Black America Will be Hit Hard by Tax Reform Changes


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016

You got magic, libertarian jokes.
So I will bite, what’s would you do to make it work?

Lower taxes? Kill social programs? Let the markets decide who live or dies?

The floor is yours.:yeshrug:
At Least... You didnt call me gop or cac conservative or something silly...

I wouldn't say im libertarian, but thats close At least:wow:

If you're talking about the nation as a whole- the usa needs low business tax and a business friendly environment. Some social services as well, since we've stepped far away from full blow capitalism.

For black America (what the thread is about)- people speak FOR black Amerika , while the average black amerikan has no real voice. Mainly people think keeping us dependent on social programs is Key. I say that's dangerous. (And makes us Way Too attacked to the success of the same Gov that hates us).
As far as taxes goes, fukk do we care about this for. Maybe where yall live but where im at, nikkas barely are hit good or bad by tax law changes. Tax policy never FLIPS so hard it rocks black amerika. At the most... Some blacks will increase a lil less than 4k owed. Most wont be affected as they arent substantial taxpayers. Most grad students will figure it out (even though i hate they will remove grad tuition exemptions). Rich nikkas will be Okay. But sorta rich business owners low key will do better. Its just what it is.


Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
the usa needs low business tax and a business friendly environment.
"I recently read the February 24 Good Jobs First report, “Subsidizing the Corporate One Percent,” by Philip Mattera, a respected thought leader in our business. It says that three-quarters of all state economic development subsidies went to just 965 corporations since the beginning of the study in 1976. The Fortune 500 corporations alone accounted for more than 16,000 subsidy awards, worth $63 billion – mostly in the form of tax breaks.

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole.
Low taxes? They're not even paying taxes at all. In fact, they're being given money from the taxpayers. Get the fukk out of here.

Gus Money

May 20, 2012

wait, did he really say he is from the hood and he has 14 properties?
Yup, I posted exact quotes from him in this thread and his other one about liberal policies. Dude is just stringing words together and talking in circles, but he's dressing it up with the "black people are dependent on social programs" talking point.

He's literally arguing that black people won't be affected by tax reform despite numerous posts in here explaining otherwise.

"Grad students will figure it out. Rich nikkas will be okay."

Excellent breakdown :heh:


Nov 26, 2016
At Least... You didnt call me gop or cac conservative or something silly...

I wouldn't say im libertarian, but thats close At least:wow:

If you're talking about the nation as a whole- the usa needs low business tax and a business friendly environment. Some social services as well, since we've stepped far away from full blow capitalism.

For black America (what the thread is about)- people speak FOR black Amerika , while the average black amerikan has no real voice. Mainly people think keeping us dependent on social programs is Key. I say that's dangerous. (And makes us Way Too attacked to the success of the same Gov that hates us).
As far as taxes goes, fukk do we care about this for. Maybe where yall live but where im at, nikkas barely are hit good or bad by tax law changes. Tax policy never FLIPS so hard it rocks black amerika. At the most... Some blacks will increase a lil less than 4k owed. Most wont be affected as they arent substantial taxpayers. Most grad students will figure it out (even though i hate they will remove grad tuition exemptions). Rich nikkas will be Okay. But sorta rich business owners low key will do better. Its just what it is.


Interesting. It is a nice idea but it doesn’t gel with the reality of the situation.

Low business tax and a business friendly environment won’t keep people employed. If the level of skill is similar across options, companies will ship jobs to the place with the cheaper salaries, no matter how low the tax is.
Ask Carrier.
Which social programs do you keep and which do you kill? Do you kill Medicare and let the old folk die? Reduce border security and let more Mexicans in? Public education, science grants? Social services? Policing?
Are you comfortable with giving those things to the free market to regulate? Lots of people don’t care about programs being cut until it ends up being a program they need. Everyone one else is a leech but they always convince themselves that they aren’t. White folk are the largest beneficiaries of welfare but like to pretend that black people are the ones who don’t deserve it. They refuse to be honest with themselves.

Black people being hooked on social programs... . As far as I and concerned it’s a right wing talking point full of sleight of hand. If laws and systems in the USA were fair and the playing field was levelled for POC I think the rate of blacks needing social programs would diminish substantially. You don’t ask someone to pull themselves up by their boot straps after you have stolen their boots.

Tax wise it’s less the immediate effect and more the long term damage. For example, the bill will add 1 trillion dollars to the deficit. People will call for social and other programs to be cut toget the deficit down. Who will suffer from the austerity? Poor and middle class people of colour.


Mar 6, 2015
Why should there be people who literally pay no taxes but receive a huge chuck of social benefit?
You mean the very rich and their corporations?:sas1:


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
Interesting. It is a nice idea but it doesn’t gel with the reality of the situation.

Low business tax and a business friendly environment won’t keep people employed. If the level of skill is similar across options, companies will ship jobs to the place with the cheaper salaries, no matter how low the tax is.
Ask Carrier.
Which social programs do you keep and which do you kill? Do you kill Medicare and let the old folk die? Reduce border security and let more Mexicans in? Public education, science grants? Social services? Policing?
Are you comfortable with giving those things to the free market to regulate? Lots of people don’t care about programs being cut until it ends up being a program they need. Everyone one else is a leech but they always convince themselves that they aren’t. White folk are the largest beneficiaries of welfare but like to pretend that black people are the ones who don’t deserve it. They refuse to be honest with themselves.

Black people being hooked on social programs... . As far as I and concerned it’s a right wing talking point full of sleight of hand. If laws and systems in the USA were fair and the playing field was levelled for POC I think the rate of blacks needing social programs would diminish substantially. You don’t ask someone to pull themselves up by their boot straps after you have stolen their boots.

Tax wise it’s less the immediate effect and more the long term damage. For example, the bill will add 1 trillion dollars to the deficit. People will call for social and other programs to be cut toget the deficit down. Who will suffer from the austerity? Poor and middle class people of colour.
Low business tax.. High business tax may or may not keep people employed but business owners can hire more and produce more in a friendly business environment- its caller a friendly business environment.

Dont cut medicare or Medicaid. Keep border security the same and end the So called War on drugs that drains our economy, kills black families and ruins lives. Add drug addiction programs to Medicaid. Policing needs to reduce or focus more on urban community traing. Social programs, idk. Science grants have been known to fukk up real scientific research- i wouldnt mind a gov controlled Germany russia china model for that. Public education:francis:.... Is bullshyt.

Black people have done better with our own schools , charter, private, and seperatly controlled.... Not segregated but separate.:yeshrug:

I agree black people cant be told to pull themselves up, but they aren't told (or dont listen to it)... A few cac nuts say it. But mainly they are Feed and Controlled by liberal dependency politics. Name 1 reason the dems or liberals would want the AA population to be as self sufficient as some other groups.

I agree Tax Wise- barely any immediate effects:ehh:
Long term- you may be speculating, but Only in a pro business environment we have the small chance to close the wealth gaps and help our people. :hubie:


Nov 26, 2016
Low business tax.. High business tax may or may not keep people employed but business owners can hire more and produce more in a friendly business environment- its caller a friendly business environment.

Dont cut medicare or Medicaid. Keep border security the same and end the So called War on drugs that drains our economy, kills black families and ruins lives. Add drug addiction programs to Medicaid. Policing needs to reduce or focus more on urban community traing. Social programs, idk. Science grants have been known to fukk up real scientific research- i wouldnt mind a gov controlled Germany russia china model for that. Public education:francis:.... Is bullshyt.

Black people have done better with our own schools , charter, private, and seperatly controlled.... Not segregated but separate.:yeshrug:

I agree black people cant be told to pull themselves up, but they aren't told (or dont listen to it)... A few cac nuts say it. But mainly they are Feed and Controlled by liberal dependency politics. Name 1 reason the dems or liberals would want the AA population to be as self sufficient as some other groups.

I agree Tax Wise- barely any immediate effects:ehh:
Long term- you may be speculating, but Only in a pro business environment we have the small chance to close the wealth gaps and help our people. :hubie:

Low or high tax, America has one of the most business friendly environments on the planet. Don’t believe the GOP hype. Unions have been all but destroyed. Business are allowed to treat workers like crap and there is little or no chance of redress. As I stated before. It’s about salaries. So unless you are prepared to take a wage that’s in keeping with what the Mexicans or Chinese get, certain jobs will always be at risk. Even if the tax rate was zero.
The biggest expense on the balance sheet is payroll. Businesses have been looking for ways around paying salaries for years. Be careful how you throw out stuff. Business friendly does not mean employee friendly.

Agree with the war on drugs point. But I notice you aren’t cutting many social programs. You actually made a net addition to one of the programs. So how are you going to pay for them? If you lower taxes for businesses you need to find the money from somewhere else.

Germany China and Russia science programs are government controlled. You know what that could also be called? One big ass science grant. Even bigger percentage wise than what the happens in the USA. So, once again, who is going to pay for that?

Who is going to pony up the money to start black schools? Without wealthy donors, guess who that falls on... the government and taxes. Just look at how the HBCUs were in Trumps White House trying to secure funding.

What is liberal dependency politics? You just throw these words out there? Give an example. Is Medicaid old people dependency politics? Are low business taxes business dependency politics? What policies have liberals forced on black people that have us dependant? Welfare is not a black person thing. It’s a poor and lower middle income thing. You live and you work, but you still need a helping hand. Welfare provides that. Do people game the system? Yes. But any system introduced usually gets gamed. Businesses find tax loopholes and keep workers on zero hour contracts so they don’t have to give them benefits. No one calls a business lazy and addicted to tax cuts, yet we trumpet right wing talking points and magnify the small number of people who abuse welfare, like it’s the norm instead of the exception.

So in summary you have cut few programs and actually introduced others. Oh, and you are cutting business tax. So how do you pay for it all? Tax the rich more? The middle class? The poor?


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
"In my hood."

"In Harlem"

"I have 14 properties"

"I'm the authentic one"

This guy @Losttribe is making a hard late push for that WOAT banner.



wait, did he really say he is from the hood and he has 14 properties?

:bryan: I can't believe so many people in this thread are entertaining this loser @Losttribe aka Blackking.

Y'all don't remember this lame:
I really really really do not know why his IP was restored on this site. Someone in the backroom must have err'd, so back to the bushes he goes until we fix this misunderstanding :mjpls:


Dec 21, 2016
:bryan: I can't believe so many people in this thread are entertaining this loser @Losttribe aka Blackking.

Y'all don't remember this lame:
I really really really do not know why his IP was restored on this site. Someone in the backroom must have err'd, so back to the bushes he goes until we fix this misunderstanding :mjpls:
:picard: nikkas fukking they cousins? :damn:

This nikka foul as fukk. Not even feel bad about it neither.