Timberland's.... Infidelity or dumb paranoia?

Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
You come across as a kept woman, because of your looks or something. He's obviously tired of you.
If you actually talk like your original post... I KNOW he's tired of you and is finding whatever escape he can....

Better start stashing money in a hole somewhere and getting your ducks in a row. I see bushes.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
He's cheating. I am sure of it. But before you go on you need to decide what you are going to do b/c he's not going to stop. He'll just stop trying to hide it. If you are going to stay you might as well save yourself the drama and not say anything.


The Sensational Prince
May 10, 2012
The Palace of Eternal Sun
My hubby said his boots were ruined. Stained by coconut oil. That was it, he has never brought it up since, over a month ago. He got them mid this year, he always does this, the slightest stain or defect on clothing and he throws or gives them away. Even threw away my stuff in the beginning!!!

He hasn't gotten rid of the boots. They are in my closet, I dont know if this is to make me feel bad or what coz he has never brought them up except that one time. Is this some passive aggressive shyt. I haven't and wont attempt to get the stain out if possible. He will consider them tainted...

I'm the one who uses coconut oil. I have no memory of spilling any oil on them, its really hot so its no longer solid and I could have dropped some coz I sometimes leave it in his closet if I'm closer to it. He tells me weekly not to put my "shyt" in his closet... Should I just throw them away? I'm really petty and would have reminded him several times. I don't get why he loves Timberlands so much. He says its the quality (a lot of counterfeits sold in Zim) so I kinda know how he feels plus basically throwing away $ to buy them. He claims I spend too much time shopping but he will go far and wide and pay for shoes/clothes. Typical male hypocrisy. Anyhoo, he should be mad or annoyed but isn't?

He has always been nice but I cant shake the feeling that he is being nice out of guilt... A lot of recent events where he has been bending over backwards for me and my family and the most I have gotten is the stink eye.

These might seem like small stuff but he was never willing to bend before:
He began going to the gym consistently a couple of months back. he showed very little interest before. he doesn't want me to join his gym!!!
He has even been willing to work out with me, the past week, that's after he has already gone to the gym in the morning. He was never willing before.
I get migraines really bad, we were on a trip, and he was willing to take a long detour and drive to a place I like to stay so I could take a hot bath and sleep in darkness. A whole day was added to our trip, and he had to get back.
I drive like a granny and I asked him to drive slower he didn't tell me to drive myself or go to hell, not a peep, just slowed down.
He had something I knew he would never buy at first he lied and I gave him the :usure: and he quickly told me who, a woman, he was in business with her and her husband. H claimed he didn't want "unnecessary" questions. I immediately dropped it. A week or two I saw our toddler playing with the thing, I said "why is she playing with your adulterous "thing"" he laughed and said she kept crying for it.
On our recent trip there was a pink stain on the door in his car, i was sitting in the back coz the tint on the windows is darker - migraine-light sensitivity... he said why would he be in the back seat and didn't know what it was?, it looked like lipstick MAYBE, but who is wearing pink lipstick these days... I didn't take a closer look. He takes his car to get washed every other day so its always spotless.
He tells me what clothes to pack or throw away, he has an all new wardrobe, new type of underwear, only wore boxers before, I noticed when I was putting away his laundry, i just thought he had bought new stuff but most of the clothes were gone, where did he put it coz he didn't ask me to and i never saw him pack anything.

A lot of other stuff...

It seems kinda like the writing is on the wall and I cant face it? Is he cheating on me and being guilty-extra nice or am i being paranoid?

Sorry about the post being so long.
You sharing that nikka