Movie characters that you feel differently about as you've gotten older


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Here's the thing though....she wasn't a lane to romance for Marcus. Dude did end up dogging her out.

And yeah I realize it was a happy ending in the end....but I ain't chilling with a girl my homeboy clearly brought as a date (even if they're just friends) when I'm getting women left and right anyway, like Marcus. Gerard can have that as whatever.
And the "we're just friends" thing is a non-factor for me, either way. I've had plenty of women call me a friend, that I ended up messing around with. So I'm not gonna be sitting up at dinner like :shaq:"fair game" because of that. I'm gonna be sitting there like :sas2: "just friends....oh ok" because I seen how that shyt unfolds, several times.

So I dunno man. Like I said this is all hypothetical because my peer group is in their 40's now and most of them have a wife, long time girl friend, etc. They typically ain't showing up with a new date. Back in the 90's, maybe. There's a core group of 6 guys and various combinations of us lived and/or worked together, in addition to all going to school together, for like 15 years. And I've known them since then.

So this particular situation didn't happen....but it could have back then.

Like I said, Gerard should have the attitude that hopefully Angela learned a lesson from being dogged out. He tried to get with her and she rejected him and then got with Marcus who had that reputation. Her bad. And they were really just friends, she wasn't getting romantic with Gerard anytime soon.
It takes two, Gerard trying to control an adult woman's sexual preferences is corny. Marcus refraining would just be going above and beyond as a friend. A nice gesture sure, but not at all necessary. Gerard needs to grow up and accept reality.


GOATs Status
May 8, 2012
I dunno the dynamics you cats have with your friends. The guys I got, I've known 30+ years. We've been through everything together.

If one of my boys showed up with some girl and she friend zoned him I ain't letting her stay to help me. There's too many women in the world to create drama among friends.

Obviously this would've had to happen when we were much younger, though.

I mean, that’s cool. Conversely, I’m not really gonna babysit my potna’s feelings like that, though, especially when he fronted on the situation to begin with….the homie @jayshiggs pretty much nailed it:

Not only did Gerard say at dinner they are just friends he also said when asked directly by Marcus about their relationship he had to end it on some, "You do your thing I'll do mine . . . " or something to that effect. If he feels some type of way after the fact we can definitely discuss it. But making women off limits because one of my boys likes someone who doesn't reciprocate is his issue and I would definitely point that out to him. There are many women in the world, but most aren't giving me a lane for romance so I got to go with the ones that are. He is being selfish and irrational if his opportunity passed and is letting a woman who doesn't like him in that way come between our friendship.

BOOM. Cause if y’all REALLY boys like that - the whole "30-year friendship" sensibility - then Gerald shouldn’t have fronted like not bein’ able to get with Angela DIDN’T hurt him. Like, we boys? Then say that shyt. Had he done so, Marcus may have thought twice about it. But instead, he let his personal feelings mean more than their friendship, cause if they REALLY cool like that you wouldn't treat me like some random ass dude and let your ego dictate the situation. That's not what 30-year friends SHOULD be doing, either. So I understand your ethical position, but being upfront with your supposed potnas counts, as well. “Nah, we had to do our own thing…”….nah fool, she wasn’t feelin’ you and friend zoned you, why you frontin? You gon' just lie to ME to save face, f'real? Over a broad?

Gerald tried to save face and his ego got in the way of the truth, which was, “she wasn’t feelin’ me like that cause I’m pretty lame.” Not to mention, let's keep it a buck....Gerald was likely a bit jealous of Marcus - his whole lifestyle, etc. - that the whole Angela thing was likely the "boiling point' he needed to say what he truly wanted to say. Like, he didn’t even really have a valid basis to come at him…..when he finally confronted Marcus over it, he said something to the effect of “you just HAD to have her, didn’t you?”….Marcus would have easily been justified in replying "SO?!? bytch nikka, YOU DIDN’T have no shot at her, AND you claim y'all went y'all separate ways, so what the fukk you in your feels for? Get that “Captain Save ‘Em” ass shyt outta here, dawg." :camby:

It takes two, Gerard trying to control an adult woman's sexual preferences is corny. Marcus refraining would just be going above and beyond as a friend. A nice gesture sure, but not at all necessary. Gerard needs to grow up and accept reality.

This is the more mature way of saying what I just said. :mjlol:


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I mean, that’s cool. Conversely, I’m not really gonna babysit my potna’s feelings like that, though, especially when he fronted on the situation to begin with….the homie @jayshiggs pretty much nailed it:

BOOM. Cause if y’all REALLY boys like that - the whole "30-year friendship" sensibility - then Gerald shouldn’t have fronted like not bein’ able to get with Angela DIDN’T hurt him. Like, we boys? Then say that shyt. Had he done so, Marcus may have thought twice about it. But instead, he let his personal feelings mean more than their friendship, cause if they REALLY cool like that you wouldn't treat me like some random ass dude and let your ego dictate the situation. That's not what 30-year friends SHOULD be doing, either. So I understand your ethical position, but being upfront with your supposed potnas counts, as well. “Nah, we had to do our own thing…”….nah fool, she wasn’t feelin’ you and friend zoned you, why you frontin? You gon' just lie to ME to save face, f'real? Over a broad?

Gerald tried to save face and his ego got in the way of the truth, which was, “she wasn’t feelin’ me like that cause I’m pretty lame.” Not to mention, let's keep it a buck....Gerald was likely a bit jealous of Marcus - his whole lifestyle, etc. - that the whole Angela thing was likely the "boiling point' he needed to say what he truly wanted to say. Like, he didn’t even really have a valid basis to come at him…..when he finally confronted Marcus over it, he said something to the effect of “you just HAD to have her, didn’t you?”….Marcus would have easily been justified in replying "SO?!? bytch nikka, YOU DIDN’T have no shot at her, AND you claim y'all went y'all separate ways, so what the fukk you in your feels for? Get that “Captain Save ‘Em” ass shyt outta here, dawg." :camby:

This is the more mature way of saying what I just said. :mjlol:
Great point, and one of the personal situations I was in was my friend was trying to get with a girl and failed. He didn't make a big deal about it not working out initially. I then was like, "Oh word? I'm gonna step to her then." I had no expectation I would be any more or less effective than him but you don't know until you try right? When I said that he got in his feelings deep. I tried to get to the bottom of why he was protesting my move so much, he beat around the bush about it but then eventually said, "Hey, I really tried my hardest to make it happen with homegirl and because it didn't I'm now hurt. If you kick game to her and it works I would feel horrible." He kept it a buck with me and I appreciated that shyt and laid off because he admitted the truth although it took him a few days to get to that point.
Friendships require honesty and Gerard was being dishonest with Marcus and really everyone regarding his relationship with Angela.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Gerard (David Alan Grier) from Boomerang. At the time I didn't really think much about it but on repeated viewings I realized he was being a bytch niqqa giving Marcus grief for dating Angela. How much a simp are you gonna be my dude? She curved your ass for a player type like Marcus she deserves whatever she gets from him. If she was a 'nice girl' she would have stuck with you. You were willing to be molded to whatever the fukk she wanted and she rejected you. No sympathy for hoes who choose another niqqa after you. :hhh:

This is one of my favorite movies and I NEVER thought about it like that:ohhh:


Feb 17, 2017
This is one of my favorite movies and I NEVER thought about it like that:ohhh:
If you can't take an L, you'll never learn.

I had to look at myself in the mirror and make some personal and sociological changes. Now my problems with women are at a minimum. I'm not saying I'm some smooth player, but I hold my own.


GOATs Status
May 8, 2012
Play in the House Party movies. Dude was a terrible friend to Bilal and Kid and Kid should've dropped him for what he did with his tuition money
Yeah, how you gon' take MY equipment to the damn party and tell me you'll come back for me when you got hella broads up in the car already? Why you ain't WAIT to pick these hoes up until AFTER you dropped me off, nikka? Ain't no way they lived that far apart to where he couldnt have just dropped Bilal off real quick at his place, then went to get the girls, who were ALL probably together to begin with.....and THEN you gonna come back when its DARK outside, too? :stopitslime:

And you KNOW he ain't pay Bilal to DJ that party....

Play was a terrible friend all around....but he did come through with the bail money.


GOATs Status
May 8, 2012
This is one of my favorite movies and I NEVER thought about it like that:ohhh:
That's crazy, cause I ALWAYS thought about it like that. I never knew there was a differing sensibility about it. :russ:

I must have seen that movie a dozen times, as well.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Great point, and one of the personal situations I was in was my friend was trying to get with a girl and failed. He didn't make a big deal about it not working out initially. I then was like, "Oh word? I'm gonna step to her then." I had no expectation I would be any more or less effective than him but you don't know until you try right? When I said that he got in his feelings deep. I tried to get to the bottom of why he was protesting my move so much, he beat around the bush about it but then eventually said, "Hey, I really tried my hardest to make it happen with homegirl and because it didn't I'm now hurt. If you kick game to her and it works I would feel horrible." He kept it a buck with me and I appreciated that shyt and laid off because he admitted the truth although it took him a few days to get to that point.
Friendships require honesty and Gerard was being dishonest with Marcus and really everyone regarding his relationship with Angela.

Here’s the thing

The way I looked at it all these years was, if you rewatch the scene Gerard didn’t really seem all that mad that Angela didn’t choose him. His beef never was “You took her from ME!”. I always interpreted it that he really cared and respected Angela and if she wasn’t gonna be with him then he’d be happy with her being with another “nice guy”. He even joked like “Oh you wanna hook her up with Tyler?” So I never thought it was about him being hurt moreso than he didn’t want Marcus to dog her.

What Gerard DID NOT KNOW however is that Angela was the aggressor in the situation. From Gerard’s point of view he always saw Marcus as the aggressor, going after women, wooing them, sleeping with them and then dumping them. Angela came AFTER Marcus. Marcus was cooling, minding his own business. Not even ONCE did he ever hit on Angela or make any move whatsoever. Every time they had an interaction it was about her and Gerard or him and Jacquelyn. She even KNEW he was smashing Jacquelyn and still went after him.

So Marcus wasn’t in the “wrong” per say, I just think Gerard got the situation wrong. Which is why he said “You just HAD to have her!” Cause he’s thinking this is a “playboy Marcus” routine when really it wasn’t


GOATs Status
May 8, 2012
Here’s the thing

The way I looked at it all these years was, if you rewatch the scene Gerard didn’t really seem all that mad that Angela didn’t choose him. His beef never was “You took her from ME!”. I always interpreted it that he really cared and respected Angela and if she wasn’t gonna be with him then he’d be happy with her being with another “nice guy”. He even joked like “Oh you wanna hook her up with Tyler?” So I never thought it was about him being hurt moreso than he didn’t want Marcus to dog her.

What Gerard DID NOT KNOW however is that Angela was the aggressor in the situation. From Gerard’s point of view he always saw Marcus as the aggressor, going after women, wooing them, sleeping with them and then dumping them. Angela came AFTER Marcus. Marcus was cooling, minding his own business. Not even ONCE did he ever hit on Angela or make any move whatsoever. Every time they had an interaction it was about her and Gerard or him and Jacquelyn. She even KNEW he was smashing Jacquelyn and still went after him.

So Marcus wasn’t in the “wrong” per say, I just think Gerard got the situation wrong. Which is why he said “You just HAD to have her!” Cause he’s thinking this is a “playboy Marcus” routine when really it wasn’t

GREAT perspective, I could feel that fa sho....


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Here’s the thing

The way I looked at it all these years was, if you rewatch the scene Gerard didn’t really seem all that mad that Angela didn’t choose him. His beef never was “You took her from ME!”. I always interpreted it that he really cared and respected Angela and if she wasn’t gonna be with him then he’d be happy with her being with another “nice guy”. He even joked like “Oh you wanna hook her up with Tyler?” So I never thought it was about him being hurt moreso than he didn’t want Marcus to dog her.

What Gerard DID NOT KNOW however is that Angela was the aggressor in the situation. From Gerard’s point of view he always saw Marcus as the aggressor, going after women, wooing them, sleeping with them and then dumping them. Angela came AFTER Marcus. Marcus was cooling, minding his own business. Not even ONCE did he ever hit on Angela or make any move whatsoever. Every time they had an interaction it was about her and Gerard or him and Jacquelyn. She even KNEW he was smashing Jacquelyn and still went after him.

So Marcus wasn’t in the “wrong” per say, I just think Gerard got the situation wrong. Which is why he said “You just HAD to have her!” Cause he’s thinking this is a “playboy Marcus” routine when really it wasn’t
That's interesting and I can see that. My only counter is that while Gerard may have genuinely liked her and wanted the best for her his respect for her was somewhat lacking. It takes two to form a relationship and no matter the amount of player tricks Marcus used on her if he truly respects her he had to come to the conclusion she chose to get with him knowing his reputation. So she has to take at least half the blame but it seems he wasn't giving her any. 'Marcus duped a nice girl' seemed to be his thinking. Eliminating in his mind the choices she made. That's an error on his part.


GOATs Status
May 8, 2012
That's interesting and I can see that. My only counter is that while Gerard may have genuinely liked her and wanted the best for her his respect for her was somewhat lacking. It takes two to form a relationship and no matter the amount of player tricks Marcus used on her if he truly respects her he had to come to the conclusion she chose to get with him knowing his reputation. So she has to take at least half the blame but it seems he wasn't giving her any. 'Marcus duped a nice girl' seemed to be his thinking. Eliminating in his mind the choices she made. That's an error on his part.

More great points, and ultimately why I rest on the side that ties culpability mostly to Gerald. Homie chose simping over his friendship with a guy who he KNEW ran through women like that. Clearly, as stated above, Angela wanted a guy a bit rougher around the edges than Gerald, because she knew full well Marcus wanted Jacqui's character yet still pushed up on him hardbody. So that whole "ruined a good girl" shyt is just more fallacious simp principles from him, as stated before.