Predictions of the Mueller Investigation's Outcome


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I think Mueller is going to do something crazy and unexpected and charge congress members and work with states to indict state legislatures to force them to talk about Trump or face imprisonment.

I also feel some in the NRA will catch bullets.

He will say Trump colluded, but Congress members will get that Manafort treatment.
I'm feeling this will happen in the Mueller probe. There's also a whole bunch of other shid going on not part of that probe.

I have a friend who has a guy in DOJ who's dropped hints. He keeps saying expect shid to happen in Year 3 i.e. 2019. He obviously can't say anything but that there's so much shid that's going to happen. And it will accelerate if the midterms go in the Dems favor.

Steve Bannon kept talking about money laundering. I will not be surprised if the NRA and Republican National Committee are hit by those. Manafort treatment means individuals who worked as unregistered foreign agents under FARA are also going to get indicted and charged... this means people like Tony Podesta and others who have gotten money from the Saudis/Emiratis... even the Israelis. This stuff has a way of expanding beyond Russia IMO. It will shake K Street to its core. Not to mention the Kushner clan being unapologetic and open with these large sums of money coming in.

That's what I think DOJ is working on separate from Mueller.
This shyt will be over before Mueller completes the case. I have a strong feeling that something will drop from now and probably fall that will get Trump the fukk outta here with the RNC. I think our intelligence agencies are sitting on treasure troves and is just waiting the right time
when trump realized that there is a noose around his neck, he will call for his supporters to come defend him.
hordes of armed trumptards will camp out around the white house to protect their god emperor cheeto jesus.

he will promise to pay their legal bills and other such lies and they will flock to him like moths to a flame.
then shyt will get ugly.

the repercussions will spill out into the streets of america...not just the halls of law and justice.
Here's my predictions on Mueller's investigation.

1. On "collusion":

-Mueller will find that neither Trump nor his cohorts directed--or knew about--the cyber aspect of Russian meddling (i.e. the DNC hacks).
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts were very open and willing to foreign support of Trump's campaign.
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts actively sought foreign support of Trump's campaign from several sources, including Russia.
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts were aware that they may have been trying to work together with representatives of the Russian government.
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts were aware that they may have been committing a crime, or at least doing something improper.
-Mueller will find that Trump personally directed some of the contacts between his team and the Russians.

2. On the dossier allegations:

-Mueller will find that the Kremlin does indeed have blackmail material on Trump.
-Mueller will find that it's not a pee tape, though such salacious material may or may not exist.
-Mueller will find that the "kompromat" material is simply Trump being a willing money launderer for Russian oligarchs and known criminals, and has been for decades, via Trump's various real estate and business holdings.
-Mueller will find that the Russians cultivated Trump as an asset going back to the 80's--when I predict he may have started money laundering for the Russians.
-Mueller will find that Trump seeking real estate ventures in Russia, including his attempts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow—were an opportunity for the Russians to cultivate his views on foreign policy.
-Mueller will find that Trump used people such as Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort as proxies to communicate with Kremlin agents.

3. On obstruction:

-Mueller will find that Trump knew about Russian meddling, including cyber attacks and human engineering, very soon after the election.
-Mueller will find that not long after he was informed of Russian meddling and before the public was made aware of such, Trump privately expressed disbelief that Russia was responsible.
-Mueller will find that Trump spearheaded a concerted campaign to shut down the investigation as soon as possible, including coordinating with legislators, media personalities, and news organizations favorable to him.
-Mueller will find that Trump directed his cohorts to question, harass, and threaten potential witnesses.
-Mueller will find that Trump resisted the investigation publicly and privately.
And this is just the first page.


Nov 26, 2016
Celebrate displays of corruption brehs. Some progressive, you Jimmy Dore stans make me sick :scust:
If America got M4A and $30 minimum wage and UBI they would still complain.

They aren't progressive. They are the bizarro version of the tea party, without the clout.

The Latte Party - faux outrage from my home in Calabasas :mjlol:


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Guys in here are fukking ridiculous.

Bernie is going to have to pass away before a lot of you realize that reality is more than a set of ideals.

fukking ridiculous.
Yeah, if Bernie died people would no longer want M4A, $15 minimum wage and stopping unnecessary military intervention. :beli:


Jun 6, 2012
New York
If America got M4A and $30 minimum wage and UBI they would still complain.

They aren't progressive. They are the bizarro version of the tea party, without the clout.

The Latte Party - faux outrage from my home in Calabasas :mjlol:
Yeah, because if someone isn't broke they can't have compassion for other people. The lack of common sense being displayed. :mjlol:


Nov 26, 2016
He's going to let them all go and Mueller didn't even go far enough. It's time to face facts at some point. Just be happy there's a different president now, and let's move on.

Facts shouldn't be used to undermine the effort, though. I think the USA would be screwed if the Dems hadn't fought back on the Russian issue.

It helped to lay Trump's corruption bare.