"Voter suppression laws should stay in place because minorities are voting too much"

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
using your own link

simple math will tell that that it means that 94.5% of black voters have proper ID. In your own link you have provided evidence that the vast majority of black people have ids

Lets get our facts straight about what happened. @Bollywood Hulk Hogan posted a story that apparently he did not read. The NY Times story was about how the predictions of voter id laws causing voter suppression did not pan out

I find it fascinating that i stated explicitly that voter id laws are stupid and racist and people have the nerve the write some self righteous soliloquy implying that i support voter suppression

who is saying that voter suppression isnt real?

all i said is that voter id laws dont suppress the black vote because the notion that black people lack id is a myth

this is the article in the OP which apparently none of you actually read Black Turnout in Alabama Complicates Debate on Voting Laws which is pretty much saying what i said

you did not clearly show how i contradicted myself , all you did was quote some random phrases from my posts, i have no idea what those quotes are suppose to infer, especially since they were not full quotes,

this is the nytime article which is saying that voter id laws did not appear to supress the black vote
Black Turnout in Alabama Complicates Debate on Voting Laws

so lets go through this step by step so we dont miss any facts along the way

1. The NY Times wrote an article explaining the the predictions of black voter suppression in AL did not pan out
2. @Bollywood Hulk Hogan who has low reading comprehension and did not realize what the point of the article was made a thread about this article
3. Retarded posters called my a troll and a right winger for basically saying what the article was saying

That leads is to fact #4
4. @tru_m.a.c posted a tweet from some random guy on twitter who actually read the article and understood the implications of the article and wanted to write a rebuttal to the article

This fact#4 is EXTREMELY important to understand and it shows why all you guys are full of shyt.

Question: Why is this twitter person writing a rebuttal to the nytimes article???

Answer: Because the nytimes article is saying that voter suppression didnt work in AL

Question: Why am I being attacked as a right wing troll and getting warning ponts for saying the same thing that is in a ny times (you know that right wing newspaper ) article?

Answer: Cuz you guys are fuking idiots.

But anyways, back to your points

that could very well be true, but i was referring to a specific form of voter suppression, which is voter id laws

my point was that voter id laws dont effect black people because the vast majority of black people have ids, in fact according to the other link fake mac posted 94.5% of african americans in AL have ID's

racist republicans are very creative so im sure there are many forms of voter suppression that effect the black vote but voter ID laws is not one of them

this is a very weak assertion

the more voters there are the more voters will be effected, obviously that is true, but it doesn't follow that having less voters means the impact cant be measured or that percentages become useless

basically you are trying to assert that there was a sampling error, and your evidence of this sampling error is that less people voted in the primaries.....which means you get an F in statistics

you need much more thorough analyses to show that there is a sampling error, simply showing the raw numbers is going to cut it

On top of that the statistics he posted show that black voters have consistently made up the exact same percentage (within +-1 margin of error) of the electorate in primaries and generals, which is clear evidence that any voter id laws have had no impact

So you are saying the impact of voter id laws can only be seen during general elections........................OK

well that is an assertion and a hypothesis, I prefer to use the scientific method so when you have data to back up your hypothesis please let me know, presenting raw numbers of votes is not evidence to back up that assertion, that is why the tweet in question is ridiculous

im assuming you are talking about somebody else, cuz i have no idea what the hell you are babbling about

i dont know where this notion comes from that i support these laws, i said that voter id laws are stupid and racist, there is no evidence of any real voter fraud so they are pointless, i think the more people vote the better and laws should be passed to encourage people to vote

all i was saying is that voter id laws are not going to suppress the black vote because the notion of black people not having ids is a myth

for those that lack reading comprehension, notice i say VOTER ID LAWS, im not referring to other forms of voter suppression

its not just me saying it, the NY Times article which apparently none of you read Black Turnout in Alabama Complicates Debate on Voting Laws is also asserting that voter id laws did not effect the black vote in AL, so its disingenuous to paint me as right wing troll who supports oppressing the black vote unless you also paint the NY times and the thread starter as right wing trolls who support oppressing the black vote

How do you type that many words and still get basic logic wrong. :snoop:
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Low Quality Posting
How do you type that many words and still get basic logic wrong. :snoop:

The internet obvious don't work for you as a place for learning things. Don't you have, like, a papa or a professor or someone you can float these arguments by first? Someone in real life who can smack you upside the head and show you where you wrong until you begin to think straight? :huhldup:

there is nothing wrong in my logic, whats amazing is you and many others ignore basic facts

the basic facts are that the story posted by @Bollywood Hulk Hogan is a story asserting that voter id laws dont effect the black vote, that right there should give everybody pause, cuz 90% of the people posting in this thread missed that

its not just me saying that voter id laws dont effect the black vote its the right wing newspaper known as the NY Times that is saying it

and sorry some little tweet be some random twitter person did not debunk the NY Times story

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
there is nothing wrong in my logic, whats amazing is you and many others ignore basic facts

the basic facts are that the story posted by @Bollywood Hulk Hogan is a story asserting that voter id laws dont effect the black vote, that right there should give everybody pause, cuz 90% of the people posting in this thread missed that

its not just me saying that voter id laws dont effect the black vote its the right wing newspaper known as the NY Times that is saying it

and sorry some little tweet be some random twitter person did not debunk the NY Times story

It did NOT say that. This is all from the article:

"Like only 12 other states, Alabama does not permit early voting, which is disproportionately used by minoritiesand the poor. Its restrictions on voting by people with felony records were recently relaxed, but remain among the nation’s toughest and likely curb black turnout. The state’s voter ID law, which was challenged in federal court, threatened to disenfranchise at least 100,000 registered voters, many of them black or Hispanic, according to the N.A.A.C.P. Legal Defense Fund. And a panel of federal judges ruled this year that 12 state legislative districts had been gerrymandered to dilute African-American voting power. The congressional map is also gerrymandered."

" "One recent academic study concluded that the historic turnout gap between white and minority voters increased sharply — as much as fivefold — in states with the strictest voter ID laws, producing a “clear partisan distortion” favoring Republicans."

NOWHERE did it say that such laws don't affect the black vote. It just said the outcomes can be complex and the effect was uncertain in this particular election.

Stop :cape: for racists specifically trying to disenfranchise the black population. :rudy:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
It did NOT say that. This is all from the article:

"Like only 12 other states, Alabama does not permit early voting, which is disproportionately used by minoritiesand the poor. Its restrictions on voting by people with felony records were recently relaxed, but remain among the nation’s toughest and likely curb black turnout. The state’s voter ID law, which was challenged in federal court, threatened to disenfranchise at least 100,000 registered voters, many of them black or Hispanic, according to the N.A.A.C.P. Legal Defense Fund. And a panel of federal judges ruled this year that 12 state legislative districts had been gerrymandered to dilute African-American voting power. The congressional map is also gerrymandered."

" "One recent academic study concluded that the historic turnout gap between white and minority voters increased sharply — as much as fivefold — in states with the strictest voter ID laws, producing a “clear partisan distortion” favoring Republicans."

NOWHERE did it say that such laws don't affect the black vote. It just said the outcomes can be complex and the effect was uncertain in this particular election.

Stop :cape: for racists specifically trying to disenfranchise the black population. :rudy:

reality said it didnt effect the black vote in AL, the NY times is simply reporting reality

That turnout, in which registered black voters appeared to cast ballots at a higher rate than white ones, has become the most recent reference point in the complicated picture about race and elections laws.

At issue, at a time when minorities are becoming an increasingly powerful slice of the electorate, is how much rules like Alabama’s voter ID law serve as a brake on that happening. The turnout by black voters in Alabama raises a question: Did it come about because voting restrictions were not as powerful as critics claim or because voters showed up in spite of them?

and for the millionth time, what i said about voting id laws is that they are stupid and racist, im not defending anybody, im simply pointing out that voter id laws do not effect the black vote because more than 90% of black people have IDs

this notion of black people not having Ids is a myth

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
reality said it didnt effect the black vote in AL, the NY times is simply reporting reality

They didn't say it "didn't affect the Black vote." You still appear incapable of understanding basic logic.

First off, as you've been told repeatedly, a special election is where the effect of voter laws will be the smallest, because only the most regular voters go to those anyway. It's the big general elections where the laws have the main effect.

Second of all, the fact that Black people turned out for this particular election in isolation can't tell you anything about what effect the voter ID laws had. Perhaps without the voter ID laws they would have turned out even more. Or is your position that Black people can never turn out as heavily as White people?

and for the millionth time, what i said about voting id laws is that they are stupid and racist, im not defending anybody, im simply pointing out that voter id laws do not effect the black vote because more than 90% of black people have IDs

this notion of black people not having Ids is a myth

Black people are less likely to have IDs than White people, that has been proven repeatedly and is even in that article you're quoting.

No one has ever said that the ID law will eliminate 10+% of the Black vote. But if it affects 5% of the Black vote, or even just 1-2% of the Black vote, it could still decide elections.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
They didn't say it "didn't affect the Black vote." You still appear incapable of understanding basic logic.


an article in the nytimes isnt going to make an explicit statement like that on a controversial issue, but that was the gist of the article, if you dont believe me then believe the tweet that you were defending

you dont have to take my word, you can take the word of twitter scholar Wesley Lowery

you and Wesley are free to dispute the NYtimes article but its weird that you vehemently defended the tweet but apparently disagree with the premise of the tweet. The premise of the tweet was a rebuttal to the nytimes article which asserted that voter id laws did not effect the vote

First off, as you've been told repeatedly, a special election is where the effect of voter laws will be the smallest, because only the most regular voters go to those anyway. It's the big general elections where the laws have the main effect.

first off that is an assertion or hypothesis you made, its not a fact, and i told you i like to use the scientific method so when you have data to back up that assertion please share it

Second of all, the fact that Black people turned out for this particular election in isolation can't tell you anything about what effect the voter ID laws had. Perhaps without the voter ID laws they would have turned out even more. Or is your position that Black people can never turn out as heavily as White people?

sure you can speculate and theorize but in the end its the data that matters, at this point in time the data shows that voter id laws do not effect the black vote

Black people are less likely to have IDs than White people, that has been proven repeatedly and is even in that article you're quoting.

No one has ever said that the ID law will eliminate 10+% of the Black vote. But if it affects 5% of the Black vote, or even just 1-2% of the Black vote, it could still decide elections

the difference between white and black in terms of id is statistically insignificant