Why has women's happiness plummeted since the 70s?

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
So, black women in the 70s wasnt taking a back seat to their man? It was only white women doing that back then?

Cause the narratives these females in here are trying to paint is that the majority of black women back then was walking side by side as equal partners, no wait a partner who had dual roles so they had even more on their plate. Not a woman who follow their role as a wife.

Of course they were. I agree with what OP was saying, but that wasn't the majority of black womens experience bruh. My mama is 66, she grew up in segregation and Jim Crow bruh. She always worked, her mama always worked, her grandmama always worked, and they held down the home too. White women didn't have to go through that, them spoiled ass hoes got taken care of, but wanted to feel superior to their men so started fighting for the right to work and get education and now they are getting a SMALL little taste of what black women have gone through for generations and they are miserable cause the grass aint always greener bruh. Let's just be honest black people in general in this country have ALWAYS been poor, at least compared to the rest of the population. It aint ever been feasible for just one person to work in a black house, soon as you are physically capable you are pulling your weight around there in some way. White women got them priveleges not black women.

Yo old man stepping out to get some strange don't seem like a bad prospect when you aint gotta get up and leave the house or work. Why you think men don't get married anymore? Men are gonna be men whether a woman makes no money or is a millionaire. If you gonna have to share the man at least get taken care of while you do it, women can't even get that anymore cause white women fukked that up for all women. That's why I laugh cause them spoiled ass beckys didn't realize what they were asking for. You think men like the fact that we are expected to work until we die and we usually die with very little to show for it and we don't get credit for ANYTHING WE DO?


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
So, black women in the 70s wasnt taking a back seat to their man? It was only white women doing that back then?

Cause the narratives these females in here are trying to paint is that the majority of black women back then was walking side by side as equal partners, no wait a partner who had dual roles so they had even more on their plate. Not a woman who follow their role as a wife.

Where did I say that? I said nothing about equal roles between the men in the women in their households or that bw had more on their plate than their husbands back in the seventies. If you reread my posts I said nothing about the dynamic between husband and wife back then, and said nothing about bw doing more than bm. My whole argument has been about bw compared to ww. You came to the assumptions you’ve made in the post above, on your own. A woman can work in the work force, help support the home, and still follow a more traditional approach in her role as a wife.

Ms. Quick

“If I don’t eat breakfast I’m fking pissed off!”
Jun 2, 2012
According to most women their grandmothers and great grandmothers were miserable before the women's lib movement
Apparently neither my grandmother or mother was miserable enough to work unless they wanted to. This is a loaded comment I’m sure, but I’m just saying


At peace
Nov 19, 2016

Some of the reasons are similar to why many bm are unhappy, racism—we are not treated the same as other races of women, due to societal stereotypes and it starts young for us. Numerous studies have shown that black girls are treated much differently than whites girls who tend to get the benefit of the doubt and be treated as victims. Bw are always compared to women who have privileges and benefits we don’t have, and we have to work twice as hard.

We completely contrast aesthetically with the standard of beauty in this country, and are always made aware of that. Yet funny thing is the very traits that set us apart are mimicked by other races, who then take “credit” and “benefit” in ways we do not. We are still portrayed negatively across many fronts, no matter how hard some of us work to counter the portrayal it doesn’t seem to help lol.

Other reasons include the fact that bw are least likely to be married, many bw are single mothers managing their homes on their own, we have the least amount of wealth even with accomplishments our parents drilled in us to work hard for. Many would love to be married, would love to able to have the option to stay home but it isn’t as realistic given the black plight and economic situation in this country. We don’t have as many options for partners compared to other groups as well, which makes it difficult too.

The first part of @Yahweh Ben Yahweh post about the general things that affect most women regardless of race in this country, also contribute. Then you add the stress most Americans are facing in this country: working for wages that barely meet the higher col, less balance than in the past because of this work like horse American culture that keeps us plugged in to our phones and technology so that work comes home with us, trying to keep up with the Jones and not being able to, technology(I feel like it’s caused more isolation). Also some women have settled into unhappy relationships or marriages that they thought would be one way, but aren’t, just so they could be married.

I also believe that unhealthy lifestyles, with unhealthy diets also=unhealthy minds, unhappiness and depression, which is another issue that affects bw as we are one of the most overweight groups in this country. Added to that are the typical stressors everyone’s experiencing living in this fukked up society.

On another note:

Though this video is very dramatic lmao, I saw it on another website back in 2007 when it was created and I thought it gave some context to the background of ados women, specifically, and our history in this country. That has reared it’s head in how we are raised, from generation to generation, and it won’t just get erased overnight. That is that many of us are raised to carry more burdens and to be stronger, tougher, and harder than other groups of women, because of our history. But we are still women, and we are emotional creatures that need the support and understanding that other groups have, especially ww, that we don’t get as often—though i’d argue that this is even more so the case for bm(not getting a lot of support) and big problem within our community overall.
May 14, 2013
I think women these days are less happy for a bunch of reasons. The quality of relationships seems to have declined over the years. Too many women have convinced themselves they don't need real relationships with men. Marriage is a joke and sex is no longer sacred or special. I remember even back in the 90's and early 2000's, people were more down to earth and real with each other. Social media and the Internet has destroyed the way we communicate with people, especially the opposite sex. Dating apps have turned relationships into no strings attached fast food sex for millions of folks. Social media has turned too many women into insatiable attention whores with overinflated egos.

But at the same time, modern culture judges a woman's looks now more than ever it seems. It's not uncommon to regular women in everyday life who've obviously had plastic surgery (lip injections, breast implants, fake asses). Someone who is happy with themselves wouldn't mutilate their own bodies, but now it's almost normal. Trying to find a 100% natural IG model like trying to find a real Gucci bag on Canal St. The media promotes this unrealistic ideal for women's bodies and women are trying to buy that image for themselves.

Women not just working but lowkey trying to compete with men. That's why so many professional women single, especially educated professional black women. Don't nobody wanna build a house anymore or even share a house because we are so disconnected from everyone around us in a world that seemingly makes us more connected through evil privacy killing technology. :ohhh:


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
Bc they are working outside their nature.

Yes, black women specifically have always worked; but they didnt lead. And they werent breadwinners either. They contributed. Their is a huge difference. Its not out of the norm for women to help contribute to businesses but to be the main breadwinner/leader with all the stress that comes with it? We call those women single moms.

You can work & do a side hustle if need be but the man still makes all the major decisions, and women hate making tough decisions. Once you put all that pressure on a woman it breaks them down over time.

Women arent meant to be leaders, period.

And the fact that women have to work to provide does contribute to that, cuz being in competition with men in the job market isnt an easy feat. Women are literally stripped of femininity the higher tier of the job market they go.

Add on to that social media, gloom and loom economy, raising real estate prices, competitive job market, casual sex/dating etc...

Women have been sold a lie by feminists.