Pedos want the same rights as gays (ART)


May 12, 2012
the evils of truth, and love
are you really arguing for incest acceptance?



Of course they dont have to make babies, but babies get made in heterosexual relationships. Thats the point. No doubt HIV/AIDS are bigger in the gay community, because many of them don't think they need to use condoms, and typically have more partners (definitely one aspect of their alternative lifestyle i disapprove of). At any rate, AIDS is luckily becoming very very treatable, and cures are starting to emerge. Inbreeding can destroy whole populations in many ways, and there is no forseeable way to treat or cure many of them.

As for underage sex.... If you're riding for the abstinence movement, that shyt isnt gonna work. We are currently at the lowest national teen birth rate ever, and you have pregnancy prevention efforts to thank for that.

so you think incest isnt going to make its way like homosexuality?

i sort of jumped the gun here started assuming :dwillhuh: demonic

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
so you think incest isnt going to make its way like homosexuality?

i sort of jumped the gun here started assuming :dwillhuh: demonic

No. There is no groundswell of support for it for starters. Same with pedos. The only people who think its acceptable are sick fukks like NAMBLA. And there probably (hopefully) never will be.


May 5, 2012
North Jersey

so you think incest isnt going to make its way like homosexuality?

i sort of jumped the gun here started assuming :dwillhuh: demonic
there are no laws against incest in our state, Jersey, if both parties are 18 years old. Likewise, different states have different laws when it comes to incest.


May 12, 2012
the evils of truth, and love
there are no laws against incest in our state, Jersey, if both parties are 18 years old. Likewise, different states have different laws when it comes to incest.

and today i have yet again learned something new :what:

i was suppose to put pedo in place of incest for that response though but he addressed both anyway

but now it only seems more possible to happen :wtf: bout to google this phenomenon


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
You're the one who made the analogy in the first place and now you're running away from it when I showed you how stupid it was.

God damn it slim, the point of the analogy was not to dispute the fact "that Consumer choices are not analogous to human sexual relationships", do you not understand that? :laugh:

No, YOU put words in my mouth by comparing a government's regulation of aesthetic preference to the government regulating interpersonal relationships with a retarded analogy, and then pretended like that was my argument all along.

How did I put words in your mouth?

Well, when it comes to sexual attraction they are the same. Its a deviant attraction between consenting adults (besides the pedos, obviously). There is 0 justification for opposing incestual marriages while supporting homosexual marriage, provided that the man is sterilized or they can't otherwise have children together.

Your response:

Except this argument is retarded for two reasons.

1) Incest" is not a sexual orientation. If the law bans gay sex, gay people can't have sex lives. AT ALL. If the law says you can't bang your sister, you literally have millions of other options. All you need to do is leave the house.

Is your first reason not implying that due to the availibility of sexual options for incestuous couples, compared to homosexuals, banning incest is ok?

Yes, other options are available.

And do you know why other options are available? BECAUSE INCEST IS NOT AN ORIENTATION. THAT'S MY POINT. An incestuous man who has sex with his daughter is not incestosexual. You can't narrow your sexual preference for women to 1, 2, or 3 people on the whole planet (your daughters, mothers, etc) and say "these two people are my orientation."

Incest is a fantasy, not a sexual identity. Wanting to fukk your specific sister is not an identity like male homosexuality which says, "I want to fukk men."

Hence the Kardashian metaphor, which you're too dense to understand.

It doesnt matter if incest is a sexual orientation or not, regardless of what incest is, it shouldn't be banned simply because incestuous couples "have other options", the avalibility of options alone is not a just reason to ban anything.

As far your asinine "Kardashian" analogy is concerned, i found it both stupid and funny, the fact that you automatically assumed that an incestuous couple must be heterosexual made me chuckle too.

Congratulations, you've just made my point for me. In fact, I couldn't have said it better.

If homosexual marriage were an option, husbands would not have to "come out of the closet" or lie to people and enter so-called lavender marriages at all. Get it, chief? THEY WOULDN'T BE MARRIED TO WOMEN IN THE FIRST PLACE. Go read my post again with your big-boy glasses. I said that homosexuality is immutable. Hence, these people aren't going to be in healthy family units. The only option for them is to marry a member of the opposite sex.

Beyond that, the family hierarchy of mom/dad duties and disciplining children is entirely unchanged. Entirely. Not so with incest. Imagine a dad trying to discipline his daugther, who is also his jilted lover. Imagine parents trying to raise preteen siblings who are also boyfriend and girlfriend. In gay marriage, you change genders within the respective family roles, but the role is still there. In incestuous relationships, you blow up the role completely.

Let me try and simplify this for you because either your trying to deflect the argument, or you're genuinely lost.

The fact that homosexuals may have no other choice in gender is irrelevant here, you labeled two separate reasons as of why incest should be banned, one of those reasons being that it may destroy ones family structure, therefore you were implying that the posibility of causing family fission should be a bannable offence.

I gave an example of how homosexuality may inadvertently cause a disruption in family structure as well, and suggested that because you implied that something with such potential is bannable you should also be for banning homosexuality too.

Now, I do not agree with that line of thinking at all, in fact, unlike you, I'm suggested that its stupid to ban something just because it may or may not have a negetive effect on ones family structure, remember?

Alcohol is doesn't apply to any of this because it's substance abuse. It doesn't blow up families at all. Chemically dependency and overuse does.

Again, both alchol and incest can have an indirectly adverse effect on ones families structure, as i've explained already, the diffrence in matter between the two is irrelevant in this case.

If you're fine with banning incest due to the the potential distabililsation effect it may have on families, you should be Ok with banning alchol as well, period.

Here's a thought: maybe, instead of calling people who disagree with you "pretentious" you should take a listen. Maybe you'd learn something.

You're not in a position to teach at all, you can barely follow your own argument :laugh:
Jul 25, 2012
Except this argument is retarded for two reasons.

1) "Incest" is not a sexual orientation. If the law bans gay sex, gay people can't have sex lives. AT ALL. If the law says you can't bang your sister, you literally have millions of other options. All you need to do is leave the house.

This is not only irrelevant, but false as well. Most gay people can have sex with people of the opposite sex, they just prefer not to. Someone may prefer to have sex with his sister over other females.

You may be right that incest per se, is not a sexual orientation. But that is irrelevant. The argument is, the government should stay out of our bedrooms right?

2) Unlike monogamous homosexual relations, incest actually DOES destroy the family. If you forbid sex between these two men, neither of them is likely to form a happy hetero unit. So the best course of action is for them to marry each other and divide mommy/daddy roles between themselves. Now, think about all the bridges you've burned between yourself and your friends by having sex with them. I'll give you a minute. Got it? Okay. Now imagine doing that WITHIN YOUR FAMILY. Yeah. THAT'LL destroy a family unit really, really quickly.

Um... What the hell are you talking about? Who am I having sex with? Why are my friends involved? This wasn't very coherent at all.

are you really arguing for incest acceptance?

Why are you such a bigoted incestaphobe? Do you secretly want to have sex with one of your family members or something? They say that people who are against incest, are most likely to be compensating for those desires within themselves. They're two consenting adults, don't forget that. The plight of incestual couples are just like the plight of blacks during the Civil Rights movement.


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
Why are you such a bigoted incestaphobe? Do you secretly want to have sex with one of your family members or something? They say that people who are against incest, are most likely to be compensating for those desires within themselves. They're two consenting adults, don't forget that. The plight of incestual couples are just like the plight of blacks during the Civil Rights movement.

fukking genius :laugh:


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
Why are you such a bigoted incestaphobe? Do you secretly want to have sex with one of your family members or something? They say that people who are against incest, are most likely to be compensating for those desires within themselves. They're two consenting adults, don't forget that. The plight of incestual couples are just like the plight of blacks during the Civil Rights movement.

i would call myself a incestaphobe...i've been pretty vocal on :hamster: about wanting to fukk some of my cousins, im not only one in the fam tho:myman:

On top of that I've havent said a damn thing against incest in this thread:birdman: I was just pointing out how you anti-gay posters are all of a sudden championing incest even when ignoring the sarcastic posts like yours. Didnt know yall was about that:yeshrug:

What plight of incestuous couple are you talmbout? Family members been marrying each other for centuries. In some American states, family members can marry based on laws set over 100 years ago.

Black Hans

Follow Jesus. Be Beautiful
May 8, 2012
John 14:6
Wow. Didn't see this coming. :stopitslime: I hope they go at the gay community the way the gay community and the proponents went at the black community. I mean, "how can gays enforce discrimination against another group when not that long ago they were discriminated because of their sexuality." "Pedo rights are the same as gay rights. They can't help the way they were born" :lolbron::skip:


May 1, 2012
This is not only irrelevant, but false as well. Most gay people can have sex with people of the opposite sex, they just prefer not to. Someone may prefer to have sex with his sister over other females.

You may be right that incest per se, is not a sexual orientation. But that is irrelevant. The argument is, the government should stay out of our bedrooms right?

Um... What the hell are you talking about? Who am I having sex with? Why are my friends involved? This wasn't very coherent at all.

Why are you such a bigoted incestaphobe? Do you secretly want to have sex with one of your family members or something? They say that people who are against incest, are most likely to be compensating for those desires within themselves. They're two consenting adults, don't forget that. The plight of incestual couples are just like the plight of blacks during the Civil Rights movement.
Its so demonic :leon:

Black Hans

Follow Jesus. Be Beautiful
May 8, 2012
John 14:6
Greco-Roman culture is in full effect.

I knew it would only be a matter of time before these perverts take the sexual orientation route to try and legitimize pedophilia, thing is, it's halfway there if you look at the age of consent for homosexuals in certain countries.

It's pretty obvious the next step is pedophilia being accepted in American society. That's why they keep publishing these stories about FEMALE teachers screwing with kids because people don't take it as serious as when it's a man. They're sifting society like wheat.


May 20, 2012
It is a sexual orientation. Just one that is illegal. The difference is that homosexuality happens between consenting adults (except cases of rape obviously) while paedophilia happens between an adult and someone who is under the legal age of consent, and thus considered to being abused. So it's really not a discussion: as long as there is an age of consent, it is illegal. (We can discuss about what that age of consent should be, or about how different can a 19 year-old be from a 17 year-old, or about the logic of the age of consent being different across bordering countries, but that's maybe besides the point).

So taking that angle is stupid, as well as those who will claim that this is the homosexual's fault. This falls right into the accusations of homosexuals being paedophiles, and vice-versa.


Steve Murray

Jul 10, 2012
LOL. There are a lot of idiots on here who apparently don't know what 'two consenting adults' means. If they did, they wouldn't waste time trying to compare it to pedophilia. You guys honestly think pedophilia is gonna be normalized in this country, just because a couple of delusional pedophiles are trying to justify raping kids?

I guess we'd better watch out....women are screwed because that means rape is gonna be legal, since some rapists say they feel compelled to do it. Murder and cannibalism will be acceptable too, since some serial killers/cannibals claim they can't help that behavior. But at least those things aren't as bad as trying to normalize two adult males minding their own business, getting married and having sex behind closed doors. Yeah, let's compare all those other things to that, since they're all equally as bad :beli:


May 12, 2012
the evils of truth, and love
LOL. There are a lot of idiots on here who apparently don't know what 'two consenting adults' means. If they did, they wouldn't waste time trying to compare it to pedophilia. You guys honestly think pedophilia is gonna be normalized in this country, just because a couple of delusional pedophiles are trying to justify raping kids?

I guess we'd better watch out....women are screwed because that means rape is gonna be legal, since some rapists say they feel compelled to do it. Murder and cannibalism will be acceptable too, since some serial killers/cannibals claim they can't help that behavior. But at least those things aren't as bad as trying to normalize two adult males minding their own business, getting married and having sex behind closed doors. Yeah, let's compare all those other things to that, since they're all equally as bad :beli:

until there is a worldwide or atleast american standard for what is the age of consent the line will forever be chopped and screwed and eventually used to push the pedophile agenda