Real Talk, a lot of the Oldheads are responsible for the misguidance of the Young simping Generation

Miles Davis

Prince of Darkness
Jul 26, 2015
Only when you seek knowledge will you value it.
The coldest playa could lace you with game and if you're not ready to receive it, you'll reject it.
Agreed. Then how do we get most kids to a point where they can appreciate knowledge without having to go through years of shyt to appreciate it?

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk

Why is it so hard for cats to make the difference between a period when something was looked down and a period where something became mainstream.

Of course, you will find some wild cats eating p*ssy back in the days. But it's marginal. You should look at trends !
OK, show me the data behind these trends. Hearsay is not good enough


Mar 11, 2015
Old heads are the number one group of people who offer up advice about women that wasn't asked for,almost to the point of annoyance . And in my experience the answer almost always involves kicking the woman to the curb,or them advising "It's too many ho's out here to worry about one:mjgrin:". My experience isn't they don't offer up advice,my experience is their advice is horrible,and more responsbile for young men not knowing to hold on to a good woman when they have one.

fukk old head advice on the topic of women with all due respect,because rather than actually listen, or care about your problem. Old heads would rather seem cool and fit in with what they think is the ideology of the youth than actually give advice:martin:.

Old heads need to be giving real wisdom according to the situation,instead of trying to seem cool and relateable with they old asses. I hate seeing old heads trying to sound like pimps,when a young man is talking about the realationship he has with the mother of his children,or woman he cares about:martin:

"If she ain't baking,get to shaking:mjgrin:"

King Poetic

My Richness is Life Forever
Feb 15, 2013
My Life My God

These 30 and 40 plus black men and women failed these youngsters today

This is the whole freak nic, 90s era people who even today, look at suge, k slay, Trina who still on kid shyt and can't raised a garden let alone kids..

I run into 40s and late 40s dudes who ran with the whole death row and eazy camps and dudes still out here with kids being kids themselves..

How you 48 hanging out with 23 year olds, drinking and smoking


Thanks to the lawyers uh, I marbled the foyer
Mar 19, 2013
Somewhere tropic...
Agreed. Then how do we get most kids to a point where they can appreciate knowledge without having to go through years of shyt to appreciate it?

An old head doesn't have to be flossing and balling for you to take his advice seriously. He could have gone through shyt and be trying to deter you from the same path. A cautionary tale to be exact.
You have to get to a point where you can discern the sincerity in people.Usually fostering a relationship over time.
I don't blame cats for be skeptical about heeding advice from nikkas they don't know. Lack of a male mentor figure early on can cause this.
It also requires humility and trust.


Jul 30, 2015
Idk about them being responsible for the simping part, but in general, young black people DEFINITELY need to be very cautious about accepting advice from random older people. A lot of older black people try to force their "advice" on younger people, when they are not even in the POSITION to. They have nothing, except a shytty job and a car. If that's all a 21 year old has, at least he/she still has some time to acquire some things in life. But if you're 61 and that's all you have, that shyt is really sad and you aren't qualified to give the young-head any advice. You're in the same position as the young person despite being 40 years older.

A lot of oldheads don't realize that it's not 1976 anymore. The economy is different now, everything is different. They give outdated "advice", and have a scared, slave-like mentality. There are some exceptions, but generally. They can't tell you about business because most of them didn't start one, most are scared of the stock market, real estate, etc all they can tell you about is working some mediocre job, flexing, and playing the lotto.

I only take advice from older black people who made good decisions and are financially literate. Ones who invested and acquired some assets. I'm in my 20s and have close to 100k saved rn but i wouldn't have it if i had listened to some old nikka working at Pizza Hut telling you to settle for minimum wage for the rest of your life and waste your money on dumb shyt.

I've seen nikkas who are 59 still working at Target, getting bossed around by some 26 year old cac, try to tell lecture young nikkas on success, it's like they don't know they aren't, they think staying in a low position in some crappy job for 40 years and a little car is success for some reason. A lot of these nikkas don't own anything and yet they try to lecture young nikkas on how to be like them. :dahell: These nikkas aren't even in management positions, even though they've been working the same menial job for 40-50 years. And a lot wasted their checks on dumb shyt instead of investing or buying something of value.
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Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
Idk about them being responsible for the simping part, but in general, young black people DEFINITELY need to be very cautious about accepting advice from random older people. A lot of older black people try to force their "advice" on younger people, when they are not even in the POSITION to. They have nothing, except a shytty job and a car. If that's all a 21 year old has, at least he/she still has some time to acquire some things in life. But if you're 61 and that's all you have, that shyt is really sad and you aren't qualified to give the young-head any advice. You're in the same position as the young person despite being 40 years older.

A lot of oldheads don't realize that it's not 1976 anymore. The economy is different now, everything is different. They give outdated "advice", and have a scared, slave-like mentality. There are some exceptions, but generally. They can't tell you about business because most of them didn't start one, most are scared of the stock market, real estate, etc all they can tell you about is working some mediocre job, flexing, and playing the lotto.

I only take advice from older black people who made good decisions and are financially literate. Ones who invested and acquired some assets. I'm in my 20s and have close to 100k saved rn but i wouldn't have it if i had listened to some old nikka working at Pizza Hut telling you to settle for minimum wage for the rest of your life and waste your money on dumb shyt.

I've seen nikkas who are 59 still working at Target, getting bossed around by some 26 year old cac, try to tell lecture young nikkas on success, it's like they don't know they aren't, they think staying in a low position in some crappy job for 40 years and a little car is success for some reason. A lot of these nikkas don't own anything and yet they try to lecture young nikkas on how to be like them. :dahell: These nikkas aren't even in management positions, even though they've been working the same menial job for 40-50 years. And a lot wasted their checks on dumb shyt instead of investing or buying something of value.
wisdom is not defined by the acquisition of "stuff".