In seen 2 tall urban black men @ the water front and wanted walk over and tell them hello BUT...


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
I went down to the water front to meditate, listen to 4:44 and watch the beautiful waves bounce up and down. Across from me were the beautiful condos and rich white people on their boats enjoying themselves while my people suffer on the eastside just slowly waiting to die.

I once had big dreams. Mansions, yachts, fast cars, slutty "bad bytches", money,fame but like most... reality set in. Now im just thankful for what I got and to still have my parents and grandparents in my life.

I drove down elmwood ave the other day and seen a black man unkept, talking to himself in front of terrified bougie rich white restaurant. Part of me wanted him to flip over the tables like the wolf man after seeing a full moon and sexually ravish the white women .the other half felt sad because could've very well been him if it wasn't for god, fate, luck? whatever but I could've been him.

America system is a monster. Something so powerful and so great its even destroying them now. They created a beast that they cant even tame. This country is on its last life and thats the lord will. But before it goes I would like to make peace with things u know?

young black men don't really greet each other like that. I've been going through a mental metamorphosis of sorts. "Coming of age" I guess. That time period when u finally grow up and become the real you with no insecurities or fears. I've reached that point life where I can see everything so clearly I feel like Eddy from the movie limitless after he ate the pill.

I'm fully awaken and can see so far past the indoctrination. I don't feel any pressure to conform to society or its rules. I'm talking about black culture rules also. I feel free to be me totally and I'm proud.

Now I just want to get out here and meet black men and talk to them about real shyt. Not bullshyt like hoes, sports, these scumbag entertainers that don't care about us or our plight in these urban prisons. I want to talk to black men about the REAL them, not the front. I want the real them... that's trapped inside the flesh laden shell.

These guys looked around my age late 20's , early 30's. I wanted to just shake their hands like gentlemen and say Hi like how brothers did back in the 1900s when we wore suits and ties everyday. . Maybe even sit down and talk about the reality of the black man in america and talk about our pain and sorrow. I wanted to bond with these brothers man and get to know the real them and get a chance to see their soul.

But we just don't do shyt like that. We hold the pain in until it eat us alive inside. Its like a virus. It starts at the brain and eventually chew its way down to our hearts and eventually engulf our souls. The hurt eats your flesh away until u finally submit and tap.

Well gentlemen to close. Were all going to die some day and soon. were in a vortex that's pretty much slowly wiping us off. Black people are on the clock. Were being exterminated right now, its just so complex and silent we don't know it. I made peace with this. I think us black men need to be nice to each ...yeah yeah yeah I get it, we gotta do the be hard front thing because its our thing but we should treat each other better because where in this concentration camp together stuck on this rock called north america. We should atleast get to know one another. Either way well be better on the other side. We gonna do it the right way next time. Peace
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Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
Ain't nobody reading that shyt.

Throw in a picture or some smiley's to break the text.
WTF...u want a pic of both of their dikks or something nikka?

just read and visualize . The words are suppose to paint the picture but yall cheat yourselves by being intellectually lazy


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
I wrote WAY longer threads in the past and ppl read every word but Im not stupid

I have ALOT of animosity here against me so I guessed I reached that point where its automatic hate on site ....

well they say u either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain and i def out stayed my welcome here...probably should've retired after kinda Nigerian status now...

every thread is just going to be like this....i did partially bring it on myself tho so :yeshrug: esp with that one thread that got me banned. I went off in that one...I doubt if I can ever win the crowd back. Im charming but not that charming

But Im trying to kill my ego tho. Thats on the serious side. ego will tear u apart on the inside.