There's such a big epidemic of Young dudes living with their girlfriend

Nov 18, 2016
Had a friend talk about a coworker who always complains that her son is 23, living with his girlfriend in an expensive apartment, hot tempered and can't keep a job

A family friend was talking about her son who's 26 and is more focused on his girlfriend then finishing school or getting a job

Another family friend, who's son is 27, was living in a nice neighborhood with his parents. Then got the girl pregnant, now living in the hood with his girl, and he can't keep a consistent job

A next door neighbor talking about his son who's 26 and was living with him for 5 years, then just decided he loves his girlfriend so much he wants to live with her and get an apartment

What the hell is up with brehs in their 20s shacking up with a girl before they even have a consistent job/career? :dwillhuh:. Starting a family too early is the number 1 reason your career gets halted, and limits your earning potential
Bet you these the same dudes who in a couple years gonna be like life ain't fair and I can't catch a break :mjcry:
look at that ugly people thread :francis:
also p*ssy is a powerful thing entire wars have been started over it
it's easy busting a nut but casual sex feels like a drug rather than a connection for a lot of people
when someone finally makes that connection with someone else, it is hard to let go
these emotions can cloud their judgement
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Dec 2, 2015

There have always been dudes like the ones you described.

Your query is legit, but let's also ask why the girlfriends they have put up with them? Don't these young ladies have a say on how their relationships are going?

I see it as two different sides of the same coin.

Edit: I didn't realize this was an old thread. The sentiment still applies..



Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
Had a friend talk about a coworker who always complains that her son is 23, living with his girlfriend in an expensive apartment, hot tempered and can't keep a job
That was me at that age:mjcry:
Just graduated and didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life
Lost my identity in a girl I was crazy about
Happily married but still think about “What if”
shyt went to hell and I had to get out their and get it
But that break up enraged me like no other
And for years until I met my ex wife
I was taking that shyt out on ALL women
Not knowing I was the REAL DEMON
Finally got my shyt together since my mini me was born
Got real professional help and never looked back
I still have my moments of a$$hole 23:yeshrug:
But looking back that was because I hated myself and the girl I was with truly did deserve better even though we both weren’t ready
And left each other with emotional scars
That age is a really weird/pivotal point in an young mans life
And it’s usually around the time we FEEL that we met the ONE
Some are lucky but even that relationship either
Or needs maintenance right now
It’s also the age where alot of nikkas THINK they got the whole life thing figured out
Shieeet, it’s just the beginning :francis: