Captain America: Civil War (Official Thread)


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
What does me liking X-men got anything to do with THIS film? I didn't say anything about Captain America's previous films either. But since you WANT to mention consistency with the previous Captain America films, Steve Rogers is extremely UNCHARACTERISTIC in this film in comparison to The First Avenger and Winter Soldier. In both previous films, Steve Rogers was all about honor, speaking the truth, and his insistent refusal for anyone to hold secrecy. He even got on Fury over the fact of ethics, holding secrets, and moral consequences that can kill innocent lives. Yet, now it is HE that doesn't mind the collateral damage? Or refusal to hold himself and his team accountable? Granted I am not complaining about his position, but it is out of character. But the worst is KEEPING A SECRET AS IMPORTANT AS NOT TELLING TONY THE ENTIRE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS PARENTS. That is not what Steve Rogers do. That would of been something TONY STARK would of done.

And speaking of Stark, I do not like the character development that they decided to go with this character AT ALL... He went from in 2008, a cocky, overly confident, super-intelligent genius who is more interesting even WITHOUT the Iron Man suit to now this paranoid, super-depressed, and now emotionally unstable character that's had a sudden turn that's no different from this WEAK version of emo Zemo....dismissing all reason and rationale by the flick of a switch at the very end.

But never mind all of that.... WHAT WAS THE POINT of this movie? At the end of the day... NOTHING CHANGES except that Team Capt are now fugitives, but they were doing their own thing anyway. There was no set-up for future films except for this being an advertisement for the Black Panther solo film... everyone reconciled basically after Capt's sappy voicemail apology. And the movie that is TOO LONG for a simple revenge plot was mostly filler. The only thing that was good was the action sequences (and even that has criticism by using that damn shaky cam, have a lot of it being extremely too close up and so forth) and the airport battle which was a fun entertaining ride....

But if all you can say is, but I like "X-MEN films"....that a wack argument to use when MANY PEOPLE like X-men movies. Don't use Wolverine Origins and Last Stand as reasons to shyt on an entire franchise.....

Not really in the three movies Steve Rogers has been very consistent in regards to his boy Bucky. In the First Avenger he went on his own Rogue mission to save him and the other POWs, even through Tommy Lee Jones character said they will not go in to save them. In the Winter Soldier once he found out it was him, Cap wanted to save him. Basically the same thing follows into Civil War. Steve's Rodgers breaking point is his best friend regardless. As for what's the point of the movie Civil War is? It's about the perspective of Steve's knowing his best friend is safe, someone who did the same thing for him when he was little Steve.

I actually like some of the X-men movies but them films are all over the place, X2 and First Class were the best ones. So I am not sh!tting on the whole franchise, just saying from my opinion they ran out of ideas. I feel like it hurts the series when Matt Vaughn walked away from the movies. To me he is a way better director than Singer is.


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
the BAD
  • Captain was one-dimensional...way too willing to protect bucky at all costs:scust:you got the sense that he would ride with bucky to the ends of the earth. i mean come on, at some point, you gotta look at the winter soldier's actions like :dahell:
  • Spiderman's / antman's intros were extremely rushed.
  • Too many characters and too much going on in general.

Overall this movie suffered from the same exact problem as Dawn of Justice. Too much happening at once.... And pretty long.

But it was still really good..i'd say 8/10

Completely disagree with this. Bucky is literally the world's oldest living and longest held POW. Like T'Challa said, he's a victim. He's also Steve's only link to the past, the one who protected him before the serum, when he was a skinny asthmatic getting his ass kicked. Bucky is also right, he committed those crimes, but Steve just abandoning him would be completely out of character. He's totally ride or die and he showed it here. Also, if Steve had just gave up on Bucky, then the real terrorist would have never been discovered.

Sidenote: I thought the movie also heavily hinted that Howard Stark knew Bucky was the Winter Soldier or was somehow involved in that project. So his death really isn't that innocent. Stark's mom, yeah...that was messed up.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
I don't. Y'all were just unbearable when BvS was coming out that I find it funny how now YALL wanna move the goalposts.
no, one person made a thread just to shyt talking about marvel with box office numbers and when it backfired that when marvel fans start going hard on BvS numbers. even in the BVS thread DC fans were talking shyt before the movie came out acing like zack snyder, it was funny until the BvS came out:sas2:


Dec 2, 2015
It was never going to be that kind of battle between them. These guys are heroes, they'll never seriously hurt another good person. It makes even less sense from a business standpoint. If Spidey really hurts Hawkeye, what person is going to want to see a movie about a hero that hurt a beloved character? Falcon would become more hated and any Marvel villain if he actually would purposely paralyze War Machine. What company in their right mind would turn heroes, who's heroism makes them a lot of money, into serious antagonists. People are loosing their minds over Batman killing criminals and Superman snapping the neck of a man who has gonna destroy the world, but you think people would love a movie where heroes cripple other beloved heroes?

Heroes fight and when they fight dangerous things happen.
This was hit home in this movie, showing the deaths that resulted from their actions, purposely or not.
That should have happened here, to show the audience the deaths and make it hit home on both sides that it isn't just a playful scrap.
its serious and there are real consquences to both sides and both sides think their sides are worth fighting for.


Big Yella
Nov 5, 2012
These nikkas really go in with the damn details



Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
Heroes fight and when they fight dangerous things happen.
This was hit home in this movie, showing the deaths that resulted from their actions, purposely or not.
That should have happened here, to show the audience the deaths and make it hit home on both sides that it isn't just a playful scrap.
its serious and there are real consquences to both sides and both sides think their sides are worth fighting for.

Rhodes was enough for my audience to gasp like a puppy got hit by a truck


Dec 2, 2015
Rhodes was enough for my audience to gasp like a puppy got hit by a truck
Yeah but I thikn the fact that it was a accident by someone on his side takes away character animosity of the sides moving forward, justified or not on both sides.

They could still keep it light and marvel but have some real different things happen going forward. Like maybe real dislike for each other between black widow and hawkeye, friends really becoming enemies.


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
1.Bucky has a valid reason to go back to cryo. It's probably something they've already discussed and cosigned.

2.Captain knows where he is and that he is safe and in good hands. There's hardly any reason to be concerned or emotional about it.

OK, this is the first time I feel like there may be a true gender divide here. The female section of the Captain America fandom is losing their shyt over this scene. Like writing hundreds of fan fiction stories that attempt to rewrite this scene. :lolbron:I don't like to essentialize or stereotype, but your explanation actually makes sense from a male POV. However, I think if a woman had written this scene there'd be at least a bro hug or something before Bucky went back under. Steve just looked so detached to me. But thanks for explaining it, I think it may make more sense now.


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
Thoughts Regarding The Depiction Of Black Heroism As Portrayed In Captain America:Civil War

Written by: Ziggiy

“Hiiipower: the three i’s represent heart, honor and respect. That’s how we carry ourselves in the world, period. Hiiipower, it basically is the simplest form of representing just being above all the madness, all the bullshyt. No matter what the world is going through, you’re always going to keep your dignity and carry yourself with this manner that it don’t phase you. Whatever you think negative is in your life. Overcoming that and still having that self-respect.

everybody raise three fingers in the air, the sky is falling the wind is calling, stand for something or die in the morning”

Kendrick Lamar

The concept of black heroism in mainstream American cinema has had a long, complex, and rather disappointing history. Often times, the “token” character of color within the genre of superhero films exists to serve one of two purposes, that to serve as comic relief or the “good friend” (servant) of the main protagonist on his/her path towards victory. 1998’s Blade, starring Wesley Snipes helped to establish a cunning, determined, and undeniably masculine and capable black hero within a world where only he possesses the capabilities to defeat vampiric entities hell bent on conquering the world. That film went onto gross more than $131.2 million worldwide, at the time considered a huge financial success, and spawning two more sequels. Ten years later, Will Smith’s Hancock; about a troubled amnesiac superhero struggling to rediscover his own sense of valor, grossed more than $620 million worldwide. These two examples could serve as proof that there is indeed an audience for black protagonists as leading material within the superhero/fantasy genre, and yet when Marvel Studios began laying the groundwork to birth their most popular comic properties into a full fledged cinematic universe, it would apparently take 7 years, 11 films, and over 9.3 BILLION DOLLARS in grosses before Kevin Feige (Studio Chief Of Marvel Films) and Disney decided it was time for Black protagonists to graduate from side-kick to lead. So when it was announced that Black Panther, the first Black superhero to debut in mainstream comics back in 1966, was to be featured prominently not only in Marvel’s 12th cinematic outing, Captain America: Civil War; but also star in his OWN forthcoming solo film, it was met with an outcry of jubilance….and also trepidation. This was not the first time a major Hollywood studio (Disney) had introduced a bonafide black “lead” character into the mythos of an enormously popular franchise, only to portray that character as an emasculated coward whose entire existence served to highlight the strengths of his white counterparts. And with that in mind, the less said about Star Wars: The Force Awakens Finn, the better.

To read more:

Arcs Of Excellence – Captain America Civil War Depiction of Black Heroism – FTESWL
Arcs Of Excellence – Captain America Civil War Depiction of Black Heroism

:salute: @Ziggiy

:blessed::salute: @Ziggiy

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
Every con @Mowgli said about this film was accurate.

However, I still really enjoyed it. Movie was really good despite some of the "flaws" Never really felt the scope/weight as much as I expected either.

There was a point in the movie where I was saying "Russo's might have delivered some GOAT Marvel type of shyt :whew:"
then suddenly it just dipped and a tiny bit of Age of Ultronisms. Almost like the studio stepped in and said ok lets move this from a Captain America movie into an Avengers movie quips and all.

But I still had fun :ahh:

Also there's a scene with Bucky and Falcon in the car that's going to be instant GIF worthy material :russ:

Slight disappointment was that I really feel Black Panther wasn't utilized as well as I've liked. I kind of thought Falcon may have been slightly better in this movie. :francis:

But its more so because Falcon was so good.

Never did I feel it was on The Dark Knight level. However, the first half of it I was like this may indeed be better than Avengers/Winter Soldier :ohhh:

edit: Best Spiderman ever imo.
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