Body Cam Footage of Dillon Taylor Police Shooting


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Brown_Pride said:
On the one hand you have a drunk guy with his hands in his pants fiddling with something. A cop who has a suspicion that a gun may be involved. A cop who then shoots a person pulling his hands out after the cop directs him to pull his hands out. The cop painted this dude into a corner. So even if the dude did follow directions and took mine and your advice of putting his hands in the air he was gonna get shot. How does one get out of this alive?

What made the cop shoot was him lifting his shirt. There was no reason for him to do that. Technically, he was not following directions which is not a smart move when you have two guns pointed at you.​

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
Welp, if you guys find that normal. I guess that's simply a difference in culture. :manny:


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
If there's one take away from all this cop shyt it's when a cop asks you to stop, stop, put your hands waaaay above your head and lay down. Not that it'll save you you 100% of the time but it certainly increases your chances of NOT getting shot. Wonder how often police DO draw their guns and don't fire....

That is a good take away but what's terrifying is that is doesn't guarantee you won't get murdered.

They'll clap regardless. One of my best friends was killed 12/1/06 by a cop that shot him THROUGH his front door as he went to answer it. They sent a SWAT team for someone else and they knocked, he went to answer as they hit it with a battering ram. The 2nd cop in the stack thought the battering ram was a "shotgun blast coming from inside the house" and he fired several bursts from a .45 ACP sub-machine gun. Then when they got inside, my friend's dog ran into the living room and they shot the dog also.

Another friend in the house told me that the cops waited a couple of minutes to call the EMTs to get their story straight first. The door to the house went "missing" in the evidence locker, and the coroner changed his report a couple of times. I'm not sure how many times he was shot, but it was at least 5.

The grand jury indicted the cop on 2nd degree murder, but then the prosecutor came back and said that they checked the wrong box, and that they meant to check not to indict. Later he got indicted on Manslaughter charges, but since he's a cop, he obviously got off clean and beat the case. The same cop had also shot someone in the back of the head as they were fleeing the scene of a crime several years earlier.

fukking disgusting. The amount of innocent people that get murdered by cops for no reason at all is ridiculous.



May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
I must say I'm absolutely amazed at how unfazed the reactions in this thread are. As if taking another human being's life was that casual in the US...

Then, you guys are rationalizing the police's behavior, which is, to an outsider like me, absolutely dysfunctional. All this shooting of unarmed civilians are really mind-blowing to me because using lethal force ("excessive" force is a damn euphemism, we know that) is an over reaction in all cases. Objectively, law-enforcement is neither a judge nor a jury and the death penalty should be decided in a courtroom. And the police seems to instill fear in you so much that you are basically changing your behavior because you feel like proven guilty (and rightfully fearing for your life) until the police says otherwise. But do you guys realize how bad of a sign that is for a democracy ?

Those killer cops (and I feel like this is because of their training) get out of their car with nothing but killing intent which is absolutely wrong. I'd have no problem if they were using their guns to incapacitate a suspect but they are shooting to kill ! I mean, are you really agreeing to say the death of this individual was justifiable or that he deserved it just because he didn't comply ? Are you really that far gone ? If so, I honestly find that incredible.

Totally. man I'm telling you it's a DAILY thing here. I read these stories ALL the time. It happened to one of my best friends so I always stay up to date on how these cops get less training, more weaponry, more hostile and aggressive, every month. It's only getting worse. They almost always murder pets too when they raid homes (which is all the time now, because every warrant these days is a "high risk warrant, which means a SWAT team is coming).

A family pet is murdered by police every 98 minutes in America:

The ONE thing I'll say and I hate to say it, is that it's really hard to shoot to main/injure. If you are going to shoot someone, you need to go ahead and shoot for the center mass. BUT...the guns don't need to be coming out this much. WTF happened to tasers? Are those gone? I remember when the big news was people getting tasered by cops, but now it's like they go straight for the pistol/rifle/shotgun/etc.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
That is a good take away but what's terrifying is that is doesn't guarantee you won't get murdered.

They'll clap regardless. One of my best friends was killed 12/1/06 by a cop that shot him THROUGH his front door as he went to answer it. They sent a SWAT team for someone else and they knocked, he went to answer as they hit it with a battering ram. The 2nd cop in the stack thought the battering ram was a "shotgun blast coming from inside the house" and he fired several bursts from a .45 ACP sub-machine gun. Then when they got inside, my friend's dog ran into the living room and they shot the dog also.

Another friend in the house told me that the cops waited a couple of minutes to call the EMTs to get their story straight first. The door to the house went "missing" in the evidence locker, and the coroner changed his report a couple of times. I'm not sure how many times he was shot, but it was at least 5.

The grand jury indicted the cop on 2nd degree murder, but then the prosecutor came back and said that they checked the wrong box, and that they meant to check not to indict. Later he got indicted on Manslaughter charges, but since he's a cop, he obviously got off clean and beat the case. The same cop had also shot someone in the back of the head as they were fleeing the scene of a crime several years earlier.

fukking disgusting. The amount of innocent people that get murdered by cops for no reason at all is ridiculous.

1st. sorry to hear about your friend RIP
2nd. no it doesn't guarantee you wont get shot but it is definitely a step in the right direction.
3rd. Cops need to have more public oversight because yeah this shyt is getting out of hand. Or has it always been out of hand we're just seeing it more now.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
1st. sorry to hear about your friend RIP
2nd. no it doesn't guarantee you wont get shot but it is definitely a step in the right direction.
3rd. Cops need to have more public oversight because yeah this shyt is getting out of hand. Or has it always been out of hand we're just seeing it more now.

1. Thank you.

2. I agree completely.

3. I also agree completely. Body cameras for all cops is the way to go. See, I think it's always been out of hand. there are cameras EVERYWHERE in 2014 and look what they're doing in plain sight. Imagine what they did back from the very beginning of time up until the 1990's when people first started getting outed, like the Rodney King incident. I do think as a society we're at a point where there's more open rage and hostility between cops and citizens in general. It's fukked up because the cycle perpetuates itself. I'm hard on cops, and generally dislike them, but I do concede their job isn't easy, and is largely thankless.Combine that with a lack of training, the fact that they'll let anyone in, and cops knowing that most people hate them, and you get a bad recipe.

People think cops are bad and act as such. the cops get treated in a way that makes them want to be defensive and hostile. Then people get more anti-cop and defensive, then the cops get more aggressive, and it just cycles on. I'm not sure what the solution is. The days of cops being assets of the neighborhood are long gone. I swear I wouldn't call them if I didn't absolutely have to. I feel like if I got robbed that they'd either shoot me thinking I was the suspect, or they'd find a reason to arrest me for something else once they got in my house.

I'm always nervous as fukk anytime I have to interact with law enforcement. But then I do Jiu-Jitsu and in MMA class or on the mats, there are some cops that train, and they're always really cool. That makes me think there's sort of a mask/disconnect that happens when they hit the street.

And just to end on a positive note, here's an example of a great police officer dealing with a guy open carrying a gun.



Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
The shooting of Mike Brown was/is a great opportunity to push for body cams, but I fear we may have squandered it in favor of rioting and reinforcing segregation.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
1. Thank you.

2. I agree completely.

3. I also agree completely. Body cameras for all cops is the way to go. See, I think it's always been out of hand. there are cameras EVERYWHERE in 2014 and look what they're doing in plain sight. Imagine what they did back from the very beginning of time up until the 1990's when people first started getting outed, like the Rodney King incident. I do think as a society we're at a point where there's more open rage and hostility between cops and citizens in general. It's fukked up because the cycle perpetuates itself. I'm hard on cops, and generally dislike them, but I do concede their job isn't easy, and is largely thankless.Combine that with a lack of training, the fact that they'll let anyone in, and cops knowing that most people hate them, and you get a bad recipe.

People think cops are bad and act as such. the cops get treated in a way that makes them want to be defensive and hostile. Then people get more anti-cop and defensive, then the cops get more aggressive, and it just cycles on. I'm not sure what the solution is. The days of cops being assets of the neighborhood are long gone. I swear I wouldn't call them if I didn't absolutely have to. I feel like if I got robbed that they'd either shoot me thinking I was the suspect, or they'd find a reason to arrest me for something else once they got in my house.

I'm always nervous as fukk anytime I have to interact with law enforcement. But then I do Jiu-Jitsu and in MMA class or on the mats, there are some cops that train, and they're always really cool. That makes me think there's sort of a mask/disconnect that happens when they hit the street.

And just to end on a positive note, here's an example of a great police officer.

I think it's like you said, there's a viscous cycle out there and we've reached the point where cops shoot first and explain and understand later. I've known many cops in my day and they all (save 1) have been really cool dudes. Makes me wonder what they are like when they are out there dealing with their life being on the line.

I wonder if a more focused martial arts training might not actually benefit them more in terms of dealing with high intesity situations. I've found BJJ to be relaxing and an escape from everything else, turns out when someone's trying to choke you what bill is due next goes right out the window.

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
The ONE thing I'll say and I hate to say it, is that it's really hard to shoot to main/injure. If you are going to shoot someone, you need to go ahead and shoot for the center mass. BUT...the guns don't need to be coming out this much. WTF happened to tasers? Are those gone? I remember when the big news was people getting tasered by cops, but now it's like they go straight for the pistol/rifle/shotgun/etc.
I don't know much about guns lol but it does seem that using gun mostly leads to death, you're right. As I was saying in another thread, it feels "logical" for your police to have guns and use them as their primary choice of action because guns are legal in the US.

Regarding those policemen killing unarmed people cases, the problem I think is that the police training seems (I don't know much about US police training) to be targeted towards fearing for their lives at all times and proactive in the use of force

Correct me if I wrong obliviously (it's highly probable lol) but it's a recipe for disaster. As @NZA, the cop is basically creating a situation in which the suspect is a (highly) probable casualty. It only needs the cop to interpret (!) a situation, a move, an attitude or I don't know, a word, as a threat to fire his weapon. And considering that firing a weapon has a non-negligible deadly rate, ultimately, it only needs a simple interpretation to kill a human being.

In the video, the cop gets out of the car, draw his gun within 10 seconds (same for the partner), aim at the suspect's chess almost as soon as the gun is drawn and fire 5 seconds later. I might be wrong, but IMO, the officer did nothing to deescalate the situation and on the opposite, he (unwillingly, if that's his training) did everything in order for the situation to end like this (shouting aggressively isn't really defusing the atmosphere is it ?). Suspect may be at fault too, not saying otherwise, but he's dead and it's the police who had the guns.

I don't know if you guys watch animes but a good dystopian anime called PSYCHO-PASS goes in depth with the concept of police state and how the role of the police force. 2nd season is being displayed currently.
Also, if you had some documents or info about police training in the US, it could be interesting to share too.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
I think it's like you said, there's a viscous cycle out there and we've reached the point where cops shoot first and explain and understand later. I've known many cops in my day and they all (save 1) have been really cool dudes. Makes me wonder what they are like when they are out there dealing with their life being on the line.

I wonder if a more focused martial arts training might not actually benefit them more in terms of dealing with high intesity situations. I've found BJJ to be relaxing and an escape from everything else, turns out when someone's trying to choke you what bill is due next goes right out the window

It absolutely would. First of all, daps and reps for being a fellow BJJer.

I remember my coach talking about this with the Zimmerman situation. Assuming Zimmerman wasn't a lying piece of shyt and actually thought his life was in danger, his whole point was that if Zimmerman had some training that he might NOT have felt like it was.

When you have to problem solve situations where someone else is actively trying to choke you or rip your limbs off, it definitely helps you keep your cool. SO many human beings don't realize when they're in danger and when they aren't. So many people (cops and regular cats) reach for the gun because they're afraid when they don't need to be.

It's so healthy for the ego to know how easy it is for someone else to fukk you up, and it's good for you to be able to fukk other people up. it gives a big sense of calm and you feel at ease. People are just amped up and when the gun comes out something bad is bound to happen.

And yeah man it's so great for forgetting about bills/stress. It's great because I want to meditate but hate sitting still. When we roll if you stop to think you'll be tapping out, so it's a great form of getting out of your head and being able to flow and move. Just go darce choke some dudes and go home happy man. How long you been training?


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
It absolutely would. First of all, daps and reps for being a fellow BJJer.

I remember my coach talking about this with the Zimmerman situation. Assuming Zimmerman wasn't a lying piece of shyt and actually thought his life was in danger, his whole point was that if Zimmerman had some training that he might NOT have felt like it was.

When you have to problem solve situations where someone else is actively trying to choke you or rip your limbs off, it definitely helps you keep your cool. SO many human beings don't realize when they're in danger and when they aren't. So many people (cops and regular cats) reach for the gun because they're afraid when they don't need to be.

It's so healthy for the ego to know how easy it is for someone else to fukk you up, and it's good for you to be able to fukk other people up. it gives a big sense of calm and you feel at ease. People are just amped up and when the gun comes out something bad is bound to happen.

And yeah man it's so great for forgetting about bills/stress. It's great because I want to meditate but hate sitting still. When we roll if you stop to think you'll be tapping out, so it's a great form of getting out of your head and being able to flow and move. Just go darce choke some dudes and go home happy man. How long you been training?
100% agreed. I've only been training about 3 months now 3 times a week for about 2 hours. White belt one stripe. So when I speak understand that this is only based on what benefits I've received from scratching the surface. I remember back to month 1 and having my instructor 265lb power lifter going knee belly was the end of the fukin world for me, or him simply getting in side control and applying pressure would feel like the world was ending. Now though, i just shift position a little and start moving (it still sucks cause he's big as fuk) but with guys my size it's nothing anymore. It's funny because last night we had this new guy on his second class and he's a 22 year old personal trainer, meanwhile i'm a 32 year old father of 4 more out of shape than in, and he comes in and tries to overpower me like I used to (and still do sometimes), i was shocked how quick I had dude panting and gassed and then on his back. Kinda shocked me because i'm the only white belt in class right now so everyone I roll with usually fuks me up.

Oh the other thing I learned is don't start shyt with people (which I already knew right.) but if you're like me prior to training I would roll into a place and automatically take a survey of dudes i could "take" just in case things got crazy, never mind the fact that I was in church or my kids school function mentally everyone had a number from 1-10 over their head. After my second class of getting choked, bent and barred by dudes I would have thought would have been a 1 now when I walk into a room I see only question marks:smile: Humbling as fuk.


May 3, 2012
These Internet Streetz
It absolutely would. First of all, daps and reps for being a fellow BJJer.

I remember my coach talking about this with the Zimmerman situation. Assuming Zimmerman wasn't a lying piece of shyt and actually thought his life was in danger, his whole point was that if Zimmerman had some training that he might NOT have felt like it was.

When you have to problem solve situations where someone else is actively trying to choke you or rip your limbs off, it definitely helps you keep your cool. SO many human beings don't realize when they're in danger and when they aren't. So many people (cops and regular cats) reach for the gun because they're afraid when they don't need to be.

It's so healthy for the ego to know how easy it is for someone else to fukk you up, and it's good for you to be able to fukk other people up. it gives a big sense of calm and you feel at ease. People are just amped up and when the gun comes out something bad is bound to happen.

And yeah man it's so great for forgetting about bills/stress. It's great because I want to meditate but hate sitting still. When we roll if you stop to think you'll be tapping out, so it's a great form of getting out of your head and being able to flow and move. Just go darce choke some dudes and go home happy man. How long you been training?
zimmerman had training, his coach testified for him and said basically that he sucked at fighting in spite of his training.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
zimmerman had training, his coach testified for him and said basically that he sucked at fighting in spite of his training.

I remember that, and that's part of my point. I was pretty sure he was into boxing and striking arts, which are cool I guess, but they don't allow you to train at 100% intensity without getting hurt or injuring anyone.

Anything beyond that is getting into a silly which is better debate, which isn't even the point. Maybe it's just that I used the absolute worst example possible to illustrate my point, but I still contend that martial arts are an incredible vehicle for human growth and development, under any circumstance. Forgetting self defense and violent situations all together.

I think Zimmerman is a bad example because guilty or not, there's ample evidence that he's just an awful human being. shytty people are usually just that, so I sort of missed the mark on that one.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
100% agreed. I've only been training about 3 months now 3 times a week for about 2 hours. White belt one stripe. So when I speak understand that this is only based on what benefits I've received from scratching the surface. I remember back to month 1 and having my instructor 265lb power lifter going knee belly was the end of the fukin world for me, or him simply getting in side control and applying pressure would feel like the world was ending. Now though, i just shift position a little and start moving (it still sucks cause he's big as fuk) but with guys my size it's nothing anymore. It's funny because last night we had this new guy on his second class and he's a 22 year old personal trainer, meanwhile i'm a 32 year old father of 4 more out of shape than in, and he comes in and tries to overpower me like I used to (and still do sometimes), i was shocked how quick I had dude panting and gassed and then on his back. Kinda shocked me because i'm the only white belt in class right now so everyone I roll with usually fuks me up.

Oh the other thing I learned is don't start shyt with people (which I already knew right.) but if you're like me prior to training I would roll into a place and automatically take a survey of dudes i could "take" just in case things got crazy, never mind the fact that I was in church or my kids school function mentally everyone had a number from 1-10 over their head. After my second class of getting choked, bent and barred by dudes I would have thought would have been a 1 now when I walk into a room I see only question marks:smile: Humbling as fuk.

Sent you a PM, friend.