French 2017 Presidential Election - (MACRON WINS)


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium

Where does this come from?


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Tampa, FL
In round 2 ? I don't think that's possible. In 2016, there's no 23 M french people that'll vote far-right. In a couple of decades possibly, but at the moment, she may only be able to win round 1 but she'll be beaten in round 2.

Highest polls she had in round 1 was 30% (now she's at 25%). If she's against a LR (right) candidate (Juppé, Fillon, Sarkozy), all the left voters and those who didn't vote in round 1 will vote against her without a doubt and she'll max out at that 30. If it's against the Socialists (which is unlikely considering how bad they are at the moment), some voters from the right will go to Le Pen (especially those from Fillon who's close to far right catholics movements ; those of Juppé will massively go to the left and those of Sarkozy will mostly go for the left with a good amount going for Le Pen). Anyway, she's not getting more than a 10% from that. So 40 (which would already be huge) is the max she could do in my opinion. It's still too much but at least, it's not the majority.

In France, there's something called the "sursaut républicain" (republican burst, (republican as in those who believe in the Republic, not the party)) which means that when faced against the far-right, all the moderates (whether left or right) and the far-left usually vote against it. Last regional elections, the FN lost and didn't win one single region because in rounds 2, when faced against a FN candidate, voters decided to systematically vote against them even if leftists had to vote right and rightists had to vote left. And that was considering that in 6 out of 13 regions, FN candidates had first place in round 1. It's not a monolithic burst of course but it means that most won't take the responsibility of lending the country to the far-right.

Élections régionales françaises de 2015 — Wikipédia
In first rounds, FN had an average of 27% voters. In seconds, they stayed at 27% even with almost 1M more votes for them.

Of course, everything may change if some drastic events happen in the mean time but at the moment, I'm certain Le Pen can't possibly win the presidency.

I don't think she has a shot either, but she was competitive with at least some of her rivals:

Opinion polling for the French presidential election, 2017 - Wikipedia


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Tampa, FL
Marine Le Pen looms over a Trumpian world
French presidential election will pit far-right leader against establishment figures

Gideon Rachman

by: Gideon Rachman

This time last year, I wrote that “I have a nightmare vision for 2017: President Trump, President Le Pen, President Putin.” So, after Donald Trump’s victory, the next question is whether Marine Le Pen can indeed capture the French presidency?

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Following this weekend’s centre-right primary, it seems likely that Ms Le Pen will face a run-off in May against either François Fillon or Alain Juppé. Both are Hillary Clinton-style establishment figures, who would be ideal opponents for the leader of the far-right.

The consequences of a victory for the far-right in France would be drastic for both European and world politics. A Le Pen presidency could well lead to the collapse of the EU. She wants to pull France out of the European single currency and to hold a referendum on France’s EU membership.

Even if Ms Le Pen softened her stance in office, it is hard to see how Angela Merkel’s Germany could work with a nationalist and authoritarian France. With Germany and France set on radically different paths, Franco-German antagonism would return to the heart of European politics.

The global implications of a Le Pen victory would also be severe. Four of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council would be occupied either by undemocratic governments (Russia and China), or by democracies led by nationalist rightwing leaders (US and France). Under such circumstances, the international legal order could crumble, as might once again became right.

Of course, even post-Brexit and post-Trump, there is nothing inevitable about a Le Pen victory in France. For what it is worth, the opinion polls still show her likely to lose decisively in the second round of the election. And although Ms Le Pen has moved to embrace the Trump White House and has been keenly supported by Mr Trump’s “alt-right” advisers, there are important differences between the Trump and Le Pen phenomenons.

Unlike Mr Trump, the National Front has been around for decades and is more of a known quantity to voters. France’s bitter memories of the Vichy regime of the 1940s may also mean that the country is better inoculated against far-right politics than the US.

Set against that, however, is the possibility that French voters, who might have feared that a Le Pen presidency would turn their country into an international pariah, may now feel that Mr Trump’s victory has given them “permission” to vote for the far-right.

The objective conditions for a turn towards authoritarian nationalism are clearly stronger in France than in the US. France has been subjected to savage terrorist attacks by Islamist extremists. There are large, poorly integrated Muslim populations in most big cities. Unemployment among the general population is over 10 per cent.

Above all, the political establishment is despised. The approval ratings of President François Hollande recently hit an astonishing low of 4 per cent. The political, social, economic and international environments could not be more favourable for Ms Le Pen.

In recent years, Ms Le Pen has moved to distance herself from her father, Jean-Marie, whose racist views are embarrassingly open. These days, Ms Le Pen’s rhetoric is indeed less inflammatory and dishonest than that of Mr Trump. But the French far-right leader has had her moments. She has, for example, compared Muslims prayingin France’s streets with the Nazi occupation.

On the other side of the channel, there might even be some in the British government who would quietly welcome the prospect of a far-right victory in France. While the current French government is leading the demands that Britain must pay a heavy price for Brexit, Ms Le Pen has applauded the British decision to quit the EU. A Le Pen victory might even solve the Brexit problem since there might no longer be an EU left for the UK to leave. Boris Johnson, UK foreign secretary, hailed the “opportunity” represented by the election of the pro-Brexit Mr Trump, and might sniff similar “opportunities” in the rise of Ms Le Pen.

More sober heads in London, however, must surely realise that the rise of the French far-right cannot ultimately be good news for Britain. A National Front victory in France would mean that the forces of authoritarian nationalism would be flourishing across Europe, from Moscow to Warsaw to Budapest and Paris. Under Mr Trump, the US could no longer be relied upon as a stabilising force to push back against political extremism in Europe.

Instead, many in Europe are now looking towards Ms Merkel, who has just announced that she will be running for a fourth term as German chancellor, next year, as the anchor of European stability. But the challenges facing Ms Merkel are truly daunting. She confronts a hostile Russia to the East and a Middle East in flames to the south. Mr Trump has been openly contemptuous towards Ms Merkel.

Within the EU, Germany’s relations with southern Europe have been poisoned by the euro crisis, while its relations with eastern Europe have been soured by the refugee crisis. Meanwhile, Britain has voted to leave the bloc. The election of Ms Le Pen in France could be the final blow to the vision of Europe represented by Ms Merkel, and constructed by generations of European leaders, since the 1950s.

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May 26, 2012
San Diego
When I was in Paris last year, I rode the metro out to Bobigny one day, which is where some of the Paris attackers were hiding, and you can see the Muslim problem in Paris/France in general right there. Right away you can feel the poverty, and the lack of choices for people who live there, esp. immigrants, and now, if this woman is elected, they will feel more oppressed, and have the ability to radicalize people easier. It will be the same in the US, under the new admin.

Eddy Gordo

Nov 18, 2016
I wouldn't be surprised if Le Pen got between 30 to 40 of the vote.


Apr 30, 2012
When I was in Paris last year, I rode the metro out to Bobigny one day, which is where some of the Paris attackers were hiding, and you can see the Muslim problem in Paris/France in general right there. Right away you can feel the poverty, and the lack of choices for people who live there, esp. immigrants, and now, if this woman is elected, they will feel more oppressed, and have the ability to radicalize people easier. It will be the same in the US, under the new admin.

Very different dynamics in the States. Majority of Muslim immigrants ( not AA's) came as economic migrants and are educated, middle class etc. In Europe majority of Muslim immigrants arrived as guest workers or asylum seekers and settled in lower-income areas. Majority of Muslim immigrants in the States are not living in the hood. They dont deal with same social or economic dynamics the Euro ones do.


Apr 30, 2012
Above all, the political establishment is despised. The approval ratings of President François Hollande recently hit an astonishing low of 4 per cent.



Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Above all, the political establishment is despised. The approval ratings of President François Hollande recently hit an astonishing low of 4 per cent.



It's crazy that he's (and the PS) are still talking about his possible candidacy. shyt they're even using the fact Fillon won despite bad polls as "proof" Hollande could win :francis: