I Suffer From Anxiety & Sometimes I Have Moments Where I Worry (Wish I Had Friends)

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
If all he needs is a busted nut, it only takes one hooker to realize sex is not that complicated. Either you get it, or you don't.

If he needs more, he needs a bonafide professional sex therapist, not a troubled sex worker with her own mental issues.

If he wants friends, he has to nut up and be a friend first. He may need prozac style chemical help to get out of his own head.

We don't know.

Paying for sex as a regular hobby is not mentally well. He will just make some wack pimp rich, and himself twisted. Prostitutes are not true friends or girlfriends or wife material. Prostitutes are a trip to Vegas, not living real life.

OK but guess what. If he plays the dating game he's still gonna have to weed thru a bunch of aint shyt females. He's not gonna find his princess on one date. Let him get 2 hookers in his world and then he can do it that normal way. I'm not saying make buying hookers a habit. I'm saying let the hookers be his training wheels and then after 2 bad( Bad meaning good) hookers he can go to the club and get his mack on to regular females. And even after that he still is going to have to learn about living with females and seeing their not so pretty side. He never had that "living with a female" experience and thats going to be the real man maker. He's young so he still good for now....He needs to do all of this while he's still in his 20's. He's a lost cause if he's still in this situation by his 30's

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012

I think u need to build more self-esteem and confidence. That along with more social experience will help u. One option is that u can see a therapist (a good black therapist preferably)to help with ur anxiety and if there are any root causes that need to be dealt with just so u can put the past in the past and be able to move forward. Some people especially our folks look down on therapy because we see it as a weakness and we are too harsh on certain issues but it can help if u find a good therapist/counselor.

Another thing...this is the most important...u need to build up self-esteem and confidence. This is the foundation....if u don't value urself and feel secure...u gonna exude a certain type of energy that's negative or off-putting...plus u gotta think...nobody really wants someone who feels inadequate...if u feel it...it will show in ur behavior, body language, mentality, etc. U need to think about what would make u more confident. If its ur body....try working out, cardio, weight lifting, eat right, etc. If its ur face...try to find a great barber and a haircut that would be becoming on u. If u got bad acne or scars....maybe try a facial product or see a dermatologist. If ur teeth are jacked up in any way...talk with a dentist about options to help that. If u need to save up and change ur wardrobe...do that and get advice from a co-worker or someone u know who dresses nice. Find a good alterations spot if u need for ur pants and suits so they could fit better....that's if u have a problem with clothes fitting right. My point of all this is try to present urself in the best manner. That could help if u not confident in ur looks. Looks are important...don't care what they say on here. Cuz the girls u like would have to find u attractive for them to wanna genuinely sleep with u.

Finally, get as much social experience as u can. Observe those who have good people skills and see what they do. The more experience with people...the better ur understanding of people will be. Ur anxiety does present a barrier for u to get close with people but u can improve on that. Like someone else said...it could be that u want folks to view u in a certain light and ur anxious cuz u wanna be liked. Sometimes u cant be friends with everyone or liked by all but u can be cordial and display decent to great social skills. But don't beat urself up too much because people aren't perfect...people are judgmental as fuk and flawed as fuk so I understand how difficult dealing with people especially certain people can be.

Good game, I feel we as men have been lied to that looks dont matter. They matter a lot.

O³ (O cubed)

No more PAWGs, PLEASE??!!!??
Mar 8, 2017
Hackney, London
Rent an escort. She'll listen to your problems and you get some too.

But seriously get professional help and advice

Ronnie Macho

Dec 26, 2013
Good game, I feel we as men have been lied to that looks dont matter. They matter a lot.

Nah...money matters more...if u want a good lookin' bytch...now if u don't give a fukk what she look like...:yeshrug:...either way breh was right about the not so pretty side of livin' with a woman...u better be the muthafukkin' man when u do:ufdup:...also dude needs to get real professional help and maybe some meds to bring his brain out of depression but a therapist will be needed to root out what caused hus depression in the first place...hookers can't provide a "real" connection and will still leave him and his pockets empty...he needs "real" friends and family to give a fukk about him but like it was said he has to be a friend first...there's always somebody out there worse off than you that feels like you do and still manage to have a good attitude and smile thru all the rain...volunteer OP and get lost in a cause that's dear to your heart...good luck!...:salute:

*Gonna smoke me another j...then off to therapy...see...you ain't the only one...:ufdup:


1995 -
Aug 21, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
Your not the only one suffering from anxiety

Majority of people are... Social media and the internet has many people avoiding face to face conversations..

Just go out for a drive one day and notice how empty the streets are nowadays
This isn't true