Successful Women Are Unhappy That They Have To Date Down


Feb 12, 2015
The new reality of dating over 65: Men want to live together; women don’t

Older men are waking up to very grim realities, realities that younger men think they are far removed from.
Ooohhh I was gonna post this but I think they woulda been REALLY mad at me.:pachaha:
When I tried to ask why early death, depression and a host of other issues were associated with women and marriage, posters don’t want to talk about it. They just wanna plow on thru with the narrative that women are the problem while asking for a sandwich.

Does anyone wanna critically think about why women in the most vulnerable years of their lives don’t wanna live with a man in spite of centuries of socialization told to women that they are useless old maids if they aren’t married? And these are old chicks from the “make America Great again good old days” that these posters swear were so much better.

Men don’t understand that the shyt they trying to pitch has already been tried b4. And they fukked up that set up royally. Women already played the submissive housewife. We already made the sandwiches and took care of the kids and kept our mouths shut when ur granddaddies were beating chicks asses and/or making families all the way across town. We played that role while still being told we didn’t contribute shyt, while still working to contribute financially and coming home to do MORE work.

What women are saying is they want marriage but only under the right conditions.

1.) If you both work, u both make the decisions in the relationship. We submit to each other.
2.) Aint no carte Blanche for u to cheat and have a bunch of side chicks just b/c u got a dikk. Either everybody is honest and loyal or we both gon be pieces of shyt or we can call the shyt off.
3.) And shyt at home is shared equally. Housework, cooking, cleaning, kids.

Simple shyt.

But what a lot of men want is for women to

1.) Shut up and not have a say b/c they believe women are beneath them, but pay half them bills
2.) Look the other way while I fukk other bytches and disrespect you with other women.
3.) Cook, clean, take care of the kids, fukk them whether u get sexually satisfied or not.

All while doing this shyt for somebody who don’t respect or like you as a person or think you capable of doing anything without them. And when u do demonstrate ur proficiency, dudes turn it into a competition!

THAT’s why women would rather chill by themselves in their own cribs even when they got one foot in the grave.:laff::laff::laff:Which is HILARIOUS if u think about it. I mean when the 1/2 of the world’s population that’s been told how weak and inferior and horrible they are would rather die alone than deal with these fukkers, u KNOW the jig is up.

All the talking and bytching and moaning about women being bytches and confused ain’t changing this shyt. Women ain’t trying to kill themselves working for dudes who really want a pimp/hoe set up to make themselves feel like king of the hill.

...and who the fukk can blame them.:dahell:
Dude stop trying to make this shyt make sense. Just chill on the sidelines with me and laugh.

My dad was like that’s why we had to court women back in the day. To trick em with flowers and chocolates into seeing about a grown ass child for life! So glad I got men in my family who put me onto game early in life. So I ain’t outchea trying to eat dikk to earn the dubious privilege of washing the skid marks outta a grown man’s drawers while also working, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, for a nikka to cheat on me even if u didn’t do anything wrong b/c NEW p*ssy!

The game is cold. But women slowly seeing it for what it is.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Ooohhh I was gonna post this but I think they woulda been REALLY mad at me.:pachaha:
When I tried to ask why early death, depression and a host of other issues were associated with women and marriage, posters don’t want to talk about it. They just wanna plow on thru with the narrative that women are the problem while asking for a sandwich.

Does anyone wanna critically think about why women in the most vulnerable years of their lives don’t wanna live with a man in spite of centuries of socialization told to women that they are useless old maids if they aren’t married? And these are old chicks from the “make America Great again good old days” that these posters swear were so much better.

Men don’t understand that the shyt they trying to pitch has already been tried b4. And they fukked up that set up royally. Women already played the submissive housewife. We already made the sandwiches and took care of the kids and kept our mouths shut when ur granddaddies were beating chicks asses and/or making families all the way across town. We played that role while still being told we didn’t contribute shyt, while still working to contribute financially and coming home to do MORE work.

What women are saying is they want marriage but only under the right conditions.

1.) If you both work, u both make the decisions in the relationship. We submit to each other.
2.) Aint no carte Blanche for u to cheat and have a bunch of side chicks just b/c u got a dikk. Either everybody is honest and loyal or we both gon be pieces of shyt or we can call the shyt off.
3.) And shyt at home is shared equally. Housework, cooking, cleaning, kids.

Simple shyt.

But what a lot of men want is for women to

1.) Shut up and not have a say b/c they believe women are beneath them, but pay half them bills
2.) Look the other way while I fukk other bytches and disrespect you with other women.
3.) Cook, clean, take care of the kids, fukk them whether u get sexually satisfied or not.

All while doing this shyt for somebody who don’t respect or like you as a person or think you capable of doing anything without them. And when u do demonstrate ur proficiency, dudes turn it into a competition!

THAT’s why women would rather chill by themselves in their own cribs even when they got one foot in the grave.:laff::laff::laff:Which is HILARIOUS if u think about it. I mean when the 1/2 of the world’s population that’s been told how weak and inferior and horrible they are would rather die alone than deal with these fukkers, u KNOW the jig is up.

All the talking and bytching and moaning about women being bytches and confused ain’t changing this shyt. Women ain’t trying to kill themselves working for dudes who really want a pimp/hoe set up to make themselves feel like king of the hill.

...and who the fukk can blame them.:dahell:
Dude stop trying to make this shyt make sense. Just chill on the sidelines with me and laugh.

My dad was like that’s why we had to court women back in the day. To trick em with flowers and chocolates into seeing about a grown ass child for life! So glad I got men in my family who put me onto game early in life. So I ain’t outchea trying to eat dikk to earn the dubious privilege of washing the skid marks outta a grown man’s drawers while also working, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, for a nikka to cheat on me even if u didn’t do anything wrong b/c NEW p*ssy!

The game is cold. But women slowly seeing it for what it is.

I wish more people here were willing to have this discussion in earnest but it's always framed as a competition, if men here were as selfish as they like to pretend to be, they'd be making plans for their future selves as well but we know how people get when betting against futures, hence the ridiculous loans we take out because, surely we'll be able to pay them back.

Nov 25, 2014
Its funny how simp504 is trying to push the narrative women are rejecting marriage, despite the fact that 99 % of marriges result from the man proposing. And its not like men are proposing, and women are saying no thanks.

So how are women rejecting something they were never offered in the first place?



YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Its funny how simp504 is trying to push the narrative women are rejecting marriage, despite the fact that 99 % of marriges result from the man proposing. And its not like men are proposing, and women are saying no thanks.

So how are women rejecting something they were never offered in the first place?


I'm not pushing any narratives, maybe re-read the thread and actually read it this time.


Jul 20, 2013
Off The Cuff Radio/ScrewballRadio/BudeBoyEnt
These bytches are full of shyt. Theres MANY men out there with their shyt together and saying the same thing.. Why they wont go for them? Because they would be considered "boring" and "lack excitement" Thats what Club owners, fighters, Rappers, D Boys, Motorcycle riders, Players and cheaters bring which is why alot of women are drawn to them. Its not just black women either.. Its women period.. Dysfunction over stability


Nov 19, 2016
No they're not. That's not true at all. The queen of England can marry a dude but he does not become a king.
He said that the King was marrying down. Once a woman married the king she was then elevated into the same class level as the king.

That dynamic really doesn't exist for the extreme majority of relationships.

Suggesting otherwise is just arguing to argue.


Jun 15, 2017
In addition to being ladder climbers, women have terrible superiority complexes, bytch you prolly work for a soulless corporation so get off your high horse

If you don't wanna date then don't date but shut the fukk up you whiny c*nt...either that or go suck your boss's dikk, then you'll be dating up
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