At this point Alex Jones followers are either morons or white supremacists


All Star
Mar 18, 2014

The book he's promoting on the front page? Roger Stone (Former Nixon's strategist & former Trump campaign advisor)


Roger Stone has been Donald Trump's friend and confidant for roughly 40 years. Stone, who's also the author of The Making of the President 2016, discusses why he thinks Washington, D.C. is in shock and explains why he supports President Trump's travel ban on seven predominantly Muslim countries.


All Star
Mar 18, 2014

This guy was a kook too.

Another religious "woo" evangelist disguised as "beacon of truth"

This is the problem with full blown religion merging into discussing world events, It kills everything like a cancer. Cooper was always about rising up against the government & he helped influence these white militia camps all over america. He's partly responsible. HIm and the author of Turner Diaries. Shades of propaganda to sell conspiracies.

I roll with the skeptics. IN the end, it is all we have that is the best overall system for all of us. Be skeptical on anyone painting you a grandiose sci fi opera/ venn diagram of the world in which we inhabit. The truth is, the world is complex & you can't distill it to a "group of shadow elite" The universe is chaos in which iwe all inhabit & no one has a master guide book. We are all stumbling in the darkness to find the door in a endless hallway. Only being tricked to seeing "luminations of enlightenment" from "chosen ones" The doorway is shining light behind it, we are almost there! Just follow that glimmer!

What happens when we get there? Better have your credit card, I bet enlightenment is a subscription service now. :mjgrin:


Dec 2, 2015
This guy was a kook too.

Another religious "woo" evangelist disguised as "beacon of truth"

This is the problem with full blown religion merging into discussing world events, It kills everything like a cancer. Cooper was always about rising up against the government & he helped influence these white militia camps all over america. He's partly responsible. HIm and the author of Turner Diaries. Shades of propaganda to sell conspiracies.

I roll with the skeptics. IN the end, it is all we have that is the best overall system for all of us. Be skeptical on anyone painting you a grandiose sci fi opera/ venn diagram of the world in which we inhabit. The truth is, the world is complex & you can't distill it to a "group of shadow elite" The universe is chaos in which iwe all inhabit & no one has a master guide book. We are all stumbling in the darkness to find the door in a endless hallway. Only being tricked to seeing "luminations of enlightenment" from "chosen ones" The doorway is shining light behind it, we are almost there! Just follow that glimmer!

What happens when we get there? Better have your credit card, I bet enlightenment is a subscription service now. :mjgrin:

Bill Cooper wasn't an evangelist he was a talk radio show host who wrote one book.
He can talk about rising up against the government, but he didn't influence militias, those militias existed they just became a fan of his work.
He isn't responsible for popularizing conspiracies either, that has been a common thread of US literay history. If you want historical breakdown of that check out the book United States of paranoia.

You can roll with whatever you want and you can like the system you are in and defend it. Just don't be surprised if people point out the hypocrises of said system, the criminality of said system, and advocate for the abolishment and replacement of said system to one that is more favorable in their eyes.

As for talking about elitist, why can't you distill the western government down to actions of elitists in respective western nations. this is the history of the world and of empires, control and war making made amongst the elite and fought by the masses.

But hey, if its intellectually easier for you to dismiss recongnition of power structure, that is okay too.


All Star
Mar 18, 2014
Bill Cooper wasn't an evangelist he was a talk radio show host who wrote one book.
He can talk about rising up against the government, but he didn't influence militias, those militias existed they just became a fan of his work.
He isn't responsible for popularizing conspiracies either, that has been a common thread of US literay history. If you want historical breakdown of that check out the book United States of paranoia.

You can roll with whatever you want and you can like the system you are in and defend it. Just don't be surprised if people point out the hypocrises of said system, the criminality of said system, and advocate for the abolishment and replacement of said system to one that is more favorable in their eyes.

As for talking about elitist, why can't you distill the western government down to actions of elitists in respective western nations. this is the history of the world and of empires, control and war making made amongst the elite and fought by the masses.

But hey, if its intellectually easier for you to dismiss recongnition of power structure, that is okay too.

Listen,man. Cooper said so many things that were absolutely horse shyt & he likely knew it was horseshyt. We can have this discussion. But when we start? I won't go easy on Cooper because there is so much of a record for this huckster. One of the worst interpeters of Bible ever,btw. Probably one of the worst fathers as well to drag them into this web of conspiracies.

This is the echo chamber of a fukking uni bomber type character :

The patriot data bank is constantly updated so that when the appointed hour arrives all patriots can be rounded up with little if any effort. The plan calls for this to be accomplished in the dead of night on a national holiday. The most likely holiday is Thanksgiving, when everyone, no matter the religion, race, or creed, will be at home. The targets will be ripe for the picking after a heavy meal, maybe some alcoholic beverages, and during a deep sleep. There is a traitor in the patriot movement who provides the Secret Government with accurate names and addresses of patriots who will fight to protect and defend the Constitution.

He influenced the Militia movement to a different level, he also helped create some militias. People are susceptible to this type of narration. And then when it doesn't happen, guess what he can do? That's right, spin another yarn.

You want to hear about his freemason madness:

Let's go there.

May 6, 1943 - November 6, 2001 UFO conspiracist, tax resister, and self-styled "militiaman", Milton W. Cooper left a mixed legacy. While those who were inclined to accept his theories on John F. Kennedy’s assassination and a government cover-up of an alien invasion found him engaging and personable, those who questioned his logic or asked for proof found that 'his demeanor and attitude was "unfriendly" at best.' 1 A Clinton White House memo allegedly labelled him "the most dangerous radio host in America"2 while those who identified with his shoot-from-the-hip independence called him America’s greatest patriot. Best known as the author of Behold a Pale Horse (1991), this book detailed his claims of an extraterrestrial invasion and government cover-up, as well as the complete text of the notorious antisemitic hoax, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, with Cooper claiming that "any reference to 'Jews' should be replaced with the word 'Illuminati."

He hosted a short-wave radio programme called The Hour of the Time (WBCQ worldwide short-wave 7.415 MHz (0300 to 0400 UTC) Monday through Thursday nights). In October 2001, Cooper’s radio show was cancelled because of "lack of funds". He also hosted a talk show broadcast on the Worldwide Christian Radio out of Nashville. Cooper made many claims about his life. He claimed to have been a member of the Order of DeMolay, an appendant body of Freemasonry, claiming this gave him insight into the hidden clues of masonic control. 3 A second-class petty officer, he had received an Honourable Discharge from the United States Navy on 11 December, 1975.

But he also made unverified claims to have worked for Naval Intelligence, using this as justification for many of his claims and accusations regarding what he claimed was a government cover-up regarding UFOs. He first posted messages in ParaNet early in 1988 but, when asked for evidence, became so abusive that he was eventually barred. "He was known for plagiarizing the 'research' of other UFOlogists and claiming that he first saw all this stuff in Naval Intelligence documents in the early '70s—including things the UFOlogists made up as jokes." 4 "It didn't take long for the UFO mainstream to turn against Cooper. He had come out of nowhere telling grossly sensational stories, and yet was quickly eclipsing those who had been laboring for decades to gain public acceptance for stories only a bit less outlandish.

A little investigation quickly showed how Cooper’s tales were not only implausible and unsubstantiated, but had significantly changed over time. Don Ecker of UFO Magazine ran a series of exposés on Cooper in 1990." 5 Over time, his claims became more outlandish. He claimed that JFK was assassinated by his driver, citing a special 'washed' version of the Zapruder film that seemed to show Kennedy’s driver, William Greer, turning to shoot the President—an allegation since disproven. 6 He later claimed that the aliens in an American television series, "Alien Nation", were real aliens.7 By 1998, the USA federal government had several outstanding warrants for Cooper and his wife for tax evasion and bank fraud. Cooper’s Chinese-born wife, Annie, and their two daughters had left the United States in June 2000; Cooper remained at his home in Eagar, Apache County, Arizona. Cooper had made it clear, both online and on air, that he would not surrender to the police.

'According to Glenn Jacobs, a local newspaperman who knew Cooper, "he kept an AK-47 just inside his front door by a magazine rack."' 8 At 11:40 pm, 5 November, 2001, Apache County Sheriff’s deputies attempted to serve an arrest warrant at Cooper’s residence. Earlier that day Cooper had seen a man driving past his home, ran out, jumped in his car and drove after the man, forcing him to pull over, and threatening him at gunpoint. The man, a local doctor, waited until Cooper left then called the police, who issued a warrant against Cooper for "aggravated assault with a deadly weapon."

Cooper had lost a leg in a motorcycle accident many years before, and police surveillance indicated that there was a high probability that his home contained a number of firearms.9 Police believed that if they could lure Cooper out of his home they would have a better chance of arresting him. "Members of the Apache Country Sheriff’s Office deployed several deputies in the area adjacent to Cooper’s home in an attempt to draw him from his residence to serve an arrest warrant. After leaving his residence in his vehicle, Cooper confronted plainclothes deputies a short distance away. As Cooper drove back to his residence, Sheriff’s deputies attempted to stop him using a fully marked patrol vehicle to block the roadway. Cooper refused to stop or comply with verbal orders issued by deputies. Cooper drove around the patrol vehicle, off the roadway, and attempted to run over a sergeant before heading back to his residence. Cooper was followed a short distance to the front of his residence where he was again confronted by uniformed deputies. After refusing once again to comply with orders from deputies, Cooper exited his vehicle and ran toward his house, firing shots from a handgun towards deputies. Deputy Robert Marinez of the Apache County Sheriff’s Office was struck in the head by at least one round. Deputies returned fire, striking and fatally wounding Cooper." 10 Although widely reported as 5 November, the police report gives his time of death as early in the morning of 6 November.11 On 15 November, a memorial service was held for Cooper at the Jewkes Mortuary in Eagar, Arizona. Shortly after his death, internet reports of a press conference that William Cooper had allegedly held two weeks before his death began to appear. These have been denied by his website as being a hoax.

It is sad because a guy like this could spin any yarn he wanted to, do a reversal & suddenly he's a hero still. Meanwhile a freemason, a president,a news agency, they couldn't do this shyt. He would be on the microphone blasting their "inconsistencies" You see the problem here?

He could literally say anything and people would still think he wasn't duping you. His greatest skill was selling a story he knew it wasn't true. And the evidence is all documented, he said so much with that microphone that was basically his undoing as credible.


"William Cooper Update" Sierra Times, November 6, 2001. (accessed 2004/01/28) Also see (accessed 2008/07/21). 2.
Rush Limbaugh from a Clinton White House memo after the Oklahoma City bombing. Sierra Times cited by David Icke, E-Magazine, Volume 29 November 2001. Also see 3.
Claimed by Robert D. Morningstar on (accessed 2004/01/28). 4.
Reason, "Death Wish How rebels punch their own ticket." Brian Doherty Also see 5.
Skeptical Inquirer, "UFO conspiracist William Cooper killed in gunfight with police." Robert Sheaffer March, 2002, Also see: "...never a pleasant person to begin with, he spiralled downwards as both his incipient paranoia and long list of enemies grew." "Fascinated by Cooper’s flips and flops, I presented my investigation of his claims in UFO Magazine (1990; Vol 5, issues No 4 and 5)" Don Ecker, Fortean Times, 155 February 2002. 6. Fortean Times vol. 121, pp. 28-31; vol. 122, pp. 40-43. 7.
t.gif 8.
Mark Sheaffer, "Officers Kill Militia Voice", The Arizona Republic. 7 November, 2001. 9.
Fortean Times, "Bullets before brains," Kenn Thomas. vol. 155 February, 2002. Kenn Thomas also directs us to Lars Hanson’s affidavit to try to get the full picture about Bill Cooper 10.
Apache County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Brian Hounshell fax. November 6, 2001 Also see The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, November 7, 2001. 11.
"On November 6, 2001 at approximately 0005 hours, the Apache County Sheriff's Office (ACSO), Special Response Team (SRT), was invoived in an "Officer Involved Shooting." The suspect, William Milton Cooper [sic], critically wounded an ACSO deputy and was mortally wounded by another sheriff's deputy." Synopsis, Criminal Investigation Apache County Sheriff's Office Aggravated Assault on a Peace Officer DR#2001-070756. Kevin Wood (2613) Phoenix, Arizona : Arizona Department of Public Safety, 4 April 2002, p. 1 See: 12.


Dec 2, 2015
Listen,man. Cooper said so many things that were absolutely horse shyt & he likely knew it was horseshyt. We can have this discussion. But when we start? I won't go easy on Cooper because there is so much of a record for this huckster. One of the worst interpeters of Bible ever,btw. Probably one of the worst fathers as well to drag them into this web of conspiracies.

This is the echo chamber of a fukking uni bomber type character :

He influenced the Militia movement to a different level, he also helped create some militias. People are susceptible to this type of narration. And then when it doesn't happen, guess what he can do? That's right, spin another yarn.

You want to hear about his freemason madness:

Let's go there.

It is sad because a guy like this could spin any yarn he wanted to, do a reversal & suddenly he's a hero still. Meanwhile a freemason, a president,a news agency, they couldn't do this shyt. He would be on the microphone blasting their "inconsistencies" You see the problem here?

He could literally say anything and people would still think he wasn't duping you. His greatest skill was selling a story he knew it wasn't true. And the evidence is all documented, he said so much with that microphone that was basically his undoing as credible.


"William Cooper Update" Sierra Times, November 6, 2001. (accessed 2004/01/28) Also see (accessed 2008/07/21). 2.
Rush Limbaugh from a Clinton White House memo after the Oklahoma City bombing. Sierra Times cited by David Icke, E-Magazine, Volume 29 November 2001. Also see 3.
Claimed by Robert D. Morningstar on (accessed 2004/01/28). 4.
Reason, "Death Wish How rebels punch their own ticket." Brian Doherty Also see 5.
Skeptical Inquirer, "UFO conspiracist William Cooper killed in gunfight with police." Robert Sheaffer March, 2002, Also see: "...never a pleasant person to begin with, he spiralled downwards as both his incipient paranoia and long list of enemies grew." "Fascinated by Cooper’s flips and flops, I presented my investigation of his claims in UFO Magazine (1990; Vol 5, issues No 4 and 5)" Don Ecker, Fortean Times, 155 February 2002. 6. Fortean Times vol. 121, pp. 28-31; vol. 122, pp. 40-43. 7.
t.gif 8.
Mark Sheaffer, "Officers Kill Militia Voice", The Arizona Republic. 7 November, 2001. 9.
Fortean Times, "Bullets before brains," Kenn Thomas. vol. 155 February, 2002. Kenn Thomas also directs us to Lars Hanson’s affidavit to try to get the full picture about Bill Cooper 10.
Apache County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Brian Hounshell fax. November 6, 2001 Also see The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, November 7, 2001. 11.
"On November 6, 2001 at approximately 0005 hours, the Apache County Sheriff's Office (ACSO), Special Response Team (SRT), was invoived in an "Officer Involved Shooting." The suspect, William Milton Cooper [sic], critically wounded an ACSO deputy and was mortally wounded by another sheriff's deputy." Synopsis, Criminal Investigation Apache County Sheriff's Office Aggravated Assault on a Peace Officer DR#2001-070756. Kevin Wood (2613) Phoenix, Arizona : Arizona Department of Public Safety, 4 April 2002, p. 1 See: 12.

LIke I said he wasn't an evangelist he was a talk show host who wrote one book.
I even admitted he was heavy into conspiracy theory, that said again, he didn't create any militia and he wasn't in charge of any militia, militia movement types liked his books but again this is nothing new in US history regarding conspiracy publishers.

As for trying to call him a unibomber type or his view of the bible, that is subjective. I don't believe in the bible at all and I have a hard time listening to anyone who looks at it as anything more than ramblings of religious members disconnected from reality, but like some of the shyt cooper said, there are actually legit principles or ideas presented in it hidden amongst the nonsense.

As for what he thought, seems to me he wasn't duping anyone, like a Alex jones type. Cooper seemed from people close to him to really believe what he was saying or what he talked about. Take that how you want it.


Dec 2, 2015
Since Alex Jones is for morons, can somebody point me to trustworthy news source?

there are more but those are some pretty solid news agencies tht are unbiased.

What you really have to do is look at info from multiple sources compaare and contrast and try to figure out your which argument is the most credible and sourced the best


All green everything
May 6, 2012
Currently listingningn to him in the Joe Rohan podcast :damn: