Biden Rejects Medicare for All

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

11 March 2020

Biden Rejects Medicare for All

On major policy issues, Biden’s agenda resembles Trump’s with a party label difference — both unacceptable, demanding rejection.

Throughout his time in public office, Biden one-sidedly supported and continues supporting privileged interests at the expense of the public welfare — notably against world peace and social justice, ideas he rejects.

The world’s richest country USA is the only developed one without some form of universal healthcare.

It’s the only equitable system for all its citizens and residents — everyone in, no one left out.

If adopted in the US, eliminating middlemen insurers that extract their pound of flesh while treating no one in need of healthcare, around $500 – $600 billion could be saved annually.

According to an Annals of Internal Medicine study, bureaucratic costs of delivering healthcare in the US cost $812 billion in 2017.

The study estimated that if US costs were cut to per capita Canadian levels, $600 billion annually could be saved.

Americans spend nearly $850 per person a year on insurers’ overhead compared to less than $150 per person in Canada.

Hospital administration costs in the US exceed $900 per capita annually v. less than $200 in Canada.

Weeks earlier, Biden defied reality, falsely claiming universal healthcare in the US will “cost $30 trillion over 10 years…some say…$40 trillion.”

If properly administered with public interests in mind over corporate ones, trillions of dollars less, not more, will be spent in the next decade.

Biden is a longtime shill for Big Pharma, insurers, and large hospital chains. His son Hunter once worked as a drug company lobbyist.

As US senator and vice president, he did nothing to make drug prices affordable for ordinary Americans.

His rhetoric and support for corporate interests are world’s apart.

According to Federal Election Commission filings, Big Pharma, insurers, financial organizations, billionaires, and other monied interests contributed large sums to Biden’s campaign — buying influence the way the debauched US system works.

Along with pocketbook issues overall, affordable healthcare is prioritized by most Americans.

Because of exorbitant insurance premiums and drug prices, it’s increasingly unaffordable for millions of Americans.

They pay double or more what healthcare costs in other developed nations.

Biden suggested that if Congress enacts Medicare for all legislation with him as president, he’ll likely balk at signing it into law.

Given his ties to large insurers and Big Pharma, he’d no doubt veto the measure — wanting them served, not ordinary Americans he’s been dismissive toward throughout his public life.

On March 9, Physicians for a National Health Program president Dr.

Adam Gaffney explained that throughout US history, major policy changes took time — coming only after groundwork laid for ending slavery, women’s suffrage, civil and human rights, Medicare, Medicare, and other significant programs.

No one can tell when “pivotal change” is possible, he stressed. It’s well known that wishing and waiting don’t work.

Opposition to Medicare for all “neglects the moral urgency of reform(ing)” a dysfunctional system, a fundamental human right based on the ability to pay.

Tens of thousands of Americans suffer and die annually from major illnesses for lack of resources to pay high costs.

“Medicare for all is uniquely designed to” accomplish what other proposed US healthcare options fail at, said Gaffney — “achiev(ing) a universal improvement of coverage,” a minimum level playing field for everyone, no one needing treatment denied it.

Gaffney: “Rising copays and deductibles are causing more and more patients to go without needed care, or to face harsh financial consequences when they do.”

“Underinsurance is, today, as much a problem as uninsurance — and, according to estimates from the Commonwealth Fund, is growing most rapidly among those with employer-sponsored coverage.”

“(T)he vast majority of (Americans would) benefit from” universal coverage.

Failing to go all-out on this vital issue will virtually assure continuation of the unacceptable status quo in our lifetimes.

Activists for equity and justice can’t let that happen.


Biden Rejects Medicare for All - Global Research

Black Nate Grey

The God Emperor of Mankind
Jan 24, 2014
Shouldve voted for Andrew Yang. We've all have $1000 in our pockets every month.
There is an issue here most people are not aware of. What do you think is going to happen when every landlord, grocery chain, and anyone who sells goods knows that every American has an extra $1000.00?
Prices will go up. People will be charged more for services.

This is different from a wage increase because these people don’t know exactly who’s wage increased and by how much.

It’s a novel idea but would have to be implemented very carefully, Yang never addressed this IIRC.