King Bernie is taking his talents to South Beach - 3/9 Democratic Debate @ 9pm EST


Oct 6, 2014

yahoo with their usual ridiculous headline:mjlol:


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Oh btw this is what van jones really thinks of nikkas

Obama could come out as gay and still win the black vote:mjpls:

He isn't gonna lose the black vote no matter what he does:mjpls:

translation: nikkas aint leaving this plantation

c00n ass pos

wife looking like she crawled out of a swamp:scust:

Is he lying though? Hillary's entire campaign is condescending to Obama voters. At least, if I was an Obama supporter who voted with him on the issues, I'd look at her campaign as condescending.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
The bills received heated criticism from both the right wing and the left wing. Conservativesrejected providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, as it would reward them for disregarding United States immigration laws. Liberals criticized the points-based system and provisions limiting family reunification visas available to only nuclear family members of US citizens as unfair. Labor unions, human rights, and some Hispanic organizations attacked the guest workers program, claiming that it would create a group of underclass workers with no benefits.[15] Another criticism of the guest workers program was that because each guest worker is required to return home for a year before renewing his or her visa, these workers would instead overstay their visa, becoming illegal immigrants.

High-tech industry criticized the point-basedgreen card system for scrapping employer sponsorship of green card applications and eliminating priority processing for the highly skilled workers specifically selected by the U.S. employers.[16] Many immigration practitioners, while supporting aspects of the proposal, criticized the bill as "unworkable" and called for fundamentally revising it.[17]Critics of the bill in the U.S. Senate also complained that the Senate consideration of the bill did not follow the usual procedure, as the bill did not go through the committee debate and approval process and the opportunities to offer floor amendments were limited.[18][19]

The bill was just fukked up. Bernie was on the right side.

This is what gets me so tight about this fake pragmatism. Instead of being honest and stating that there was a lot of fukked up shyt in the bill that the Democratic party would've needed another decade or 2 to fix, Clinton is peddling it as if it was the "gold standard" or the great greek goddess p*ssyliath that only obstructionist were blind to vote against.

This is what bills look like when politicians are trying to secure their legacy.

It's all about getting something, anything passed, and letting real time market economics sort out the details.

So now when you're up for re-election, you get to go, "Hey look at that bill I passed." :blessed: "You like it!? WELL WE'RE GOING TO STRENGTHEN IT :youngsabo:"

Let's ignore the fact that Hillary supporters HAVE YET TO, AFTER A FULL WEEK AND A SEPARATE THREAD, tell us what progressive policies she can pass, that Obama and/or Sanders cannot. Right? Let's totally ignore that. The devil of politics isn't what you're able to secure but what YOU'RE WILLING TO GIVE UP.

She keeps missing that point. Her supporters keep missing that point. And it's not a point that they'll ever provide an answer for. They're going to give you some half assed, "You have to give to receive. Politics is about compromise," BS answer; totally ignoring that they wouldn't say that for something like womans wage equity.

She doesn't understand that every time Bernie pegs her about the Wall Street bailout, he's pegging her over the terms of the bailout. THAT IS THE FAILURE.

What about my future are you willing to risk in order to pass legislation? I say my future because this shyt isn't going to affect you. You've made 100million off of public speaking fees. If you live another 15 years, its a blessing. So when you walk into the room with republicans, who aren't going to give you shyt, what part of my future are you going to risk to ensure that you can say that you walked out of that room with bipartisanship consensus.

Cause we know the deal Obama struck for the bank bailout.
We know the public option was seen as toxic amongst democrat leadership for health care.
We know the private prison complex that was fortified with the crime bill and will now take another 25 years to dismantle.
We know what the deregulation of wall street led to.
We know SS has already been put on the bargaining table.
A republican was just held as bait for the SC nomination.

What concessions are you going to make, so I can prepare for this fight? Because not only will we be fighting against big money after you pass your bill, I'll now have to fight a generation of conservatives who will use the bill to legitimize their talking points by flipping it on you and saying,"See they agreed to our business philosophies. It's the liberal parts that are really wrong and are really holding us back."


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012

yahoo with their usual ridiculous headline:mjlol:
Top headline: Sanders accused of standing with vigilantes

2nd headline: Sanders confronted with video supporting Fidel Castro

6th headline: Dem debate crowd boos disapproval at Bengazi mention

:heh: Cant make this shyt up

Musta been a huge home run of a night for Hillary, eh boys?
Aug 27, 2015
There was a debate in the south. It was held in south carolina.

The Flint debate and the South Carolina debate were majority black debates. They might not have been ONLY black debates, because whites were allowed to ask questions, the moderators weren't black, and the stations hosting the debates weren't black owned. However, that is on the voters of south carolina and flint to hold Hillary and Bernie to the fire. Flint did a good job focusing on bringing back jobs would help tremendously with the boosting blacks in the midwest out of poverty.

Now south carolina, that's on them for not focusing exclusively on the history of voter rights, segregation, and police brutality.

This is true. The issue is with the black electorate who is giving these candidates a pass.