Why do SOME men feel they have to go to poor countries to find wives?


Jul 13, 2012
If yall wanna go oversea's and eat off the whores, yes whores, those countries equivalent to the gold diggers ya'll complaining about then cool. But don't deluded yourself, you're a lick, and if you get suckered into bringin' 'em to the states you'll find that out soon enough.


In and out
Oct 6, 2012
Can't work and communicate with people in your own culture so order one that you can't communicate with at all brehs, go on ahead and build that deep connection.


I love how the coli men have such confidence in their theories (LSA women and their white man theories too). I have friends who married abroad and brought their wives here. The women grew up having maids and cooks in the house back home, they don't have any self sufficiency skills whatsoever here. The incredulous look they give their spouses who tell them to clean after themselves, :mjlol:They do know how to shop though.

One of my friends with a Japanese wife lost his job, and she turned around and basically asked him, "what are you going to do?" instead of offering herself to get a job.

If you are a well rounded, educated American man of color, you have more than your fair share of equally yoked American women of color if you are searching in the right professional arenas or in grad school. I would be appalled if I found out that my dude could only relate and connect someone who wasn't raised in his culture.

Mike Tyson

Sep 16, 2014
The thread topic is about dudes who feel the need to wife bytches from foreign countries tho

I'll weigh in on that subject 0.02. let's start from my namesake. Mike Tyson with his relationships with US women. Based on his book, Undisputed

Mike Tyson married Robin Givens. The kid was lovesick, he did whatever she asked. He signed assets to her mother's name and Robin's mother basically took control of a shytload of his assets. Tried to have Tyson declared insane so that she'd have control of this cash cow. He got a divorce, came out of it nearly unscathed.

Desiree Washington, that bytch went to his hotel room wearing nothing but a bustier, smashed but Mike wouldn't drive her home so late in the night because he had a flight the next day. She has a fit, storms out because he won't treat her like a queen and cries rape. Tried to sue him after he was found guilty for rape.

There's a lot of other US women he got involved with that claimed domestic violence, a particular funny one was when a stripper asks if he wants a lap dance, he says no and she insisted. He held up a hand to block her from his lap and she falls. Throws a hissy fit and then cries assault to get some money out of it, she sued and failed.

Mike Tyson goes to Cuba, meets a nice girl there. Who was the daughter of this man who just wanted her to find a husband. She cooks, cleans for him during the week he spent in Cuba, treats him like a King. Obviously he has to leave, and he never intended to be her husband he leaves her with some money and bounces.

Those three examples, of those three women. They all just wanted money, that Cuban girl just wanted a decent life.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I'll weigh in on that subject 0.02. let's start from my namesake. Mike Tyson with his relationships with US women. Based on his book, Undisputed

Mike Tyson married Robin Givens. The kid was lovesick, he did whatever she asked. He signed assets to her mother's name and Robin's mother basically took control of a shytload of his assets. Tried to have Tyson declared insane so that she'd have control of this cash cow. He got a divorce, came out of it nearly unscathed.

Desiree Washington, that bytch went to his hotel room wearing nothing but a bustier, smashed but Mike wouldn't drive her home so late in the night because he had a flight the next day. She has a fit, storms out because he won't treat her like a queen and cries rape. Tried to sue him after he was found guilty for rape.

There's a lot of other US women he got involved with that claimed domestic violence, a particular funny one was when a stripper asks if he wants a lap dance, he says no and she insisted. He held up a hand to block her from his lap and she falls. Throws a hissy fit and then cries assault to get some money out of it, she sued and failed.

Mike Tyson goes to Cuba, meets a nice girl there. Who was the daughter of this man who just wanted her to find a husband. She cooks, cleans for him during the week he spent in Cuba, treats him like a King. Obviously he has to leave, and he never intended to be her husband he leaves her with some money and bounces.

Those three examples, of those three women. They all just wanted money, that Cuban girl just wanted a decent life.

That was on mike for being a weak gullible simp chasing after a gold diggin bytch like robin givens. He lost from the jump. The desire Washington situation was simply an unfortunate case of women scorned and a bytch lying.

You act like bytches from other countries don't falsely accuse nikkaz for rape. bytches from all over the globe do that shyt. Their are gold diggin broads everywhere, including Cuba.

If a man keeps taking L's with females, then the man ultimately has to take responsibility for his poor choice in women


Aug 30, 2014
My uncle got burned by his Thai wife. My pops always told me he was lame with women though. He never had a real long term relationship with American women. But she was very submissive, seemed nice when I was around her. He met her while he was in the military. She had no job and was a stay at home wife.

Basically he found out she was cheating on him with a younger black guy (also in the military). He STILL stayed with her because she cried and said all this bs stuff about being sorry and not doing it again. Fast forward 2 years later she filed for divorce saying "she was unhappy, had no life, no career". My uncle was devastated and is paying her child support AND alimony because she had no income (or skills). She also has a new boyfriend also black retired military. I don't think she trying to marry this new dude unless she wants to stop getting alimony from my uncle.

But my uncle told me the question you have to ask is if this woman is attractive, submissive, nice, family oriented you have to be wary if they only date or try attract American or foreign men. It's most likely for the money and stability that men in their country can't provide OR they don't want because they're trying to leave their country.

Also my mother is Panamanian and her, my grand mom, and great aunts have told me how women over there will front for American simps/lames lol. Funny being my dad married my mom but she was a good one (sweet and smart always worked and is college educated) which they do exist but you can't be naive and trust all these foreign women just because they aren't "westernized".
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Mike Tyson

Sep 16, 2014
That was on mike for being a weak gullible simp chasing after a gold diggin bytch like robin givens. He lost from the jump. The desire Washington situation was simply an unfortunate case of women scorned and a bytch lying.

You act like bytches from other countries don't falsely accuse nikkaz for rape. bytches from all over the globe do that shyt. Their are gold diggin broads everywhere, including Cuba.

If a man keeps taking L's with females, then the man ultimately has to take responsibility for his poor choice in women

Men are clearly taking Ls all the time with the 50/50 US divorce rate. Which is like 65% for North American men and North American women right?


Here it says the divorce rate is 20% for US men with foreign women.

You're right, men are taking Ls. But I don't understand your concluding statement. "Men ultimately have to take responsibility for his poor choice of women."

What a load of bullshyt, both parties are never the same post marriage as they are pre-marriage. Why do you think women get fatter after they get hitched?


May 22, 2014
Do you guys not see how fukked up and corrupted American culture is?

Family is no long valued (divorce rate is at an all time high while the marriage rate is at a record low), children are poisoned & corrupted at an early age and this equality agenda feminists are pushing means rather than the man being the provider they're in direct competition with their spouse and the ones that aren't are expecting their man to be making 6/7 figures off the jump.

Give me a pureblood African woman over one here any day. Expectations are lower and family values are higher. They have a culture and they're loyal.

Marrying a Nigerian woman and moving with her back to her country as soon as I finally get my shyt together to raise a family with her family is the ideal situation for me.


May 1, 2012
if the foreign girl speaks english, is educated and doesn't have daddy issues then why not:yeshrug:but chances are if she has all three then i doubt she'll sit around waiting for an american guy to date.

personally, going to another country to find a wife would be my last option. that's just too much work and money. i feel like you're better off moving to a metropolitan area and finding a girl.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Men are clearly taking Ls all the time with the 50/50 US divorce rate. Which is like 65% for North American men and North American women right?


Here it says the divorce rate is 20% for US men with foreign women.

You're right, men are taking Ls. But I don't understand your concluding statement. "Men ultimately have to take responsibility for his poor choice of women."

What a load of bullshyt, both parties are never the same post marriage as they are pre-marriage. Why do you think women get fatter after they get hitched?

If you wife a bytch like robin givens, Evelyn lozada or any other golddiggin, scandalous broad. Then that's on the man

Mike Tyson

Sep 16, 2014
If you wife a bytch like robin givens, Evelyn lozada or any other golddiggin, scandalous broad. Then that's on the man
She turned into a fukking demon the moment after they got married. Like I said. People aren't the same as they were pre marriage.


In and out
Oct 6, 2012

I met my Chinese wife some four years ago online. Despite her speaking no English and my Chinese being basic at the time, we seemed to hit it off. We had issues though from the very start: cultural chasms, worlds apart.

My wife (then my girlfriend) told me she loved me and I was suckered in by her victim sob-story of how her violent dad would throw her against walls which is why she behaves like a demented control-freak most of the time: has to have her own way, be right about everything and have an opinion about everything... Despite a professed conversion to Christianity she still behaves like a psychotic harridan most of the time but is now an expert on the Bible too to add to her list.

She's massively insecure and this is just compensatory behaviour but if you think it's no big deal you should try living with it day-in-day-out: my confidence is almost all gone since she makes demeaning comments all the time, has to in order to feel good about herself.

I realized I'd been had when she fell pregnant and aborted without even a discussion and in face of her professed love for me. 'You're not suitable', was her retort. I now know this meant I didn't have enough money.

How do I know? Easy: when I got a high-paying job suddenly she wanted to marry me. Now my life is a daily hell of put-downs, demeaning remarks, undermining me in front of her daughter (nine-year-old). Don't make my mistake. "Every credibility gap has a gullibility fill" - guess who supplies it? ...
Lessons? Heed the red-flags early. A man can live without trust, without love, but not without respect.


Jul 13, 2012
My uncle got burned by his Thai wife. My pops always told me he was lame with women though. He never had a real long term relationship with American women. But she was very submissive, seemed nice when I was around her. He met her while he was in the military. She had no job and was a stay at home wife.

Basically he found out she was cheating on him with a younger black guy (also in the military). He STILL stayed with her because she cried and said all this bs stuff about being sorry and not doing it again. Fast forward 2 years later she filed for divorce saying "she was unhappy, had no life, no career". My uncle was devastated and is paying her child support AND alimony because she had no income (or skills). She also has a new boyfriend also black retired military. I don't think she trying to marry this new dude unless she wants to stop getting alimony from my uncle.

But my uncle told me the question you have to ask is if this women is attractive, submissive, nice, family oriented you have to be wary if they only date or try attract American or foreign men. It's most likely for the money and stability that men in there country can't provide OR they don't want because they're trying to leave their country.

Also my mother is Panamian and her, my grand mom, and great aunts have told me how women over there will front for American simps/lames lol. Funny being my dad married my mom but she was a good one (sweet and smart always worked and is college educated) which they do exist but you can't be naive and trust all these foreign women just because they aren't "westernized".
These dude really have no clue about other cultures/peoples so they speak only in ignorant generalizations. They don't think gold diggers exist in the same capacity in other countries, man if anything there's more of them!

I just think back on a thread here a few months ago about DR, dudes who can't speak a lick of spanish really they're the ones 'gaming' bytches outside punta canta resorts :dead: