If you're a Man, your probably trash


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016

"The scope and the pervasiveness of this culture of abuse and our roles in perpetuating it—and not “our” as in men collectively but ourselvesspecifically—has resulted recently in a reflexive and unwieldy and messy and self-conscious excavation of memories, relationships and interactions: a digging that has intersecting intents. It’s reconciling with what you might have done—and might currently be doing—to prevent from doing it in the future. And well, it’s asking yourself, “How fukked up am I?” Which, expressed another way, is “Wait ... should I be worried about this avalanche too?”

The answer, of course, is hell fukking yes. We are all complicit. We are all agents of patriarchy, and we’ve all benefitted from it. We are all active contributors to rape culture. All of us. No one is exempt. We all have investments in and take deposits out of the same bank. And we all need to accept and reconcile ourselves with the fact that, generally speaking, we are trash."

Proverbial sword. :francis:

"If it helps, think about everything we know about racism. And how the less visible forms of bias combine with both overt acts of hate and the structural racism embedded in our nation’s core on every level to maintain white supremacy. Think about all of the acts of abuse and hate and violence committed against black Americans (and other nonwhite people) and how the well of white supremacy is so deep that we don’t even know where it ends (or if it ends at all).

Now try to apply those same thoughts—particularly the vastness of its impact—to patriarchy. And sexism. And gender and/or sex-based abuse and violence. Also, while we’re talking about race, don’t allow the high-profile and mostly white men—and their mostly white female victims—in the news cycle to lead you to believe that this is an exclusively white problem where the only perpetrators are white men and the only victims are white women."


Now something for @Poitier

This is the top comment right now

Wild Cougar-->Damon Young
11/14/17 1:39pm

Wait, I think I get it. Calling yourself trash is how men deal with the fact that they actually like patriarchy and misogyny because it benefits them. So they show shame and that covers up for the fact that they still want dominance. If you say “I’m trash” and do a little performative feminism, you can avoid changing the status quo and get credit at the same time. That’s what this is, right? Just like wypipo who come on here and performatively flog themselves as a last ditch effort to maintain dominance and still look like the good guy at the same time.

“I’m a man and I’m trash” keeps you in a superior position. You’re the bad guy who acts. You’re the agent. You have the power, you are the center of the discussion. Look at you, flogging yourself. You can decide to not be trash but it is all about you and your agency and you create reality. Right now reality is the spectacle of you calling yourself trash. No status quo change needed in this narcissistic shame show. Status quo change would require that you first STFU.

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Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
. We are all active contributors to rape culture. All of us. No one is exempt.

Stoppppped reaaaadiiinnnggg.......