It boggles my mind how men want to get married


Nov 28, 2016
Especially here in the US. I'm straight up telling any girl I date I'm not getting married, as long as I'm in the US

Nobody is getting half of my hard earned money that I worked for by myself. I don't blame the woman though, that's her biology, she wants that ultimate security. But I ain't gonna be that sucka.

The IDEA of marriage I agree with. Being with a women who you have all your kids by, you raise them together, live in the same house, etc etc

But men willingly going into the Lions den called the American Divorce system, knowing there's a 90% chance that half your money would be gone and that house/car would be in her name if ya'll break up. If the shoe was on the other foot, and women would get severely penalized for having a divorce, you would see no women rush to get married

It boggles my mind how any man could put that much faith in a women's emotions, with this justice system, when it is as fickle and everchanging as a fart in the wind :manny:

Breh I feel you on your misgivings and worries but please understand this isn't the reality for every married man out there. I know several who are extremely happy and whose wives contribute a lot to their well-being and success...I even know a few brehs whose wives got them to "get their shyt together" and are now doing better than they ever thought was possible (taking real vacations, GOING to sports events rather than just watching them on TV, getting the $ together for down payments on homes, volunteering in the community/mentoring young brehs, etc.) And not on any nagging bullshyt either - just the steady presence of a good woman in these men's lives got them out of their usual rut and got them thinking about ways to really take things to the next level.

From what I've seen, you just need to choose wisely, and once you do, genuinely commit to that person. Odds are that things will turn out well if you do that.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
Gay people can get married tho :dwillhuh:



Aug 18, 2013
Breh I feel you on your misgivings and worries but please understand this isn't the reality for every married man out there. I know several who are extremely happy and whose wives contribute a lot to their well-being and success...I even know a few brehs whose wives got them to "get their shyt together" and are now doing better than they ever thought was possible (taking real vacations, GOING to sports events rather than just watching them on TV, getting the $ together for down payments on homes, volunteering in the community/mentoring young brehs, etc.) And not on any nagging bullshyt either - just the steady presence of a good woman in these men's lives got them out of their usual rut and got them thinking about ways to really take things to the next level.

From what I've seen, you just need to choose wisely, and once you do, genuinely commit to that person. Odds are that things will turn out well if you do that.

I agree with most of what you're saying. But you can have a loving healthy relationship without signing that contract. That marriage contract isn't about a commitment between you and the person, it's between the 2 people in the marriage and the state. And now that man might have half his earnings garnished because of what the contract says. Sorry, that's a risky situation for anyman. And if a woman cared that much about what a man can lose, why don't you see many women protesting for more common law marriages, where the men isn't penalized financially as much? :jbhmm: