Crushing Student Loan Debt Is Hurting Women the Most (Black Women With The Highest Burden)


All Star
Jan 27, 2015
You felt the need to respond to my post without adding anything at all of value huh

Fancy Dorms Aren’t The Main Reason Tuition Is Skyrocketing
The overarching message is that there is no single cause of the tuition boom. The reason for rising costs differs based on the type of institution and the state it’s in, and even varies over time. But, at least among public institutions, the dominant factor has been a steady decrease in support for higher education on the part of state legislatures.

This article is a good starting point, but tbh you're better off doing your own research. Also, keep in mind that a lot of students simply make stupid decisions. Rather than go to a state school, or a community college they'd rather go to a expensive private school. That has nothing to do with the U.S. government.

Study looks at link between international enrollment increases and state appropriation declines
As state spending for public universities goes down, international student enrollment goes up. A newly published working paper seeks to quantify this relationship, estimating that for the period between 1996 and 2012, a 10 percent reduction in state appropriations was associated with a 12 percent increase in international undergraduate enrollment at public research universities -- and a 17 percent increase at the most research-intensive public universities, the flagships and other institutions that are members of the exclusive Association of American Universities.

There's much much more happening, if you want to invest the time to do research.

Not directly relevant, but an article that I read yesterday about a school that is bucking the trend.
Why One Well-Known University Recruits Students With Mediocre Test Scores


Archduke of Audits
Dec 29, 2016
Fancy Dorms Aren’t The Main Reason Tuition Is Skyrocketing

This article is a good starting point, but tbh you're better off doing your own research. Also, keep in mind that a lot of students simply make stupid decisions. Rather than go to a state school, or a community college they'd rather go to a expensive private school. That has nothing to do with the U.S. government.

Study looks at link between international enrollment increases and state appropriation declines

There's much much more happening, if you want to invest the time to do research.

Not directly relevant, but an article that I read yesterday about a school that is bucking the trend.
Why One Well-Known University Recruits Students With Mediocre Test Scores
Nothing in your post detracts from what I said

If anything, you're searching for reasons OUTSIDE of the simple fact that colleges raise tuition every year and most students in college utilize loans

Nowhere did I mention anything at all about dorm prices, that's completely irrelevant to what colleges charge students purely to attend


All Star
Jan 27, 2015
Nothing in your post detracts from what I said

If anything, you're searching for reasons OUTSIDE of the simple fact that colleges raise tuition every year and most students in college utilize loans

Nowhere did I mention anything at all about dorm prices, that's completely irrelevant to what colleges charge students purely to attend
I wasn't really going to type out a longer response, but I have a little time on my hands. The problem with conclusions like yours is not that they are wrong but rather that they don't deal in truth. During the mid-to-late 60s Dr. King would travel from school to school lecturing and one of his favorites things to say was the following, "I’m afraid if I stop now I will not be telling the total truth. I would be stating a fact, certainly, but not the whole truth. You see a fact is merely the absence of contradiction, but truth is the presence of coherence. Truth is the relatedness of facts."

What you have done in your post is cherry pick certain facts that fit your world view, rather than present the issue in its totality. Your style of argumentation is akin to conservatives who blame black people for their problems but never want to talk about the sad and shameful history that Black people have endured in this country. For other posters reading this, think about how differently someone from another country wold see black people if they ignored everything prior to 1970 versus learning all of U.S. you understand my problem with his post.

Your post would have us believe that the world started right when Bill Clinton created a government program. Bill Clinton and a REPUBLICAN congress didn't just come along one day and say, hey "Lets make college unaffordable." Rather they were addressing another issue. They wanted anyone regardless of income or family status to have the ability to attend college if they were smart enough to get in. So if you want to be intellectually honest, what you should have said is blame President Clinton for both the higher student debt AND the the higher college enrollment rates.

*You see that decrease for African-American College Enrollment from 1980 to 1986? That was under a Republican President who thought that government should cut back how much they funded Higher Education...REAGAN ATTACKS CRITICS OVER CUT IN STUDENT AID

You argue on the one hand that President Clinton and Congress are responsible for the high cost tuition but being an Economics major I have to tell you that your argument is flawed. For one, your argument assumes that college tuition and student debt are synonymous. This assumption is unwarranted. When it comes to higher education people have choices. They could easily choose to go to a community college or a local state school and take out less debt. Expensive schools would still be expensive, but on a whole, students would have less debt.

Another problem with your post is that it underlying your argument is the unspoken assumption that debt is inherently bad. This is simply not the case. Debt, especially when taken out for college is an investment. A person who has $40,000 in debt and a STEM degree is sitting pretty. A recently graduated doctor who has $150,000 in debt is well positioned financially. On the other hand, a person who has a degree in philosophy may have a hard time paying off their debt. So to simply say that Bill Clinton did something that made student debt increase therefore blame him is so intellectually weak that it's kind of sad.

I'll leave with you with two things. One, in spite of the rising cost of tuition college is still a great investment (So how much blame do you really want to put on Clinton, seeing how he increased College enrollment and college is a great investment).
College Is Worth It, Even With Loans
It turns out college IS worth it — if you want to get a job

Lastly, and probably my biggest issue with your post, is that anyone who reads your post would logically assume that the best way forward is to rollback Government funding for higher education (Let me guess your a Trump supporter aren't you- If you read my post, a post that provides not just cherry picked facts but truth, you'd realize that the best way forward is not to cut government funding for higher education but rather to educate families and individuals so they factor in affordability when it comes to the college they choose to attend.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
at end of the day alot of them liberal arts degrees are useless in terms of debt folk get into for them
some are valuable with a masters but still
ANY degree can be useless depending on what the PERSON does. You kinda have an argument with debt but even still that can go for any degree.

I never fell for whole "any degree besides stem is useless" for many reasons, but one of the biggest being my sister who majored in marketing who many consider a "useless degree." She even went to LIM here in NY which is a fashion school on top of that. Now that is throwing oil on the fire for some in this thread. Especially the Stem guys.

But moving on... She is not only basically done paying off her debt but she landed multiple high paying jobs after she graduated. Along with traveling all over the country. When she graduated she was making way more than any of us in my family who gotten degrees. And when she comes back from Africa she will have that same high paying job waiting for her. That was how she was able to pay off almost all of her debt. All of this all true.

People who scream stem this stem that never see the full context and basically ignore what college is for and why some choose these degrees. People get into debt because they try to go to these expensive ass colleges like NYU and Columbia here in NY. I also see some I know trying to go to freaking Howard. Community College is a MUST imo and a bang for your buck. And my student debt is a big fat ZERO. Many people in my area mocked my community college for expensive ass colleges and yet I graduated and going to my first choice school. Expensive ass colleges imo has more to do with student debt.
Mar 23, 2017
In part you are paying for the name. My school's name has gotten me into doors that would otherwise not be opened. America is a class stratified country just like any other. Names unfortunately matter more than what MLK preached about: The content and depth of our character.


Feb 2, 2016
When black women are praised its about education 9 outta 10 times. So its not a stretch that sista will go into debt just to get it.

:rudy:......its a simple women are highest educated demographic in the country....the offset...they have the highest amount of college debt. Pretty much everyone who goes to a major university is under the debt umbrella. To use this simple fact as a means to shyt on black women is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Being educated is bad now? Really? You c00n ass white female chasing cowards are that intimidated by a black woman that yall take this and run with it?:martin:
Mar 23, 2017
:rudy:......its a simple women are highest educated demographic in the country....the offset...they have the highest amount of college debt. Pretty much everyone who goes to a major university is under the debt umbrella. To use this simple fact as a means to shyt on black women is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Being educated is bad now? Really? You c00n ass white female chasing cowards are that intimidated by a black woman that yall take this and run with it?:martin:

Brothers have already broken it down.

If Black American Women on the whole were graduating from HBCUs or State Us with more debt but opening profitable business, collaborating with other sisters instead of competing and stunting, working in high paying specialists roles or rising through the ranks of government en masse (education/police administration/politics/infrastructure planning) this article would be a non-starter. Or framed completely different.

Did it ever occur to you that the single mother rate in our community is so high because the average Black American Woman isn't graduating from Spellman or Moorhouse well connected with a job lined up in corporate America working under a Black supervisor in a city with a major upwardly mobile or middle class Black representation?

No they are graduating from ITT university with 25k in debt to become a "marine technician" AKA pet Shamu for 40 hours a week in South Florida which pays 25k max. No opportunities for growth working under inbred South Florida hicks. Then going back to get a real fukking degree because they realize at age 25 that they aren't making it anywhere in the region or anywhere else with that degree. In the meantime they already had a baby with some local underemployed uneducated bumper burger flipping ass negro so those loans aren't going anywhere with the cost of pampers and medical bills. In the state of Florida, Louisiana and many other southern states there's tons of "college grads" on fukking medicaid and TANF shyt. Obviously most of these are White and Black single mothers with Latinas catching up quick. The difference is Pablo isn't on child support and he typically can find at least menial work.

And lastly to @Booksnrain point most of these Black Women graduating from prestigious Universities and getting paid six figure salaries ARE NOT HAVING KIDS meanwhile Shaquila with the CNA cert and 25 college credits earning 25k and struggling to pay back 5k from an incomplete general core studies semester at freaking community college or Corinthian/Phoenix/DeVry University. Shaquila having at least 2 or 3. Which skews the Black single mother rate. Successful Black Women need to tone down their expectations to produce more quality Black children because Ghetto Black Women are reproducing at 10x the rate.

As a prior poster mentioned it is about debt-to-income ratio. That's what it boils down to but if you can't even make 45k then what's the point?


Feb 2, 2016
Brothers have already broken it down.

If Black American Women on the whole were graduating from HBCUs or State Us with more debt but opening profitable business, collaborating with other sisters instead of competing and stunting, working in high paying specialists roles or rising through the ranks of government en masse (education/police administration/politics/infrastructure planning) this article would be a non-starter. Or framed completely different.

Did it ever occur to you that the single mother rate in our community is so high because the average Black American Woman isn't graduating from Spellman or Moorhouse well connected with a job lined up in corporate America working under a Black supervisor in a city with a major upwardly mobile or middle class Black representation?

No they are graduating from ITT university with 25k in debt to become a "marine technician" AKA pet Shamu for 40 hours a week in South Florida which pays 25k max. No opportunities for growth working under inbred South Florida hicks. Then going back to get a real fukking degree because they realize at age 25 that they aren't making it anywhere in the region or anywhere else with that degree. In the meantime they already had a baby with some local underemployed uneducated bumper burger flipping ass negro so those loans aren't going anywhere with the cost of pampers and medical bills. In the state of Florida, Louisiana and many other southern states there's tons of "college grads" on fukking medicaid and TANF shyt. Obviously most of these are White and Black single mothers with Latinas catching up quick. The difference is Pablo isn't on child support and he typically can find at least menial work.

And lastly to @Booksnrain point most of these Black Women graduating from prestigious Universities and getting paid six figure salaries ARE NOT HAVING KIDS meanwhile Shaquila with the CNA cert and 25 college credits earning 25k and struggling to pay back 5k from an incomplete general core studies semester at freaking community college or Corinthian/Phoenix/DeVry University.

As a prior poster mentioned it is about debt-to-income ratio. That's what it boils down to but if you can't even make 45k then what's the point?

Dude life has no perfect equation...did it ever occur to you that out of the 2 million black owned businesses in Americs women own just under half of em? Starting a business from the ground wouldnt that account for debt...what about starting familes...gettimg married...buying know...LIVING...the black woman is no different then any other demographic who goes to school...after school life starts..and bills get pushed to the back burner for other things like LIFE....all this assumption nonsense still trying to make black males more superior is faq shyt give me a break nikkas are fukking c00ns..cowards...virgins..and lames...

Like I said up top its a simple equation...more degrees equal more college debt....anything else you pushing is speculative and retarded insecure nonsense
Mar 23, 2017
Dude life has no perfect equation...did it ever occur to you that out of the 2 million black owned businesses in Americs women own just under half of em? Starting a business from the ground wouldnt that account for debt...what about starting familes...gettimg married...buying know...LIVING...the black woman is no different then any other demographic who goes to school...after school life starts..and bills get pushed to the back burner for other things like LIFE....all this assumption nonsense still trying to make black males more superior is faq shyt give me a break nikkas are fukking c00ns..cowards...virgins..and lames...

Like I said up top its a simple equation...more degrees equal more college debt....anything else you pushing is speculative and retarded insecure nonsense

The reality is other races don't "Live" until they have paid their dues and "Made it". They've proven themselves in their community barter goods and services give each other 20% discounts off the top. This actually includes Nigerians as well.

Bu-bu-but on the Coli there's always an excuse on how Black American reproductive practices, educational choices and business skills are superior.

You talking about starting a family when half these Women can't even pay their own bills and they momma don't want to babysit their own grandchild :dwillhuh:

Stop it.:mjlol:


Feb 2, 2016
The reality is other races don't "Live" until they have paid their dues and "Made it". They've proven themselves in their community barter goods and services give each other 20% discounts off the top. This actually includes Nigerians as well.

Bu-bu-but on the Coli there's always an excuse on how Black American reproductive practices, educational choices and business skills are superior.

You talking about starting a family when half these Women can't even pay their own bills and they momma don't want to babysit their own grandchild :dwillhuh:

Stop it.:mjlol:

Again speculative black quiet cats love to dikk slob other races but shyt on your own people non stop...shows how garbage your mentality is and how little you think and believe in a joke nikka