The 90s were a long time ago...


Feb 17, 2017
There was time when you could arrive at the airport within 15 minutes of your flight departure and still make it.


Jan 1, 2018
Nudity and benign nudity were related to after hours. It’s common place in culture now.

The hyper sexualization of modern society directly correlates with the immense upsurge in anxiety. Did you know the main function of the orgasm is to release tension within the mindbody? Thats why you see frivolous titillation all over the place these days because its designed to draw, distract and ease this state whilst pushing a message that you need to buy this, do that or subscribe for more content etc..

Everything is about sex. Except sex. Thats about power.

Heck, even the older adults (35+) seem less mature these days then back then

Peeps are on their third childhood by then. If you want to be real the net turned the whole world into High School with its collective regression as people are desperate for attention whilst doing their best to pretend they could care less what others think when they actually live and die for the validation. The perfect weapon, as I said:

"Can you imagine a thirty five year old man in Nineteen Eighty Six reading about the adventures of a schoolboy wizard and his friends? How ridiculous is that pic? It just doesn’t compute because the pieces don’t fit. Know why? They were far more healthier – mentally, physically, spiritually, take your pick – than modern generations who have been filled to the brim with various forms of toxins and pollutants since their inception and then marched out into a world that currently offers dopamine hits for the best performing circus animals who are willing to do whatever it takes for those likes. Once again, take it back to your parents generation of those before them – Can you imagine them gurning in photo like those Youtube idiots?

Infantile regression."


Oct 30, 2017
Ngl i was fukking on a 2000 baby and she hit me w the i was born in the 19th century line I was like damn. But I wouldn’t want it either way, even though I was a kid I was able to vividly remember the mid-late 90s up till now. Some things haven’t changed but I know what y’all we getting up there but I wouldn’t wanna grow up as a zoomer no offense cus I fukk w y’all but pop culture was peak 95-05

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013

The 90s was the peak of culture. Hip Hop especially, but it was just a better world.

We lacked some of things that are very handy that we have now, but we had no idea so it didn't phase us. Like GPS. It's truly a blessing. But back then you just had to work it out. Hope the person who gave you directions is smart. Hope you find a stranger that is cool if you need to get more detail.

People read books. Women mostly didn't show their asses to everyone. Fat people were somewhat rare. Racists were actually pretty quiet compared to now. Artists were determined to be unique. No one was trying to sound exactly like others... except wack mfs... That's actually the same, but now wackness is ubiquitous. Then it was shameful to copy someone.

And it was all so new. We were heading somewhere we thought. Everyone was pioneering. Discovering.

Now you have to be like everyone else or you're lame. Only certain shoes are acceptable. Only certain phones are acceptable. Back then inventing style was the goal, not fitting in perfectly to existing norms.

I lived for a whole year with no phone. No cell phone and no house phone. It would be half a decade before I got my first cell anyway. But there was literally no way to contact me besides showing up to my apartment.

And it was FINE. I brought puzzy home on the reg and had a roaring social life.

Whats bugged out is usually the nostalgia goes back 20 years. In the 90s we were reaching back to the 70s. By that math 2022 should echo 2002... But no one has nostalgia like for the 2000s... Or if they do, it's about 1/10 the strength of the 90s nostalgia.
Nah breh I got way more nostalgia for the 2000s than I do the 90s and I remember the entire 90s. Early-mid 00s>>90s in every way including hip hop :unimpressed:

I'm 45
Just in my lifetime we've gone from vinyl to cassettes to CD's to mp3's to streaming
what's next?


It's wild that Gen X will be the last generation to remember life before the internet

Older millennials too. I def remember life before the internet. Internet didn’t even get popular till I was damn near grown. And far as popular like majority of people on it, I was well in my 20s when that happened.

I was watching last night sci Fi cyberpunk Bladerunner movie (1982) (Harrison Ford) that was released in 1982 and the setting takes place in 2019.
I gotta check this out :ehh:

I can't see anyone having nostalgia from this era and I try to be an understanding person.
How old are you?

Being from Miami, this video trips me out for a number of reasons:

1- This was my prime. I was out in South Beach 4-5 nights a week. I worked in a record store (it's now the Walgreens on 5th and Collins) and I would get off work at midnight, cross the street, and party til 5 am.
2- Notice how everyone is staring into the camera. It was an "event" that some random dude was driving and walking around with his camera.
3- Also peep how women dressed. It was club night, yet compared to now women's club wear was "conservative"

20+ years later:

1- South Beach is a total shythole that no local would be caught dead in. We're in Wynwood and Brickell now (back then Wynwood was just beginning to gentrify but was still the hood and Brickell was just banks and 2 condo buildings).
2- We all have cameras and record everything all the time
3- Need I say more about how women dress to go out today?

Damn that took me back, I remember that FYE on 5th and Collins :wow:

And shorty at the 7 minute mark was bad :banderas:
Seems young adults were much more mature compared to modern day
That’s facts and something I been saying for the longest. Back then an 18 year old was and conducted themselves like a fully grown adult. Both actions and mentality wise. Nas was 17-19 when he wrote Illmatic.

The average 20 year old in the 80s 90s and even early 2000s was more mature than the average 30 year old now. The teenagers imitated the grown ups, you wouldn’t EVER see it the other way around.

Being that dating apps and social media didn't exist, you had to go outside and approach. There was no other way.
Even when you got dissed, they did it with a smile. No snark, no fukk you get away from me, creep, etc etc.
It was more or less "thank you I'm not interested/I got a man" and that was it. KIM.

Nowadays? Slim Charles said it best "game's the same, just got more fierce"
Don’t forget the fake numbers breh :mjcry:
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All Star
Apr 14, 2020
2000s to now literally feel the same to me, maybe more like 2010 to now. Something changed

90s and 80s was the goat time to be alive imo. Except i do wish i grew up in 70s before internet to a degree.

If you were born in the 80s you experienced everything new. Every year the next year was the coolest shyt ever.
Idk. Maybe its covid slowing shyt up but i feel like the 90s and 80s were way more definable. Even 2000s to a degree. 2010 to now. Past 15 been the same. Nomore constant innovation. shyt is slowing down in some ways, speeding up others.

Everything is on a decline from then. Art. Movies. Sports. Games. Wrestling. Books. Ideas in general. Tv is way better tho.

Replaced fully by internet culture.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
@JQ Legend

Which 2000s album is your favorite? You said that 2000s is superior to 90s in Hip Hop, so make sure you pick the 2000s album which proves this point. The one that is superior to the music from the 90s.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
@JQ Legend

Which 2000s album is your favorite? You said that 2000s is superior to 90s in Hip Hop, so make sure you pick the 2000s album which proves this point. The one that is superior to the music from the 90s.
I wouldn’t say there’s 2000s albums better than every single album of the 90s but overall 2000-2005 is better than any 6 year period of the 90s