The Black community doesn't need


Staff member
Sep 9, 2013
54,583 on here going back and forth with each other.

It doesn't need us arguing with trolls.

It doesn't need us on here making threads though this could be used as a tool to organize. But it doesn't need us just on our computers.

It needs our time, sacrifice, and patience. It needs volunteers. It needs leaders and teachers. It needs all those things on a large scale, but can start small too. Nothing is going to change until this happens.

People want to complain about rioters, but are you in those areas teaching them a "better way"? Are you teaching them how to turn these riots into something useful? Are you out trying to educate the next generation while we complain about how lost and watered down they are? Are we getting them educated about voting? Are we out there educating people about economic power? Are we teacher our youth about other options and entrepreneurship?

It will never be another movement if we continue to be so self-absorbed and not willing to be uncomfortable. Most of us on here got out or never were in the hood :usure:. Some of on here are still there but just go on about our business. Too few of us never look back, then complain about other blacks making us look bad.

Go out into the community and talk to these kids/people so that when this happens again they won't be able to say anything but he was an innocent victim throwing a peace sign in a picture.

I'll be honest, I haven't volunteered in over a year to work with kids. It’s hard to break through that shell, takes a lot of patience. This morning I feel empty and angry. They aren't really talking about it on the radio, mainstream news pissing me off with propaganda. I see people going to work as if nothing is wrong and am at work barely able to focus. Something has got to give, this is a cycle it won't stop until we do. It’s easy to type on here. It’s hard to actual go out and give your time.

TL:DR We need to get off our butts. Thread can die but it needed to be said...wishful thinking.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I feel you. People are followers so it's going to take someone, or a few people, willing to step out there to get the ball rolling. This is where our black celebrities could step in you know. Bey and Jay are looked at as black royalty and these fukks are silent. Did they even tweet? Just getting those two to set up something could get the ball rolling. The average person feels powerless to effect real change. And with more and more of these situations that feeling increases. People are angry as hell, they say all the right things but are powerless to do anything or scared to take that first step. We need those with the resources and clout to start making moves. Sad, but true if anything is going to change on the macro scale.

On the micro scale, if you're fukking with a single parent and they have a son, mentor them. That might be one less black soul lost. It takes a community.


Sep 2, 2014
Thank you for saying this, @Raedawn07 . I was growing weary arguing with people who like to throw around the word c00n and call anyone trying to have a meaningful discussion out of their name due to differing opinions. It is much more crucial we align our goals and hash it out.

Keyboard warriors who have never put in a day of their lives to help out in their neighborhood need to suck it up and put in work. I got out the hood. I'm still poor, but it is MILES better where I am. We gotta share that sentiment with kids and let them know with unity and a way toward our goals, we can do better than we have been.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2013
I feel you. People are followers so it's going to take someone, or a few people, willing to step out there to get the ball rolling. This is where our black celebrities could step in you know. Bey and Jay are looked at as black royalty and these fukks are silent. Did they even tweet? Just getting those two to set up something could get the ball rolling. The average person feels powerless to effect real change. And with more and more of these situations that feeling increases. People are angry as hell, they say all the right things but are powerless to do anything or scared to take that first step. We need those with the resources and clout to start making moves. Sad, but true if anything is going to change on the macro scale.

On the micro scale, if you're fukking with a single parent and they have a son, mentor them. That might be one less black soul lost. It takes a community.

I am very disappointed in Bey and Jay, not surprised though. Its true they have so much power and influence but they can't be bothered its sad. I don't care if its not there respondsibility I expect better. That's our problem. All the other communities are helping themselves except us.
Minor scale is the key, one person can turn one other persons life into a different direction. Once kid can be an example and talk to his friends. I used to teach sunday school :skip: and work with the youth on plays and whatnot. While teaching them I also talked to them about life. I talking to them about their plans after school. I talked to them about options. I made them read out loud to me and work on public speaking. I tried to change their way of thinking and the bigger picture. Sometimes thats all it takes is to show you care and listen.

Thank you for saying this, @Raedawn07 . I was growing weary arguing with people who like to throw around the word c00n and call anyone trying to have a meaningful discussion out of their name due to differing opinions. It is much more crucial we align our goals and hash it out.

Keyboard warriors who have never put in a day of their lives to help out in their neighborhood need to suck it up and put in work. I got out the hood. I'm still poor, but it is MILES better where I am. We gotta share that sentiment with kids and let them know with unity and a way toward our goals, we can do better than we have been.

Exactly most of the time the cycle continues because they simply have no other examples. Even if you aren't rich you can still show them a better way of life. Teach them values, if no one else is going to teach them they will just do what they see. My brother teaches and he had them do a project of the career they wanted, the house they wanted, and the car they wanted. These kids were aspiring to maybachs while the career they wanted was Walgreens manager :whoa: I'm not even knocking that but our kids should dream WAY bigger, bigger than just a nice car.


Sep 18, 2014
Aligning ourselves with local like-minded people and forming/joining Black-centered organization can prove to be beneficial to us as a group. I stress that the key is organization. We cannot rely and wait for our "leaders" or celebrities to get the ball roaming. We have the ability and opportunity to do it ourselves. It has to start at a local level.


May 1, 2012
238,091 on here going back and forth with each other.

It doesn't need us arguing with trolls.

It doesn't need us on here making threads though this could be used as a tool to organize. But it doesn't need us just on our computers.

It needs our time, sacrifice, and patience. It needs volunteers. It needs leaders and teachers. It needs all those things on a large scale, but can start small too. Nothing is going to change until this happens.

People want to complain about rioters, but are you in those areas teaching them a "better way"? Are you teaching them how to turn these riots into something useful? Are you out trying to educate the next generation while we complain about how lost and watered down they are? Are we getting them educated about voting? Are we out there educating people about economic power? Are we teacher our youth about other options and entrepreneurship?

It will never be another movement if we continue to be so self-absorbed and not willing to be uncomfortable. Most of us on here got out or never were in the hood :usure:. Some of on here are still there but just go on about our business. Too few of us never look back, then complain about other blacks making us look bad.

Go out into the community and talk to these kids/people so that when this happens again they won't be able to say anything but he was an innocent victim throwing a peace sign in a picture.

I'll be honest, I haven't volunteered in over a year to work with kids. It’s hard to break through that shell, takes a lot of patience. This morning I feel empty and angry. They aren't really talking about it on the radio, mainstream news pissing me off with propaganda. I see people going to work as if nothing is wrong and am at work barely able to focus. Something has got to give, this is a cycle it won't stop until we do. It’s easy to type on here. It’s hard to actual go out and give your time.

TL:DR We need to get off our butts. Thread can die but it needed to be said...wishful thinking.
Ok then let's start a government right now.