King Bernie is taking his talents to South Beach - 3/9 Democratic Debate @ 9pm EST


Apr 30, 2012
Of course its wrong. Of course America's foreign policy is wrong.

But if you cannot renounce your praise of a guy like Daniel Ortega back then, in 2016, you will get absolutely fukked in a general election.

Any of those tapes on Cuba and the USSR will slaughter him in purple states with hit pieces and in debates. That's just the reality of the situation. :manny::dahell:

you're so invested in this from a personal standpoint you can't see when Bernie is tanking himself, perhaps? :jbhmm:
Me? Of all people? After four years where I was pragmatic on here to a fault? The point was not about politics it was about what was correct. And the way you posted made it seem as if you were co-signing that shyt....even though I assume you aren't. As you can see, the first response to me Napoleon of all people talking about "real politik." You know better than to have him cosigning you. I have posted on more than one occasion that he handled that question poorly. :deadrose:

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
Obama could come out as gay and still win the black vote:mjpls:

He isn't gonna lose the black vote no matter what he does:mjpls:

translation: nikkas aint leaving this plantation

c00n ass pos

wife looking like she crawled out of a swamp:scust:[/QUOTE]
I swear to God c00ns are the lowest form of human life in existence word to everything.

fukk this filthy union :pacspit:


Dec 8, 2013
since bernie explained he was a good friend of ted kennedy,
i stand by my opinion that he looks up to JFK. and he's playing the people like JFK did.
not saying JFK didnt have good intentions, but he knew how to pander to get that minority vote

just saying


Nov 26, 2013
This is what gets me so tight about this fake pragmatism. Instead of being honest and stating that there was a lot of fukked up shyt in the bill that the Democratic party would've needed another decade or 2 to fix, Clinton is peddling it as if it was the "gold standard" or the great greek goddess p*ssyliath that only obstructionist were blind to vote against.

This is what bills look like when politicians are trying to secure their legacy.

It's all about getting something, anything passed, and letting real time market economics sort out the details.

So now when you're up for re-election, you get to go, "Hey look at that bill I passed." :blessed: "You like it!? WELL WE'RE GOING TO STRENGTHEN IT :youngsabo:"

Let's ignore the fact that Hillary supporters HAVE YET TO, AFTER A FULL WEEK AND A SEPARATE THREAD, tell us what progressive policies she can pass, that Obama and/or Sanders cannot. Right? Let's totally ignore that. The devil of politics isn't what you're able to secure but what YOU'RE WILLING TO GIVE UP.

She keeps missing that point. Her supporters keep missing that point. And it's not a point that they'll ever provide an answer for. They're going to give you some half assed, "You have to give to receive. Politics is about compromise," BS answer; totally ignoring that they wouldn't say that for something like womans wage equity.

She doesn't understand that every time Bernie pegs her about the Wall Street bailout, he's pegging her over the terms of the bailout. THAT IS THE FAILURE.

What about my future are you willing to risk in order to pass legislation? I say my future because this shyt isn't going to affect you. You've made 100million off of public speaking fees. If you live another 15 years, its a blessing. So when you walk into the room with republicans, who aren't going to give you shyt, what part of my future are you going to risk to ensure that you can say that you walked out of that room with bipartisanship consensus.

Cause we know the deal Obama struck for the bank bailout.
We know the public option was seen as toxic amongst democrat leadership for health care.
We know the private prison complex that was fortified with the crime bill and will now take another 25 years to dismantle.
We know what the deregulation of wall street led to.
We know SS has already been put on the bargaining table.
A republican was just held as bait for the SC nomination.

What concessions are you going to make, so I can prepare for this fight? Because not only will we be fighting against big money after you pass your bill, I'll now have to fight a generation of conservatives who will use the bill to legitimize their talking points by flipping it on you and saying,"See they agreed to our business philosophies. It's the liberal parts that are really wrong and are really holding us back."
:whew:Bern breh!!!!!! Bern!!


Delete account when possible.
Aug 1, 2015
This is what gets me so tight about this fake pragmatism. Instead of being honest and stating that there was a lot of fukked up shyt in the bill that the Democratic party would've needed another decade or 2 to fix, Clinton is peddling it as if it was the "gold standard" or the great greek goddess p*ssyliath that only obstructionist were blind to vote against.

This is what bills look like when politicians are trying to secure their legacy.

It's all about getting something, anything passed, and letting real time market economics sort out the details.

So now when you're up for re-election, you get to go, "Hey look at that bill I passed." :blessed: "You like it!? WELL WE'RE GOING TO STRENGTHEN IT :youngsabo:"

Let's ignore the fact that Hillary supporters HAVE YET TO, AFTER A FULL WEEK AND A SEPARATE THREAD, tell us what progressive policies she can pass, that Obama and/or Sanders cannot. Right? Let's totally ignore that. The devil of politics isn't what you're able to secure but what YOU'RE WILLING TO GIVE UP.

She keeps missing that point. Her supporters keep missing that point. And it's not a point that they'll ever provide an answer for. They're going to give you some half assed, "You have to give to receive. Politics is about compromise," BS answer; totally ignoring that they wouldn't say that for something like womans wage equity.

She doesn't understand that every time Bernie pegs her about the Wall Street bailout, he's pegging her over the terms of the bailout. THAT IS THE FAILURE.

What about my future are you willing to risk in order to pass legislation? I say my future because this shyt isn't going to affect you. You've made 100million off of public speaking fees. If you live another 15 years, its a blessing. So when you walk into the room with republicans, who aren't going to give you shyt, what part of my future are you going to risk to ensure that you can say that you walked out of that room with bipartisanship consensus.

Cause we know the deal Obama struck for the bank bailout.
We know the public option was seen as toxic amongst democrat leadership for health care.
We know the private prison complex that was fortified with the crime bill and will now take another 25 years to dismantle.
We know what the deregulation of wall street led to.
We know SS has already been put on the bargaining table.
A republican was just held as bait for the SC nomination.

What concessions are you going to make, so I can prepare for this fight? Because not only will we be fighting against big money after you pass your bill, I'll now have to fight a generation of conservatives who will use the bill to legitimize their talking points by flipping it on you and saying,"See they agreed to our business philosophies. It's the liberal parts that are really wrong and are really holding us back."

Yeah, dap'd and repped. This post is the main problem with the correct Democratic establishment, other than their corruption. This is why I feel knowing someone's core principles are important. I don't think she'd waver on issues involving women, as that would be her strongest base; and she'd been attacked, for being a strong woman, before she sold out. I don't think, outside of her Christianity, that there's anything else she'd care to fight for, outside of things involving children, and this is somewhat dangerous.

I really think she would let the Fed lead us into a crash, as proven by Lawrence Summers and Tim Geithner always circling around the levers of power, and not fully knowing what they're doing. Couple that with her Goldman Sachs' ties, and you can see who will have control of the Fed.

They've just taught the people to expect the least.


Delete account when possible.
Aug 1, 2015
Hillary lies about her emails even when she doesn't need to, can't wait till she catches a case.
As I already knew and said earlier about her Colin Powell claim. It is VERY disingenuous. There is only ONE reason that you would use a private server to funnel your email to. It is encrypted, which makes finding your deleted emails nearly impossible. Communications are usually archived later on. Hillary didn't want that to happen with some of her emails.

The question is WHY. I assert that she was influence peddling and selling what she felt was a sure presidency. I know Bernie wavered on whether to run, but I'm very glad he did. If anything, he has revealed that Obama wasn't the main reason that the Democrats gained so much traction, as it is not proven there is a groundswell of American liberalism. He could, however, kill it in the crib, if we keep getting Democrats use it to enrich themselves.

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
Me? Of all people? After four years where I was pragmatic on here to a fault? The point was not about politics it was about what was correct. And the way you posted made it seem as if you were co-signing that shyt....even though I assume you aren't. As you can see, the first response to me Napoleon of all people talking about "real politik." You know better than to have him cosigning you. I have posted on more than one occasion that he handled that question poorly. :deadrose:

But it is about politics :dahell: this is a presidential debate in Florida and he absolutely fukked that up. I was laughing about it, because it was effectively a way of tanking himself in that state. He could have deflected better, clarified his position more, pretty much anything and he goofed it. I laugh when Hillary fukks things up too, like her fake rambling nonsense about God in that last debate :manny:

I never really see these events as legit tests of policy or record or ideology, given the loaded phrasing of half of these questions, the terrible moderation and formats that lend themselves to lack of nuance. Presidential debates are about entertainment, speaking skills and testing how someone responds under pressure to me .

Shame too because Bernie basically won that debate. His rhetoric hits well for a reason, he showed charisma and Hillary and/or the mods don't really test him on the subject of paying for things, passing tax plans in our current political environment, and some of the finer points of his policies.
May 29, 2012
I'm feeling the bern but if you can't see how he fukked up that response to that video then I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn, for cheap


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Hillary laughs off Bernie's closing statement. What disrespect..

This is the video that was shown in Wednesday night's debate to illustrate that Bernie was a sympathizer of Fidel Castro. That moment comes in around the 10 min mark. In context, Bernie is merely explaining that one of the reasons the Bay Of Pigs was a disaster is that Castro had done good things for the people of Cuba, leading them to fight back. There's nothing scary in this video to suggest Bernie supported Soviet style Communism in the 80s. In fact, he expresses concern that Reagan's intervention in Nicaragua is going to lead Nicaragua into the arms of the Soviet Union. At the time, Nicaraguans saw themselves very close to America in that they considered themselves Americans and liked our culture. But, Bernie feared a possible invasion could change all of that.