its escalating military operations on the African continent.

These activities currently include supervising U.S. arms sales, military training programs and military exercises; overseeing the growing presence of U.S. naval forces in the oil-rich Gulf of Guinea and off the coast of Somalia; running the new U.S. base at Camp Lemonier in Djibouti; and managing the array of African military bases to which the United States has acquired access under agreements with the host governments of African countries all over the continent. These countries include Algeria, Botswana, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, São Tomé, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zambia.

We can only wonder what Barack Obama thought of the war game and what lessons he learned from General Casey's briefing. One might hope that he came away with a new appreciation for the danger, if not the outright absurdity, of pursuing the strategy of unilateral American military intervention in Africa pioneered by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who was retained as Defense Secretary by President Obama when he took office, and General Casey, who has also kept his job under the new administration.

But President Obama has decided instead to expand the operations of Africom throughout the continent. He has proposed a budget for financial year 2010 that will provide increased security assistance to repressive and undemocratic governments in resource-rich countries like Nigeria, Niger, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and to countries that are key military allies of the United States like Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti, Rwanda and Uganda.

And he has actually chosen to escalate U.S. military intervention in Africa, most conspicuously by providing arms and training to the beleaguered Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, as part of his effort to make Africa a central battlefield in the "global war on terrorism." So it is clearly wishful thinking to believe that his exposure to the real risks of such a strategy revealed by these hypothetical scenarios gave him a better appreciation of the risks that the strategy entails.

Daniel Volman is director of the African Security Research Project in Washington, DC and a member of the board of directors of the Association of Concerned Africa Scholars. He has been studying U.S. security policy toward Africa and U.S. military activities in Africa for more than 30 years.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Its one thing for America to push for closer relations with the African continent to protect resources. How you go about it is were the problem lies.
I was always someone who was more or less skeptical of any western involvement in Boko haram. But today when watching CNN and seeing them demonize my president and comparing him to putin. Putin of all people!!
I am beginning to have my doubts the west is clean. Then you add to the fact Jonathan has pissed of the international oil companies with the PIB bill and the local content policy and things are beginning to add up to me.

I know Bokoharam is also getting fudning from islamic Northern elites, thats for sure. They too want to protect the monopoly they have on Nigerias oil production. But discounting any western involvement is no more out of the question in my opinion.

Also I find it interesting that over a month ago The northern Islamic Governors of Nigeria all went to Washington to meet with Obama and susan rice. There are reports the used that meeting as an opportunity to attack Jonathan so severely that the Nigerian ambassador had to object to their accusations. The same northern governors that have sharia law in their states are meeting with Obama and talking about how Jonathan is sponsoring boko haram... :comeon:

another thing to ponder on...

Northern Governors, Nigerian Ambassador clash in the White House over Boko Haram and Jonathan News International News - News Express Nigeria

i dont see anything wrong with what the us is doing, it sounds like you are confusing conspiracy theories and your suspicions with reality
Jan 2, 2014
i have copied and pasted straight from the website, where does it say that, it looks like you added something or copied something somebody else wrote

I copied it from another site. so my bad on that. I dont really care about wiki leaks though. More about the content
Jan 2, 2014
i dont see anything wrong with what the us is doing, it sounds like you are confusing conspiracy theories and your suspicions with reality

The fact that The north has always desired to rule Nigeria is no conspiracy theory. That is reality. They have ruled Nigeria for 38 years!!!
There is a reason Nigeria had a civil war that cost the live of over 1 million Nigerians. It was all about the oil fields in southern Nigeria. (Niger delta)
You then add to the fact that a lot of northerners were pissed of when Jonathan was elected president. Jonathan is from the Niger delta. He grew up in poverty, so he made it his goal to break the monopoly the international oil majors and the Northern elites have had on the oil industry in the country.
Then you add to the fact that the international oil companies have not been happy with Jonathan's administration due to the local content policy and the PIB bill he as introduced. All these various groups have a motive. This boko haram situation isnt just about islam and them trying to islamize Nigeria. Its a lot deeper than that. Its about ensuring that the status qou continues. After all the boko haram insurgency really carried steam after Jonathan was elected in 2011 and as the 2015 elections draw nearer, things are going to get a lot more violent.

here is an artiucle from a Nigerian newspaper

The ‘Northern' blackmail of Nigeria - Vanguard News

When Moshood Abiola, a Southerner, won the election in 1993, the Northern elite conspired to scuttle it. When they finally succumbed to a Southern presidency in 1999, some of them nevertheless sought to make trouble by politicising sharia. When Jonathan won in 2011, there was instigated rioting in the North. Some of the elite even decided to sponsor terrorist activities in disgruntlement. This terrorism has now backfired, to the extent that it is now beyond the control of its initial sponsors. - See more at: The ‘Northern' blackmail of Nigeria - Vanguard News

look at the quotes from adamawa state governor. The same governor that was granted an audience with obama and susan rice last month...
Adamawa Governor, Murtala Nyako, says: “we must stop President Goodluck Jonathan’s attempt to go for second term, as that will lead to civil war.” Who exactly are the “we” Nyako is talking to here and who is going to start this civil war? Senator Joseph Waku of the ACF (Arewa Consultative Forum) says: “President Jonathan should not even contemplate making any move to contest the 2015 election because such will be catastrophic.” I am curious as to what the catastrophe would be. - See more at: The ‘Northern' blackmail of Nigeria - Vanguard News

Back-room deals

Nyako maintains Jonathan signed an agreement with some northern governors in 2011 to serve for a single term of four years. This position raises a number of annoying questions. Who exactly are these northern leaders and what special place do they have in the selection of a Nigerian president that anybody needs to make an agreement with them?

- See more at: The ‘Northern' blackmail of Nigeria - Vanguard News
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Jun 24, 2012
i dont see what the problem is, the closer african countries are tied to the us the better

I proved myself correctly on this statement "Allow your government to support radical Wahhabi Islam in Saudi Arabia which funds Boko Haram and then bytch at coli members for criticizing the Nigerian gov't for not doing shyt, brehs".
Jan 2, 2014
i dont see anything wrong with what the us is doing, it sounds like you are confusing conspiracy theories and your suspicions with reality

Plus I want you to read this.

At the end of the day. This whole problem started with the British giving the Muslim elite power over Nigeria before they left in 1960.
The British Government's Responsibility for Northern Nigeria

Nigeria was a British colony until 1960, during which time, he argued, "The British colonial masters took our land and handed it over to Muslim rulers... They gave us [non-Muslim groups] an inferior social and political role in the colonial hierarchical system in northern Nigeria, and that is exactly where we are right now."

When first published in his book The British Colonial Legacy In Northern Nigeria, this thesis earned Professor Turaki a British government ban from entering the UK.

Truth hurts even hardened British authorities, but Professor Turaki was bold enough in his speech to spread around the honors: "The worst kind of slavery in Africa was conducted by Arabs and Muslims," he said touching on another specialist subject. "The majority of African slaves went to the Middle East and Arab countries... not to the Caribbean, the US and Latin America." He advised the audience, for further information, to look into his book,

A corresponding Nigerian autobiography, My Life by Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna (traditional leader) of Sokoto and first Premier of the Northern Region after independence, also tellingly shows the Sardauna playing English cricket and Eton Fives. The English and Muslim Nigerian upper classes became close.

Working with the Fulani and Hausa Muslim elite, the colonialists instituted a system of "indirect rule" which was cheap and effective. A limited number of British administrators were placed at the top of the power structure; the educated Muslim elite were next; other Muslim groups were below them; and everyone else was at the bottom. Frequently the British would foist, say, a Fulani Muslim chief on a non-Muslim village or district, thereby disempowering the locals and creating an alienated hostile underclass.
Jan 2, 2014
He isn't going to read it homie.

well that's his own issue...

But you can see how the northern Islamic elites have always been close with the British. The British trained their generals, gave them wealth and power. They put the southern christian and indigenous African religious people under their command because they were harder to control. All of Nigeria Northern elites like buhari, babangida gowon e.t.c were all trained in military schools in the united kingdom.

sidenote: the leader of the present opposition party that wants to rule Nigeria come 2015 is Buhari. He was a former dictator of Nigeria who again was trained in the U.K