Barack Obama says Robert Byrd, a former KKK Grand Wizard was "An Icon"


May 21, 2012
While I certainly wouldn’t have voted for him, here’s what the NAACP had to say about Robert Byrd.

The Breitbartification of Senator Robert Byrd | HuffPost

But perhaps the most remarkable tribute came from the NAACP. In years prior, Senator Byrd received a 100% rating from the NAACP for his pro-civil rights voting record. In a statement, the group’s then-president, Ben Jealous, said:

“Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation. Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.”

It’s remarkable when you think about it.

A man who was a member of and recruiter for the KKK, a man who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was eulogized by our first black president, whose candidacy Byrd endorsed in the 2008 primary. And the NAACP, our nation’s leading African American civil rights organization, mourned his death in a passionate statement.

Donald Trump, the man who founded the birther movement, which doubts the nationality of our first black president, has decided that he and his supporters are in the position to judge Senator Byrd’s life and Hillary Clinton’s friendship with him. Remember that Trump is also the man who was sued by Richard Nixon’s Justice Department for housing discrimination against African Americans and a man who, in an interview with NBC’s Bryant Gumbel, infamously said, in 1989, that black men have it easier than white men.

I didn’t know Senator Byrd, but if someone close to me told me that he still grappled with his prejudice up until the moment of his passing, I wouldn’t be surprised. And I would forgive him for one simple reason: he kept trying.

Senator Byrd never tried to whitewash his history. His supporters never tried to whitewash his history. And in death, his history wasn’t whitewashed. And unlike Donald Trump and his supporters, who act inconvenienced whenever they’re called out on the candidate’s insensitive and racist remarks, Senator Byrd knew that he had a lifelong responsibility to atone for his sins.

In his memoirs, which were released in 2005, Senator Byrd said, “I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times . . . and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.”

Now, imagine Donald Trump saying the same thing.

If you’re a reasonable person, I’m sure you can’t even construct the thought in your mind.

nikkas just skipped right past this post huh?

How come y’all don’t have the NAACP in the same crosshairs you’re putting Obama in?

Agenda is obvious...

Ignorance to history and context of this situation is also obvious.


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
nikkas just skipped right past this post huh?

How come y’all don’t have the NAACP in the same crosshairs you’re putting Obama in?

Agenda is obvious...

Ignorance to history and context of this situation is also obvious.

They're stupid too. Once again, you think jewish orgs will be exalting and forgiving nazis no matter how reformed they are? They legit go seek and destroy those dudes when they 80 and shyt like you can't escape your past my fascist breh. But yet here in america we not only brush it under the rug we let them be senators for 50 years. This country doesn't respect black lives still and then you have the established leading org of AFram praising former grand wizards. Its so so so so so insane to me. Say he's played a good democrat. All these other fluff is disgusting. You don't have to forgive this ofay b*stard because he tries to change. Do we forgive child predators and rapist who try to change? This isn't a case of being vocally racist and relinquishing your stupidity. This man really mobilized it and lead others too as well.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
1. Whats the link to your study?
2. I know I posted the same opinion piece (thats the point...reciepts?)
3. I give Sessions the benefit of the doubt over Obama because
a. he prosecuted people like Robert Byrd
b. he's not on video giving a eulogy to Robert Byrd :francis:
4. Why are you doing damage control for Robert Byrd via deflection? :patrice:
Right, you posted an opinion piece from Jeff Sessions. Of course he's going to attempt to justify himself. *His* words don't hold any weight here.

Wrt your 3rd point, it is misleading:

The Real Story of Jeff Sessions's Role in Prosecuting the Klan - The Atlantic

What Jeff Sessions's Role in Prosecuting the Klan Reveals About His Civil-Rights Record
Defenders of Trump’s choice for attorney general have cited an Alabama lynching case as evidence of his commitment to racial equality. The real story is more complicated.

Sessions doesn't get credit for not obstructing the case.

In 1986, Figures testified before the Senate that while it was “literally true” that Sessions had not “obstructed the investigation of the murder of Michael Donald,” Sessions had “tried to persuade me to discontinue pursuit of the case.” Figures said that Sessions “remarked, with regard to the investigation, that the case was a waste of time, that it wasn’t going anywhere, that I should spend more time on other things, and that, if the perpetrators were found, I would not be assigned to the case.” Figures told the Senate that after the case went to the grand jury, and it “became increasingly apparent that we were going to break the case, Mr. Sessions attitude changed” and that he supported the prosecution.

Coretta Scott King's 1986 statement and testimony on Jeff...

Sessions also used his office to intimidate black voters and to turn a blind eye to racist judges. But you're giving him the benefit of the doubt, you were all for his ratcheting up the war on drugs. You were happy to see what little in the way of sentencing reform be done away with.

I'm not defending or damage controlling shyt. I just don't like you as a person. You're a snake. You're always in these threads hammering away at something (from encouraging people not to vote or spreading nonsensical conspiracy theories) and attempting to sow discord.

It's also funny how you don't realize you're doing exactly the same thing you're mad at Obama for, but for Jeff Sessions.
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May 6, 2012
Right, you posted an opinion piece from Jeff Sessions. Of course he's going to attempt to justify himself. *His* words don't hold any weight here.

Wrt your 3rd point, it is misleading:

The Real Story of Jeff Sessions's Role in Prosecuting the Klan - The Atlantic

What Jeff Sessions's Role in Prosecuting the Klan Reveals About His Civil-Rights Record
Defenders of Trump’s choice for attorney general have cited an Alabama lynching case as evidence of his commitment to racial equality. The real story is more complicated.

Sessions doesn't get credit for not obstructing the case.

In 1986, Figures testified before the Senate that while it was “literally true” that Sessions had not “obstructed the investigation of the murder of Michael Donald,” Sessions had “tried to persuade me to discontinue pursuit of the case.” Figures said that Sessions “remarked, with regard to the investigation, that the case was a waste of time, that it wasn’t going anywhere, that I should spend more time on other things, and that, if the perpetrators were found, I would not be assigned to the case.” Figures told the Senate that after the case went to the grand jury, and it “became increasingly apparent that we were going to break the case, Mr. Sessions attitude changed” and that he supported the prosecution.

Sessions also used his office to intimidate black voters and to turn a blind eye to racist judges.

Coretta Scott King's 1986 statement and testimony on Jeff...

Anyway, I don't give a fukk about Robert Byrd. I hope he's burning in hell. I just don't like you as a person. You're a snake. You're always in these threads hammering away at something or attempting to sow discord.

It's also funny how you don't realize you're doing exactly the same thing you're mad at Obama for, but for Jeff Sessions.
The real story written by...The Atlantic
I knew you were going to post that article

You do know Sessions & Figures have beef right?
DOJ Attorney Who Accused Jeff Sessions of Racial Remarks Was Later Indicted

I wouldn’t call Figures a reliable source

I don’t give a fukk if you don’t like me this ain’t Tinder :mjlol:

I’m not doing the same thing Obama did, that’s false equivalency like a mfer...and another tactic to deflect from Byrd. Understand Real eyes realize what you doing right now :ufdup:
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Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
The real story written by...The Atlantic
I knew you were going to post that article

You do know Sessions & Figures have beef right?
DOJ Attorney Who Accused Jeff Sessions of Racial Remarks Was Later Indicted

I wouldn’t call Figures a reliable source

I don’t give a fukk if you don’t like me this ain’t Tinder :mjlol:
Deflections. The Atlantic has credibility. It's also funny how the words of a racist are credible to you, and are worthy of being given the benefit of the doubt, but Thomas Figures is seen as unreliable (because of a retaliatory bribery case that went nowhere*). Figures also went on to become a judge. It's interesting. It's also interesting how you ignored everything else.

*“I don’t think it is incidental that Tom Figures testified against Jeff Sessions’s nomination to the bench and is now being indicted just 10 weeks before the Republican Administration leaves office,” J. L. Chestnut, a black activist told The New York Times at the time. “It has raised a lot of eyebrows here, and many feel there is a connection.”

You sure do jump through a lot of hoops for a racist. :francis:

I’m not doing the same thing Obama did, that’s false equivalency like a mfer...and another tactic to deflect from Byrd. Understand Real eyes realize what you doing right now :ufdup:

No, you're right. What you're doing is worse. Sessions is a racist and you're attempting to rehabilitate his image.
May 6, 2012
Deflections. The Atlantic has credibility. It's also funny how the words of a racist are credible to you, and are worthy of being given the benefit of the doubt, but Thomas Figures is seen as unreliable (because of a retaliatory bribery case that went nowhere*). Figures also went on to become a judge. It's interesting. It's also interesting how you ignored everything else.

*“I don’t think it is incidental that Tom Figures testified against Jeff Sessions’s nomination to the bench and is now being indicted just 10 weeks before the Republican Administration leaves office,” J. L. Chestnut, a black activist told The New York Times at the time. “It has raised a lot of eyebrows here, and many feel there is a connection.”

You sure do jump through a lot of hoops for a racist. :francis:

It’s funny how you copy & paste tidbits of the article but leave out multiple witnesses claiming Sessions was essential in the prosecution.

Figures might’ve felt Sessions was getting too much credit because Figures was indeed the driving force behind it. However without Sessions’ clout it would’ve went unsolved.

Let’s break down the science of your posting though

Even if Sessions had minimal to do with the prosecution and death of a kkk grand wizard... the end of the day & at worst, I’m defending the minimal act of prosecuting a kkk grand wizard
...while you are just in here using deflection to defend a kkk grand wizard (and the people who call him an icon):yeshrug:

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
It’s funny how you copy & paste tidbits of the article but leave out multiple witnesses claiming Sessions was essential in the prosecution.

Figures might’ve felt Sessions was getting too much credit because Figures was indeed the driving force behind it. However without Sessions’ clout it would’ve went unsolved.

Let’s break down the science of your posting though

Even if Sessions had minimal to do with the prosecution and death of a kkk grand wizard... the end of the day & at worst, I’m defending the minimal act of prosecuting a kkk grand wizard
...while you are just in here using deflection to defend a kkk grand wizard (and the people who call him an icon):yeshrug:

Oh, so you are :cape:for Sessions? :russ: How come you're doing so much to brighten his image? You sure are doing an awful lot of defending of a man who used his [racist] feelings instead of actual data when it came to reversing several sentencing reforms/civil rights. What's up with that, man?

"Sessions’s statements to the Senate in 1986 about his supervisory role in the case are more modest than what he and his supporters say today, and while his testimony at the time generally did not directly contradict Figures’s account, Sessions insisted that he did not urge Figures to drop the case."

So his role was only supervisory, and people like you and Ted Cruz are trying to hail him as some kind of civil rights champion. Civil rights champions don't use their office to intimidate black voters. They don't turn a blind eye to racists judges. Civil rights champions wouldn't work so hard to reverse common sense reforms, either. Sorry, I'm not going to give him the benefit of doubt.


Black American. The Sipp/Carolina.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4
Deep off in the mountains and woods of West Virginia, ain’t no telling how many AAs were terrorized and/or killed by those 150 Byrd mobilized and emboldened; emboldened with hateful rhetoric like Trump uses today. We know the police force in that state was letting them get away with any and everything done to black men and women. We also know there’s a significant black population in West Virginia.

I get he might’ve had a change of heart, and all that jazz; white folks try to make that argument for Robert E Lee, as well, but using superlatives like Obama used on him doesn’t sit well with me. It doesn’t sit well with me when it’s apparent Obama doesn’t quite understand the impact of the KKK.
May 6, 2012
Oh, so you are :cape:for Sessions? :russ: How come you're doing so much to brighten his image? You sure are doing an awful lot of defending of a man who used his [racist] feelings instead of actual data when it came to reversing several sentencing reforms/civil rights. What's up with that, man?

"Sessions’s statements to the Senate in 1986 about his supervisory role in the case are more modest than what he and his supporters say today, and while his testimony at the time generally did not directly contradict Figures’s account, Sessions insisted that he did not urge Figures to drop the case."

So his role was only supervisory, and people like you and Ted Cruz are trying to hail him as some kind of civil rights champion.

You know what? You right. All he did was supervise the prosecution of a Klansmen :ehh:

And thats obviously the same thing as being a Klansmen himself and me pointing that out is like Obama calling Byrd an icon for civil rights. You got me breh:wow:


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
Man these white boys/c00ns just cannot help themselves. Cape for a white racist brehs.

This cac has a history of calling for the death and mistreatment of black people, won a government position for it, but said sorry years later and its ok.

Cacs really do have that privilege.

Can you imagine a black man apologizing for doing a bunch of fukked up shyt and being forgiven and rewarded with a position as a law maker?

I'd like to know what his contributions were to the Dems. Did he cast a pivotal deciding vote for an important bill to get it through or get blocked ?. Did he chair a committee that oversaw some important reform?

Tony Parker won Finals MVP once, he was DESTROYING prime Kidd in another finals, and he routinely outplayed or gave as good as he got when matched up with the other pg throughout those finals runs.
:dwillhuh:But you caping for a known documented white supre.... never mind breh COOK :mjgrin:

i guess yall missed my disclaimer of
im not capping for this cac

but that’s not even the major issue I have with this, the fact that the OP made this thread with said tile THEN for whatever reason decided to edit the title probably because he wasn’t getting the response he initially wanted
ultimately shows why this site has been headed downhill

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
i guess yall missed my disclaimer of
im not capping for this cac

but that’s not even the major issue I have with this, the fact that the OP made this thread with said tile THEN for whatever reason decided to edit the title probably because he wasn’t getting the response he initially wanted
ultimately shows why this site has been headed downhill
No, you're sidestepping my question. I didn't infer that you were "caping" at all. You used a sports analogy and I asked you to clarify.


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
No, you're sidestepping my question. I didn't infer that you were "caping" at all. You used a sports analogy and I asked you to clarify.

u can look up his contributions... he was in office for over 50 years; once he came to his fukking senses he worked with NAACP, he furthered legislation on Civil Rights - Voting Rights etc... and was a key member of numerous groups that pushed policies

i aint :cape: for this cac
i just felt the need to define icon & show the disingenuous nature of acting like this Sentor currently still had these views

i have no reason to further post in here
the OP edited & derails his own thread
initally this thread was about ((( why do blacks support Democrates ))) not ((( Obama calling a former Klan member an icon )))

the most ridiculous shyt outta all this..... is when Obama made the icon comment at this cac funeral
this website didn't even exist - yet nikkaz in here are acting like this shyt just happen the other day