What Is The Coli's Thoughts On Voting For The Corrupt vs. Not Voting At All

Which One?

  • Vote for corrupt/lesser corrupt

    Votes: 23 71.9%
  • Not Vote

    Votes: 9 28.1%

  • Total voters


All Star
May 28, 2012
Yeah... it's not. The purpose of voting is to make the voice of the citizen heard, remove those from power the voter feels have not done an adequate enough job, and have the elected government serve the needs of the people. Voting from fear, blind contempt, or blind loyalty is the most juvenile, pathetic, and contemptible shyt in the world. It's show you don't know how to vote, you're easily manipulated, and you're playing yourself.

Don't confuse cause with effect.

Oddly enough, a few prominent upper black dudes (ex: Tariq Nasheed, Corey Holcomb) seem to feel the same way. You vote to make to make things better, not to keep things from getting worse.

And I'll say it again, there are other choices to vote from than Corporate Democrats.

Blind contempt or blind loyalty??? That makes the assumption black folks are voting for Democrats without weighing the option of the Republican winning, without researching and understanding the arguments for specific policies and weighing those. I don't think so little of black people to believe they can't judge when a particular policy is going to fukk them and their children. We aren't fukking stupid, okay? If someone has the endorsement of the KKK, it doesn't take a genius to second guess whether that candidate has your best intentions in mind.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Blind contempt or blind loyalty??? That makes the assumption black folks are voting for Democrats without weighing the option of the Republican winning, without researching and understanding the arguments for specific policies and weighing those. I don't think so little of black people to believe they can't judge when a particular policy is going to fukk them and their children. We aren't fukking stupid, okay? If someone has the endorsement of the KKK, it doesn't take a genius to second guess whether that candidate has your best intentions in mind.
The average American doesn’t understand the arguments and/or policies...
It’s one of the main reasons we are where we are.

... and I don’t believe it has anything to do with being stupid, I think it’s by design.


Dec 16, 2015
Blind contempt or blind loyalty??? That makes the assumption black folks are voting for Democrats without weighing the option of the Republican winning, without researching and understanding the arguments for specific policies and weighing those. I don't think so little of black people to believe they can't judge when a particular policy is going to fukk them and their children. We aren't fukking stupid, okay? If someone has the endorsement of the KKK, it doesn't take a genius to second guess whether that candidate has your best intentions in mind.

Black folks voted for Bill Clinton and got mass incarceration and the monopolization of the media and the dismantling of the welfare state. Then decades later, Black folks don't own any media outlets, about 5 media corporations own everything and we have Black males missing from society, locked up, countless Black families destroyed and militarization of the police and we got no wealth...

Black folks voted for Barack Obama and got massive bank bailouts after criminal financial activity that completely cratered what little wealth Black people had, rapidly increasing wealth inequality and a Republican healthcare plan and the resegregation of schools and failing schools all across America and it is expected it will take centuries for Black people to even catch up to current level of White wealth....

Black people vote Democrat out of fear and expectation that things will be better under Democrats and they are not by any objective measure...

It's very odd that a group of people been voting near 90 percent for a single political party for 50 or so years and got nothing to show for it..and I mean nothing. Like you can't point to any tangible improvement in our material life.

Democrats simply neglect Black people and sell false hope because the Democrats could not win an election without identity politics....

Republicans openly demonize Black people...

That's really the only difference...the outcome is still the same. Still a poor population. Still got double the unemployment rate of White people. Still suffer from a wealth inequality. Still suffer from medical inequality is gross and disgusting. Still suffer educational inequality....

So yeah, I think most Americans are incapable of understanding the impact of their vote. I don't think majority American is capable of actually sitting down and vote intelligently for anything...

Americans vote out of fear and obligation to that fear. Nobody really sits down and be like..."What will life be like in 20 years if I vote for this party...."

The election cycle even embraces short-term thinking and "well this is better than nothing" compromises or "Greater evil..." morality. So people don't even think about what they want to see in the world before they vote. They just vote and hope their life can't get any worse.

That's just how American electoral politics work...and it's ineffective in changing things and improving the lives of people that need their life improved the most.
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All Star
May 28, 2012
Black folks voted for Bill Clinton and got mass incarceration and the monopolization of the media and the dismantling of the welfare state. Then decades later, Black folks don't own any media outlets, about 5 media corporations own everything and we have Black males missing from society, locked up, countless Black families destroyed and militarization of the police and we got no wealth...

Black folks voted for Barack Obama and got massive bank bailouts after criminal financial activity that completely cratered what little wealth Black people had, rapidly increasing wealth inequality and a Republican healthcare plan and the desegregation of schools and failing schools all across America and it is expected it will take centuries for Black people to even catch up to current level of White wealth....

Black people vote Democrat out of fear and expectation that things will be better under Democrats and they are not by any objective measure...

It's very odd that a group of people been voting near 90 percent for a single political party for 50 or so years and got nothing to show for it..and I mean nothing. Like you can't point to any tangible improvement in our material life.

Democrats simply neglect Black people and sell false hope because the Democrats could not win an election without identity politics....

Republicans openly demonize Black people...

That's really the only difference...the outcome is still the same. Still a poor population. Still got double the unemployment rate of White people. Still suffer from a wealth inequality. Still suffer from medical inequality is gross and disgusting. Still suffer educational inequality....

So yeah, I think most Americans are incapable of understanding the impact of their vote. I don't think majority American is capable of actually sitting down and vote intelligently for anything...

Americans vote out of fear and obligation to that fear. Nobody really sits down and be like..."What will life be like in 20 years if I vote for this party...."

The election cycle even embraces short-term thinking and "well this is better than nothing" compromises or "Greater evil..." morality. So people don't even think about what they want to see in the world before they vote. They just vote and hope their life can't get any worse.

That's just how American electoral politics work...and it's ineffective in changing things and improving the lives of people that need their life improved the most.

Well, I can agree with you on several points. I'll never argue that many Americans aren't shamefully uninformed (in some cases, misinformed) on politics and current events. And yes, political and social change in our culture happens gradually ... that's by design. That's not to say things can never improve, but it may be unrealistic to expect complete equality in outcome in the strata you've listed ... income, unemployment, education.

I won't concede the notion that the quality of life isn't substantially better for AA's. and other people of color, than it was half a century ago. The way you make it sound, it's as if Democrats controlled all branches of government for 50 years, doing aboslutely nothing to improve the lives of POCs ... while in reality 6 out of 9 of the last presidents (since '68) were Republicans, and the GOP in Congress have excelled at obstructing Democrat legislation ... save maybe the two years Obama and Clinton each had a Democrat controlled Congress. I don't know why people bring up incarceration under Clinton, as if he and Hillary acted alone in acquiescing to the sort of moral panic the country had as a response to the gang violence and drug addiction in the 80's and 90's. As far as I'm concerned, that was a perfectly predictable response to the "cocaine cowboy" era, gangster rap and the rise of the bloods & crips in the mainstream.

IMO the most short-sighted view is to choose not to vote because it doesn't matter who's in power.


Dec 16, 2015
Well, I can agree with you on several points. I'll never argue that many Americans aren't shamefully uninformed (in some cases, misinformed) on politics and current events. And yes, political and social change in our culture happens gradually ... that's by design. That's not to say things can never improve, but it may be unrealistic to expect complete equality in outcome in the strata you've listed ... income, unemployment, education.

I won't concede the notion that the quality of life isn't substantially better for AA's. and other people of color, than it was half a century ago. The way you make it sound, it's as if Democrats controlled all branches of government for 50 years, doing aboslutely nothing to improve the lives of POCs ... while in reality 6 out of 9 of the last presidents (since '68) were Republicans, and the GOP in Congress have excelled at obstructing Democrat legislation ... save maybe the two years Obama and Clinton each had a Democrat controlled Congress. I don't know why people bring up incarceration under Clinton, as if he and Hillary acted alone in acquiescing to the sort of moral panic the country had as a response to the gang violence and drug addiction in the 80's and 90's. As far as I'm concerned, that was a perfectly predictable response to the "cocaine cowboy" era, gangster rap and the rise of the bloods & crips in the mainstream.

IMO the most short-sighted view is to choose not to vote because it doesn't matter who's in power.

What does the Republican Party have to do with the Democrats being ineffective in improving the lives of Black people? If a group people vote 90 plus percent right, and then the party can't do anything then it's a shytty party and they need to change. I really don't care about the op positional parties. I voted for you, get it done. Maybe the party should get more people to freaking vote by actually having good politics instead of just being Republican Party with identity politics.

The Democratic Party doesn't even need to improve the lies of Black people because Black people gonna vote for them anyway. Black people are a free vote.

All you gotta do is say..."Hey, I am not a Republican..."

The Democratic Party has very much improved the lives of White Women.

You can actually look at the wealth of White women go up...you can't say the same for Black people or Latinos or Native Americans.

Even the most Democratic states and cities have been effective at removing Black people from public life...

Cities like San Fran, New York City, Los Angeles aren't safe havens for Black people...they actually getting rid of them...

And why not blame Clinton Administration for mass incarceration, why not blame the Democrats for mass incarceration, they went ahead with it and destroyed the lives of Black people....they destroy Black folk for generations.

I mean...how hard is it to look at a situation and not throw poor people in prison as a crime prevention method? How about jobs, how about education, how about healthcare...

Clinton Administration literally cut off welfare and then militarized the police and assisted in creating apartheid states all over the country.

The point isn't to not vote...

The point is voting out of obligation and fear isn't really a political action that causes positive change. Voting without demands is meaningless. Voting without a moral choice is meaningless. Voting just so you can say you voted is meaningless. Voting in the grand scheme of political action and tactics is insignificant. That's the last thing you do in order to seal the deal of having political changes.

Democrats haven't done anything to improve the lives of people of color for the past 50 years because the Democrats forever won their votes just off some shyt that went down in the 1960s and in order to get that we had the entire world in a revolution.I don't think Black people that are loyal Democrats or even POC that are loyal Democrats understand how the we got the Civil Rights Bill.We had the entire world in a revolution and overturning the powers that be.The USA didn't want a revolution and was afraid of being infiltrated by communists and shyt...so the the USA gave everybody a bone.

It wasn't like the USA government under Democrats was like..."We need to do the right thing here..."

People had to die, thousands of people had die and then the USA government was actively suppressing the movements that fought to get some teeny tiny rights that just made it illegal to discriminate against people...

It wasn't because people freaking voted...it was because we were on the verge of a Second American Revolution and the Democratic Party co-opted that and made it their base and neutered it and created controlled opposition

Black people went from being the vanguard demographic that actually pushed the USA to improve it's government to being brought and paid opposition off some shyt that happened 50 years ago and really had nothing to do with the Democratic Party.

When Black people vote Democrat at 90 with no demands or concessions, they are just negotiating how oppressed they are willing to be...

It's no different than what the Democrats did with FDR when America was about to be on the verge of a revolution because like 20 people in the USA owned everything and the common people were tired of being poor and destitute. The Democrats thru the New Deal, co-opted the labor movement and socialist and communist movement...and neutered it.

People had to die and starve to get the New Deal. Nobody just voted...

The same FDR that gave out the New Deal to everyone but Black folks and set Black folks back another 50 years in the wealth inequality.

Any of the rights and laws that America has passed that improved the quality of life of its citizens was made on the verge of revolution.

It wasn't because anybody voted for the lesser evil....

It wasn't because of compromises...

It wasn't because people sat around and thought about the legalities and logistics...

It was because the people had a revolutionary fervor and wanted their life to improve and didn't care how it was done and the government had to do it or else else it was off with people's heads.

Voting is just a way democratic governments get some type of valid consent that people want to be ruled. It's a formality, it's meaningless. It's like having a wedding, all the important shyt happens before the wedding.

The USA stresses voting and the formal political process in order to pacify people because most people just vote and move on with their life. They aren't political outside of voting and turning on CNN to be informed and getting into Facebook debates.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
What does the Republican Party have to do with the Democrats being ineffective in improving the lives of Black people?


It's as if people can't understand that however bad corporate Democrats may be, voting for conservative candidates that openly campaign on restricting the rights of POC can't be worse. :snoop:

If anything, the last election has shown me that establishment Dems are many orders better than establishment Rethugs. I don't buy the false equivalencies between them, even as much as I despise politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Donna Brazile. :scust:


Dec 16, 2015

It's as if people can't understand that however bad corporate Democrats may be, voting for conservative candidates that openly campaign on restricting the rights of POC can't be worse. :snoop:

If anything, the last election has shown me that establishment Dems are many orders better than establishment Rethugs. I don't buy the false equivalencies between them, even as much as I despise politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Donna Brazile. :scust:

Democrats and Republicans were behind Cointelpro...

Democrats and Republicans were behind mass incarceration....

Democrats and Republicans disenfranchised Black people with socioeconomic policies that benefited White folks...and I ain't talking Andrew Jackson Democrats..

Be afraid of something that you already went thru with the other side...

I guess I just don't scare easy, I am not a coward, that really what it comes to. Cowardice and short-term thinking.:yeshrug:

Be free votes forever brehs and brehettes out of irrational fear and irrational hope....:mjlol:

Be loyal to some shyt that happened 50 plus years ago and you been getting beaten and taken advantaged of ever since.
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Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.