[STUDY] "Spanking is actually BAD for CHILDREN"


May 20, 2012
I think it depends on the kid:yeshrug:

I got so many spankings, that I got used to it. I really think the more spankings you get, the tougher you get, and jail won't scare you, besides the fact that you are wasting time. I used to prepare myself for the spanking, just deal with it, and just figure out how to do what I want without getting caught:troll:


May 20, 2012
yea, a lot of kids are going to shyt on that, because there are really no consequences. "go to your room where your tv, toys, computer, and video games are and stay there for an hour!" doesn't work, but that doesn't mean 2nd thing you go to is a belt.

if you're your children to experience pain for their fukk ups then have them do this for 10 mins

Or these


they both hurt like hell after a while. And if that doesn't work then take away their privileges, things like tv, video games, playing outside, and being in bed by 8 pm
What worked for me was my mother taking away my turntables!

It's weird but, I would rather her hit me, talk to me like I ain't shyt, then take away something I love.

I think spanking only works if the child is "weak", meaning they can't deal with pain. If the child can deal with pain, all you are doing is making the monster stronger:umad:


Oct 10, 2014
Makes sense.. black mothers beat the shyt out of their kids and look how they turn out; aggressive, emotionally unstable, and stunted cognition.

let cacs teach you how to raise your kids through studies by cacs...:scusthov:
They seem to raise more productive adults, no?
Apr 11, 2014
posting this in TLR, you'll get a bunch of 'that's CAC shyt', bible paraphrasing, 'i dont care im STILL beating my kids', 'w-w-well how else an i supposed to punish them', 'my grandmama beat ass, my mama beat ass, and i'll be damned if i dont beat ass'.

yes, from the studies I've read and linked in another thread on spanking it will not destroy your kids if done sparingly.

yea, a lot of kids are going to shyt on that, because there are really no consequences. "go to your room where your tv, toys, computer, and video games are and stay there for an hour!" doesn't work, but that doesn't mean 2nd thing you go to is a belt.

if you're your children to experience pain for their fukk ups then have them do this for 10 mins

Or these


they both hurt like hell after a while. And if that doesn't work then take away their privileges, things like tv, video games, playing outside, and being in bed by 8 pm

Hell I'm with this, hitting is just retarded. I feel like only people who don't have the patience and the intelligence to deal with defiance and bad behaviour hit their kids.


May 20, 2012
Makes sense.. black mothers beat the shyt out of their kids and look how they turn out; aggressive, emotionally unstable, and stunted cognition.

They seem to raise more productive adults, no?
It depends on what you call productive?

If you mean to go along to get along, and don't cause any waves, i gotta agree with you. White people do maintain the structure that is already built, well! Unfortunately, the structure is fukked up, and needs changing.

If you include the drug/alcohol abuse, the high ego which causes hurt to others, or the lack of real family(only family when everyone is the same), then they are just as fukked up as everyone else, just in a different way. This goes for most people in the world, they are fukked up just in different ways.


Oct 10, 2014
It depends on what you call productive?

If you mean to go along to get along, and don't cause any waves, i gotta agree with you. White people do maintain the structure that is already built, well! Unfortunately, the structure is fukked up, and needs changing.

If you include the drug/alcohol abuse, the high ego which causes hurt to others, or the lack of real family(only family when everyone is the same), then they are just as fukked up as everyone else, just in a different way. This goes for most people in the world, they are fukked up just in different ways.
The ability to work hard, support yourself, build with your significant other, if/when you have kids, you take care of them, and have some sort of wealth that you can leave them. You build to the point that you own some property, or a house/condo that you're raising your family in. You don't impregnate 3 or 4 different women with no intentions of taking care of your seeds, you don't willingly partake in activities that have you in and out of prison, ruining your chances of ever having a steady, well-paying job; you don't end up a 55 year old standing on the corner at 1am with your boys, still repping your set, still drinking, smoking, and picking your ass... I think you catch my drift.. basically, you grow up, grow out of the childish shyt and take care of your responsibilities as a man.

"If you include the drug/alcohol abuse, the high ego which causes hurt to others, or the lack of real family"

Abusing drugs and alcohol doesn't necessarily make you an unproductive member of society, but I will say that white people do tend to have more money so they can sustain these things with less of a problem. The next two, especially the latter, not so much. I don't see any other race of women walking around with 4 kids, 3 in the stroller, all of them have different fathers, almost as if the sole purpose of the kids is to be used as tax write-offs, and the mother can't even support herself let alone her children, continuing the cycle of poverty and dysfunction.

White people understand that you may have to start from the bottom, build up, and put in several years of hard work for your wealth. It doesn't happen overnight, but in due time will be enjoying the fruits of your labor. Black people want it NOW. No hard work, no building, quick cash is the best cash. That's why a nikka on the street will laugh at a McDonalds job, think he's too good for it, even though his income will be steady, he rather do dirt and sell poison to his own people, maybe some fraud, maybe even take some lives, as long as the cash is quick and plentiful, destroying his community in the process.


May 20, 2012
The ability to work hard, support yourself, build with your significant other, if/when you have kids, you take care of them, and have some sort of wealth that you can leave them. You build to the point that you own some property, or a house/condo that you're raising your family in. You don't impregnate 3 or 4 different women with no intentions of taking care of your seeds, you don't willingly partake in activities that have you in and out of prison, ruining your chances of ever having a steady, well-paying job; you don't end up a 55 year old standing on the corner at 1am with your boys, still repping your set, still drinking, smoking, and picking your ass... I think you catch my drift.. basically, you grow up, grow out of the childish shyt and take care of your responsibilities as a man.

"If you include the drug/alcohol abuse, the high ego which causes hurt to others, or the lack of real family"

Abusing drugs and alcohol doesn't necessarily make you an unproductive member of society, but I will say that white people do tend to have more money so they can sustain these things with less of a problem. The next two, especially the latter, not so much. I don't see any other race of women walking around with 4 kids, 3 in the stroller, all of them have different fathers, almost as if the sole purpose of the kids is to be used as tax write-offs, and the mother can't even support herself let alone her children, continuing the cycle of poverty and dysfunction.

White people understand that you may have to start from the bottom, build up, and put in several years of hard work for your wealth. It doesn't happen overnight, but in due time will be enjoying the fruits of your labor. Black people want it NOW. No hard work, no building, quick cash is the best cash. That's why a nikka on the street will laugh at a McDonalds job, think he's too good for it, even though his income will be steady, he rather do dirt and sell poison to his own people, maybe some fraud, maybe even take some lives, as long as the cash is quick and plentiful, destroying his community in the process.
Ok, I see you have been brainwashed, because EVERYTHING you wrote, is about class not race. EVERYTHING you wrote can be seen in trailerparks, rural areas or poor areas of major cities with a good number of whites. I know this because I've seen it with my own eyes. Showtime even has a show called "Shameless" that deals with poor whites in Chicago. That show is real, because I've seen in it multiple states I've been to. Just like I've seen black people who do what you claim only whites or other nonblacks do. You are either a white person who is stuck in the middle of nowhere, but poor blacks, or just a c00n who lives in a fukked up neighborhood wishing he could get out, but can't, so he looks at fox news, and repeat what he sees. You know I'm right:troll:

Plus, what you described ad being productive, has nothing to do with not being a "bad" person, but someone who contributes to the system of the society. You have being "good" or as you say "productive", with good character, when they are two separate things. We know this because a person who does everything you wrote, can be a child molestor or abuser, and create the same people who you refer to as nonproductive. You know this is true, because we have tons of cases of child molestation within the catholic church, as well as other religions, along with people who are in politics, and entertainment. If I go by your way of thinking, these people are good, and productive to society, because they do everything you claimed to make one productive:ufdup:

I think you need to learn more about what it means to be a truly good person of character, as opposed to one who LOOKS good, but you should know this, that makes me think you might not be a person with good character:mjpls:
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Oct 10, 2014
Ok, I see you have been brainwashed, because EVERYTHING you wrote, is about class not race. EVERYTHING you wrote can be seen in trailerparks, rural areas or poor areas of major cities with a good number of whites. I know this because I've seen it with my own eyes. Showtime even has a show called "Shameless" that deals with poor whites in Chicago. That show is real, because I've seen in it multiple states I've been to. Just like I've seen black people who do what you claim only whites or other nonblacks do. You are either a white person who is stuck in the middle of nowhere, but poor blacks, or just a c00n who lives in a fukked up neighborhood wishing he could get out, but can't, so he looks at fox news, and repeat what he sees. You know I'm right:troll:

Plus, what you described ad being productive, has nothing to do with not being a "bad" person, but someone who contributes to the system of the society. You have being "good" or as you say "productive", with good character, when they are two separate things. We know this because a person who does everything you wrote, can be a child molestor or abuser, and create the same people who you refer to as nonproductive. You know this is true, because we have tons of cases of child molestation within the catholic church, as well as other religions, along with people who are in politics, and entertainment. If I go by your way of thinking, these people are good, and productive to society, because they do everything you claimed to make one productive:ufdup:

I think you need to learn more about what it means to be a truly good person of character, as opposed to one who LOOKS good, but you should know this, that makes me think you might not be a person with good character:mjpls:
Ah, the "you have been brainwashed" tip.. and now I may be white, a c00n, or watch fox news.. resorting to ad hominems to get the upper hand, are we? :mjpls: I will agree that some of it has to do with class, but it seems to not lean too far from race either.

I never claimed only whites do this or that, I am, however, speaking off generalities, in which the majority of each peoples operate. It has nothing to do with "good" or "bad", although I guess I may have gone to the extreme on either side. One who is unproductive can still be a good person, as can a productive person be ill spirited.

"Plus, what you described ad being productive, has nothing to do with not being a "bad" person, but someone who contributes to the system of the society"

Yeah, that's kind of what being a productive person means.. I think I was pretty clear in alluding to productivity in society. I have no idea why you keep using "bad" and "good". The main point was explaining how I see "productivity", which is what you asked, and then gave the other side, because what is being productive without being unproductive? Make no mistake though, neither "bad" nor "good" are synonyms to either.

"We know this because a person who does everything you wrote, can be a child molestor or abuser, and create the same people who you refer to as nonproductive"

I agree, no denial on my part.


May 20, 2012
Ah, the "you have been brainwashed" tip.. and now I may be white, a c00n, or watch fox news.. resorting to ad hominems to get the upper hand, are we? :mjpls: I will agree that some of it has to do with class, but it seems to not lean too far from race either.

I never claimed only whites do this or that, I am, however, speaking off generalities, in which the majority of each peoples operate. It has nothing to do with "good" or "bad", although I guess I may have gone to the extreme on either side. One who is unproductive can still be a good person, as can a productive person be ill spirited.

"Plus, what you described ad being productive, has nothing to do with not being a "bad" person, but someone who contributes to the system of the society"

Yeah, that's kind of what being a productive person means.. I think I was pretty clear in alluding to productivity in society. I have no idea why you keep using "bad" and "good". The main point was explaining how I see "productivity", which is what you asked, and then gave the other side, because what is being productive without being unproductive? Make no mistake though, neither "bad" nor "good" are synonyms to either.

"We know this because a person who does everything you wrote, can be a child molestor or abuser, and create the same people who you refer to as nonproductive"

I agree, no denial on my part.
The message just bouncing off the walls in ya head:what:

Ya empty, kid:martin:
