Wesley Snipes' Version Of The Joker >>>> Jack And Heath.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
heather ledger has joker has to be the most overrated performance in history, but it makes sense since the The Dark Knight is the most overrated film in history

Jack was the joker, he was born to the play role, ledger wasn't the joker, just a re-imagining of the character, the sadistic wit of the joker was none existent with ledger, he was more like Trevor from GTAV than the Joker

so i agree Simon Phoenix was more like the joker than heath ledger, which was just a brand new character made for that made

But Jack had best lines of any villain in history and was the only reason the 89 batman has status as a film

Jack's meeting with the mob, way better than heath ledger's, which seemed a little forced, pencil trick was the dumbest shyt I've ever seen people impressed by especially since this was suppose to be a "serious" film

Jack's smile was crazy and wicked, he didn't need scars to pull it off, the monologue after he fries the guy with the hand buzzer is better than anything ledger did in the movie

he did all things associated with the joker, hand buzzer, laughing gas, etc

Im not always impressed by "re-imaginings" but his definitely fit the movie,Im worried that's going to be the permanent tone for Joker in the movies now even though I prefer the more playful cartoon version with the toys and gadgets and the female sidekick:heh:...maybe next joker can mix a little heath to cut down on the campiness since these new DC movies have a serious tone,but mix a little Jack too.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
:francis: need to get on that breh. i wonder if it's on blu ray yet

only problem with Demolition Man is i remember when it came out all the restaurants were Taco Bell and when i bought it on dvd it was changed to Pizza Hut. they CGI'd Pizza Hut logos over the Taco Bell ones and ADR'd the actors saying Pizza Hut in the lines. very weird.

:wow: taco bell got strong armed
Last edited:
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
heather ledger has joker has to be the most overrated performance in history, but it makes sense since the The Dark Knight is the most overrated film in history

Jack was the joker, he was born to the play role, ledger wasn't the joker, just a re-imagining of the character, the sadistic wit of the joker was none existent with ledger, he was more like Trevor from GTAV than the Joker

so i agree Simon Phoenix was more like the joker than heath ledger, which was just a brand new character made for that made

But Jack had best lines of any villain in history and was the only reason the 89 batman has status as a film

Jack's meeting with the mob, way better than heath ledger's, which seemed a little forced, pencil trick was the dumbest shyt I've ever seen people impressed by especially since this was suppose to be a "serious" film

Jack's smile was crazy and wicked, he didn't need scars to pull it off, the monologue after he fries the guy with the hand buzzer is better than anything ledger did in the movie

he did all things associated with the joker, hand buzzer, laughing gas, etc
Basically you prefer jack nicholson joker because it reminded you OF YOUR version of joke.


Your version is corny and childish to me and many, and the joker has also been portrayed as sadistic and darker and troubled by writers especially between 89 and 07 or whenever. So...both are 100% legitimate interpretations of the character.
May 15, 2012
Basically you prefer jack nicholson joker because it reminded you OF YOUR version of joke.


Your version is corny and childish to me and many, and the joker has also been portrayed as sadistic and darker and troubled by writers especially between 89 and 07 or whenever. So...both are 100% legitimate interpretations of the character.

My version of the joker, I didn't create the character, there is only one joker, and it's how jack played him, heath ledger's joker is not the character, even though he burrows from jack's performance in parts, such as the scene where he has the fake batman hostage

comic books are corny and childish, which makes The dark knight trilogy look even sillier for trying to make it seem "realistic"

The Zack Synder movies are what "realistic" comic book movies should look like, his batman looks more like a comic book, yet ten times more believable then that disgusting suit bale wore and trying too hard to be weird Joker

Jack's joker was more sinister than ledger's without over the type gross, he delivered better lines and had memorable moments

There are no moments in the dark knight where the joker shines

"why so serious" < "wait to get a load of me"

the why jack delivered the have you danced with the devil in the palemoon light, followed by I ask that of all my prey was very slick and sinister, followed by the manically laughter he executes flawlessly through the film, where ledger's joke laughs were forced and unnecessary
Sep 12, 2013
for the record jack's version of the joker was pretty terrifying. you just don't associate the performance with terror because the tone of the movie is so much lighter.

but for a moment just pay attention to the performance itself. for example try and envision this scene without the musical score in the background. it would come off eerie as fukk.

same here. again picture it without the music. jack's maniacal laughter as he is shooting a man to death is CHILLING.

i kinda wish heath would have laughed more. the only real "joker laugh" you get in TDK is the one during the broadcast when he threatens to kill the batman impersonator. you know... "people will die... i am a man of my word... EEYAHAHA!"

that was the single best scene in the entire movie, and it was our first real glimpse into just how sick and evil this dude really was.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
My version of the joker, I didn't create the character, there is only one joker, and it's how jack played him, heath ledger's joker is not the character, even though he burrows from jack's performance in parts, such as the scene where he has the fake batman hostage

comic books are corny and childish, which makes The dark knight trilogy look even sillier for trying to make it seem "realistic"


Jesus....how did you manage to get so many things wrong in such a short space?

There have been several different versions of The Joker....and yes, both Nicholson's and Ledger's versions are technically "right".

The Nolan trilogy in general was loosely based on "The Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller, which wasn't for kids. There's several Batman stories with extremely dark, fukked up things in them....like "The Killing Joke", for example. They were geared towards adults, same as stuff like "Watchmen".

I'm :dwillhuh: at how you have no idea any of this exists. I ain't picked up a comic in about 20 years, and all that darker Batman shyt is from the mid 80's. The Joker ain't been some monolithic, static figure in damn near 30 years.

May 15, 2012

Jesus....how did you manage to get so many things wrong in such a short space?

There have been several different versions of The Joker....and yes, both Nicholson's and Ledger's versions are technically "right".

The Nolan trilogy in general was loosely based on "The Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller, which wasn't for kids. There's several Batman stories with extremely dark, fukked up things in them....like "The Killing Joke", for example. They were geared towards adults, same as stuff like "Watchmen".

I'm :dwillhuh: at how you have no idea any of this exists. I ain't picked up a comic in about 20 years, and all that darker Batman shyt is from the mid 80's. The Joker ain't been some monolithic, static figure in damn near 30 years.


Frank Miller's Dark Knight Return isn't a typical batman story and the joker was nothing like heath ledger

There is nothing dark and or fukked up about the Dark Knight

joker doesn't even bleed when batman hits him lol

In 1989 the joker sliced off his girlfriend's face and called it art, that whole art thing was twisted and the joker was a creepy pervet

batman is at least bloodied from battle, kills several people, knocks joker's teeth out splattering blood everywhere

there is nothing graphic about the dark knight, that fukked up bytch's face was more gruesome than the obvious cgi two face

the batman 1989 was pretty graphic, way more sexually orientated scenes, yet you say it was for kids, then so was the dark knight even more so, it was pretty tame in comparison
Sep 12, 2013
the batman 1989 was pretty graphic, way more sexually orientated scenes, yet you say it was for kids, then so was the dark knight even more so, it was pretty tame in comparison

you're seriously gonna compare the tone of batman 89 to dark knight?

yea on paper joker commits some pretty hanous acts in batman 89 but it's handled with kid gloves. when joker electrocutes the rival mob boss at the boardroom table his face lights up bright red like a looney tunes cartoon :childplease:
May 15, 2012
you're seriously gonna compare the tone of batman 89 to dark knight?

yea on paper joker commits some pretty hanous acts in batman 89 but it's handled with kid gloves. when joker electrocutes the rival mob boss at the boardroom table his face lights up bright red like a looney tunes cartoon :childplease:

So dated special effects is what you have to go on, we're coming straight from the adam west era

The Dark Knight felt like watching an episode of Law and Order with Batman in it chasing Mankind from the WWF

The Dark Knight is clean as whistle, not even in the blood

Batman scaling the church to confront joker is better shot and more gritty than anything in nolan's trilogy

What is the difference between Heath Ledger and the Arsonist in Backdraft

how many people did the joker kill on screen by his own hand

the whole jail scene with the bomb was so fukking stupid, Joker would've had to be using jedi mindtricks in order to orchestrate that entire thing, which would be total deviant for the whole agent of chaos mindset they branded the character with

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Wesley Snipes as Simon Phoenix is really the closest thing we'd ever gotten to the comic book Joker. Only Mark Hamill's DCAU Joker (imo) has come closer.

The jokes, the ruthlessness, the unpredictability, the maniacal laughter, the coolness.

This nikka is The Joker that we've always wanted to see go up against Batman.

Jack Nicholson was cool, but his Joker was over the top and damn near cartoony. You didn't realize how much he was overacting until he basically did the same character is The Departed.

Heath Ledger's Joker was good, he had people ahook, but he didn't have that sense of humor like The Joker should. nikka seemed like he was depressed. I could easily see him as part of the Trench Coat Mafia. Plus it felt like he was doing a version of Mankind/Raven as The Joker.

Now Simon Phoenix. :myman:

He was everything the Joker should be.

:salute: to Wesley for showing how it should be done.


Wow, this is probably one of the most original and we'll thought out opinions I've seen in a long, long time. I'm dead serious.
Sep 12, 2013
So dated special effects is what you have to go on, we're coming straight from the adam west era

The Dark Knight felt like watching an episode of Law and Order with Batman in it chasing Mankind from the WWF

The Dark Knight is clean as whistle, not even in the blood

Batman scaling the church to confront joker is better shot and more gritty than anything in nolan's trilogy

What is the difference between Heath Ledger and the Arsonist in Backdraft

how many people did the joker kill on screen by his own hand

the whole jail scene with the bomb was so fukking stupid, Joker would've had to be using jedi mindtricks in order to orchestrate that entire thing, which would be total deviant for the whole agent of chaos mindset they branded the character with

the movie also establishes that he is incredibly calculating, almost supernatural like.

which is exactly what the joker is. a SUPERvillain.
May 15, 2012
the movie also establishes that he is incredibly calculating, almost supernatural like.

which is exactly what the joker is. a SUPERvillain.

no its called because they wrote it like that, his plans didn't make sense, it's called plot armor

the 89 Joker was a super villain and throughout the movie you see him move towards his goal to poison the whole city with his famous laughing gas