Study shows: White police aggressively targeting black teenagers over white teenagers

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Are you really gonna reccommend a book full of fallacies written by a white nationalist?
If anything in the book was wrong then that's news to me. If so I retract it. I'm no researcher so I wouldn't know.

As for the white nationalist part, what of it? This forum has a high number of black nationalists. Are white people not allowed to be nationalists?


Green diamonds like a dill pickle
Sep 17, 2014
If anything in the book was wrong then that's news to me. If so I retract it. I'm no researcher so I wouldn't know.

As for the white nationalist part, what of it? This forum has a high number of black nationalists. Are white people not allowed to be nationalists?

How many white nationalist groups don't preach hate?

So, this Flaherty guy is pretty sure that there’s a black crime wave going on, and also that there is a conspiracy — by the media and the police — to cover up this crime wave by not always pointing out when the perpetrators of crimes are black. His evidence? YouTube clips and newspaper comment sections, mostly. The book seems to be a collection of literally every single crime Flaherty could find, over the last few years, involving black perpetrators and white victims (though some involve incidents where the victims were black, and in many incidents the “victim” was property owned by white people), plus a lot of material on roving, rampaging gangs of black teenagers.

I’ve never been entirely clear on the definition of the right-wing epithet “race hustler” (it usually seems to mean “a black person who talks about racism”), but I’d figure a person writing a silly book designed solely to scare white people would qualify.

This "epidemic" of racial crime isn’t an epidemic. It’s barely a blip. According to the FBI, there were 575 crimes motivated by anti-white bias in 2010, nationwide. There were 545 anti-white crimes in 2009 and 716 in 2008. There were more than 2,000 crimes motivated by anti-black bias in each one of those years. Of course, the book insinuates that all black-on-white crime is racially motivated, but even by that standard things are looking pretty rosy in America right now.

Now get the fukk outta here breh.

You'd think white people would want to help the people they forced to build this country. America would not be a super power today if it weren't for the work of the slaves in the cotton fields, sugar cane fields, building Washington D.C., Harvard University. You'd think white people would feel just a LITTLE bit of shame for making these people build EVERYTHING for them and then casting them off into the corner of the country and say "Meh, whatever ******s, here's your rights, now figure everything and build everything yourself, like WE did".

:stopitslime: There is no smiley that compares to my face right now. I try not to be a hateful but this shyt right here is exactly why this country will never have a serious conversation about race. White people aren't ready to admit and own up to all the unspeakable shyt their people have done in this country on the backs of minorities.

I hope you die tonight :pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:


Sep 11, 2013
That quote was... unkind. Most of it is to be disregarded completely. That being said you don't think it's reasonable that some white people feel resentment at the high rate of criminality in the black community or at AA if it affects them?

it's not just slavery it's white supremacy. there is a system set in place in this country to keep us down

The same thing that justifies black people holding negative views against all black people. Do you see what I was aiming at? That is the danger in treating the races as monolithic groups.

Some white people have done nothing wrong to black people. Some - those that come from the post-slavery wave of immigrants - don't even have ancestors that had slaves. Some of them - those that live in proximity to "bad areas", who have been affected directly by the high rate of black criminality, who perhaps have lost to AA , might understandably feel resentful. They feel they have done nothing wrong. Perhaps some of those choose to comment on that article.

And that's all I'm saying. When automatically go "you're white so you're racist", how are you any different?
except the majority of white America refuses to acknowledge that there is a race problem in America. and you know what they can deny it as much as they want because they arent on the negative side of it:russ:. if you aren't actively speaking out against white supremacy then you arent on black people's side and how much of white america is doing that?:usure:

and I've never said the bolded. but going to your paragraph above that what if those people were being affected by a high rate of white crminality would the same hate filled vitriol be brought out in comment sections across the internet?:jawalrus:

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Now get the fukk outta here breh.

You'd think white people would want to help the people they forced to build this country. America would not be a super power today if it weren't for the work of the slaves in the cotton fields, sugar cane fields, building Washington D.C., Harvard University. You'd think white people would feel just a LITTLE bit of shame for making these people build EVERYTHING for them and then casting them off into the corner of the country and say "Meh, whatever ******s, here's your rights, now figure everything and build everything yourself, like WE did".
I'll have you know that, despite whatever you believe, the majority of them do.
I hope you die tonight :pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:
I won't though.

And on that note, I think I'll take my leave...


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
That quote was... unkind. Most of it is to be disregarded completely. That being said you don't think it's reasonable that some white people feel resentment at the high rate of criminality in the black community or at AA if it affects them?

it's not just slavery it's white supremacy. there is a system set in place in this country to keep us down

The same thing that justifies black people holding negative views against all black people. Do you see what I was aiming at? That is the danger in treating the races as monolithic groups.

Some white people have done nothing wrong to black people. Some - those that come from the post-slavery wave of immigrants - don't even have ancestors that had slaves. Some of them - those that live in proximity to "bad areas", who have been affected directly by the high rate of black criminality, who perhaps have lost to AA , might understandably feel resentful. They feel they have done nothing wrong. Perhaps some of those choose to comment on that article.

And that's all I'm saying. When automatically go "you're white so you're racist", how are you any different?
So why aren't those white people who are affected by black crime get mad at the racists whites who make sure that the black crime rate stays the same?

This is what annoys me about many white people is that when it comes to discussion about race they go full retard


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
Well the facts they posted - IF true - are as indisputable as the facts about how black people are treated.

And are you saying that, because of slavery, white people have absolutely no cause for grievance against black people? Perhaps some of those people have been victimized by blacks at certain points. How do you know?

If one of my family members would be beaten to death by a black gangbangers, would I have no room for complaint?
Ohhh so white people need a reason to hate black people now? fukk outta here pink with this devils advocate shyt, u do this feminine ass passive agressive bullshyt in every race related thread. My only complaint is you weren't beat to death by gang members.


May 6, 2012
The crazy thing with the statistics. Is that they show the convictions and arrest for black folks at high %. But what the statistics to an intelligent person would show is that clearly if white people commit 70% of crime in America. Why aren't they being arrested? We contribute a small portion of crime considering our levels of poverty. We're just easy target for police. They just don't arrest white folks in high numbers even though their committing most of the crime in our country. I say we commit probably 6% or less of the crime in the country were just big targets for everything across the board from murder, drugs to jaywalking.


All Star
Jun 22, 2013
yall reading those comments sections?

  • J10 44 minutes ago
    Lets take a look at the statistics.....They don’t make the news because they are suppressed by the news media because they don't want to be accused of being racist.

    According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, 62,593 Blacks were the victims of White violence. While 320,082 Whites were the victims of Black violence.

    That’s five times as many violent attacks, but that number is misleading, since the Black and White populations are not the same size. Blacks make up approximately 13 percent of the population, but are responsible for 49% of ALL homicides.

    When 38 million Black Americans commit five times as many violent crimes on 197 million Whites as they receive, what you discover is that Black perpetrators violently assault White victims TWENTY-FIVE times more frequently. Maybe that's why there is a higher percentage of Blacks in prison.

    When it comes to a specific kind of violent crime — aggravated assault — the number of Black on White crimes is TWO HUNDRED TIMES HIGHER than White on Black crimes.

    The National Crime Victimization Survey also reported approximately 13,000 Black-on-White rapes and 39,000 black-on-white robberies – both violent crimes.

    The statistics show that the number of White on Black rapes and violent robberies were so small that they had to be rounded to the nearest whole number, and that whole number was ZERO.

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    MikeTeachKC 41 minutes ago
    I would be the first to speak out against any racism. However, I will ALWAYS look for the truth, even when that leads me to a place I'd rather not be. When we talk about raw numbers, or even percentages, we need to be careful that we don't accept those as "all the news". For example, if more black males were committing felonies, one would expect there to be more of them arrested and put in prison. Likewise, one could also expect an increase in the number of black males shot by police.

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    Winston 1 hour ago
    Black Teenager Shoots Newlywed Soldier and Executes His Pregnant Wife… Race Baiters Are Silent

    A black teenager was convicted Tuesday of the murder of a newlywed soldier and his pregnant wife in Colorado.

    The trial of Macyo Joelle January, 19, lasted 12 days, but the jury deliberated only a few hours before returning the guilty verdict, according to the Daily Mail.

    Prosecutors said that January shot Staff Sgt. David Dunlap, 37, and his pregnant wife Whitney Butler, 35, after they both returned to their home to check on an alarm that January had apparently triggered. January was burglarizing their home and shot them both from behind.

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    WildBill 26 minutes ago
    This is a very incomplete study designed to create a specific outcome, it needs to compare that 21 times likelihood compared to the percentages committing crimes, if black youths are 21 times more likely to commit a crime then this number does not mean there is a built in bias, it just means it is proportional to the crimes committed.

    White young men are much less likely to be members of gangs, to participate in drug sales on the street, or commit violent crimes. Some of this is to do with geography, far fewer live in inner-city setting, some to do with family.


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    Michael 57 minutes ago
    It starts at the top. WE have a half Black President that points his fingers at anyone and everyone and blames them for his failures. With an example like that, they are just following the leader. They can do not wrong. It was the cop's fault that the black man missed him and he was able to return fire and kill the black man. NOT LITTLE BOY, He was not shooting bullets out of a sandwich, it was a pistol. But again, if the police would just take the gang bangers with them to the pistol range, so they could learn to shoot better, then they could kill the police and that would be socially acceptable. Either way, the cops are wrong, and the blacks are innocent.


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    Bob Ortiz 13 minutes ago
    During the 503 Days between the Trayvon Martin shooting and the Zimmerman Verdict.....10,865 Blacks were killed by other Blacks
    That is, on average, over 21 per DAY!

    Also: The United States ranks 3rd in murders throughout the world.

    However, if you take out Chicago, Detroit, Washington, D.C., and New Orleans, the United States is 4th from the bottom for murders.

    These 4 Cities have the toughest gun control laws in the United States and all are predominantly Black.

    All 4 are also controlled by Democrats

    It would be absurd to draw any conclusions from these data...wouldn’t


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    The Magician 12 minutes ago
    Make sure and state the reasons WHY they might be shot more frequently! Like because they go out of their way to act like low life thugs. They threaten, rob, rape, beat, assault, kill, deal drugs and whatever else they can think of instead of getting a J O B! They disrupt when ever it is possible. I won't go on. You get the picture. Now I am not saying Caucasian kids don't do these things too (that being every race in the world that is white)! They just don't do it all the time and don't make it their life's work. Like the thugs in Ferguson who clearly have only ONE agenda! It is certainly NOT work! NOT caring for their Family! How can they? They never work! Who pays them? The white man! They have all the time in the world to threaten, riot, steal, assault, shoot at Cops! How could they have anything happen BUT get a black shot. They want it to happen. It's called a "self fulfilling prophecy". Then they have the proof they need to back up their lies!


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    Jefferson 46 minutes ago
    How come there is not a high rate in the U.S of Oriental males being shot by the police ? After all they are Nonwhite as well.

    Black males are the demographic most likely to be shot by the police because they are the demographic group in this country that commits the most violent crime per capita and they are the demographic group most likely to resist arrest and try to physically assault a police officer, it is not because of their race.

    The police don't just wake up in the morning thinking "I am going to shoot the first Black male that I see."


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    Linda 47 minutes ago
    Do you think that maybe more blacks than whites are killed by police because THEY COMMIT MORE CRIMES THAN WHITES. Blacks are 13% of the population in this country and as a percentage the black population, cause more killings, are incarcerated at a higher rate (because they cause more crime - duh!), drop out of high school, are on welfare, have out of wedlock babies, etc. As only 13 % of the population, they cause more carnage in this country and are a huge drag on society. And no, I do not need to understand their struggle.


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    J10 1 minute ago
    October 10, 2014 at 9:34 PM

    PHOENIX -- More than two dozen teens were arrested Friday night after a large fight at the Arizona State Fair.

    Police say as many as 60 teens from the same neighborhood were involved in the fight on the first night of the event.

    They reportedly began fighting with police officers who stepped in to break up the fight..

    An adult woman was seen kicking and hitting a police officer. She was one of two adults arrested.

    Guess what color these miscreants are?


:mjlol: You'd be surprised how common this argument gets regurgitated. ":skip: Just look at the stats! Look deeper into the stats! :bryan:"

Meanwhile, they're NOT looking at the stats. Black kids are being killed at a disproportionate rate to their white counterparts, but they're not being objective as to WHY it's happening. They're not really looking into the "stats" to see how many of these deaths are even justified. They're blaming blacks and telling you we're not allowed to blame them. They're telling you to look at the stats without doing any research themselves. They're victim blaming and telling you that the harsher penalties you face in life are a product of what other black men have done.

Just learn to embrace their stupidity. They'll be the first one's crying about "equality" when the media doesn't pick up a story about an affluent black man killing a repeat offending white juvenile for breaking into his home.

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
The comment section is simply gross and I normally have a pretty high tolerance for caucasity.

Dude I stop giving these cacs that work in comment sections because all they do is resort to name calling and deflection. It just became a waste of time once the fun factor waned. Sh!t was fun in the beginning making them cacs :umad: though.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
lol @ "study shows"

we were hanging on trees like 60 yrs ago and freed from bondage 150.....

anybody surprised probably deserved to be popped

Ski Mask

Friendzone: Collection 1
Jan 10, 2013
I really don't get the point of these articles, cause ultimately the people who need see this, are going to find a twisted way to discredit the study.


Jul 22, 2014
i'm sorry to hear about this. seems scary and depressing. not sure why anyone reads the comments on race articles.