My Dog Just Bit Someone (update)

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
I have no criminal liability. Vet checked out dog and he is fine, no rabies... said we have to watch him coz hes hes territorial and will likely go after any other trespassers. The girl who ws bittens family havent been in touch beyond wanting the dogs vaccination records and then returning them.

As the title says my dog just bit someone. I made a thread sometime back about my husband "surprising" me with a dog - Unwanted Puppy / Dog Food but thats not the dog that did the bitting it was the 2nd dog my youngest insisted on. I fell in love with the original dog in the end....


Its late and she is gone and we will meet up tomorrow so we can figure out what is what.

What first aid could be rendered was rendered. Apparently she tried to get onto my property coz she thought thats where she was supposed to meet someone.

Her people whisked her away,I hopefully to get treated. I don't think she was there to steal I think she was genuinely lost or something.

My setup is two gates so she was bitten between the 1st and 2nd gates, therebis quite a distance between the gates. The second gate is supposed to be locked so am not sure how it got open forbthe dogs to get out. I wasn't home when she was bitten. Just getting home and seeing her and the people at my first gate. The 2nd gate was slightly open and the dogs were both inside the 2nd gate when I got home. So she must gave walked towards the 2nd gate for them to even bother with her.

So the bite is two punctures. One high up on her her shin and one on her foot. Just those two punctures.

Her clothes were dirty I guess they knocked her over or she fell down trying to run. She looked shook up. No security footage.

I have been advised to offer zero assistance medical bills or otherwise coz I could face a possible lawsuit... So I have the dogs vaccination paperwork ready and been told over otand over not to loose sight of the fact that she was on my property when it happened and lost or not she had no reason to be there...

I think her father is a labourer at one of the houses in the area. So I don't know if they can afford to get treatment... They assess the dogs to see if rabies or infection are an issue.....

I feel bad and would feel better if I helped if they need help, on the other hand I don't want legal drama. My husband is of the mind that we should say fk it she shouldn't bhave been on our property... As my circle has also stated the same.

Has anyone been in the same situation?

The dog is 7 months and has always been frisky. Its a mix (not sure) its a stocky dinky kinda small dog but really fit with longish wavy hair, my 1st grader loves it to bits. I wouldn't be too torn up about it being put down, but the one I love I am gutted if he even gets hurt... So i know how my little girl would feel about it being put down.

Sorry for the long rambling post, just a bit shook up... I feel like a crazy dog owner coz I'm ready to say that they are the sweetest dogs ever... But it bit a person so.... Also this dog seems to want to protect abd is more territorial than the older much much bigger original dog.
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Coli N Calisthenics
Jun 9, 2012
I was on the phone with a client this past Wednesday

Commission was 7600 which i get 50% of right

So I'm wrapping with the cracker hoe and her dog fukked up another dog and then I realize the hoe is in the dog park on her laptop not like at the crib

Dumb hoe should of been home handling the business so it was embarrassing like she got caught outside instead of WFH and her dog fukked up the other dog decent from the way she was acting

"OMG I can't believe he did that" LOL

And the deal was not in her favor at all

p*ssy hoe lost focus but shoutout to that dog because Christmas coming my nikka I need that bread


Aug 18, 2013
Dec 13, 2012
Eastside of that Motor
I got bit by a dog early this summer and as a dog owner I have no sympathy for any type of accident.

I was walking home one night and this lady had this big ass German shepherd. I thought it was on a leash but wasn’t and got my leg. Luckily only tore my jeans but I didn’t have time to run, scream, say “oh shyt” or nothing. Lady broke me off some blue notes and I called it a night.
