The U.S. Army might as well delete this tweet. It ain’t going how they hoped :snoop:

Dec 4, 2015
Got that Marine Corps bag 40
countries still got all my limbs and no PTSD my life’s been a JBO thread


Mar 26, 2017
My grandfather fought in WW2. I obviously didn’t know him as a young man but as an old man he was a quiet reserved person that just paid the bills and stayed in the den. He never once talked about the war. He had the temperament of someone who saw fukked up shyt. His brother my great uncle used to have a near breakdown when planes flew across the house for the first few years after coming back. My dad fought in the Gulf War and served 20 years. He talks about death a lot. He once called my mom from over there screaming saying he was scared wasn’t coming back. I know he saw shyt. He won’t talk either. My dad’s friend from work had a breakdown a few years ago after seeing a box with wires hanging out of it. When he was fighting over there, they were driving through some place in multiple cars and they got attacked. His best friend was in the car ahead and the car got blown to bits. He saw his friends limbs and body parts go everywhere and after the fighting was over he was shellshocked and delirious and he saw his boy all over the place and he put all of the body parts into a box and carried it back :huhldup: Seeing that box at work triggered him and he was crying in the bathroom for like 45 minutes. My dad had to talk him down. My dad sympathizes with him because he fought too but said no one at work likes being around him when he doesn’t take his meds :huhldup:
Holy shyt.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
dumbest post on the site for the day.

You need one of these ptsd killers to murder your family and then you will have something to complai about

What is dumb is when people push a narrative that everything is negative.
Oct 22, 2017
I don't feel sorry for any of them. I can understand if you volunteer to pick up arms to defend a country being invaded by a hostile force or go abroad to join others in a battle against incontrovertible evil, like what many brothers did during WWII (in spite of the evil they faced their entire lives and would await them back home in the form of American white supremacy). And even then, America did so grudgingly, having been forced into the fray by Japan's strike against Pearl Harbor. But now? Joining the military is to support imperialism and a machine of neoliberal tyranny that has untold crimes against humanity under its belt. :francis:
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The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
:manny: This life ain't for every body. Some can't handle it. The same people complaining or having issues could of possibly had issues anyway. Also I really dislike how people think PTSD has to be service related. A lot of us from the Hoods already had signs and symptoms of PTSD from friends and family members being shot or being shot at or raped or abused or whatever you may have...So I can't blame the military for these issues...

It also took me 17 years to realize this i would of told you otherwise at 3 years in. And this comes from reflection and time spent in combat, on staff in combat, planning for combat, training for combat, recruiting others, training others, figuring out what training others needed, and now advising.

Sadly some of us are more likely to have a traumatic or bad experiences right in their home town. Some people just aren't physically or mentally tough and some just lack empathy or a social conscious.

Ask yourself have you lost friends, seen a tragedy, been involved in a tragedy, caused the tragedy. Just sit back and reflect.

nikka, that is some of the most retarded shyt that I've ever seen.

That'd be like a Catholic priest saying, "Well, those kids had probably been molested before I did it:manny:, so I"m good:ehh:."

Just writing off people getting their limbs blown off and witnessing their friends murdered so rich dudes can continue to profit off of war and oil?:hhh:

Like seriously, you nikkaz is brainwashed, B.

PR Team is doing hari kari right now.

Let's be reality. The recruitment phase of the next war will be damn near approaching a draft.

We've been at peace for too long, and there isn't any terrorist attack (yet) to get the COD crew smelling themselves.

Gen Z is the most fakkity generation yet. Good luck getting soldiers that have what it takes to fight.


nikka, we bombing 7 countries right now.

Our military's been at war constantly for 18 years. :gucci:
I didn't tell anyone where their issue stems from. Everyone has issues that began in varying places based on various life experiences.

So, that makes it okay to fukk people up even more, right?

Let me just go to an orphanage and kick some kids because, :ehh:they've already had trauma