Whats up with all the inconsistency around TLR? (no deflections please)

Aug 15, 2014
The shyt people say around here.. so inconsistent

1. Soon as a black man/child is killed by somebody white there will be a huge thread (along with multiple other threads) talking about how whites and non blacks shouldn't be trusted, they're the enemy etc

But then as soon as a thread like this is made..


Its a full army of :cape: out 'bu bu but why you so concerned with who i stick my dikk into' 'worry about where another mans dikk goes brehs' - now its all cool to talk like this but the same folks who say this will see a black woman fukkin with a white man and call her a wench, c00n etc. How can you call her a c00n/wench when you're doing the same thing shes doing?

Too much talk of how bad non blacks are but for some reason you cant stay away from them which is funny because you'll see comments around here of 'white people just cant leave us alone'

2. This isn't an inconsistency I just gotta say class of 2012 posters as a collective are the most bytchmade, always caping for non blacks but are also the first to talk about white supremacy n shyt. Wanna talk that 'whites are the enemy' but cape for em. 'whoa breh dont get at my mans here hes good peoples from the SOHH days' . I know some of you SOHH boys had em popping the n word but its 2016 now

Avoid most of them 2012 posters

3. Yeah that was an inconsistency cause you guys are half hearted with your words

Some of you guys even talk about fukkin other races of women and then 'settling' down with a black woman when its time to get serious.. then you wonder why they don't respect you and can't take you seriously
some even get mad when black women do the same thing..

Just saying guys, we're all entitled to our views but just be consistent. Don't call black women wenches for fukking white men when you fukk white women too.. don't cape for the same people you claim to hate just because of some nerdy SOHH history or whatever

sidenote - university life is kinda :wow: so im barely posting on this these days
- that boy Danny Brown got AOTY on lock :wow: he floated on 'Lost' like it was straight butter :wow:


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas

First page
Mar 29, 2014
The shyt people say around here.. so inconsistent

1. Soon as a black man/child is killed by somebody white there will be a huge thread (along with multiple other threads) talking about how whites and non blacks shouldn't be trusted, they're the enemy etc

But then as soon as a thread like this is made..


Its a full army of :cape: out 'bu bu but why you so concerned with who i stick my dikk into' 'worry about where another mans dikk goes brehs' - now its all cool to talk like this but the same folks who say this will see a black woman fukkin with a white man and call her a wench, c00n etc. How can you call her a c00n/wench when you're doing the same thing shes doing?

Too much talk of how bad non blacks are but for some reason you cant stay away from them which is funny because you'll see comments around here of 'white people just cant leave us alone'

2. This isn't an inconsistency I just gotta say class of 2012 posters as a collective are the most bytchmade, always caping for non blacks but are also the first to talk about white supremacy n shyt. Wanna talk that 'whites are the enemy' but cape for em. 'whoa breh dont get at my mans here hes good peoples from the SOHH days' . I know some of you SOHH boys had em popping the n word but its 2016 now

Avoid most of them 2012 posters

3. Yeah that was an inconsistency cause you guys are half hearted with your words

Some of you guys even talk about fukkin other races of women and then 'settling' down with a black woman when its time to get serious.. then you wonder why they don't respect you and can't take you seriously
some even get mad when black women do the same thing..

Just saying guys, we're all entitled to our views but just be consistent. Don't call black women wenches for fukking white men when you fukk white women too.. don't cape for the same people you claim to hate just because of some nerdy SOHH history or whatever

sidenote - university life is kinda :wow: so im barely posting on this these days
- that boy Danny Brown got AOTY on lock :wow: he floated on 'Lost' like it was straight butter :wow:
nikkas lost. Can't stick to their principles.
May 1, 2012
The shyt people say around here.. so inconsistent

1. Soon as a black man/child is killed by somebody white there will be a huge thread (along with multiple other threads) talking about how whites and non blacks shouldn't be trusted, they're the enemy etc

But then as soon as a thread like this is made..


Its a full army of :cape: out 'bu bu but why you so concerned with who i stick my dikk into' 'worry about where another mans dikk goes brehs' - now its all cool to talk like this but the same folks who say this will see a black woman fukkin with a white man and call her a wench, c00n etc. How can you call her a c00n/wench when you're doing the same thing shes doing?

Too much talk of how bad non blacks are but for some reason you cant stay away from them which is funny because you'll see comments around here of 'white people just cant leave us alone'

2. This isn't an inconsistency I just gotta say class of 2012 posters as a collective are the most bytchmade, always caping for non blacks but are also the first to talk about white supremacy n shyt. Wanna talk that 'whites are the enemy' but cape for em. 'whoa breh dont get at my mans here hes good peoples from the SOHH days' . I know some of you SOHH boys had em popping the n word but its 2016 now

Avoid most of them 2012 posters

3. Yeah that was an inconsistency cause you guys are half hearted with your words

Some of you guys even talk about fukkin other races of women and then 'settling' down with a black woman when its time to get serious.. then you wonder why they don't respect you and can't take you seriously
some even get mad when black women do the same thing..

Just saying guys, we're all entitled to our views but just be consistent. Don't call black women wenches for fukking white men when you fukk white women too.. don't cape for the same people you claim to hate just because of some nerdy SOHH history or whatever

sidenote - university life is kinda :wow: so im barely posting on this these days
- that boy Danny Brown got AOTY on lock :wow: he floated on 'Lost' like it was straight butter :wow:

Its almost like the coli is made up of different people with different opinions :ohhh:



Aug 17, 2013
how did i find myself on the 1st page of a potentially platinum thread

to answer your question op, human beings are walking,talking contradictions!!