Why Do Women Become Feminists?


Mar 18, 2013
Everyone wants a flag to rally behind... And we lived in a domesticated society where women can contribute equally to men

women have shown they can hold their own in most fields, excluding entrepreneurship and a couple other things..

They've contributed in mathematics, music, visual art, poetry film. If some shyt goes down though, society will revert to traditional gender dynamics :whoo:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Because some blk men hate and resent black women because we don't look like or act like white women or they try to take out frustrations against white power structures on the women in the same struggle with them. They can be just as much of an enemy to the vulnerability of blk women as the racist white men they seek to emulate.

But there are black women who hate and resent black men for not reaching their standards (in some ways legitimately, in other ways not), but black men have no created an entire movement to hate on these women. We complained and voiced our concern about it but we have never created a cottage industry out of generalizing, denigrating, dehumanizing and dividing from black women. Why black women have done differently I cannot say except that perhaps black women hate black men so much that they feel they need their own force against us.

Also, I don't know what black men mean to take take out their frustrations with the power structure on black women. If you mean to say some black men unknowingly reflect/mirror the bane of antiblackness onto black women, other black men, black culture etc, then I see your point but that is a symptom of the disease that is white antiblackness in society, not black men individually wanting to harm balck women. Many black men have given their lives for black women and received little valor.

And this isn't bashing b/c not every blk man is like this. But we as a community have tried to survive in the public eye by making ourselves above criticism. This is understandable b/c blks are blamed for everything. Our defense mechanism for being blamed for EVERYTHING is to not take accountability for ANYTHING.

It is one thing to criticize a black issue, and another to attack black men like a piñata with generalizations, lies, myopia,, lack of viable solutions and imagined problems. This is what black feminists often do. They twist and lie to hate on black men, obscuring everything else in their rush to destroy us root and stem.

So we try to claim or justify negative elements of our community in rebellion against the unfairness of other races being able to "get away" with dirt.
(Because let's be real whites do and have ALWAYS BEEN FAR WORSE than us.) However we can't play by their rules. Our community, history, culture, humanity, integrity must always be greater and when we try to be like them, we take on their attributes and their vices which have a compounded negative impact in our community b/c we are fewer in numbers and resources.

We do not seek to be like them exactky, but we do seek power and hierarchy like they have, and in our aspiration to be great we may have to do similar or the same as them. Such is the nature of competition. For black feminists to damn a good black man like Nate Parker for alleged in raping a mentally ill lying white women and then to glorify an actual cac rapist like Casey Parker does nothing but strengthen them and hurt us. Moreover it is immoral.

And I understand if u don't see this b/c u don't interact with blk men the way a woman does. Pimp and hoe culture is one example of that. Blk males who prey on young blk girls and boys in our community then try to shame blk women and blk men who speak out about it is another example.

Ideally pimping shouldn't be glorified but black men must eat to survive. In the Industrial Revolution white men sent white boys and girls to work and death, for they too had to eat to survive. White men pimp out thousands of white girls and black girls , legalize it and call it porn. I bet more black girls are individually pimped out by white men in LA than black men in any major city. Where is your condemnation and why the double standard for the black/white man?

Whoredom isn't encouraged in black women anyway except when it serves black men, and then, well, they're just surviving. A cruel thing, but white men pimp out thousand of white girls everyday. What is different?

You don't have to have privilege to hurt someone. You just have to have opportunity. For instance, blk women have virtually no privilege but I've seen some try to hurt blk men by trapping them and ruining their lives with babies.
So in response to the hurt that many blk women have gotten from the men they thought would be their protectors, they seek to represent themselves. And many of the blk men who hurt blk women have been hurt themselves by blk men AND blk women too. But you can't say that unless ur accused of bashing people even if this is a reality.

This is all the reality and I doubt any would say you are bashing anyone for saying black men and women become bitter and resentful of each other far too easily and conveniently. And that the system in which we live makes us compete against our own and hurts our relationships for it.
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JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
Also, fukk asking this question to a forum of 95% men. Why don't you ask women who call themselves feminists and listen to the reasons they give you so you can have more insight?
Jan 24, 2017
Huh-hmm... Well... :jbhmm:

I'm personally not a feminist but a lot of women tend to become feminist due to being abused by a male figure early in life, getting her heart broken or feelings hurt psychologically by her male peers (especially while growing up, and/or due to seeing her mom adopt these same ideologies, beliefs, and practices. These are usually the main factors that cause feminism to look good to the ladies. However, she could just be turned onto feminism by hanging around other women who are feminist in their beliefs and practices. Their views usually affect her own views as she spends more and more time around women who share these beliefs. Thus a feminist is born. Hope this explains.
Aug 10, 2015
Because some blk men hate and resent black women because we don't look like or act like white women or they try to take out frustrations against white power structures on the women in the same struggle with them. They can be just as much of an enemy to the vulnerability of blk women as the racist white men they seek to emulate. And this isn't bashing b/c not every blk man is like this. But we as a community have tried to survive in the public eye by making ourselves above criticism. This is understandable b/c blks are blamed for everything. Our defense mechanism for being blamed for EVERYTHING is to not take accountability for ANYTHING.

So we try to claim or justify negative elements of our community in rebellion against the unfairness of other races being able to "get away" with dirt.
(Because let's be real whites do and have ALWAYS BEEN FAR WORSE than us.) However we can't play by their rules. Our community, history, culture, humanity, integrity must always be greater and when we try to be like them, we take on their attributes and their vices which have a compounded negative impact in our community b/c we are fewer in numbers and resources.

And I understand if u don't see this b/c u don't interact with blk men the way a woman does. Pimp and hoe culture is one example of that. Blk males who prey on young blk girls and boys in our community then try to shame blk women and blk men who speak out about it is another example.

You don't have to have privilege to hurt someone. You just have to have opportunity. For instance, blk women have virtually no privilege but I've seen some try to hurt blk men by trapping them and ruining their lives with babies.
So in response to the hurt that many blk women have gotten from the men they thought would be their protectors, they seek to represent themselves. And many of the blk men who hurt blk women have been hurt themselves by blk men AND blk women too. But you can't say that unless ur accused of bashing people even if this is a reality.

All this shyt isn't a valid reason to be a feminist. Feminism starts and ends at equality. Getting your feelings hurt isn't a reason to be a feminist:heh:


Feb 11, 2017
They're tired of living in a sexist/misogynistic world, and they want to do something about it. Don't confuse those crazy ass tumblr pseudo-feminists with real feminists.
Jan 24, 2017
I seriously hope women arent becoming feminists based off this reason...
Its true. Some women may not state they are feminist but after getting dumped several times after sleeping with a man (because a large percentage of women start off sleeping with a man because she loves him and thinks this means he loves her back) she usually becomes less open and vulnerable in her future relationships and instead subconsciously begins to develop a more feminist mindset and to charge future men for her past heartbreak(s). Now this may not always be the case with every woman but it is with a large percentage. Basically, after experiencing this over and over, a lot of women in these situations begin to see men as a whole as the oppressors rather than as the protectors (a sense of security and safety) that men are naturally designed to be.


Dec 16, 2015
They're tired of living in a sexist/misogynistic world, and they want to do something about it. Don't confuse those crazy ass tumblr pseudo-feminists with real feminists.

The same feminist that wrote the SCUM Manifesto?

That's like saying the New Black Panther Party isn't a Black Nationalist group.
Aug 10, 2015
All you have is schoolyard insults, you're not even capable of having a serious, intelligent, adult conversation. Pathetic little shythead.
Nothing about this website screams feminist or the rest of that gay shyt. Historically have not and will not care about this shyt. This is just a micro fraction of nikkas so imagine what nikkas overall view on this topic is? :heh:

My point of this all is; you're pretty much pushing a boulder up a hill so why bother with some place/people you don't fit in with? Better go join cac's or some gay forum, nikka:heh: