So i just knocked my tap dancing c00n ass brother out... Here's why

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
Your brother was clearly right about people like you, emotional and quick to violence over someone else's opinion.


I'd do the same thing to you if I ever saw your uncle ruckus tap dancing ku klux koon ass.

You're a sickness to the Black race. A sickness that will soon be eradicated, trust and believe.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
please read the whole thing from top to bottom

my younger blood brother. now please bare with me because this post may sound like a bunch of rambling and not cohesive but that's only because im still frustrated

now i've always known my brother was a lil c00n. his slick remarks about black women having attitudes, and how he would complain to me about people calling him whitewashed at school. 'because i'm not ignorant like the rest of them" is what he would say

me and my brother are polar opposites. he always got good grades, never fought, plays videogames all fukking day, never outside that much aside from him playing football for a while up until his junior year.never smoked or drank.

i was getting suspended in elementary, expelled in middle school for weed, was gangbanging in high school, selling drugs and home invasions. thankfully i smartened up after i almost got charged as an adult with attempted burglary at 17. i cleaned myself up got a job now and doing well about to move out a lil after my 20th birthday this year.

what i could never understand is, he would never say anything to me directly about what i was doing, but he would bad talk those doing the same shyt:jbhmm:.

but on to what happened tonight. we were at my aunts house for my baby cousin birthday. so im in the back room taking a nap, my dad comes in wakes me up and tells me he got some dinner. so i get up to head to the kitchen and my mom walks past me, eyes red like she had just finished crying. i asked her whats was wrong. she just said dont worry about it and walked outside. i get into the living room and ask whats going.

now mind you my brother was in a room with 4 black women, our family, my mom, my 2 older aunties, and my 28 year old cousin

my aunt tells me this nikka was telling them how he didnt like the black girls "at his school":duck:
because they're dirty, ratchet, have attitudes, and sleep around

as if other women don't do the same shyt:why:

apparently my mom was mad, my cousin started to go at him but my auntie was going HARD at him about stereotyping his own women then my mom and auntie started goin at it cuz she felt like she was attacking my brother

so i look at this nikka and say you really had the audacity to say some shyt like that? what the fukk is your problem?:dahell:

he spits something straight out of that passive aggressive white rhetoric
:duck:"i'm not saying ALL act like that but most of them do thats just my opinion"

now it doesn't even just stop there. the conversation moves on to the presidency out of nowhere
and this nikka is sitting here in front of the whole family talking about he's supporting trump:dahell:

:mindblown:we trying to explain how donald trump is a racist, but this uncle ruckus nikka just aint having it. talking about trump is the best for the country and he's not a racist.

i look at him and say you're sitting here defending someone who hates you nikka:what:
how much more of a c00n could you be:what:

my dad starts explaining to my brother about how these racists will get bolder if trump gets in office, about him worrying about us and police brutality. he tells my dad "that would never happen to me because i dont act like most black people"

and thats what pushed me over the fukking edge.
i got up and took his chin... then immediately left before anyone could stop and talk to me or anything, got in my car and now im at my girls house. my dads been trying to call me but i wont answer. i just dont even know what to feel right now. i dont know how someone who literally grew up in the hood wit me, seen what we had to go through, adapt this mentality:mindblown: i dont know where tf he got that shyt from...
First off, you wrong for resorting to violence. That's the voice of the misguided and voiceless people and I've been watching you Zoo and you are smart and have a voice. Hitting him should never be an option.

He's just as traumatized as you just differently. He wants nothing to do with the stereotypes but wants acceptance at all cost due to his experiences dealing with systematic white supremacy. He needs an awaking and fast. He needs Hidden Colors, books, a mentor and a Black person who was once like him to drop that ism.

You need to apologize and be a big brother. Seek help for the young man. Both of y'all need some help. PM me on the real.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
I'd do the same thing to you if I ever saw your uncle ruckus tap dancing ku klux koon ass.

You're a sickness to the Black race. One that will soon be eradicated, trust and believe.

Internet tough guys love detailing what they would do offline. Only thing you're good for is fukking garbage hoes from your neighborhood and posting their mediocre pictures online for Internet points.


Richest Broke Ni99a You'll Never Meet
Nov 27, 2015
I'd do the same thing to you if I ever saw your uncle ruckus tap dancing ku klux koon ass.

You're a sickness to the Black race. A sickness that will soon be eradicated, trust and believe.
He's not even black.

@Matt504 you a white dude who constantly uses the n word tho :scust: don't dap me till you get that shyt right breh