The 90s were a long time ago...

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether

The 90s was the peak of culture. Hip Hop especially, but it was just a better world.

We lacked some of things that are very handy that we have now, but we had no idea so it didn't phase us. Like GPS. It's truly a blessing. But back then you just had to work it out. Hope the person who gave you directions is smart. Hope you find a stranger that is cool if you need to get more detail.

People read books. Women mostly didn't show their asses to everyone. Fat people were somewhat rare. Racists were actually pretty quiet compared to now. Artists were determined to be unique. No one was trying to sound exactly like others... except wack mfs... That's actually the same, but now wackness is ubiquitous. Then it was shameful to copy someone.

And it was all so new. We were heading somewhere we thought. Everyone was pioneering. Discovering.

Now you have to be like everyone else or you're lame. Only certain shoes are acceptable. Only certain phones are acceptable. Back then inventing style was the goal, not fitting in perfectly to existing norms.

I lived for a whole year with no phone. No cell phone and no house phone. It would be half a decade before I got my first cell anyway. But there was literally no way to contact me besides showing up to my apartment.

And it was FINE. I brought puzzy home on the reg and had a roaring social life.

Whats bugged out is usually the nostalgia goes back 20 years. In the 90s we were reaching back to the 70s. By that math 2022 should echo 2002... But no one has nostalgia like for the 2000s... Or if they do, it's about 1/10 the strength of the 90s nostalgia.


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017

The 90s was the peak of culture. Hip Hop especially, but it was just a better world.

We lacked some of things that are very handy that we have now, but we had no idea so it didn't phase us. Like GPS. It's truly a blessing. But back then you just had to work it out. Hope the person who gave you directions is smart. Hope you find a stranger that is cool if you need to get more detail.

People read books. Women mostly didn't show their asses to everyone. Fat people were somewhat rare. Racists were actually pretty quiet compared to now. Artists were determined to be unique. No one was trying to sound exactly like others... except wack mfs... That's actually the same, but now wackness is ubiquitous. Then it was shameful to copy someone.

And it was all so new. We were heading somewhere we thought. Everyone was pioneering. Discovering.

Now you have to be like everyone else or you're lame. Only certain shoes are acceptable. Only certain phones are acceptable. Back then inventing style was the goal, not fitting in perfectly to existing norms.

I lived for a whole year with no phone. No cell phone and no house phone. It would be half a decade before I got my first cell anyway. But there was literally no way to contact me besides showing up to my apartment.

And it was FINE. I brought puzzy home on the reg and had a roaring social life.

Whats bugged out is usually the nostalgia goes back 20 years. In the 90s we were reaching back to the 70s. By that math 2022 should echo 2002... But no one has nostalgia like for the 2000s... Or if they do, it's about 1/10 the strength of the 90s nostalgia.
All I heard was:flabbynsick:


Jan 1, 2018

Remember you used to have to smack them joints on the side sometimes to get them to act right 🤣

Didn't everyones broken down TV show cartoons in their living room? Heeeeyyy!

Complete with wood paneling to make the cypher complete. :flabbynsick: Although the concept of having to lay the smack down (or gently caress) your lo-tech for compliance is mind blowing when you think about it. Shout out to the VCRs with them huge ass tactile switches that required Herculean effort as a Jit.

Being a 90s baby, this is so disturbing to think about. An entire era of music, clothing, tv, film, ways of life. It's all gone. It's as if it were a different planet. I think back on those days and it makes me sick to my stomach. Nostalgia isn't the word. There must be some stronger feeling of lost and remembrance most potent than nostalgia.

I feel like I'm lost. Stuck in the wrong time. Time is moving too fast and I wish it would slow down.

That different planet part is so correct as its exactly what I thought of. Its like reality has been upgraded one atom at a time - which it has really, on all levels if you think about it as thats how it works. I mean nobody is technically ever any older than 15 due to the death and regeneration of cells so its all like Ship of Theseus paradox in that sense.

Its why I say the path to spirituality is found in everyday experience, breh. Stop and think:

The you that looks out from behind your eyes never seems older than you in your prime. The eternal outlaw just watching the Game unfold. Your cells however are like those old bootleg of a bootleg VHS tapes that just get worse every dub:


I do, however, know there is the energetic equivalent of "tracking" that most are unaware of as the mindbody can do miraculous things once you realize you aren't it but are the pilot instead.

I remember traveling from Boston and New York and heading down South to visit my cousins in the A in the 90s.

I mind as well have gotten off of a space ship. We were at least 5 to 10 years ahead of them in trends (sorry my southern brehs...but that's just FACTS).

Now with the internet style is homogenous. Everyone looks the same. Kids on Tiktok dress the same as your average Coli breh.

That's what's hilarious about southerners making fun of NY'ers. If it wasn't for the internet ya'll would still be in the dark ages waiting on that cousin to put you on to what's poppin.

So true, I spoke on this before about how each area had their own twang, slang, look, shops, food spots and girls that made being on the road so interesting as these places each provided something others couldn't and no one mimicked. Now a lot of towns are like an ACME cartoon truck just drove through and crapped out an identikit place filled with NPC drones and franchise stores.

Funny OP brought up smoking inside. My pops used to smoke with us in the car with the windows up

The OGs stayed smoking inside. Family get togethers the adults would all light up right at the dining room table after they ate. Restaurants still had smoking sections when I was like 20

That really was the thing that jumped out, breh. Like it leapt from the screen as the characters just casually lit up in a restaurant and it made me remember of how your clothes would stink after a night in the club due to all of cigaweeds in full effect.

Watch this if you're genuinely perplexed OP and it'll make more sense

Thanks man, thats pretty much what I mentioned about the future tech being wearables and how it will happen real quick. People didn't pick up on that as they're reminiscing on memory lane. Speaking of:

Back on topic and RAW hit it on the head with this perspective and thats exactly whats happening:

Hence the quickening.


The 90s was the peak of culture. Hip Hop especially, but it was just a better world.

We lacked some of things that are very handy that we have now, but we had no idea so it didn't phase us. Like GPS. It's truly a blessing. But back then you just had to work it out. Hope the person who gave you directions is smart. Hope you find a stranger that is cool if you need to get more detail.

People read books. Women mostly didn't show their asses to everyone. Fat people were somewhat rare. Racists were actually pretty quiet compared to now. Artists were determined to be unique. No one was trying to sound exactly like others... except wack mfs... That's actually the same, but now wackness is ubiquitous. Then it was shameful to copy someone.

And it was all so new. We were heading somewhere we thought. Everyone was pioneering. Discovering.

Now you have to be like everyone else or you're lame. Only certain shoes are acceptable. Only certain phones are acceptable. Back then inventing style was the goal, not fitting in perfectly to existing norms.

I lived for a whole year with no phone. No cell phone and no house phone. It would be half a decade before I got my first cell anyway. But there was literally no way to contact me besides showing up to my apartment.

And it was FINE. I brought puzzy home on the reg and had a roaring social life.

Whats bugged out is usually the nostalgia goes back 20 years. In the 90s we were reaching back to the 70s. By that math 2022 should echo 2002... But no one has nostalgia like for the 2000s... Or if they do, it's about 1/10 the strength of the 90s nostalgia.

Nostalgia is hardwired into your makeup. The imprints of youth with high hormone levels, novel experience and self discovery ensure that every generation will feel the same about what they witnessed and look back with fondness. This actually speaks volumes about the human condition and why most peoples lives are actually over at 26 as they just spend the rest going through the motions.

Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better.

The trip is that we lived through the baby steps that link the Flintstones to the Jetsons in an era thats glittering like rhinestones, pah.

I'm 45
Just in my lifetime we've gone from vinyl to cassettes to CD's to mp3's to streaming
what's next?


It's wild that Gen X will be the last generation to remember life before the internet


Tapes to the current gen is like 8 tracks were to us. Some super old, rusty dusty tech that was too far away to even envision.


Crazy how vinyl kept hold of the throne for so long though. Another interesting blip is that in the 90s personal audio devices were huge and headphones tiny and now its the flip as you've got people walking around with immense cans on their heads whilst a slice of silicon grants access to any artist you wish in an instant.

Just things like that really get me thinking and that point about so many old movie plots being a wrap with a cellphone is so true. Imagine Die Hard 3 with an iPhone? Game over on that Simon Says and payphones ish.


Caribbean-Canadian 🇦🇬
May 24, 2022
Canada 🇨🇦
I feel that way about the 2000s. I was born in 1992 and I barely remember anything before 96 or so. 1990s to me was seeing the Fugees Ready or Not video when I was 4-5 years old, Aaliyah, SNES, SEGA Genesis and becoming an NBA fan. I can say much more about the 2000s.
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Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
Things were real then. Some things/sub cultures you had to really be into to be into it. Now you got goofies online into everything thats even a bit popular/edgy but not really being into it. Just knowing enough that they can pass as hip. Everything fake now.

Digital Omen

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Being from Miami, this video trips me out for a number of reasons:

1- This was my prime. I was out in South Beach 4-5 nights a week. I worked in a record store (it's now the Walgreens on 5th and Collins) and I would get off work at midnight, cross the street, and party til 5 am.
2- Notice how everyone is staring into the camera. It was an "event" that some random dude was driving and walking around with his camera.
3- Also peep how women dressed. It was club night, yet compared to now women's club wear was "conservative"

20+ years later:

1- South Beach is a total shythole that no local would be caught dead in. We're in Wynwood and Brickell now (back then Wynwood was just beginning to gentrify but was still the hood and Brickell was just banks and 2 condo buildings).
2- We all have cameras and record everything all the time
3- Need I say more about how women dress to go out today?


All Star
May 1, 2012
Just things like that really get me thinking and that point about so many old movie plots being a wrap with a cellphone is so true. Imagine Die Hard 3 with an iPhone? Game over on that Simon Says and payphones ish.
There was an Italian mobster on VladTV who said that technology made a lot of technology obsolete.
He even went as far to say that the problem with most movies is that they put crimes during the 40s and 50s in modern day society.