
Feb 2, 2016
I mean, those just seem like facts. He's rich, he's White, and he's a professional.

How are those "facts" relevant to the story. Sometimes you have to read between the lines.....Im willing to be this is more of a cultural/parental difference between the two more then anything in the childs past


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
So, does this require a reexamination of Alice Walker's cultural/ideological contributions? What about her terminology? Shouldn't people stop using it and reject her ideas...since they come from such a TOXIC place?
Would you grow fruit on polluted soil to nourish your children?

I don't believe Alice Walker was covering anything with anything, I believe her DAUGHTER disagrees with her ideology and sees how her ideology influenced some of her toxic decision making to the point of neglect.

Oh come off can't be this naive. Will you disregard the work of the original human genome project or planned parenthood because the founders or original contribution was racist?

You do know Hitler built the autobahn right? Is infrastructure spending now not worth it?

The woman is toxic. She uses feminism as a clutch. Simple and short. it shouldn't take an extremist to color your view of an entire ideology.


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
If men are praised when they "put their families on the back burner"
why does the concept of Deadbeat Dads exist? Where are men being praised en masse for doing such? Could you point out examples other than working a lot of hours...therefore contributing finances to a household, and sacrificing personal time?
What do men have to do with a Feminist Pioneer named Alice Walker abusing her only daughter? Doesn't this situation only involve two women?
What role did black men play in The Color Purple?
With that in mind...
What role do black men play in the neglect of Alice Walker's daughter with a white man?

Define a deadbeat dad?
Define a busy dad?

Most kids and women will pick the latter nine times out do ten.

As for your statement of involving just two women...that's exactly the point. Abusing her daughter isn't because of feminism. It's because she's toxic


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
In more succint terms

Feminist are quick to define and pathologize behaviors they find undesireable in men: "Toxic masuclinity" "rape culture" "slut shaming" "misogyny" "mansplain" "manspread"

and yet when undesirable female behavior is identified (without even making it as far as pathology"

"Not all feminists..." "well thats not what it's really about, it started as...." "[insert homer simpson disappearing into bushes gif]"

So when it's men it's all men, when it's women we talk about individuality

The blatant hypocrisy is why, intellectually I can't respect modern feminism as anything more than a delusional reframe on reality at worst, softcore social welfare/self esteem builder at best. Most of the social theory stemming from it including patriarchy and gender being a social construct are false but are unchallenged by polite society.

If you can't respect modern feminism then you're a child lol
No one ever says a movement is perfect. Discussion coming from a place of power shouldn't color your thought process.

Is white supremacy real even though not all whites are rich or powerful?

I'm surprised at your view points

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
Been saying it for years: Feminism is a mental disorder

Cot damn breh

I thi k this woman is not a feminist, she’s a complete narcissist and suffers one serious wave of post-birth depression. Feminism (men and women should have equal rights) and as black men we get the ‘equal rights’ part because we demand the same rights white men have so thoroughly enjoyed for centuries.

I think ‘man hating’ (LSA, sometimes Jezebel) is what is now known as ‘feminism’ and yeah, that is all sorts of fxcked up. They are basically women who blame men for everything. It snows in Alaska? Men did it. It doesn’t matter what, men did it. Women are queens who are flawless and all men are evil. Now that is seriously sick and twisted. These women (and some men) call themselves feminists, but are just man haters.

Unfortunately for real feminists (those who are merely pro-woman not anti-man) this makes all feminists look bad.


Nov 22, 2016
feminists(aka man haters, not talking about us humanists(people that believe everyone is equal)) should not procreate. They should just die alone instead of creating messed up kids.

ex ceo of pepsi was a woman.......
She said its cool and all that she is a woman and she is the head of a major corporation but she acknowledges that she had to sacrifice evrything for it, even the love of her children had to be sacrificed, and her children are not pleased with her and dont f*** with her really because she prioritised ''success'' over them.

She should not have had kids if she was not going to prioritixe them. money only goes so far, sometimes you have to spend time at the park and shyt. parents dont understand kids remember everything.


May 20, 2013
...FOR ALLEGED ABUSE Daughter Exposes 'Color Purple' Author Alice Walker For Harshly Disowning Her & Grandchild

Apparently, Alice Walker has nothing to do with her only daughter :mjcry:and fans are criticizing her for her seemingly harsh decision. Now, her daughter Rebecca Walker is shedding light on a different side of her mother:demonic:; the side fans have never seen. Rebecca, also a writer, recently shared disheartening details about her childhood and what led to her mother’s decision to disown her.:camby:
She also explained how her mother’s feminist beliefs created serious complications that ultimately led to the demise of their relationship.

“My mother’s feminist principles [colored] every aspect of my life. As a little girl, I wasn’t even allowed to play with dolls or stuffed toys in case they brought out a maternal instinct. It was drummed into me that being a mother, raising children and running a home were a form of slavery. Having a career, traveling the world and being independent were what really mattered according to her. I love my mother very much, but I haven’t seen her or spoken to her since I became pregnant. She has never seen my son – her only grandchild. My crime? Daring to question her ideology.

Well, so be it. My mother may be revered by women around the world – goodness knows, many even have shrines to her. But I honestly believe it’s time to puncture the myth and to reveal what life was really like to grow up as a child of the feminist revolution.

“Devastated, I asked her to [apologize] and acknowledge how much she’d hurt me over the years with neglect, withholding affection and resenting me for things I had no control over – the fact that I am mixed-race, that I have a wealthy, white, professional father and that I was born at all.:birdman: But she wouldn’t back down. Instead, she wrote me a letter saying that our relationship had been inconsequential for years and that she was no longer interested in being my mother. :damn:She even signed the letter with her first name, rather than ‘Mom’.”

You do know ALL these 'feminists,' or whatever they chose to call themselves suffer deep mental and emotional scars. Look at Betty Friedan who btw,recanted much of her shrill illogical rantings later in life.
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)

Cot damn breh

I thi k this woman is not a feminist, she’s a complete narcissist and suffers one serious wave of post-birth depression. Feminism (men and women should have equal rights) and as black men we get the ‘equal rights’ part because we demand the same rights white men have so thoroughly enjoyed for centuries.

I think ‘man hating’ (LSA, sometimes Jezebel) is what is now known as ‘feminism’ and yeah, that is all sorts of fxcked up. They are basically women who blame men for everything. It snows in Alaska? Men did it. It doesn’t matter what, men did it. Women are queens who are flawless and all men are evil. Now that is seriously sick and twisted. These women (and some men) call themselves feminists, but are just man haters.

Unfortunately for real feminists (those who are merely pro-woman not anti-man) this makes all feminists look bad.
Alice Walker coined the term Womanism and basically created the blueprint for the current iteration of 3rd Wave feminism. Emeritus.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
If you can't respect modern feminism then you're a child lol
obligatory cornball insult :rolleyes:

I swear yall nikkas put more efffort into that than your actual post as a whole.
No one ever says a movement is perfect. Discussion coming from a place of power shouldn't color your thought process.

Is white supremacy real even though not all whites are rich or powerful?

I'm surprised at your view points
No....check my posting history I don't even believe in the term and it doesn't cover the nuance of what;s going on in america as a whole. I'd say that personal and institutional racism is real (both things that would constitute as "white supremacy" in your book) but the bolded is one reason why the term lacks validity to me.
Women not being enfranchised the right to vote for decades makes it abundantly clear that there was and is a system of patriarchy. The statistical likliehood of 45 male presidents in a row is absurd, unless some system was in place to prevent women from attaining power.

This is the stuff I mean when I say I can't take feminism seriously. This whole portion I quoted is pretty much rephrasing women's history in america to make it sound similar to recent black history in america.

There is no "system" of patricarchy. When people refer to a "system of white supremacy" they refer to the way branches of government, policy makers and other entities controlling law and resources enact multiple, sometimes coordinated actions that intentionally disenfranchise black people and slow their growth. Things like redlining go hand in hand with housing discrimination, which go hand in hand with poorly funded neighborhoods and schools; Separate areas all working in synergy to present poor conditions to as many blacks as possible.

There is no system that allows such discrimination on women, there is no evidence of coordinated effort against their rights or very lives like the abundance of evidence found for racism, right down to documents instructing cops to discriminate against black men and how to do it.

You don't need to use statistics, there hasn't been a female president in 45 attempts because females could only vote until like 30 presidents into it. Common sense. That isn't evidence of a system, it's evidence of a slowly amended constitution. Keep in mind black people (male and female) weren't allowed to vote until 10 whole amendments later, AFTER womans sufferage and multiple bills that use coded language to systematically reject black people from voting during the time.

This is kinda my point. How can someone observe the history of civil rights and the actual effects of systematic disenfranchisement in black americans then look at the painless and bloodless transition of gender equality and tell me they're the same? People were beaten, killed and imprisoned fighting actual systematic discrimination, where is the coordinated effort to deny women's rights by....anyone? If you look at world history many women's sufferage moments all happened around the same time (1920s-30s) with no pushback. There were no coded language laws being passed to restrict their voting post suffrage unlike what black people had to deal with for decades afterward to this very day. WTF does this patriarchy actually do?

I mean this country was founded by a group of people that came from a place where they served multiple female monarchs. That's as far from the idea of partiarchy as you can get.

Whenever I read someone like you say you can’t respect feminism because its social theories are false, you don’t even know the meaning of false or falsifiability. You have a poor understanding of how science works.

Social theory =/= science

Feminism is a theory that explains real world events. In science, you don’t just get to say “that theory is wrong because I don’t like how it’s adherents behave”. You have to provide a hypothesis which better explains the evidence. Feminist is a theory which explains why there are only male presidents, majority male ceos, etc.

If you really wanted to “disprove” feminist theory, by scientific standards, you have to provide a theory which even better explains the observations. Which you guys never do, you just say “that’s wrong” because it doesn’t work perfectly in every situation.

Analogy: General Relativity doesn’t explain physics on a quantum level. So we know it isn’t the be all, end all, theory. We just know it better describes our universe more accurately than any other current models. I’m not saying feminism is perfect, I’m saying that you need to come up with your own explanations of real world events instead of just stating “that’s wrong” and acting like that accomplishes anything
You don't know shyt about science. I can tell because your explanation stopped at hypothesis and never mention how you'd have to PROVE said hypothesis countless times and account for every variable before it's given any credibility. I'm sure if you even began typing that you might have realized how full of shyt the crap you wrote is.

The burden of proof is not on me to disprove their theory, it's on them to prove it. But they don't instead the playbook is name calling.

I already said what explains the observations: "patriarchy" is just a reframe on society claiming males and their interest are promoted at the expense and disenfranchisement of women and society reinforces that. So whenever there is a male with power in his workplace that's underqualified for his position it's assumed to be from sexism instead of the myriad of equally bad yet equally viable interpersonal explanations like him being an ass kisser, the boss being related to him, blackmail etc. If feminism was worth a fukk it would be able to prove sexism as the driving force in the situations the way racism was proven and well documented. But....they don't.

Other fundemental holes in the patriarchy theory

- If men are given preferential treatment in society why are they the ones called to give their life in wars 99% of the time
- Average living conditions for males are worse than females
- Laws that were enacted with social welfare of females in mind but not necessarily men (public housing, alimony, child support)
- Affirmative action benefits white women more than all minorty males combined
- Male exclusive events/organizations/benefits are considered inherently sexist and rarely exist. Female versions of the same things are numerous and normal
-The person in charge of hiring in majority of american companies is female. (75%) American males are doing worse in the job market

^ Again, what kind of oppressive force let's the above happen? Black america has already shown me what real coordinated oppression is. Real oppression left horrific events, documents, speeches, laws and dead bodies to prove it. And it persists to this day. Where is the proof of the kind of coordination that makes patriarchy possible?

just a bunch of half assed analogies, half baked theories and name calling.